Pachyacanthus Brandt, 1873 ( 9 )
* |
1873 |
Brandt, J.F. (n.gen.) |
x |
1875 |
Van Beneden, P.J. (specimens in Vienna; vertebrae & ribs thought to represent a sir.; 323-340.) |
1877 |
Capellini, G. |
x |
1886b |
Hartlaub, C. (m377.) |
x |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker (m224.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (m481.) |
* |
1937 |
Pia, J.v. |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (m150; in classification, 154-155.) |
x |
1991 |
Domning & de Buffrénil (pachyostosis; m364.) |
Pachyacanthus suessii Brandt, 1873 ( 1 )
* |
1873 |
Brandt, J.F. (n.sp.) |
Pachyacanthus trachyspondylus Brandt, 1873 ( 3 )
* |
1873 |
Brandt, J.F. (n.sp.) |
x |
1875 |
Van Beneden, P.J. (considered to be based on pathological specimens; 326, 339-340.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
Pacific Ocean ( 66 )
(SEE ALSO: East Indies; Palau; circumpacific regions)
x |
1825a |
Harlan, R. (HG; distr.; 281.) |
x |
* |
1840 |
Baer, K.E.v. (HG; distr.; 53-80.) |
x |
1867a |
Brandt, J.F. (HG; distr.; 450-451.) |
x |
1884 |
Fischer, P. (DD; New Caledonia; barnacle Platylepas bissexlobata; 359.) |
x |
1923 |
Sowerby, A. de C. (HG; distr.; 136-137.) |
x |
1934 |
Hirasaka, K. (DD; distr.; 4221-4222.) |
x |
1947 |
Johnson, I. (DD; southwestern Pacific, locality unstated; 130, 143-144.) |
x |
1963 |
Berzin et al. (HG; possible survival; 73-75.) |
x |
D |
* |
1963 |
Mitchell & Repenning (desmostylians & sirs.; chronologic & geographic range; 3-16.) |
x |
D |
1963 |
Mitchell, E.D., Jr. (desmostylians; distr.; 198.) |
x |
D |
1964 |
Nolan, T.B. (desmostylians; distr.; A136-A137.) |
x |
D |
1966 |
Mitchell, E.D., Jr. (desmostylians & sirs.; faunal succession; 50, 53, 56-57, 59-60.) |
x |
1967a |
Jones, S. (DD; New Caledonia; in capt.; 216.) |
1967 |
Nishiwaki, M. |
x |
1971a |
Domning, D.P. (hydrodamalines; evolutionary history; 110-111.) |
x |
1971b |
Domning, D.P. (hydrodamalines; evolutionary history; 217-220.) |
x |
D |
1972a |
Domning, D.P. (sirs., Mioc., 146-149; desmostylians, Olig.-Mioc., 146, 149.) |
x |
1972b |
Domning, D.P. (HG; extermination & origin of North Pacific aboriginal whaling; 187-189.) |
1972 |
Kent, J. (Solomon Islands) |
x |
1973 |
Bertram & Bertram (DD; distr. & status; 309-310.) |
x |
1973 |
Scheffer, V.B. (HG; distr. & history; 65-66.) |
x |
1973 |
Vorontsov, N.N. (HG; distr. & extermination; 124.) |
x |
D |
1975 |
Domning, D.P. (sirs. & desmostylians; ecology & evolution, Tertiary-Recent; 824.) |
1975 |
Randall et al. (DD; Guam) |
x |
D |
1977b |
Domning, D.P. (sirs. & desmostylians; North Pacific; ecology & evolution; 352-362.) |
x |
1977 |
Van Bree & Duguy (DD; Indochina & New Caledonia; 290-291.) |
x |
D |
* |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (sirs. & desmostylians; North Pacific; 1-176.) |
x |
1979 |
Nishiwaki et al. (DD; distr.; 133-141.) |
x |
1981d |
Domning, D.P. (sirs. & marine plants; paleoecology; 419.) |
x |
1982 |
Montgomery et al. (TMM; potential entry via Panama Canal; 257-258.) |
x |
1983 |
Marsh, H. (DD; Vanuatu; 1-5.) |
1985 |
Fordyce, R.E. |
x |
1985 |
Muizon & Domning (dugongids, Tertiary, East Pacific, 209-211; TMM, reported passage through Panama Canal, 209.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Ray (sirs.; Late Olig.-Early Mioc., North Pacific; 273-274.) |
x |
1987a |
Domning, D.P. (hydrodamalines; evolution; pop. acc.; 64, 66-71.) |
x |
D |
1988 |
Estes & Steinberg (sirs. & desmostylians; North Pacific; evolution of kelp; 21-22.) |
x |
1989 |
Chambers & Bani (DD; Vanuatu; status; 13-14.) |
x |
D |
1989a |
Domning, D.P. (sirs. & desmostylians; North Pacific; evolution of kelp; 53-56.) |
x |
D |
1989 |
Estes & Steinberg (sirs. & desmostylians; North Pacific; evolution of kelp; 57-60.) |
1990 |
Furusawa, H. (sir. evolution in North Pacific) |
1991 |
Eldredge, L.G. (DD; Micronesia) |
1993 |
Kingdon, J., 1993. (DD; HG.) |
x |
1993 |
Loyer, B. (DD; Vanuatu; 54-55.) |
x |
1993 |
Vermeij, G.J. (HG; biogeography and extinction; 392-394.) |
1994 |
Furusawa, H. (North Pacific sirs.; biogeography) |
x |
1994 |
Marsh & Lefebvre (DD; distr. & status; 161, 163.) |
1994 |
Stinson, D.W. (DD; Mariana Islands) |
* |
1995 |
Domning & Furusawa (North Pacific sirs.; review; 506-512.) |
1995 |
Jefferson & Leatherwood |
1998 |
Belcher, A. A. (DD; Vanuatu; butting people) |
x |
2000 |
Barnes, L.G. (DD; Vanuatu; photo; 3.) |
x |
2003 |
Eldredge, L.G. (DD; Guam; 657.) |
2005 |
Furusawa, H. (evolution of Hydrodamalinae) |
2008 |
Garrigue et al. (DD; New Caledonia) |
D |
2009 |
Jacobs et al. (desmostylians; Olig.-Mioc., Alaska) |
2010 |
Buden & Haglelgam (DD; Micronesia) |
2012 |
Dobbs et al. (DD; distribution, status, & conservation) |
2013 |
Furusawa, H. (Dusisiren, Hydrodamalis; climatic cooling, size increase, loss of teeth) |
2018 |
Hill-Lewenilovo et al. (DD; Fiji) |
2021 |
Bullen et al. (HG; structuring of North Pacific kelp forests) |
2022 |
Derville et al. (DD; New Caledonia; habitat use; satellite tracking) |
* |
2022 |
Guzman & Real (TMM; Panama; entry into Pacific Ocean) |
2023 |
Garrigue, C. et al. (DD; New Caledonia; strandings, 1877-2022.) |
2024 |
Mannocci et al. (DD; New Caledonia; Conservation) |
2024 |
Palz, M. (DD; Okinawa, possible extinction) |
2024 |
Furness et al. (DD; Indo-Pacific; population structure.) |
Pakistan ( 8 )
x |
1984 |
Raza et al. (indeterminate sir.; Mioc.; 585.) |
x |
1993 |
Thewissen, J. G. M. (indet. sir.; Eoc.; 125-127.) |
* |
1995 |
Gingerich et al. (Protosiren sattaensis, n.sp.; Middle Eoc.) |
x |
1997 |
Gingerich et al. (Protosiren sattaensis; Eoc.; 57, 69, 71, 75.) |
1998 |
Gingerich et al. (Middle Eoc.) |
1999 |
Welcomme et al. (Bugti Hills) |
2001 |
Gingerich et al. (Protosiren sattaensis, Eoc.; 281, 318.) |
x |
2003 |
Zalmout et al. (Protosiren eothene, n.sp.; Middle Eoc.; 79-87.) |
Palau ( 21 )
1788 |
Keates, A. |
1821 |
Kotzebue, O.v. (DD) |
1873 |
Semper, K.G. (DD) |
1895 |
Kubary, J.S. (DD) |
1929 |
Kramer, A. (DD) |
* |
1938 |
Asano, N. (DD) |
1941 |
Yamaguti, S. |
x |
1955a |
Anon. (DD; 79.) |
x |
1955b |
Anon. (DD; 73-74.) |
x |
1956a |
Anon. (DD; 49.) |
x |
1956 |
Harry, R.R. (DD; 21-27.) |
x |
1956 |
Simpson, D.A. (DD; in capt., San Francisco; pop. acc.; 54.) |
x |
1957 |
Bayer & Harry-Rofen (DD; 502, pl. 20.) |
1972a |
Johnson, S.P. (DD) |
x |
1973 |
Bertram & Bertram (DD; status; 309.) |
x |
1981a |
Blair, D. (DD; parasitic flukes; 6, 15.) |
x |
* |
1981 |
Brownell, Anderson et al. (DD; status; 19-42.) |
x |
1981 |
Johannes, R.E. (DD; hunting & sale; 25, 68, 73.) |
x |
1988 |
Rathbun et al. (DD; status; 265-270.) |
1991 |
Eldredge, L.G. (DD) |
x |
* |
1995 |
Marsh et al. (DD; status; 85-89.) |
Paleocene ( 1 )
x |
* |
2018 |
Buffrénil, V. de (sir. rib fragment, Early Paleocene, Vigny, France) |
Paleoecology and Taphonomy ( 129 )
1887 |
Studer, T. (Mioc., Switzerland) |
1887 |
Roux, W. (Rhytina gigas; borings in bone) |
x |
1895 |
Depéret, C. (Metaxytherium krahuletzi; Early Mioc., Austria; associated fauna; 415.) |
x |
D |
1906 |
Merriam, J.C. (Desmostylus; 152.) |
x |
D |
1935 |
LaMotte, R.S. (Desmostylus sookensis; Late Olig., British Columbia; 51-56.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (Rytiodus; 154.) |
x |
1949 |
Thenius, E. (Thalattosiren; Mioc., Czechoslovakia; ?wind erosion of bones; 162.) |
x |
1951 |
Kretzoi, M. (Haplosiren, etc.; Hungary; m439, m441.) |
x |
1955 |
Bernhauser, A. (Metaxytherium krahuletzi ; Early Mioc., Austria; borings in ribs made by algae cf. Gomontia polyrhiza; 168, 172, 185.) |
x |
1957 |
Kellogg & Whitmore (Miosiren, Metaxytherium, Hesperosiren; Mioc., Belgium, Maryland, Florida; 1021-1022.) |
x |
D |
1958 |
Floyd et al. (supposed Desmostylus; Texas; 160-161.) |
x |
D |
1961 |
Drewes et al. (Cornwallius; Late Olig., Unalaska Is., Alaska; 606-607, 667.) |
x |
* |
1962 |
Schäfer, W. (Halitherium schinzii; Olig., Mainz Basin, Germany; taphonomy experiments; 53-56.) |
x |
1962 |
Wilhelm, W. (Halitherium schinzii; Olig., Mainz Basin, Germany; 52-53.) |
x |
D |
1964 |
Mitchell & Lipps (desmostylians; Mioc., California; 214-215.) |
x |
1965 |
Savage & White (sirs.; Middle Eoc., Libya; headless carcasses; 91.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (Metaxytherium calvertense; Middle Mioc., Maryland; 66-67.) |
D |
1966a |
Shikama, T. (Paleoparadoxia, Desmostylus) |
D |
1966c |
Shikama, T. (Paleoparadoxia, Desmostylus) |
x |
1967b |
Paula Couto, C. de (Sirenotherium; Early Mioc., Brazil; 354-356.) |
1968 |
Selley, R.C. (sir. [Rytiodus heali]; Mioc., Jebel Zelten, Libya) |
x |
1969a |
Deraniyagala, P.E.P. (Miodugong; Mioc., Sri Lanka; 99-102.) |
x |
D |
1970 |
Minch et al. (Desmostylus; Baja California; 3151-3153.) |
x |
1971b |
Domning, D.P. (hydrodamalines; North Pacific; 217-219.) |
x |
1971 |
Ginsburg & Janvier (Metaxytherium medium; Middle Mioc., France; taphonomy; 189.) |
x |
D |
1972a |
Domning, D.P. (sirs. & desmostylians; Mioc., North Pacific; 146-148.) |
1973 |
Savage & Hamilton (Mioc., Libya) |
x |
D |
1975 |
Domning, D.P. (sirs. & desmostylians; North Pacific; 824.) |
1975 |
Ginsburg & Janvier (Metaxytherium medium; Mioc., Touraine & Anjou, France) |
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (angiosperms vs. algae in early sir. diet; 92-93.) |
x |
D |
* |
1977b |
Domning, D.P. (sirs. & desmostylians; North Pacific; ecological model; 352-362.) |
x |
1977 |
Whitmore & Gard (HG; Pleist., Amchitka Is., Alaska; 5-8, 18.) |
x |
D |
* |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (North Pacific sirs. & desmostylians; 2, 107-132, 139-146.) |
1978 |
Simenstad et al. (HG; Aleutian Islands; former ecological role; m409.) |
x |
1981d |
Domning, D.P. (fossil sirs.; associations with marine plants; 417-420.) |
x |
1981 |
Webb et al. (Metaxytherium; Late Mioc., Love site, Florida; 517, 535.) |
x |
1982b |
Domning, D.P. (trichechids; South America; evolution & environmental changes; 607, 610-616.) |
x |
1982c |
Domning, D.P. (Metaxytherium serresii; Mioc.-Plioc., Mediterranean; seagrasses & salinity crisis; shark predation; 29-31.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (Eoc. sirs. & seagrasses; 61-63.) |
x |
1983 |
Bizzotto, B. (Prototherium intermedium; Late Eoc., Italy; 99.) |
x |
1983 |
Morgan & Pratt (Metaxytherium; Early Mioc., Florida; 20-23.) |
D |
1984 |
Akamatsu, M. |
D |
1984 |
Goto & Kuga |
D |
* |
1984 |
Inuzuka et al. (eds.) |
D |
1984 |
Itoigawa, J. |
D |
1984 |
Taguchi, E. (Paleoparadoxia) |
D |
1984 |
Takayasu & Nakamura |
D |
1984 |
Yamanoi, T. |
D |
1984 |
Yoshida, K. (Paleoparadoxia) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Ray (halitheriine; Early Mioc., Oregon; climate; 273-274.) |
x |
D |
1986 |
Domning et al. (desmostylians; lifestyle; 47-48.) |
x |
1986 |
Rothausen, K. (Olig., Germany; 547-548, 551.) |
D |
1986a |
Suzuki et al. (Paleoparadoxia; Japan) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (Metaxytherium serresii; Plioc., Libya; taphonomy, 209; paleoecology of post-Messinian Mediterranean, 229-230.) |
x |
1987a |
Domning, D.P. (hydrodamalines; pop. acc.; 64, 66-71.) |
D |
1987 |
Ogasawara & Morita (Paleoparadoxia; Japan) |
x |
D |
1988 |
Estes & Steinberg (sirs. & desmostylians; North Pacific; evolution of kelp; 21-22.) |
1988 |
Gray, J. |
D |
1988e |
Inuzuka, N. (taphonomy) |
x |
D |
1989a |
Domning, D.P. (sirs. & desmostylians; North Pacific; evolution of kelp; 53-56.) |
x |
1989b |
Domning, D.P. (sirs.; Mioc., Suwannee R., Florida; 55-56, 59.) |
x |
1989c |
Domning, D.P. (rytiodontines; use of tusks; 426.) |
x |
1989d |
Domning, D.P. (rytiodontines; use of tusks; 435-436.) |
x |
D |
1989 |
Estes & Steinberg (sirs. & desmostylians; North Pacific; evolution of kelp; 57-60.) |
x |
1989 |
Morgan, G.S. (sirs.; Early Mioc., Suwannee R., Florida; 33-34.) |
x |
D |
1990 |
Aranda-Manteca, F.J. (Metaxytherium, Desmostylus; Mioc., Baja California; 100, 103-104, 108, 111, pl. 3.) |
x |
1990a |
Domning, D.P. (rhizivory experiments; 34-36.) |
x |
1990 |
Donovan et al. (Prorastomus sirenoides; Middle Eoc., Jamaica; 661-662.) |
x |
* |
1990 |
Ivany et al. (Protosiren; Middle Eoc., Florida; seagrass community; 244-258.) |
x |
D |
1990 |
Ogasawara & Morita (Paleoparadoxia; Japan; 29-30.) |
x |
D |
1990 |
Repenning & Packard (Paleoparadoxia; Mioc., California; 199-203.) |
x |
1991a |
Pervesler & Roetzel (Metaxytherium krahuletzi; Mioc., Austria; 97-98.) |
x |
1991b |
Pervesler & Roetzel (Metaxytherium krahuletzi; Early Mioc., Austria; 156-157.) |
x |
* |
1992 |
Gingerich, P.D. (Eoc. & Olig., Egypt; 35, 63, 67, 76-77, 79.) |
x |
1994a |
Domning, D.P. (Caribbean sirs. & seagrasses; pop. acc.; 72-73.) |
x |
D |
1994 |
Shimada & Inuzuka (Paleoparadoxia, Desmostylus; Mioc., Japan; taphonomy & shark faunas; 572-574.) |
x |
1995a |
Anderson, P.K. (HG; kelp-sea urchin-sea otter relationship; 391-394.) |
x |
1995 |
Papastavrou, V. (HG; kelp-sea urchin-sea otter relationship; pop. acc.; 26.) |
* |
1995 |
Pervesler et al. (Metaxytherium krahuletzi; Mioc., Austria; taphonomy) |
1996 |
Lecuyer et al. (Metaxytherium medium; Middle Mioc., France; paleotemperatures & paleosalinity) |
x |
1996 |
Miller & Donovan (Early Eoc., Jamaica; 46.) |
1996 |
Pervesler et al. (Metaxytherium krahuletzi; Mioc., Austria; taphonomy) |
x |
1996 |
Pervesler, P. (Metaxytherium krahuletzi; Early Mioc., Austria; construction of museum display; 75-80.) |
x |
1997a |
Domning, D.P. (Potamosiren magdalenensis; Mioc., Colombia; 390-391.) |
x |
1998 |
Estevens, M. (Portugal; Mioc.; A162.) |
x |
* |
1998 |
Pervesler et al. (Metaxytherium krahuletzi; Mioc., Austria; 87-103.) |
x |
2000 |
Estevens, M. (Portugal; Mioc.; 329-330.) |
D |
2000 |
Igarashi et al. |
D |
2000 |
Ogasawara, K. |
x |
2000 |
Pervesler et al. (Metaxytherium krahuletzi; Early Mioc., Austria; 213-215.) |
x |
2000 |
Rommel & Reynolds (TML; usually float belly-up when dead; 50.) |
D |
2000 |
Yahata & Kimura |
D |
2000 |
Yahata, M. |
2001 |
Pfretzschner, H.U. |
x |
2001 |
Böhme, M. (Halitherium; Early Olig., Germany; ribs, sedimentological context in storm deposit; 76-79.) |
2001 |
Domning & Pervesler (Metaxytherium krahuletzi; Early Mioc., Austria) |
2002 |
Jousse et al. (DD; Akab Island, United Arab Emirates; archaeological site) |
2003 |
Clementz et al. (DD, Dusisiren jordani; calcium isotope values) |
2004 |
MacFadden et al. (diets, stable isotopes, & niche differentiation) |
2005 |
Furusawa, H. (Hydrodamalinae; North Pacific Ocean) |
2005 |
Astibia et al. (indeterminate sirs.; Middle Eocene, Navarre, Spain) |
2005 |
Cahuzac & Audouin (Halitherium schinzii; Olig., France) |
2006 |
Clementz et al. (Eoc. sirs.; stable isotopes) |
* |
2007 |
Carone & Domning (Metaxytherium serresii; Late Mioc., Calabria, Italy; paleoecology) |
2007 |
Floquet et al. (Halitherium taulannense; Late Eoc.; Taulanne, France; taphonomy) |
2008 |
Diedrich, C.G. (Anomotherium, Halitherium; Olig., Germany) |
* |
2008 |
Bianucci et al. (Metaxytherium spp.; Mioc.-Plioc.; peri-Messinian dwarfing) |
2009 |
Marx, F. (Cenozoic Sir. diversity in Europe) |
2009 |
Clementz et al. (Tethys-Mediterranean sirs.; Eoc.-Plioc.; diets, salinity; stable isotopes) |
x |
2009 |
Peters et al. (dugongids; Late Eoc., Wadi Al-Hitan, Egypt; taphonomy & preservation; 294, 296-7, 299-301.) |
D |
* |
2010 |
Newsome et al. (sirs. & desmostylians; use of stable isotope biogeochemistry to study ecology; review) |
2010 |
Diedrich, C.G. (sir. diets comp. w/ placodontids) |
x |
2010 |
Micklich & Hildebrandt (Halitherium schinzii; Early Olig., Germany; paleoenvironment & associated fauna; 3-21.) |
2011 |
Guido et al. (Metaxytherium serresii; Late Mioc., Cessaniti, Italy; micromorphology, geochemistry, & diagenesis of ribs) |
* |
2011 |
Clementz & Sewall (Eocene sirs.; stable isotopes; global climate) |
* |
2012 |
Vélez-Juarbe et al. (multispecies fossil sir. communities) |
2012 |
Sorbi et al. (Metaxytherium subapenninum; Plioc., Italy & Spain) |
2013 |
Furusawa, H. (Dusisiren, Hydrodamalis; climatic cooling, size increase, loss of teeth) |
D |
2013 |
Inuzuka, N. (Desmostylus, Paleoparadoxia; osteology, paleoecological restoration) |
2014 |
Pyenson et al. (macroevolution of marine tetrapods) |
2014 |
Vélez-Juarbe, J. (use of sirs. as proxy for seagrass distribution) |
* |
2014 |
Crerar et al. (HG; St. Lawrence Is., Alaska; stable isotopes; extinction) |
* |
2014 |
Boessenecker et al. (Purisima Fm.; Santa Cruz County, California; Late Mioc.) |
* |
2015 |
Reich et al. (Sirs. as indirect paleo-seagrass indicators) |
D |
2015 |
Matsui & Kawabe (Paleoparadoxia sp.; early Mioc., Chikubetsu, Hokkaido, Japan) |
D |
* |
2017 |
Matsui et al. (Desmostylus, Paleoparadoxia; habitat preferences) |
* |
2018 |
Domning, D.P. (?microbial bioerosion of sir. bones; Mioc. Chesapeake Group, USA; 252, 256, 258, 261, 263.) |
x |
* |
2018 |
Dominici et al. (Metaxytherium subapenninum, Plioc., Italy, 7-8, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24.) |
* |
2021 |
Bullen et al. (HG; structuring of North Pacific kelp forests) |
Paleoparadoxia media Inuzuka, 2005 ( 4 )
(= Paleoparadoxia tabatai)
D |
* |
2005 |
Inuzuka, N. (n.sp.) |
D |
2009 |
Fujiwara et al. (scapular position & strength of rib cage) |
D |
2013 |
Barnes, L.G. |
D |
2013 |
Inuzuka, N. (osteology, paleoecological restoration) |
Paleoparadoxia Reinhart, 1959 ( 59 )
x |
D |
v |
1951 |
DEREC ("Desmostylus"; Izumi, Japan; discovery & collection; 414.) |
x |
D |
v |
1952 |
DEREC ("Desmostylus"; Izumi, Japan; locality recollected; 144.) |
D |
* |
1959 |
Reinhart, R.H. (n.gen.) |
x |
D |
* |
1963 |
Mitchell & Repenning (chronologic & geographic range; 3-4, 11-16.) |
x |
D |
* |
1963 |
Mitchell, E.D., Jr. (Mioc., San Clemente Is., California; 192-199.) |
x |
D |
v |
1964 |
Mitchell & Lipps (Mioc., San Clemente Is., California; 214-215.) |
x |
D |
1964 |
Mitchell, E.D., Jr. (pachyostosis; 214.) |
x |
D |
1964 |
Nolan, T.B. (distr.; A137.) |
x |
D |
1965a |
Anon. (Stanford specimen, California; pop. acc.; 49, 53.) |
D |
1965b |
Anon. |
x |
D |
1965 |
Mitchell & Lipps (Mioc., San Clemente Is., California; 4-6.) |
x |
D |
1965 |
Repenning, C.A. (Stanford skeleton; drawing; 1, 3.) |
x |
D |
1966 |
Mitchell, E.D., Jr. (artist's reconstruction; 57.) |
D |
1966c |
Shikama, T. |
D |
1967 |
Kamei, T. |
x |
D |
1968 |
Romer, A.S. (skeleton; m200-201.) |
x |
D |
1970a |
Reinhart, R.H. (m243.) |
x |
D |
1970 |
Zuidema, H.P. (pop. acc.; 20-24.) |
x |
D |
1972 |
Barnes, L.G. (Mioc., California; 141-142.) |
x |
D |
1972a |
Domning, D.P. (distr.; 146, 149.) |
D |
1972 |
Hasegawa, U. |
x |
D |
1975 |
Reinhart, R.H. (validity of genus reasserted; 826.) |
x |
D |
1977 |
Hasegawa, Y. (artists' reconstructions; pop. acc.; 90-91.) |
x |
D |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (?competition w/ sirs., 113-115; Mioc., California, 150-151.) |
D |
1978 |
Fujimoto & Sakamoto (Japan) |
D |
1978 |
Kamei, T. |
x |
D |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (m378-379.) |
D |
1984 |
Kamei, T. |
x |
D |
1984 |
Raschke, R.E. (Middle Mioc., California; m64.) |
D |
1986 |
Hasegawa, Y. (Yanagawa, Japan) |
D |
1986 |
Inuzuka & Karasawa |
D |
* |
1986a |
Suzuki et al. (Japan) |
D |
* |
1986b |
Suzuki et al. (Japan) |
x |
D |
1986 |
Takahashi et al. (Mioc., Japan; "Dugong" of Inuzuka et al. [1980] possibly a tooth of Paleoparadoxia; 317.) |
D |
1987 |
Ogasawara & Morita (Japan; paleoecology) |
D |
1987 |
Suzuki & Wako |
D |
1988b |
Kamiya, H. (tooth cementum) |
D |
1989d |
Inuzuka, N. (Tsuyama, Japan) |
x |
D |
1990 |
Ogasawara & Morita (Japan; paleoecology; 29-30.) |
D |
1992 |
Kamiya, T. |
D |
1993 |
Hasegawa et al. (Yanagawa, Japan) |
x |
D |
1996 |
Kozawa et al. (enamel structure; 354, 357.) |
x |
D |
1997c |
Domning, D.P. (biostratigraphic utility; m179.) |
D |
1998 |
Kimura et al. (Akan-cho, Hokkaido, Japan) |
D |
* |
1998 |
Panofsky, A.I. (mounting of Stanford skeleton) |
D |
* |
2000 |
Taketani, Y. |
D |
2000 |
Takaizumi & Sato (Mioc., Japan) |
D |
2002 |
Saegusa, H. (San-yama) |
D |
2006 |
Inuzuka et al. ("P. tabatai"; Mioc., Akita Prefecture, Japan) |
D |
2006 |
Hasegawa et al. (Paleoparadoxia sp.; Middle Mioc., Gunma, Japan; forelimb) |
D |
2008 |
Hasegawa & Kimura (Paleoparadoxia sp., Kurosawa & Nakajima specimens; Middle Mioc., Gunma, Japan) |
D |
2013 |
Hayashi et al. (bone histology & aquatic adaptation) |
D |
* |
2013 |
Barnes, L.G. |
D |
2014 |
Hasegawa et al. (Paleoparadoxia sp.; Early Mioc., Hokkaido, Japan) |
D |
2014 |
Cooper et al. |
D |
2015 |
Matsui & Kawabe (early Mioc., Chikubetsu, Hokkaido, Japan) |
D |
2015 |
Houssaye et al. (osteosclerosis) |
D |
* |
2017 |
Matsui et al. (habitat preferences) |
D |
2018 |
Matsui et al. (femur; Mioc., Fukushima, Japan) |
Paleoparadoxia repenningi Domning & Barnes, 2007 ( 4 )
(= Neoparadoxia repenningi)
D |
2007 |
Domning & Barnes (n.sp.) |
D |
2009 |
Fujiwara, S. (Ashoroa, Desmostylus hesperus, Paleoparadoxia repenningi, P. tabatai; olecranon orientation, elbow joint angle, & forelimb posture) |
D |
2012 |
Fujiwara & Hutchinson (Desmostylus, Paleoparadoxia repenningi; elbow adductor moment arm & forelimb posture) |
D |
* |
2013 |
Barnes, L.G. (referred to Neoparadoxia) |
Paleoparadoxia tabatai (Tokunaga, 1939) Reinhart, 1959 ( 48 )
D |
* |
1959 |
Reinhart, R.H. (n.comb.) |
D |
* |
1961 |
Ijiri & Kamei (skull) |
x |
D |
* |
1963 |
Mitchell & Repenning (chronologic & geographic range; 11-12.) |
x |
D |
1963 |
Mitchell, E.D., Jr. (teeth; 194, 198.) |
D |
1966a |
Shikama, T. |
D |
* |
1966c |
Shikama, T. |
x |
D |
* |
1968 |
Shikama, T. (skeleton; 21-26, pls. 3-6.) |
x |
D |
* |
1972 |
Ikebe et al. (Japan; stratigraphic range; 47, 65-66.) |
D |
1973 |
Kobayashi & Kamei |
x |
D |
1973 |
Shikama et al. (Japan; stratigraphic range; 138, 140-141.) |
D |
1974 |
Kamei & Okazaki |
D |
1977 |
Inuzuka, N. |
x |
D |
1977 |
Kamei & Okazaki (stratigraphic range Middle-Late Mioc.; 354.) |
D |
1977 |
Sato & Ijiri |
x |
D |
1978 |
Susuki & Stadum (Mioc., San Clemente Is., California; 5, 21.) |
D |
1978 |
Tsunoda et al. (Mioc., Japan) |
D |
1980 |
Inuzuka & Murai |
D |
1980 |
Okubo et al. |
x |
D |
1981 |
Clark, J.C. (Late Mioc., Santa Cruz, California; 27.) |
D |
1981 |
Hirota, K. |
x |
D |
1982 |
Reinhart, R.H. (review; comp. w/ other desmostylians; 552-554.) |
D |
1983 |
Sakamoto, O. |
D |
1985 |
Kamiya et al. (brain) |
D |
1985 |
Ono & Uyeno |
x |
D |
1986 |
Domning et al. (classification & affinities, 5, 36-38, 45; comp. w/ Behemotops, 15-17, 20-24, 29-30; paleoecology, 47-48.) |
D |
1988a |
Kamiya, H. (enamel histology) |
D |
* |
1989 |
Kamei et al. (Tsuyama, Japan) |
x |
D |
1990 |
Repenning & Packard ("P. tabati"; California [Stanford specimen]; taphonomy, pathology, locomotion; 199-203.) |
x |
D |
1991 |
Clark, J.M. (comp. w/ P. weltoni; 490-505.) |
D |
1992 |
Kaneko & Goto (Japan) |
D |
1992 |
Kaneko & Inuzuka (Japan) |
x |
D |
1992 |
Thewissen & Domning (m495.) |
D |
1994 |
Hasegawa & Taketani (Yanagawa, Japan) |
x |
D |
1994 |
Shimada & Inuzuka (Mioc., Japan; 553-577.) |
D |
1995 |
Hasegawa et al. (sexual dimorphism) |
D |
1996 |
Inuzuka, N. (body size & mass estimates) |
D |
2000 |
Taru, H. (mastication) |
x |
D |
2001d |
Domning, D.P. (tibia; 25.) |
D |
2002 |
Yoshida & Kimura (Mioc., Akan, Hokkaido) |
D |
2002 |
Watanabe & Kimura (Mioc., Akan, Hokkaido) |
D |
2002 |
Kimura, M. (Mioc., Akan, Hokkaido) |
D |
2002 |
Sato & Kimura (Mioc., Akan, Hokkaido) |
D |
* |
2002b |
Domning, D.P. (terrestrial posture) |
D |
* |
2007 |
Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Kohno, Naoki (neotype designation) |
x |
D |
* |
2009 |
ICZN (proposed designation of a neotype not accepted; 295-296.) |
D |
2009 |
Fujiwara, S. (Ashoroa, Desmostylus hesperus, Paleoparadoxia repenningi, P. tabatai; olecranon orientation, elbow joint angle, & forelimb posture) |
D |
* |
2013 |
Barnes, L.G. |
D |
2013 |
Inuzuka, N. (sensu = P. repenningi; osteology, paleoecological restoration) |
Paleoparadoxia weltoni Clark, 1991 ( 5 )
(= Archaeoparadoxia weltoni)
x |
D |
v |
1976 |
Phillips et al. ("Paleoparadoxia"; Late Olig. [actually Early Mioc.?], Point Arena, California; 152.) |
x |
D |
* |
1991 |
Clark, J.M. (n.sp.; ?Early Mioc., California; 490-508.) |
x |
D |
1994 |
Shimada & Inuzuka (comp. w/ Japanese Paleoparadoxia; 556, 567-568, 571.) |
D |
* |
2013 |
Barnes, L.G. (referred to Archaeoparadoxia) |
D |
2014 |
Hasegawa et al. (comp. w/ Paleoparadoxia sp. from Early Mioc., Hokkaido, Japan) |
Paleoparadoxiidae Reinhart, 1959 ( 6 )
D |
1953 |
Reinhart, R.H. ("Family Paleoparadoxia"; nomen nudum) |
D |
* |
1959 |
Reinhart, R.H. (n.fam.) |
x |
D |
1963 |
Mitchell, E.D., Jr. (history of name; 193.) |
x |
D |
1986 |
Domning et al. (history of name; 5.) |
D |
2008 |
Domning & Pyenson ("snagging" teeth & premolar homologies) |
D |
* |
2013 |
Barnes, L.G. |
Paleoparadoxiinae (Reinhart, 1959) Barnes, 2013 ( 1 )
D |
* |
2013 |
Barnes, L.G. (new subfamily) |
Pan-Sirenia O'Leary et al., 2013? ( 2 )
* |
2013 |
O'Leary et al. (new taxon; in supplemental material, p. 101, tab. S4.) |
2019 |
Vélez-Juarbe & Wood |
Panama ( 21 )
(SEE ALSO: Central America)
x |
* |
1920 |
Goldman, E.A. (TMM; 68-71.) |
1937 |
Lothrop, S.K. |
1964 |
Ladd, J. |
x |
1964 |
Lapham,L.H. (TMM from Guyana; weed control; m39.) |
x |
* |
1967 |
MacLaren, J.P. (TMM, TI; weed & insect control; 387-393.) |
1968 |
Klinge, P. |
1970 |
Mendez, E. |
1980 |
Wing, E.S. (TMM) |
x |
1981 |
Schad et al. (TMM; Panama Canal & Gatun Lake; 1-4.) |
x |
* |
1982 |
Montgomery et al. (TMM; Panama Canal; possible entry of Pacific; 257-258.) |
x |
1985 |
Muizon & Domning (TMM; entry of Pacific reported; 209.) |
x |
1989 |
Lefebvre et al. (TMM; distr., status, & biogeography; 583-584, 607.) |
* |
1990 |
Mou Sue et al. (TMM; distr. & status) |
2009 |
Muschett et al. (TM; fecal sampling for DNA analysis) |
2010 |
Uhen et al. (Dugongidae indet.; Early Mioc., Panama Canal) |
2011 |
Cramer, K. L. (Caribbean coral reef communities) |
2015 |
Rivera-C. et al. (TMM; hearing & vocalizations) |
2017 |
Guzman, H.M, & Condit, R. (TMM; abundance estimated from from side-scan sonar.) |
2017 |
Diaz-Ferguson et al. (TMM; genetics) |
* |
2019 |
Vélez-Juarbe & Wood (Culebratherium alemani, n.gen.n.sp.; Mioc.) |
* |
2022 |
Guzman & Real (TMM; entry into Pacific Ocean) |
Papua New Guinea ( 58 )
1875 |
Moresby, J. (DD; Torres Strait; captures in 1873) |
1899 |
Guise, R.E. |
1900 |
Etheridge, R., Jr. (H. dugong, ?Pleist., Woodlark Is.) |
x |
* |
1901 |
Anon. (DD; Torres Strait; hunting; 21238-21239.) |
1901a |
Finsch, O. (DD; hunting) |
x |
* |
1905 |
De Vis, C.W. (Halicore brevirostris, n.sp.; ?subfossil, Woodlark Is.; 27-30.) |
x |
1923a |
Petit, G. (DD; New Guinea, 82; Torres Strait, 83.) |
1927 |
Landtman, G. (DD; hunting rituals) |
x |
1973 |
Bertram & Bertram (DD; distr. & status; 309.) |
1977a |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD; conservation) |
1977b |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD) |
x |
1977 |
Ligon & Hudson (DD; aerial survey; 1-5.) |
1978 |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD; pop. acc.) |
1979 |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD) |
1979 |
Parker, F. (DD) |
x |
1980 |
Blair, D. (DD; trematode Indosolenorchis hirudinaceus; 512-513.) |
1980 |
Carrier & Carrier (DD) |
x |
* |
1980a |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD; conservation; 1-102.) |
1980b |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD) |
1980c |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD) |
1980d |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD) |
1980e |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD) |
1980 |
Johnstone & Hudson (DD) |
1980 |
Olewale & Sedu (DD; Western Province) |
x |
1980 |
Sander, H.E. (DD; Manus Province; feeding habitats; 1-31.) |
1981 |
Anon. (DD) |
x |
1981a |
Blair, D. (DD; parasitic flukes; 2.) |
1981a |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD) |
x |
1981b |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD; conservation & public education; 123-141.) |
x |
1981 |
Johnstone & Hudson (DD; mouth samples of diet; 681-690.) |
x |
1981 |
Maynes & Hudson (DD; on postage stamp; 4-6.) |
x |
1982 |
Marsh & Heinsohn (DD; conservation; 5.) |
x |
1982 |
Molnar, R.E. (Halicore brevirostre [sic], ?Pleist., Woodlark Is., 676, 679; H. dugong, ?Pleist., Woodlark Is., 680.) |
x |
1982 |
Wagner, R. (New Ireland; "ri" not a dugong; 33-39.) |
x |
1983 |
Mead, J.G. (New Ireland; "ri" not a porpoise, possibly a dugong; 161-162.) |
x |
1983 |
Sibert, J.R. (New Ireland; "ri" probably a marine mammal; 159-161.) |
x |
1983 |
Tisdell, C.A. (DD; hunting & conservation; 14-15.) |
x |
1983 |
Wagner et al. (New Ireland; "ri" not a dugong; 113-125.) |
x |
1984 |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD; hunting; pop. acc.; 298-301.) |
x |
1985 |
Beckjord, J.-E. (New Ireland; "ri" a dugong; 154-155.) |
x |
1985 |
Greenwell, J.R. (New Ireland; "ri" not a dugong; 151-154.) |
x |
1985 |
Sibert, J.R. (New Ireland; "ri" possibly a dugong; 144-145.) |
x |
1985 |
Wagner, R. (New Ireland; "ri" not a dugong; 149-151, 156.) |
1986c |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD; traditional hunting & conservation) |
x |
1986a |
Marsh, H. (DD; Torres Strait; status; 53-76.) |
x |
1986 |
Tisdell, C.A. (DD; conservation; 102-103.) |
x |
* |
1986 |
Williams, T.R. (New Ireland; "ri" definitely a dugong; 61-68.) |
1987 |
Bertram, G.C.L. (DD) |
x |
* |
1987 |
Greenwell, J.R. (New Ireland; "ri"; history of study; 140-144.) |
x |
1988 |
Sehm, G.G. (New Ireland; "ri" not a dugong; 145-149.) |
x |
1988 |
Williams, T.R. (New Ireland; "ri" a dugong; 149-151.) |
x |
1989 |
Bay & Demoulin (DD; Hansa Bay; m12.) |
x |
1992 |
Blair & Hudson (DD; trematode Lankatrematoides gardneri; 1077.) |
1995 |
Karre, B.D. (DD; Torres Strait) |
x |
1997 |
Marsh, Harris & Lawler (DD; Torres Strait; sustainability of fishery; 1375-1386.) |
2007 |
Crouch et al. (DD; Torres Strait; dugong bone mounds) |
2012 |
Dobbs et al. (DD; distribution, status, & conservation) |
* |
2013 |
Fitzgerald et al. (Sirenia indet.; Mioc.) |
Paracholeplasma manati Volokhov et al., 2023 ( 1 )
2023 |
Volokhov et al. (new bacterium isolated from skin of TML.) |
Paraliosiren Abel, 1906 ( 5 )
(= Prototherium)
x |
* |
1906 |
Abel, O. (n.gen.; Late Eoc., Italy; 59.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (m471, 473.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 154-155.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (syn. of Prototherium; m135.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (syn. of Prototherium; 378-379.) |
Paraliosiren suessi Abel, 1906 ( 2 )
(= Prototherium veronense)
x |
* |
1906 |
Abel, O. (n.gen.n.sp.; Late Eoc., Italy; 59.) |
x |
1980 |
Kordos, L. (nature of type material; 387.) |
Paralitherium Kordos, 1977 ( 1 )
x |
* |
1977 |
Kordos, L. (n.gen.; Late Eoc., Hungary; 349-367.) |
Paralitherium tarkanyense Kordos, 1977 ( 4 )
x |
* |
1977 |
Kordos, L. (n.gen.n.sp.; Late Eoc., Hungary; 349-367.) |
x |
1980 |
Kordos, L. (comp. w/ Hungarian Eotheroides; 385, 387-389, 396-397.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (comp. w/ other Eoc. sirs.; 5, 39, 58.) |
1985b |
Kordos, L. |
Parasites: ( 1 )
(NOTE: In the following citations of references to species of parasites, where a sirenian taxon is not specified, reference is to the sirenian species native to the geographic area(s) mentioned.)
2024 |
Colombo, S.A. et al. (TI, in capt., Brazil; fungi in nostrils and rectum) |
Parasites: Amphistoma fabaceum Diesing, 1839 ( 10 )
x |
1838 |
Diesing, C.M. (nomen nudum; m189.) |
x |
* |
1839 |
Diesing, C.M. (n.gen.n.sp.; Manatus exunguis, intestine; 236.) |
1850-51 |
Diesing, C.M. |
x |
1876 |
Chapman, H.C. ("Amphistomum"; m456.) |
1889 |
Stedman, J.M. |
x |
1891 |
Leidy, J. ("Amphistomum"; Trichechus; intestine & nasal passages; 413-414.) |
x |
1906b |
Dexler & Freund ("Amphistomum"; m70.) |
x |
1908b |
Gudernatsch, J.F. ("?Amphistomum fabaceum"; TM; organs, brain; 227, 232.) |
x |
1981a |
Blair, D. (syn. of Chiorchis fabaceus; 2, 12-13.) |
x |
1981c |
Domning, D.P. (m131.) |
Parasites: Anoplocephala Blanchard, 1848 ( 1 )
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (Florida; 629, 632-633.) |
Parasites: Ascaris dugonis Diesing, 1851 ( 5 )
(Nematoda; = Paradujardinia halicoris)
x |
* |
1851 |
Diesing, C.M. (n.sp.; 191, 502.) |
x |
1859 |
Baird, W. (synonymy; 149.) |
x |
1899 |
Stiles & Hassall (synonymy; 147, 149.) |
x |
1906b |
Dexler & Freund (m70.) |
x |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (syn. of Paradujardinia halicoris; 319.) |
Parasites: Ascaris halichoris Owen, 1833 ( 10 )
(Nematoda; = Paradujardinia halicoris)
* |
1833 |
Owen, R. (n.sp.) |
x |
* |
1859 |
Baird, W. (Red Sea; history of study, redescription; 148-149, pl. 56.) |
1861 |
Diesing, C.M. |
1889 |
Parona, C. |
x |
* |
1899 |
Stiles & Hassall ("A. halicoris"; review; 108, 147-151, 169.) |
1903 |
Linstow, O.v. (Red Sea) |
x |
* |
1905 |
Linstow, O.v. ("A. halicoris"; DD; anatomy & nomenclature; 258-260, pl. 11.) |
x |
1906b |
Dexler & Freund ("A. halicoris"; Australia; 70.) |
1906 |
Linstow, O.v. |
x |
* |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (syn. of Paradujardinia halicoris; 312, 319.) |
Parasites: Ascaris Linnaeus, 1758 ( 2 )
x |
1838a |
Owen, R. (DD; cardiac gland; 30.) |
x |
* |
1859 |
Baird, W. (DD, HG; 148-149, pl. 56.) |
Parasites: Ascaris rytinae Diesing, 1851 ( 6 )
(Nematoda; nomen dubium)
x |
* |
1851 |
Diesing, C.M. (n.sp.; HG; 190, 502.) |
1878 |
Linstow, O.v. |
x |
v |
* |
1899 |
Steller, G.W. (HG, stomach & duodenum; 191.) |
x |
* |
1899 |
Stiles & Hassall (HG; review; 100, 108, 163-164, 169.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (HG; review; 115.) |
x |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (m319.) |
Parasites: Babesia ( 1 )
2020 |
Satyaningtijas et al. (DD; Indonesia) |
Parasites: Bacteria: SEE Bacteriology ( 0 )
Parasites: Balaenophilus manatorum (Ortíz, Lalana and Torres, 1992) ( 2 )
2010 |
Aznar et al. |
x |
2010 |
Suárez-M. et al. (TMM; Mexico; 847-859.) |
Parasites: Balanus Bruguière, 1789 ( 2 )
x |
1906b |
Dexler & Freund (DD; 69.) |
x |
1906c |
Dexler & Freund (DD; 569.) |
Parasites: Balanus trigonus Darwin ( 1 )
x |
1965 |
Stubbings, H.G. (Senegal; 891.) |
Parasites: Cardicola dhangali Hutson, Vaughan, and Blair, 2019 ( 1 )
* |
2019 |
Hutson et al. (DD; n.sp.) |
Parasites: Chelonibia Leach, 1817 ( 3 )
x |
1906b |
Dexler & Freund ("Chelonobia"; DD; 69.) |
x |
1906c |
Dexler & Freund ("Chelonobia"; DD; 569.) |
2011 |
Nifong & Frick (TML; Chelonibia testudinaria) |
Parasites: Chelonibia manati Gruvel, 1903 ( 4 )
x |
* |
1903 |
Gruvel, A. ("Chelonobia manati", n.sp.; Congo; 116-120, pls. 2, 4.) |
x |
1916 |
Pilsbry, H.A. (Congo; review; 265.) |
x |
1965 |
Stubbings, H.G. (Senegal; 876, 893-899.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 633.) |
Parasites: Chelonibia patula (Ranzani, 1818) ( 1 )
x |
1965 |
Stubbings, H.G. (Senegal; 893.) |
Parasites: Chiorchis fabaceus (Diesing, 1838) Fischoeder, 1901 ( 22 )
* |
1901 |
Fischoeder, F. |
1902 |
Fischoeder, F. |
x |
1926 |
Derscheid, J.M. (Congo; 30.) |
x |
* |
1929 |
Stunkard, H.W. (history of study, & Belgian Congo; 254-258, 282-283.) |
1932 |
Price, E.W. (Africa) |
1934 |
Canavan, W.P.N. |
1934 |
Travassos, L.P. |
x |
1936 |
Baylis, H.A. (Nigeria & elsewhere; 257.) |
x |
1960 |
Hutton & Sogandares (Florida; m290.) |
1964 |
Hutton, R.F. |
x |
1965 |
Lluch B., D. (TM, small intestine; Mexico; 418.) |
1969 |
Travassos et al. |
x |
1970 |
Radhakrishnan & Bradley (TML, cecum & colon; Florida; 59.) |
1973 |
Bravo-Hollis & Caballero D. |
x |
* |
1975 |
Forrester et al. (TM, distr. in intestine; Florida; 567-568.) |
x |
1979 |
Forrester et al. (TM, intestines & cecum; Florida; 5.) |
x |
1981a |
Blair, D. (m2, m13.) |
x |
1982b |
Domning, D.P. (zoogeographic significance; 613.) |
x |
* |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (Florida; 628-633, 635.) |
x |
1996 |
Reynolds & Rommel (Florida; 542.) |
2018 |
Wyrosdick et al. (TML, TMM; internal parasites) |
2019 |
Vélez et al. (TMM; Colombia) |
Parasites: Chiorchis Fischoeder, 1901 ( 1 )
x |
1977 |
Boever et al. (TI, large intestine; in capt.; 5-6.) |
Parasites: Chiorchis groschafti Coy Otero, 1989 ( 2 )
* |
1989 |
Coy Otero, A. (n.sp.; TM; Cuba) |
2018 |
Wyrosdick et al. (TML, TMM; internal parasites) |
Parasites: Cochleotrema cochleotrema Travassos and Vogelsang, 1931 ( 6 )
x |
* |
1931 |
Travassos & Vogelsang (n.gen.n.sp.; TM, stomach; in capt.; 143-147.) |
x |
1932 |
Sokoloff & Caballero (m167.) |
1969 |
Travassos et al. |
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (revision; 11-13, 15-16, 42.) |
x |
* |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (Florida; 628-633, 635.) |
x |
2003 |
Falcón et al. (Puerto Rico; 8.) |
Parasites: Cochleotrema indicum (Sharma & Gupta, 1971) Blair, 1981 ( 3 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.comb.; revision; 11-12, 15-17, 19, 30, 34, 42, 45, 51-53.) |
x |
1986 |
Blair, D. (photo; S21.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Cochleotrema Travassos and Vogelsang, 1931 ( 2 )
x |
* |
1931 |
Travassos & Vogelsang (n.gen.; 143-147.) |
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (revision; 4-6, 10-12, 19, 21.) |
Parasites: Cryptosporidium ( 9 )
1997 |
Hill et al. (DD) |
* |
2000 |
Fayer et al. (epidemiology) |
2002 |
Morgan-Ryan et al. |
* |
2007b |
Borges et al. (TMM; in capt., Brazil) |
* |
2007a |
Borges et al. (TI) |
2009 |
Borges et al. (TMM; Cryptosporidium infection) |
2011 |
Borges et al. (TI, TMM; Brazil) |
2017 |
Borges, Lima, et al. (TI; Brazil) |
2018 |
Borges et al. (TI; diagnosis) |
Parasites: Cutidiplogaster manati v. Lieven et al., 2011 ( 2 )
* |
2011 |
Lieven et al. (n.gen.n.sp.; TM, skin; in capt., Okinawa) |
* |
2021 |
Gonzalez et al. (TML; Florida; nematode C. manati and others) |
Parasites: Cyamus rhytinae Brandt, 1846 ( 7 )
(= Cyamus ovalis?)
* |
1846b |
Brandt, J.F. (n.sp.) |
1871a |
Brandt, A. |
x |
* |
1873 |
Lütken, C.F. (syn. of C. ovalis; 270-274, pl. 2.) |
x |
v |
* |
1899 |
Steller, G.W. (HG; Bering Is.; 201.) |
x |
* |
1967 |
Leung, Y.-M. (syn. of C. ovalis; 279-280, 287.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (HG; review; 115.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (m405.) |
Parasites: Dujardinascaris halicoris (Owen, 1833) Baylis, 1947 ( 1 )
(Nematoda; = Paradujardinia halicoris)
x |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (syn. of Paradujardinia halicoris; 312, 319.) |
Parasites: Dujardinia halicoris (Owen, 1833) Baylis, 1920 ( 3 )
(Nematoda; = Paradujardinia halicoris)
x |
1941 |
Johnston & Mawson (Australia; 432.) |
1941 |
Yamaguti, S. (Palau) |
x |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (syn. of Paradujardinia halicoris; 312, 319.) |
Parasites: Eimeria manatus Upton, Odell, Bossart, and Walsh, 1989 ( 3 )
x |
* |
1989 |
Upton et al. (n.sp.; Florida; 87-90.) |
2018 |
Wyrosdick et al. (TML, TMM; internal parasites) |
2019 |
Vélez et al. (TMM; Colombia) |
Parasites: Eimeria nodulosa Upton, Odell, Bossart, and Walsh, 1989 ( 3 )
x |
* |
1989 |
Upton et al. (n.sp.; Florida; 87-90.) |
2018 |
Wyrosdick et al. (TML, TMM; internal parasites) |
2019 |
Vélez et al. (TMM; Colombia) |
Parasites: Eimeria trichechi Lainson, Naiff, Best, and Shaw, 1983 ( 3 )
x |
* |
1983 |
Lainson et al. (n.sp.; TI; Brazil; 287-289.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 633.) |
x |
1989 |
Upton et al. (comp. w/ Eimeria spp. from Florida; 88.) |
Parasites: Entamoeba ( 1 )
2019 |
Vélez et al. (TMM; Colombia) |
Parasites: Entozoa dugonis Diesing, 1851 ( 1 )
(Nematoda; = Paradujardinia halicoris)
x |
* |
1851 |
Diesing, C.M. (name published as syn. of Ascaris Dugonis; 191.) |
Parasites: Faredifex Blair, 1981 ( 1 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.gen.; 40-41, 44.) |
Parasites: Faredifex clavata Blair, 1981 ( 2 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.gen.n.sp.; 26, 40-41, 43, 45, 51-53.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Folitrema Blair, 1981 ( 1 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.gen.; 31.) |
Parasites: Folitrema jecoris Blair, 1981 ( 2 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.gen.n.sp.; 18, 31-32, 34, 51-53.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Giardia ( 3 )
2017 |
Borges, Lima, et al. (TI; Brazil) |
2018 |
Borges et al. (TI; diagnosis) |
2019 |
Vélez et al. (TMM; Colombia) |
Parasites: Haerator Blair, 1981 ( 1 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.gen.; 41, 43-44.) |
Parasites: Haerator caperatus Blair, 1981 ( 3 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.gen.n.sp.; 22, 38, 43-47, 51-53.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
x |
1991 |
Frazier & Mundkur (DD; intestine; India; 375.) |
Parasites: Harpactichechus manatorum Ortíz, Lalana & Torres, 1992 ( 1 )
(Copepoda; = Balaenophilus manatorum)
x |
* |
1992 |
Ortiz et al. (n.gen.n.sp.; TMM; Cuba; 117-127.) |
Parasites: Harpactichechus Ortíz, Lalana & Torres, 1992 ( 1 )
(Copepoda; = Balaenophilus)
x |
* |
1992 |
Ortiz et al. (n.gen.; TMM; Cuba; 118.) |
Parasites: Harpacticus pulex Humes, 1964 ( 3 )
x |
* |
1964 |
Humes, A.G. (n.sp.; TM; Florida; in capt.; 517-528.) |
x |
1981 |
Zeiller, W. (TM; Florida; in capt.; 107-108.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (m633.) |
Parasites: Heterocheilus Diesing, 1839 ( 4 )
x |
* |
1839 |
Diesing, C.M. (n.gen.; TI; Brazil; 229-232, pls. 15, 19.) |
1965 |
Chabaud & Bain |
x |
1977 |
Petter, A.J. (evolution, in relation to origin of sirs.; 153.) |
x |
* |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (redescription; 310-311.) |
Parasites: Heterocheilus domningi Sprent, 1983 ( 2 )
x |
* |
1983 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (n.sp.; TS; Zaire; 69-76.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 633.) |
Parasites: Heterocheilus floridensis Moravec et al., 2024 (Nematoda) ( 1 )
* |
2024 |
Moravec et al. (Heterocheilus floridensis sp.n.(Nematoda) from TML, Florida.) |
Parasites: Heterocheilus tunicatus Diesing, 1839 ( 11 )
x |
* |
1839 |
Diesing, C.M. (n.gen.n.sp.; TI; Brazil; 230-232, pls. 15, 19.) |
x |
1851 |
Diesing, C.M. (TI; Brazil; 209, 502.) |
1884 |
Drasche, R.v. (redescription) |
x |
1899 |
Stiles & Hassall (m107, m170.) |
x |
1906b |
Dexler & Freund (m70.) |
x |
1981c |
Domning, D.P. (m131.) |
x |
* |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (redescription; 309-315, 322-325, pls. 1-2.) |
x |
* |
1983 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (comp. w/ H. domningi, 69, 73-75; TM, 69, 73-74.) |
x |
* |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (Florida; 628-635.) |
x |
1996 |
Reynolds & Rommel (Florida; 541.) |
2018 |
Wyrosdick et al. (TML, TMM; internal parasites) |
Parasites: Hexapleomera ( 1 )
Parasites: Indosolenorchis Crusz, 1951 ( 3 )
x |
* |
1951 |
Crusz, H. (n.gen.; DD, cecum; Sri Lanka; 135-141, pls. 17-20.) |
1958 |
Mackerras, M.J. |
x |
1980 |
Sey, O. (syn. of Solenorchis; 223-228.) |
Parasites: Indosolenorchis hirudinaceus Crusz, 1951 ( 8 )
x |
* |
1951 |
Crusz, H. (n.gen.n.sp.; DD, cecum; Sri Lanka; 135-141, pls. 17-20.) |
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (Sri Lanka; 499, 503.) |
x |
1976 |
Allen et al. (DD, cecum; Sulawesi; 41.) |
x |
* |
1980 |
Blair, D. (DD, cecum & large intestine; Indopacific; 511-525.) |
x |
1980 |
Sey, O. (syn. of Solenorchis travassosi; 223-228.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (in checklist; 281.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
x |
1991 |
Frazier & Mundkur (DD; intestine; India; 375.) |
Parasites: Labicola Blair, 1979 ( 1 )
x |
* |
1979 |
Blair, D. (n.gen.; DD, upper lips; Australia; 519-526.) |
Parasites: Labicola elongata Blair, 1979 ( 5 )
x |
* |
1979 |
Blair, D. (n.gen.n.sp.; DD, upper lips; Australia; 519-526.) |
x |
1981b |
Blair, D. (m46.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (technique for collection, 276; in checklist, 281.) |
x |
1986 |
Blair, D. (photo of flukes in section of DD lip; S21.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Lankatrema Crusz and Fernand, 1954 ( 6 )
x |
* |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (n.gen.; DD, stomach; Sri Lanka; 501.) |
x |
1977 |
Blair, D. (DD; Australia; 64.) |
x |
1977 |
Marsh et al. (DD, stomach; Australia; 286-287, 291.) |
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (revision; 19-20, 28-29.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (technique for collection, 277, 280; in checklist, 281.) |
x |
1988 |
Dailey et al. (comp. w/ Moniligerum; 160, 162.) |
Parasites: Lankatrema macrocotyle Blair, 1981 ( 2 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.sp.; 14, 20-21, 23, 27-28, 51-53.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Lankatrema mannarense Crusz and Fernand, 1954 ( 3 )
x |
* |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (n.gen.n.sp.; Sri Lanka; 499-501, 503, 506-507.) |
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (revision; 20-21, 23-24.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Lankatrema microcotyle Blair, 1981 ( 2 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.sp.; 14, 20-21, 23-25, 27-28, 34, 51-53.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Lankatrema minutum Blair, 1981 ( 2 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.sp.; 14, 20-21, 23-24, 51-53.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Lankatrematoides Blair, 1981 ( 2 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.gen.; 28-29.) |
x |
1988 |
Dailey et al. (comp. w/ Moniligerum; 162.) |
Parasites: Lankatrematoides gardneri Blair, 1981 ( 3 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.gen.n.sp.; 18, 28-29, 31, 34, 51-53.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
x |
* |
1992 |
Blair & Hudson (DD, pancreas; Papua New Guinea; population structure; 1077-1079.) |
Parasites: Leeches ( 1 )
x |
1920 |
Beebe, W. (Guyana; m731.) |
Parasites: Leptomera Latreille, 1817 ( 2 )
x |
1873 |
Lütken, C.F. (suggested as parasite of HG; 272.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (?HG; review; 115.) |
Parasites: Lobocephalus heterolobus Diesing, 1838 ( 3 )
(Nematoda; = Heterocheilus tunicatus; nomen nudum)
x |
* |
1838 |
Diesing, C.M. (n.gen.n.sp.; nomen nudum; 189.) |
x |
1851 |
Diesing, C.M. (syn. of Heterocheilus tunicatus; 209.) |
x |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (syn. of Heterocheilus tunicatus; 311.) |
Parasites: Melanothamnus maniticola Woodworth et al., 2019 ( 1 )
* |
2019 |
Woodworth et al. (n.sp.; TML; Florida; skin.) |
Parasites: Moniligerum blairi Dailey, Vogelbein, and Forrester, 1988 ( 4 )
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (Florida; 629-630, 632-633.) |
x |
* |
1988 |
Dailey et al. (n.gen.n.sp.; TM; Florida; 160-162.) |
x |
1996 |
Reynolds & Rommel (Florida; 541-542, 550.) |
2018 |
Wyrosdick et al. (TML, TMM; internal parasites) |
Parasites: Moniligerum Dailey, Vogelbein, and Forrester, 1988 ( 1 )
x |
* |
1988 |
Dailey et al. (n.gen.; TM; Florida; 160.) |
Parasites: Monostomum dujonis Leuckart, 1875 ( 3 )
(Trematoda; = Opisthotrema dujonis)
* |
1875 |
Leuckart, R. (n.sp.; DD; Philippines) |
x |
1906b |
Dexler & Freund (m69.) |
x |
1981a |
Blair, D. (syn. of Opisthotrema dujonis; 6, 8.) |
Parasites: Neospora caninum ( 1 )
2019 |
Wong et al. (DD; Queensland, Australia) |
Parasites: Nudacotyle undicola Dailey, Vogelbein, and Forrester, 1988 ( 3 )
x |
* |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (Florida; 629-631, 633.) |
x |
* |
1988 |
Dailey et al. (n.sp.; TM; Florida; 161-163.) |
2018 |
Wyrosdick et al. (TML, TMM; internal parasites) |
Parasites: Opisthotrema australe Blair, 1981 ( 2 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (n.sp.; 5-10, 30, 42, 51-53.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Opisthotrema cochleare Fischer, 1884 ( 3 )
(Trematoda; = Opisthotrema dujonis)
x |
1906b |
Dexler & Freund (Australia; 69.) |
x |
1931 |
Travassos & Vogelsang (comp. w/ Cochleotrema; 143-144.) |
x |
1981a |
Blair, D. (syn. of O. dujonis; 6, 8, 13, 15.) |
Parasites: Opisthotrema cochleotrema (Travassos & Vogelsang, 1931) Price, 1932 ( 3 )
(Trematoda; = Cochleotrema cochleotrema)
x |
1979 |
Budiarso et al. (DD, nasal passages; Sulawesi; 568.) |
x |
1979 |
Forrester et al. (TM, nasal passages; Florida; 5.) |
x |
1981a |
Blair, D. (syn. of Cochleotrema cochleotrema; 13, 15, 17.) |
Parasites: Opisthotrema dujonis (Leuckart, 1875) Price, 1932 ( 7 )
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (m503.) |
x |
1976 |
Allen et al. (DD, eustachian tube; Sulawesi; 41.) |
x |
1977 |
Blair, D. (DD; Australia; 64.) |
x |
1979 |
Budiarso et al. (DD, eustachian tubes; Sulawesi; 568.) |
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (revision; 5-10, 19, 30, 42, 45, 51-53.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (in checklist; 281.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Opisthotrema Fischer, 1883 ( 1 )
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (revision; 4-6, 10, 12, 21.) |
Parasites: Opisthotrema nasalis Budiarso et al., 1979 ( 2 )
(Trematoda; nomen nudum, = Cochleotrema indicum)
x |
1979 |
Budiarso et al. (n.sp.; nomen nudum; DD, nasal passages; Sulawesi; 568.) |
x |
1981a |
Blair, D. (syn. of Cochleotrema indicum; 17.) |
Parasites: Opisthotrema pulmonale von Linstow, 1904 ( 2 )
(Trematoda; = Pulmonicola pulmonalis)
* |
1904 |
Linstow, O.v. (n.sp.; DD, lungs; Torres Strait) |
x |
1981a |
Blair, D. (syn. of Pulmonicola pulmonalis; 5-6, 17, 19.) |
Parasites: Paracochleotrema indicum Sharma and Gupta, 1971 ( 3 )
(Trematoda; = Cochleotrema indicum)
x |
* |
1971 |
Sharma & Gupta (n.gen.n.sp.; DD, nasal passages; 285-288.) |
x |
1981a |
Blair, D. (syn. of Cochleotrema indicum; 15.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (technique for collection, 276, 280; in checklist, 281.) |
Parasites: Paracochleotrema Sharma & Gupta, 1971 ( 2 )
(Trematoda; = Cochleotrema)
x |
* |
1971 |
Sharma & Gupta (n.gen.; DD, nasal passages; 285.) |
x |
1981a |
Blair, D. (syn. of Cochleotrema; 10, 12.) |
Parasites: Paradujardinia halicoris (Owen, 1833) Travassos, 1933 ( 14 )
x |
v |
1834 |
Rüppell, E. (Red Sea; 106.) |
* |
1933 |
Travassos, L.P. |
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (DD, stomach; Sri Lanka; 499.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (DD, stomach; Red Sea; 43-46, pl. 3.) |
x |
1973 |
Bertram & Bertram (DD, stomach; Queensland; 312.) |
x |
1976 |
Allen et al. (DD, stomach; Australia; 41.) |
x |
1977 |
Jueco, N.L. (DD, stomach & small intestine; Philippines; 257-262.) |
x |
* |
1977 |
Marsh et al. ("P. halichoris"; DD, stomach; Australia; 286, 291.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (in checklist; 281.) |
x |
1981 |
Campbell & Ladds (DD, stomach; Queensland; 179.) |
x |
* |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (redescription; 309-310, 312, 314-325, pls. 2-3.) |
x |
1983 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (comp. w/ Heterocheilus; 75.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
x |
1988 |
Hasegawa, H. (DD, stomach & small intestine; Okinawa; 23-25.) |
Parasites: Paradujardinia Travassos, 1933 ( 3 )
* |
1933 |
Travassos, L.P. (n.gen.) |
x |
1977 |
Petter, A.J. (evolution, in relation to origin of sirs.; 153-155.) |
x |
* |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (redescription; 312, 319.) |
Parasites: Platylepas bissexlobata de Blainville ( 2 )
1854 |
Darwin, C. |
x |
1884 |
Fischer, P. (DD; New Caledonia; 359.) |
Parasites: Platylepas hexastylos (Fabricius, 1798) ( 5 )
1854 |
Darwin, C. |
x |
1916 |
Pilsbry, H.A. (DD & Trichechus; 284-286.) |
x |
1962 |
Marlow, B.J. ("P. hexastylus"; DD; New South Wales; 433.) |
x |
1965 |
Stubbings, H.G. (TS; 876, 891, 894, 899-902.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 633-634.) |
Parasites: Plicatolabia hagenbecki (Khalil and Vogelsang, 1932) Mosgovoy, 1951 ( 4 )
(Nematoda; = Heterocheilus tunicatus)
x |
1970 |
Radhakrishnan & Bradley (TML, stomach; Florida; 59.) |
x |
1979 |
Forrester et al. (TM, stomach; Florida; 5.) |
x |
1981a |
Beusse et al. ("Plicatolabia sp."; TM, stomach & intestines; Florida; 98.) |
x |
* |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (syn. of Heterocheilus tunicatus; 310-311.) |
Parasites: Proto Leach, 1814 ( 2 )
x |
1873 |
Lütken, C.F. (suggested as parasite of HG; 272.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (?HG; review; 115.) |
Parasites: Pulmonicola cochleotrema ( 0 )
Parasites: Pulmonicola pulmonalis (von Linstow, 1904) Poche, 1926 ( 7 )
x |
1931 |
Travassos & Vogelsang (comp. w/ Cochleotrema; 143.) |
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (m503.) |
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (revision; 17, 19.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (in checklist; 281.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
2009 |
Carvalho et al. (TMM; Brazil; "Pulmonicola cochleotrema") |
2018 |
Wyrosdick et al. (TML, TMM; "Pulmonicola cochleotrema") |
Parasites: Rhabdiopoeus Johnston, 1913 ( 2 )
x |
1977 |
Blair, D. (DD; Australia; 64.) |
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (revision; 33, 35, 41, 44.) |
Parasites: Rhabdiopoeus taylori Johnston, 1913 ( 6 )
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (DD, intestine; m503.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. ("Rhabdiopaeus"; DD, cecum; Red Sea; 45-46.) |
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (revision; 22, 35-37, 45, 51-53.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (in checklist; 281.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
x |
1991 |
Frazier & Mundkur (DD; intestine; India; 375.) |
Parasites: Schizamphistoma manati Sokoloff and Caballero, 1932 ( 1 )
(Trematoda; = Chiorchis ?)
x |
* |
1932 |
Sokoloff & Caballero (n.sp.; 163-167.) |
Parasites: Sirenocyamus Brandt, 1846 ( 3 )
(= Cyamus)
x |
* |
1846b |
Brandt, J.F. (n.gen.; name proposed for animal described by Steller; 189-192.) |
x |
* |
1967 |
Leung, Y.-M. (syn. of Cyamus; 279-280, 287.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (HG; review; 115.) |
Parasites: Sirenocyamus rhytinae Brandt, 1846 ( 7 )
(= Cyamus ovalis?)
x |
* |
1846b |
Brandt, J.F. (n.gen.n.sp.; name proposed for animal described by Steller; 189-192.) |
x |
* |
1873 |
Lütken, C.F. (syn. of Cyamus ovalis; 270-274, pl. 2.) |
x |
1893 |
Lütken, C.F. (m433.) |
x |
v |
* |
1899 |
Steller, G.W. (HG; Bering Is.; 201.) |
x |
1899 |
Stiles & Hassall (m163.) |
x |
* |
1967 |
Leung, Y.-M. (syn. of Cyamus ovalis; 279-280, 287.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (HG; review; 115.) |
Parasites: Solenorchis baeri Hilmy, 1949 ( 7 )
(Trematoda; = Solenorchis travassosi)
* |
1949 |
Hilmy, I.S. (n.sp.) |
x |
1951 |
Crusz, H. (m140.) |
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (m503.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (DD, cecum; Red Sea; 45-46, 48.) |
x |
* |
1980 |
Sey, O. (synonymized with S. travassosi; 223-228.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (in checklist; 281.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Solenorchis gohari Hilmy, 1949 ( 6 )
(Trematoda; = Solenorchis travassosi)
* |
1949 |
Hilmy, I.S. (n.sp.) |
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (m503.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (DD, cecum; Red Sea; 45-46, 48.) |
x |
* |
1980 |
Sey, O. (synonymized with S. travassosi; 223-228.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (in checklist; 281.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Solenorchis Hilmy, 1949 ( 5 )
* |
1949 |
Hilmy, I.S. (n.gen.; DD; Red Sea) |
x |
1951 |
Crusz, H. (comp. w/ Indosolenorchis; 139-140.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (DD, cecum; Red Sea; 44-46, 48.) |
x |
1980 |
Blair, D. (comp. w/ Indosolenorchis; 523-524.) |
x |
* |
1980 |
Sey, O. (revision; 223-228.) |
Parasites: Solenorchis naguibmahfouzi Hilmy, 1949 ( 6 )
(Trematoda; = Solenorchis travassosi)
* |
1949 |
Hilmy, I.S. (n.sp.) |
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (DD, cecum; m503.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (DD, cecum; Red Sea; 45-46, 48.) |
x |
* |
1980 |
Sey, O. (synonymized with S. travassosi; 223-228.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (in checklist; 281.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Solenorchis travassosi Hilmy, 1949 ( 7 )
* |
1949 |
Hilmy, I.S. (n.sp.) |
x |
1951 |
Crusz, H. (m140.) |
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (DD, intestine; m503.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (DD, cecum; Red Sea; 45-46, 48.) |
x |
* |
1980 |
Sey, O. (revision & synonymy; 223-228.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (in checklist; 281.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Taprobanella bicaudata Crusz and Fernand, 1954 ( 4 )
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (n.gen.n.sp.; DD, stomach; Sri Lanka; 499, 501-503, 506-507.) |
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (revision; 26, 37-40, 42, 51-53.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (in checklist; 281.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasites: Taprobanella Crusz & Fernand, 1954 ( 3 )
x |
* |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (n.gen.; DD, stomach; Sri Lanka; 501-503.) |
x |
1977 |
Blair, D. (DD; Australia; 64.) |
x |
* |
1981a |
Blair, D. (revision; 37, 41, 44.) |
Parasites: Toxoplasma gondii ( 9 )
x |
1983 |
Buergelt & Bonde (Florida; 1294-1296.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 633.) |
2012 |
Alvarado-Esquivel et al. (TMM; in capt., Mexico) |
2012 |
Mathews, Da Silva et al. (TI; Brazil; antibodies) |
2012 |
Sulzner et al. (Belize) |
* |
2012 |
Bossart et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico; Toxoplasma gondii; gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, myocarditis) |
* |
2017 |
Wyrosdick et al. (TML, TMM; Florida, Puerto Rico) |
* |
2017 |
Wyrosdick, Gerhold et al. (TML, TMM; Florida, Puerto Rico) |
2019 |
Wong et al. (DD; Queensland, Australia) |
Parasites: Typhlophorus hagenbecki Khalil and Vogelsang, 1932 ( 2 )
(Nematoda; = Heterocheilus tunicatus)
* |
1932 |
Khalil & Vogelsang (n.sp.; TM; in capt.) |
x |
* |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (syn. of Heterocheilus tunicatus; 310-311.) |
Parasites: Zygocotyle Stunkard, 1916 ( 7 )
1950 |
Dollfus, R.P. (Djibouti) |
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (m503.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (distinct from Solenorchis; m48.) |
x |
1980 |
Blair, D. (comp. w/ Indosolenorchis; 523-524.) |
x |
* |
1980 |
Sey, O. (Z. sp. of Dollfus [1950] referred to Solenorchis travassosi; 223-228.) |
x |
1981c |
Blair, D. (in checklist; 281.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (in checklist; 634.) |
Parasitology ( 64 )
(SEE ALSO: Bacteriology; Community Ecology; Parasites)
x |
1846b |
Brandt, J.F. (HG; skin & intestinal parasites; 189-192.) |
x |
1876 |
Chapman, H.C. (TMM; large intestine; m456.) |
1878 |
Linstow, O.v. |
x |
1905 |
Townsend, C.H. (TML; in capt., New York; "flatworms" in brain & other organs; 97.) |
x |
1906b |
Dexler & Freund (DD, 69-70; HG, Trichechus, 70.) |
x |
1906c |
Dexler & Freund (DD; 569.) |
1913 |
Johnston, S.J. (DD; Queensland) |
1923 |
Baylis & Daubney (DD; India) |
1924 |
Broch, H. |
1931 |
Travassos & Vogelsang |
1932 |
Price, E.W. |
x |
1932 |
Sokoloff & Caballero (TMM; 163, 167.) |
1940 |
Nigrelli, R.F. |
x |
1941 |
Johnston & Mawson (DD; Australia; Dujardinia; 432.) |
1950 |
Dollfus, R.P. |
1950 |
Mohr, E. (HG; skin) |
x |
1951b |
Moore, J.C. (TML; Florida; algae, barnacles; 26.) |
x |
1953 |
Quiring & Harlan (TML; Florida; barnacles; 194.) |
x |
* |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (DD; 499-507.) |
x |
1956 |
Harry, R.R. (DD; algae; 26.) |
x |
1956 |
Tomkins, I.R. (TML; barnacles; 289.) |
x |
1959 |
Jones, S. (DD; in capt., India; algae; 199.) |
x |
1961 |
Jonklaas, R. (DD; algae; 3.) |
1963 |
Bertram, G.C.L. (HG; skin) |
x |
1967 |
Welsby, T. (DD; barnacles; 1: 104, 2: 234.) |
x |
1968 |
Lemire, M. (microbiological digestion; 504-514.) |
1972 |
Dailey & Brownell |
x |
1972 |
Phillips, C. (TML; in capt., Florida; use of mullet to control algae; 37.) |
x |
1976 |
Allen et al. (DD; Sulawesi; unidentified parasites; 41.) |
x |
1977 |
Petter, A.J. (radiation of Ascaridoidea in sirs.; 151, 153-155.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (HG; crustaceans, nematodes; 115.) |
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; remoras; 135-136.) |
x |
1979 |
Hartman, D.S. (TML; Florida; nematode eggs, algae, diatoms, barnacles, remoras, arthropods, etc.; 23, 62-64, 88.) |
x |
1979 |
Tas'an et al. (DD; Indonesia; laryngitis caused by flukes; 27-29.) |
x |
1981b |
Blair, D. (DD; gen. acc.; 46.) |
x |
* |
1981c |
Blair, D. (DD; techniques for helminth collection; 275-285.) |
x |
1981 |
Brownell, Anderson et al. (DD; Palau; remoras; 32-33.) |
x |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (invasion of sirs. by ascaridoids; 309, 324-325.) |
x |
1981 |
Zeiller, W. (TML; in capt., Florida; Harpacticus ectoparasites, 107-108; use of mullet & copper sulfate to control algae, 108.) |
x |
1982 |
Barnett & Johns (DD; Queensland; remoras; 522.) |
x |
1984 |
Marsh, Heinsohn & Channells (DD; ovarian parasites; 745-747, 761-762.) |
x |
1984 |
Marsh, Heinsohn & Marsh (DD; barnacles; 772.) |
x |
1986 |
Blair, D. (DD; gen. acc.; S21-S22.) |
1987 |
Geraci & St. Aubin |
x |
* |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (TML & other sirs.; summary of parasites; 628-637.) |
1992 |
Forrester, D.J. |
x |
1992 |
Ortiz et al. (TM; Cuba; copepod Harpactichechus manatorum & peritrichid protozoan; 117-119.) |
1997 |
Raga, J.A. |
x |
1997 |
Whiting, S.D. (DD; Australia; remoras; 19.) |
2006 |
Bledsoe et al. (TML; biofouling organisms) |
2008 |
Morales-V. et al. (TMM; crustacean epibiont Hexapleomera robusta) |
2009 |
Colon-Llavina et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands; parasites) |
2010 |
Gibbs et al. (TML; Blue Spring, Florida; disturbance by invasive catfish Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus) |
2012 |
Morales-Serna et al. (TMM; Mexico; parasitic copepods) |
2012 |
Oppenheimer & BenDor (TML; management of biofouling) |
* |
2012 |
Bonde, Mignucci-Giannoni, & Bossart (pathology & mortality assessment) |
x |
2015 |
Cole, B. (DD; Red Sea, Egypt; photo w/ remoras; 2-4.) |
2016 |
Violante & Suárez (TMM; copepod Metis holothuriae) |
2017 |
Borges, Lima, et al. (TI; Brazil; Cryptosporidium, Giardia) |
* |
2018 |
Frankovich et al. (TML; diatoms (Tursiocola spp.)) |
2018 |
Borges et al. (TI; diagnosis, Cryptosporidium, Giardia) |
* |
2018 |
Wyrosdick et al. (TML, TMM; internal parasites) |
2019 |
Vélez et al. (TMM; Colombia) |
2024 |
Rivera-Perez et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico; verminous bronchitis and pneumonia; nasal trematodes.) |
Pathology ( 178 )
(SEE ALSO: Bacteriology; Biochemistry; Natural Death or Injury; Parasites; Parasitology; Pollution, Effects of; Temperature, Effects of; Teratology; Virology)
x |
1876 |
Chapman, H.C. (TMM; in capt., Philadelphia; pericardial inflammation, constipation; 460-461.) |
x |
1878 |
Brown, A.E. (TMM; in capt., Philadelphia; constipation, 296; fat deposits around heart, 297.) |
1879 |
Murie, J. (TMM; wasting, peritonitis) |
x |
1880 |
Murie, J. (TMM; wasting, peritonitis; 23-24.) |
x |
1881 |
Crane, A. (?TI; in capt., Brighton; intestinal inflammation, m456; broken humerus & spinal injury, 459.) |
x |
1894 |
Miller, W.D. (TS; tooth caries; 15-18.) |
x |
1897 |
Beddard, F.E. (TI; pleurisy; 47.) |
x |
1904 |
Freund, L. (DD; metacarpus; 375, pl. 15.) |
x |
1905 |
Townsend, C.H. (TML; in capt., New York; pneumonia, parasites; 97.) |
x |
1908b |
Gudernatsch, J.F. (TML; in capt., New York; pneumonia, parasites, wounds, 227, 232; liver & kidney disease, 235.) |
x |
1919 |
Anon. (TI; in capt., New York; supposedly with "two distinct stomachs"; 46.) |
x |
1924-25 |
Vosseler, J. (TI; in capt., Hamburg; ?bloat, 131-132, 177; slow healing of wounds, 132.) |
x |
1926 |
Derscheid, J.M. (TS; acute enteritis; 25.) |
x |
1928b |
Petit, G. (TS, Halitherium schinzii; fusion of cervical vertebrae 2 & 3; 429-431.) |
1930 |
Pales, L. (HG) |
x |
* |
1930 |
Vosseler, J. (TI; in capt., Hamburg; enteritis & fungal infection; 362-364.) |
x |
1932 |
Korschelt, E. (DD, rib fractures, 450; TML, lesion on radius, 451.) |
x |
1934 |
Hatt, R.T. (Trichechus; skeletal anomalies; 540.) |
1936 |
Slijper, E.J. (HG; spondylitis deformans; 488.) |
x |
1939 |
Coates, C.W. (TI; in capt., New York; "ulcers" in back muscles; 148.) |
x |
1944 |
Pereira, M.N. (TI; Brazil; respiratory infection, skin disease; 65.) |
x |
1948 |
Bessac & Villiers (TS; boils, treated with mercurochrome & penicillin; 189.) |
x |
1954 |
Anon. (TS; in capt., Antwerp; photos of healing wounds; 78.) |
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (DD; parasites; 503-505.) |
x |
1955 |
Severin, K. (TML; pneumonia; 148.) |
x |
1956a |
Anon. (DD; wounds, pneumonia; 49.) |
x |
1956 |
Harry, R.R. (DD; wounds, pneumonia; 27.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (DD; Red Sea; nematode infestation; 43-44, pl. 3.) |
x |
1959 |
Jones, S. (DD; in capt., India; abrasions, 198; scabies from dirt, 199.) |
x |
1961 |
Jonklaas, R. (DD; wounds; 3.) |
1963 |
Bertram, G.C.L. (Trichechus; fungal infection) |
x |
1963 |
Hofmeister, Max (TMM from Guyana; in capt., Ohio; rope lacerations, loose bowels, edema; 12.) |
x |
1964a |
Bertram & Bertram (TMM; Guyana; fungal infection; 117-118.) |
x |
1964 |
Humes, A.G. (TML; in capt., Florida; infection & parasites; 517-518, 528.) |
x |
1964 |
Moore, J.C. (TML; Florida; healing of injury to tail; 7-8.) |
1965 |
Dilbone, R.P. (mycosis) |
x |
1965 |
Layne, J.N. (TML; Florida; propeller wounds, 166-167; red tide, 167.) |
x |
1965 |
Lluch B., D. (TMM; Mexico; healing of wounds; death from harpoon wound in lung; 417.) |
x |
1967a |
Jones, S. (DD; in capt., India; pneumonia, m216; blisters, infected stingray wound, inflamed testes, 219.) |
x |
1967 |
Oke, V.R. (DD; in capt., Australia; copper sulfate poisoning; 221.) |
x |
1968b |
Anon. (TI; in capt., San Francisco; wound infection; 2.) |
x |
* |
1969 |
Frye & Herald (TI, DD; wound infection & osteomyelitis; 1073-1076.) |
x |
1969 |
Herald, E.S. (TI; wound infection & osteomyelitis; m29.) |
1972 |
Bartmann, W. (TM; in capt., Duisburg, Germany; skin disease) |
x |
1972 |
Blessing et al. (TI; in capt.; 168.) |
x |
1972 |
Boorer, M.K. (TM; in capt.; clockwise swimming & possible asymmetrical muscle development; m165.) |
1973 |
Lewis & Wilson |
x |
1974 |
Bartmann, W. (TM; in capt., Germany; furuncular dermatitis; 13-16.) |
x |
1974a |
Dekker, D. (TMM from Suriname; in capt., Amsterdam; bruises, saliva in bronchi; 68.) |
x |
1974b |
Dekker, D. (TMM; Suriname; thinness; 3.) |
1974 |
Mawdesley, T.L.E. (neoplasia) |
x |
1974 |
Tabuchi et al. (TM; skin fungus; 127-134.) |
x |
1975c |
Anon. (TML; Florida; ?bloat; 5.) |
x |
1975 |
Domning & Frye (Metaxytherium jordani, Hydrodamalis n.sp.; fractures, osteomyelitis, ossifying spondylosis; ?osteitis deformans or ?osteitis fibrosa; 1-4, pls. 1-2.) |
x |
1975 |
Forrester et al. (TML; Florida; intussusception, pesticides, parasites; 566-568.) |
x |
1975 |
Pinto da Silveira, E.K. (TMM; in capt., Brazil; deaths attributed to chlorinated water; 224.) |
x |
1976 |
Allen et al. (DD; in capt., Jakarta; malnutrition, gastrointestinal pathology, 36, 38, 40-41, 46; parasites, 41.) |
x |
1976 |
Boever et al. (TI; in capt., St. Louis, Missouri; Mycobacterium infection; 927-929.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (Dusisiren jordani, 68-69; Hydrodamalis cuestae, 90-91, 123-124; HG, 100.) |
1978 |
Fowler, M.F. |
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; "sunburn" scars; 131, 133.) |
x |
1979 |
Budiarso et al. (DD; Sulawesi; parasitic nasal lesions; 568.) |
x |
1979 |
Hartman, D.S. (TML; Florida; ?bloat; 124-125.) |
1979 |
Lowry, B.H. (TML) |
x |
1979 |
Mok & Best (TI; in capt., Manaus; skin fungus; 79-82.) |
1979 |
Neal et al. (TM) |
x |
1979 |
Tas'an et al. (DD; in capt., Jakarta & Okinawa; intestinal impaction, hepatic dysfunction, gastric hemorrhage, pancreatitis, hydropericardium, laryngitis, colitis; 19, 27-29.) |
x |
1980 |
Arvy, L. (high bone density in sirs. considered pathological; 312.) |
x |
1980 |
Domning, D.P. (TI calves; in capt., Manaus; floating; 544.) |
x |
1980 |
Irvine et al. (TML; Florida; skin, lung, & lymph node lesions; 3-5.) |
x |
1980 |
Marsh, H. (DD; Australia; edematous fat & muscle; 188.) |
x |
1981a |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; capture myopathy; 645-646.) |
1981 |
Bergin, T.J. |
x |
1981 |
Best, R.C. (cutaneous infections caused by malnutrition; 21.) |
x |
1981a |
Beusse et al. (TML; Florida; septicemia, pneumonia; 98-101.) |
x |
1981b |
Beusse et al. (TML; Florida; injuries, septicemia, hematology; 111-120.) |
x |
1981 |
Campbell & Ladds (DD; Queensland; various diseases; 176-181.) |
x |
1981 |
Cardeilhac et al. (TML; Florida; pneumonia, infections; 144.) |
x |
1981 |
Elliott et al. (DD; in capt., Cairns, Australia; salmonellosis; 203-208.) |
x |
1981 |
Jenkins, R.L. (TML; in capt., St. Augustine, Florida; development of dermatitis in fresh water; 129.) |
x |
1981 |
Odell et al. (TML; effect of pneumonia on lung weights; 57.) |
x |
1981 |
Zeiller, W. (TML; in capt., Miami, Florida; intestinal impaction from eating palm fronds; ectoparasitic lesions; 107-108.) |
x |
* |
1983 |
Bonde et al. (TM; salvage & necropsy manual; i-v, 1-175.) |
x |
1983 |
Buergelt & Bonde (TML; toxoplasmic meningoencephalitis; 1294-1296.) |
x |
1983 |
Gallivan et al. (TML; risk of epidemics at warm-water refugia; 261.) |
x |
1983 |
Marsh & Anderson (DD; capture myopathy; 1-3.) |
x |
1984 |
Buergelt et al. (TML; Florida; necropsy findings; various natural & accidental causes of death; 1331-1334.) |
x |
1984 |
Buergelt, C.D. (TML; Florida; summary of necropsy findings, 1980-83; encephalitis; 28-29.) |
x |
1984 |
Marsh, Heinsohn & Channells (DD; ovarian cysts, metritis; 749, 762, 764.) |
1985 |
Lauckner, G. |
x |
1985 |
Morales et al. (TI; in capt.; systemic Mycobacterium infection, harpoon wound, skin lesions, etc.; 1230-1231.) |
1985 |
Morales et al. (TI; Mycobacterium marinum infection) |
x |
1985 |
O'Shea, Beck et al. (TML; Florida; cachexia, etc.; 4-6.) |
x |
1985 |
O'Shea, Rathbun et al. (TML; no evidence of capture myopathy; 335-349.) |
x |
1985 |
Qiu, Y.-X. (TM; in capt., Beijing; infections; 36.) |
1986 |
Medway & Geraci |
x |
1986 |
Morales, P. (TI; in capt., San Francisco; systemic Mycobacterium infection, harpoon wound, skin lesions, etc.; 43-48.) |
x |
1987b |
Anon. (TML; intestinal blockage; m225.) |
x |
1987 |
Colares & Ferreira (TI; in capt., Manaus; floating, constipation, anemia, benign intestinal polyp; 39.) |
x |
1987 |
Walsh et al. (TML; Florida; omphalitis & peritonitis; 702-704.) |
x |
1988 |
Beck & Forrester (TML; Florida; pathologies associated with parasitic infestations; 630.) |
x |
1988 |
Domning, D.P. (Metaxytherium floridanum; fractures; 415.) |
1988b |
Pilleri, G. (Metaxytherium sp.) |
x |
1990 |
Buergelt et al. (TML; thickened heart valves; 220-227.) |
x |
1990 |
Colares et al. (TI; in capt., Manaus; treatments for infections, conjunctivitis, enteritis; 44-45.) |
x |
D |
1990 |
Repenning & Packard (Paleoparadoxia [Stanford specimen]; fractures; 199-203.) |
x |
1991 |
Domning & de Buffrénil (TI, TML, floating, 359-360; pachyosteosclerosis not pathological, 335-336, 363-364.) |
x |
* |
1991 |
O'Shea et al. (TML; Florida; mortality from red tide; 165-179.) |
1992 |
Forrester, D.J. |
x |
1992 |
Simmons, N. (TML; use of flotation gear in rehabilitation; pop. acc.; 9.) |
x |
1994 |
Rosas, F.C.W. (TI; in capt., Manaus; sunburn; 55.) |
x |
1995 |
Anderson & Barclay (DD; "whistles" ?due to respiratory abnormality; 1234.) |
1995 |
Duignan et al. (TML; morbilliviruses; 441-451.) |
1997? |
Young, A. (TML; Tampa, Florida; rehabilitation from red tide; pop. acc.) |
x |
* |
1998 |
Bossart et al. (TML; brevetoxicosis; 276-282.) |
1998 |
LaBonne, D.L. |
1999 |
Walsh et al. (TM; pneumotosis intestinalis) |
1999 |
Trainer & Baden (red tide neurotoxins) |
x |
1999 |
Uchida et al. (TMM; in capt., Okinawa; 131-133.) |
1999 |
Walsh & Bossart (TML) |
x |
2000 |
Cowan, D.F. (TM; Texas; starvation & cold; 5.) |
x |
2001 |
Blaszkiewitz, B. (TMM; congenital partly-uninflated lung; 427.) |
* |
2001 |
Bossart, G.D. (manatee medicine) |
2001 |
Pimentel, T.L. (sir. medicine) |
x |
2001 |
Taylor, G. (DD; Australia; bloat; 41.) |
2002 |
Bossart, Baden, et al. (TML; brevetoxicosis) |
2002 |
Bossart, Ewing et al. (TML; viral papillomatosis) |
2002 |
Bossart, Ewing et al. (TML; viral papillomatosis; 37-48.) |
2002 |
Barrett & Rima (morbillivirus) |
2003 |
Bossart, Meisner et al. (TML; cold stress syndrome) |
2003 |
Bossart, Meisner et al. (TML; cold stress syndrome; 9-17.) |
x |
2003 |
Falcón et al. (TMM; intestinal impaction, respiratory distress, shark bite; 7-9.) |
x |
* |
2003 |
Falcón et al. (TMM; intestinal impaction, respiratory distress, shark bite; 7-9.) |
2003b |
Vergara-Parente et al. (TMM; salmonellosis; 131-136.) |
2003 |
Leistra et al. |
2003 |
Sato et al. (TML; in capt.; mycobacteriosis) |
* |
2004 |
Bossart et al. (TML) |
2005 |
Woodruff et al. (TML; papilloma virus; cutaneous lesions) |
2006 |
Bledsoe et al. (TML; biofouling organisms) |
2006 |
Harr et al. (TML; generalized inflammatory disease) |
2006 |
D'Affonseca Neto & Vergara-P. (TI, TMM; veterinary medicine) |
2006 |
Lightsey et al. (TML; watercraft-related mortality; necropsy methods) |
2007 |
Bossart, G.D. (TM; emerging diseases) |
2008 |
Moore et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico; cardiac failure) |
2010 |
Sas & Baatz (TML; Karenia brevis; brevetoxin-2) |
2010 |
Lacreta et al. (TI; radius fracture) |
2010 |
Lanyon et al. (DD; physiological response to capture for health assessment) |
2011 |
Silva et al. (TI; in capt., Brazil; skin lesions) |
2011 |
Gillespie et al. (DD; small intestinal volvulus) |
2011 |
Harr et al. (TML; infection; Pasteurella multocida; polycystic kidneys) |
2011 |
Donà et al. (TML, Florida; TMM, Belize; seroepidemiology of papillomavirus) |
2012 |
Owen et al. (DD; Queensland, Australia; postmortem findings) |
2012 |
Gerlach et al. (TML; diaphragmatic hernia, heart enlargement, cold stress lesions) |
* |
2012 |
Stamper & Bonde (TM; health assessment techniques) |
* |
2012 |
Bonde, Mignucci-Giannoni, & Bossart (pathology & mortality assessment) |
2012 |
Sulzner et al. (TMM; Belize; hematology, immunology, pathogens) |
2012 |
Bossart et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico; Toxoplasma gondii; gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, myocarditis) |
2013 |
Bonde et al. (TML; Crystal River, Florida; health assessments) |
* |
2014 |
Lazzarini et al. (TI, TMM; medical care) |
D |
2015 |
Thomas & Barnes (Neoparadoxia cecilialina; Late Mioc., California; osteochondrosis; 28-31.) |
2015 |
Mathews et al. (TI; Peru; Leptospira infection) |
2015 |
Sidrim et al. (TI, TMM; in capt.; Brazil; yeast microbiota) |
2016 |
Guerra et al. (TI; acute necrotizing colitis with pneumatosis intestinalis) |
2016 |
Sidrim et al. (TI, TM; in capt.; Candida spp. antifungal resistance & virulence) |
* |
2018 |
O'Shea, Takeuchi, Weijs, et al (Ecotoxicology of Sirenia & impacts of multiple stressors on population health.) |
2018 |
Harvey et al. (TML; serum proteins) |
* |
2018 |
Davis & Walsh (medical care of sirs.) |
2018 |
Reisfeld et al. (TI, in capt.; cutaneous mycobacteriosis) |
* |
2019 |
Martony et al. (TML; cold-stress syndrome) |
2019 |
Martony, Isaza et al. (TML; cold-stress syndrome; measurement of core body temperature) |
2019 |
Harvey et al. (TML; serum iron analytes) |
2019 |
Carvalho et al. (TM; Brazil; cerebral & cardiac congenital malformations in neonates) |
2020 |
Harvey et al. (TML; serum iron analytes) |
2021 |
Correa Neto et al. (TI; salmonellosis) |
2022 |
Cabrias-C. et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico; perinatal bilateral exophthalmia & secondary corneal ulcers) |
2022 |
Mignucci-G. et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico; genital papillomatosis) |
2024 |
Rivera-Perez et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico; verminous bronchitis and pneumonia; nasal trematodes.) |
2024 |
da Silva, V.M. et al. (TI; oral cleft.) |
Peru ( 26 )
1571 |
SEE Salinas Loyola, J. de, 1897. |
x |
1836 |
Smyth & Lowe (TI; 197, 229, 242-243.) |
x |
1853 |
Herndon, W.L. (TI; econ. use; 158, 163-164, 200.) |
x |
1875 |
Wilder, B.G. (TI; Marañon R., at Pebos; 105.) |
1897 |
Salinas Loyola, J. de (TI; R. Ucayali, 1571) |
x |
1914 |
Woodroffe, J.F. (TI; 243-244.) |
x |
1967 |
MacLaren, J.P. (TI; ?from Iquitos; m388.) |
x |
1968 |
Grimwood, I.R. (TI; status & exploitation; 418.) |
x |
1969 |
Grimwood, I.R. (TI; distr.; 61.) |
x |
1976 |
Mármol B., A.E. (TI; food plants; 31-32.) |
x |
1976 |
Neville et al. (TI; Samiria R. area; 155.) |
x |
1977 |
Van Bree & Duguy (TI; Ucayali R.; 292.) |
x |
1985 |
Muizon & De Vries (Metaxytherium calvertense; Mioc.; m560.) |
x |
* |
1985 |
Muizon & Domning (Metaxytherium calvertense, Mioc., 189-206, 209-213; indeterminate sir., Plioc., 206-210.) |
x |
1986 |
Frailey, C.D. (?Ribodon; ?Late Mioc., Acre R.; 34.) |
x |
1986 |
Timm et al. (TI; hunting; 151-152, 154-155.) |
x |
* |
1996 |
Reeves et al. (TI; distr. & status; 246-254.) |
2012 |
Perea-S. et al. (TI; in capt.; management & rehabilitation) |
x |
2013 |
Lambert & Muizon (cf. Nanosiren sp.; Late Mioc., Sacaco Basin; m719.) |
x |
2015 |
Amson et al. (supposed dugongine rib reidentified as the aquatic sloth Thalassocnus; Late Mioc., Pisco Fm.; 1-4.) |
2015 |
Mathews et al. (TI; Leptospira infection) |
2015 |
Silva, Montes & Elias (TI; Río Ucayali; conservation) |
2016 |
Antoine et al. (Trichechinae; early Mioc.) |
2016 |
Arévalo-Sandi & Castelblanco-Martínez (TI; interactions among calves in captivity) |
2017 |
Landeo et al. (TI; captivity & release; behavior) |
2024 |
White, M. (TI; rehabilitation outcomes.) |
Pezosiren Domning, 2001 ( 4 )
x |
* |
2001c |
Domning, D.P. (n.gen.; Middle Eoc., Jamaica; 625.) |
x |
2008 |
Prothero, D. (pop. acc.; 41.) |
2013 |
Domning, D.P. (reconstruction of skeleton; 201.) |
x |
2017 |
Chatterjee et al. (brief summ. of Eoc. record; m92.) |
Pezosiren portelli Domning, 2001 ( 9 )
x |
v |
2000 |
Domning, D.P. (locomotor & diving adaptations; 115-116.) |
x |
* |
2001c |
Domning, D.P. (n.gen.n.sp.; Middle Eoc., Jamaica; 625-627.) |
x |
v |
2001d |
Domning, D.P. ("Prorastomidae n.gen.n.sp."; tibia; 25.) |
x |
2001 |
Reed, C. (gen. acc; 8.) |
2004 |
D'Anastasio, R. (hyperostosis of ribs) |
2007 |
Donovan et al. (Eoc.; Jamaica) |
2010 |
Buffrénil et al. (pachyosteosclerosis) |
2012 |
Zalmout & Gingerich (hindlimb bones comp. w/ Eotheroides sandersi, Eosiren libyca, Protosiren smithae) |
2015 |
Prothero, D.R. (gen. acc.) |
Philippine Islands ( 42 )
1668 |
Alzina: SEE Higueras & Martin-Meras, 1974. |
1706 |
Camelli, G.J. |
1792 |
SEE Aragón, F., 1951. |
1869 |
Semper, K.G. |
1875 |
Leuckart, R. (DD; trematode Monostomum dujonis, n.sp.) |
1895 |
Jordana y Morera, R. |
1895 |
Elera, C. de (DD) |
x |
1906b |
Dexler & Freund (DD; parasites; 69.) |
1912 |
Hollister, N. |
1915 |
Elera, C. de (DD) |
x |
1915 |
Seale, A. (DD; Luzon; 215-217, 1 pl.) |
x |
1923a |
Petit, G. ("dugong-bone society"; 83.) |
1928 |
Dickerson et al. (DD) |
1934 |
Taylor, E.H. (DD) |
x |
1939 |
Lyman, C.P. (DD; Tagbac Bay; vestigial incisor; 229.) |
1950 |
Blair & Robertson (DD) |
x |
* |
1951 |
Aragon, F. (DD; early accounts; 265-268.) |
1970 |
Fox, R.B. (DD; at archeol. site, Palawan) |
1974 |
Higueras & Martin-Meras (DD; account of Alzina, 1668) |
x |
1977 |
Jueco, N.L. (DD; nematode Paradujardinia; 257-262.) |
x |
1978 |
Kasuya & Nishiwaki (DD; Luzon; 301-302.) |
x |
1979 |
Kamiya et al. (DD; Luzon; organ weights; 129-131.) |
x |
1980 |
Kataoka & Asano (DD from Luzon; in capt., Japan; m269.) |
x |
1981a |
Blair, D. (DD; parasitic flukes; 15.) |
x |
1981 |
Kataoka & Asano (DD from Luzon; in capt., Japan; m199.) |
x |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (DD; nematode Paradujardinia; 310.) |
1985 |
Jamir, N.C. (DD; southern Mindanao) |
1990 |
Bautista, A.P. (DD; at archeol. site, Agusan del Norte) |
1992 |
Leatherwood et al. (DD; Palawan) |
x |
* |
1994 |
Aragones, L.V. (DD; Calauit, Is., Palawan; use of seagrass beds; 709-717.) |
1994 |
Fournier, R.C. (DD; pop. acc.) |
* |
1995 |
Kataoka et al. (DD) |
1997 |
Alava & Yaptinchay (DD) |
1998 |
Eduardo et al. (DD; parasites) |
x |
1998 |
Heaney, L.R. (DD; distr. & status; 53.) |
2010 |
Aragones et al. (DD; strandings, 1998-2009) |
2012 |
Aquino et al. (DD; Red List status; 144-150.) |
2012 |
Cayaban & Harrison (DD; Palawan) |
* |
2012a |
Hines, E. (DD; distribution, status, & conservation) |
* |
2013 |
Fanti & Forti (indet. sir.; Oligo-Miocene, Palawan) |
2017 |
Mizuno et al. (DD; feeding trails) |
2024 |
Aragones, L. V., Morado, A. N. L., Obusan, M. C. M., Laggui, H. L. M., Bondoc, J. L., Suarez, L. J. A., & Lawler, E. K. (DD; strandings) |
Phoca manatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Brisson, 1762 ( 2 )
(= Trichechus manatus, in part; T. senegalensis, in part; T. inunguis, in part; Dugong dugon, in part; Hydrodamalis gigas, in part)
* |
1756 |
Brisson, M.J. (n.comb.) |
x |
1934 |
Hatt, R.T. (syn. of Trichechus senegalensis in part; 537.) |
Phycoceta Haeckel, 1866 ( 1 )
(suborder within Cetacea; = Sirenia)
Phylogeny and Affinities of the Sirenia and/or Desmostylia ( 202 )
(SEE ALSO under species)
x |
* |
1809a |
Cuvier, G. (history of opinions on sir. affinities; 274-278.) |
x |
1816 |
Blainville, H.M.D. de (sirs. classified as ungulates; "109" = 117.) |
x |
1825a |
Harlan, R. (sirs. considered cetaceans; 274-275.) |
1836 |
Blainville, H.M.D. de |
x |
1837 |
Robert, C. (Trichechus related to Deinotherium; m471.) |
x |
1838a |
Owen, R. (sirs. considered not cetaceans but closer to pachyderms; 44-45.) |
x |
1846 |
Gervais, F.L.P. (sirs. considered ungulates & related to proboscideans; 250-251.) |
x |
1849 |
Agassiz, L. (sirs. considered pachyderms; 209.) |
x |
1850 |
Kneeland, S., Jr. (sirs. considered pachyderms; 42-47.) |
x |
1864 |
Dana, J.D. (sirs. considered a separate group; 160-161, 163, 168-169, 175, 183.) |
* |
1868a |
Brandt, J.F. |
x |
1872a |
Murie, J. (sirs. intermediate between cetaceans & proboscideans; 189-191.) |
x |
* |
1873 |
Gill, T. (sirs. considered close to Cetacea; 262-273.) |
x |
1875b |
Owen, R. (sirs. considered related to ungulates; 566-567.) |
x |
* |
1875 |
Wilder, B.G. (review; sirs. considered ungulates; 107-113.) |
x |
1876 |
Chapman, H.C. (sirs. considered a separate order; 452.) |
1882 |
Lepsius, G.R. |
x |
1884 |
Flower, W.H. (sirs. considered an isolated order; 181.) |
x |
1887 |
Flot, L. (supposed descent of Recent sirs. from Olig. forms; 136-138.) |
x |
1889 |
Lefèvre, T. (supposed descent of all Recent sirs. from Belgian Olig. forms; 199-200.) |
x |
1892 |
Lydekker, R. (sirs. derived from artiodactyls; 82.) |
1895 |
Haeckel, E. |
x |
1897 |
Broom, R. (organ of Jacobson & sir. classification; m252.) |
1897 |
Sclater, P.L. (continental drift & manatees) |
x |
D |
1902a |
Osborn, H.F. (Desmostylus considered either proboscidean or sir.; 713.) |
x |
1902b |
Osborn, H.F. (Eosiren; 715.) |
x |
D |
1902 |
Yoshiwara & Iwasaki (Desmostylus considered a proboscidean; 1-13.) |
x |
1905 |
Mitchell, P.C. (intestinal tract; sirs. considered linked to hyraces & proboscideans only by primitive characters; 533.) |
x |
D |
1906 |
Merriam, J.C. (Desmostylus considered a sir.; 152.) |
x |
1910 |
Woodward, A.S. (sir. evolution; 470.) |
x |
D |
1911 |
Merriam, J.C. (Desmostylus considered a sir.; 412.) |
x |
1914 |
Depéret, C. (Felsinotherium; 1860-1862.) |
x |
1915 |
Broom, R. (organ of Jacobson & sir. classification; m162.) |
x |
D |
1915 |
Hay, O.P. (Desmostylus placed in separate family of sirs.; 384-385.) |
x |
1916a |
Matthew, W.D. (Moeritherium & proboscideans; sir. lineages; 26-27.) |
1917 |
Kaudern, W. |
1918b |
Aichel, O. |
x |
D |
1923a |
Hay, O.P. (Desmostylus placed in separate suborder of sirs.; 107-109.) |
x |
D |
1924 |
Andrews, C.W. (desmostylians considered sirs. & close to proboscideans; 304-309.) |
D |
1924 |
Kishida, K. |
D |
1924 |
Winge, H. |
D |
1927 |
Honda, A. (Desmostylus considered a monotreme) |
x |
D |
1929b |
Simpson, G.G. (Desmostylus not considered a monotreme; 12-13.) |
x |
* |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (phylogeny of sirs., 470-492; affinities of sirs., history of study, 492-496.) |
x |
D |
1932c |
Simpson, G.G. (classification of sirs., 281-282; Desmostylus, m292.) |
D |
1933 |
Kishida, K. (Desmostylus considered a multituberculate) |
x |
1935b |
Wislocki, G.B. (placentation; sirs. considered related to proboscideans & hyraces; 173-177.) |
1936 |
Kellogg, R. |
x |
D |
1939c |
Ijiri, S. (Desmostylus considered an ungulate sensu lato; 138.) |
x |
* |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (sir. classification & evolution; 149-156, pl. 6.) |
x |
1941 |
Pycraft, W.P. (Sirenia; pop. acc.; 328.) |
x |
1941a |
VanderHoof, V.L. (Metaxytherium, Hydrodamalis; 1985.) |
x |
1943 |
Heuvelmans, B. (sirs. considered related to proboscideans & hippos; 12-13.) |
x |
D |
* |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (classification of sirs. & desmostylians; 135-136, 214, 240, 251-252.) |
x |
1951 |
Reinhart, R.H. (Trichechidae; 209-211.) |
x |
1953 |
Pascual, R. (Ribodon; 168-170, 177-180.) |
D |
1954 |
Sera, G.L. |
x |
1959a |
Engel, S. (dugong lung structure considered most primitive among mammals; 102-104, 106, 111-114.) |
D |
* |
1959 |
Reinhart, R.H. (Sirenia & Desmostylia) |
x |
1965 |
Kilmer, F.H. (Halianassa allisoni; 69-70, 72.) |
x |
1968 |
Lemire, M. (digestive organs; relationships to proboscideans, 496-497, 511, 513-514; relationships of manatees & dugongs, 515-516.) |
x |
D |
1968 |
Romer, A.S. (ordinal status of Desmostylia; 201.) |
x |
* |
1970 |
Loughman et al. (chromosomes; sirs. considered distantly related to elephants; 152.) |
1971 |
Tobien, H. |
x |
1973 |
Pinto da Silveira, E.K. (subungulates derived from periptychid condylarths; 131-140.) |
D |
1974 |
Gabuniya & Vekua |
1974 |
Perry, J.S. |
* |
1975 |
McKenna, M.C. (cladistic classification of Mammalia) |
x |
D |
1976 |
Minkoff, E.A. (desmostylians considered amblypods, not paenungulates; 151-154.) |
x |
1977 |
Petter, A.J. (origin & radiation of ascaridoid nematodes in sirs.; 151, 153-155.) |
x |
1977 |
Sarich, V.M. (manatee considered related to elephant & hyrax; 100.) |
* |
1977 |
Savage, R.J.G. (cladistic analysis of Sirenia) |
x |
* |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (N. Pacific sirs.; 1-5, 11-12, 72-74, 100-101, 139-146.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (sir. phylogeny; 573-581.) |
x |
1978 |
Shoshani et al. (Paenungulata; cladistic analysis; 601.) |
x |
1979 |
Tassy, P. (Moeritherium considered closer to Proboscidea than to Sirenia; 85-88.) |
x |
1980 |
De Jong & Zweers (eye-lens proteins; TI considered close to Proboscidea & Hyracoidea; 897-902.) |
1980 |
De Jong, W.W. |
x |
1980 |
Sahni & Kumar (Ishatherium considered close to Moeritherium; 132-135.) |
x |
1980 |
West, R.M. (Anthracobune comp. w/ primitive sirs.; 520.) |
1981 |
De Jong et al. |
1981 |
Hoffstetter, R. |
1981 |
Lowenstein et al. (albumin systematics) |
1981 |
Shoshani et al. |
x |
1982 |
De Jong & Goodman (eye-lens proteins; TI considered close to Proboscidea, Hyracoidea, & Tubulidentata; 261-269, 273.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (dental formulae; sirs. & other eutherians; 59-60.) |
x |
1982 |
Novacek, M.J. (sirs. considered closest to proboscideans & hyraces; 13, 25-28, 35.) |
x |
1984 |
Marsh, Heinsohn & Channells (reproductive biology of sirs. similar to proboscideans; 764.) |
x |
1984 |
Marsh, Heinsohn & Glover (position of testicles, etc., of sirs. similar to proboscideans & hyraces; 738-740.) |
x |
1984 |
Marsh, Heinsohn & Marsh (trichechid-dugongid separation ?30 million years old; 781.) |
x |
* |
1984 |
Rainey et al. (molecular systematics of sirs.; 586-588.) |
x |
1985a |
Domning, D.P. (European Halitherium & Metaxytherium; biochronological utility; 183.) |
x |
1985 |
Lowenstein, J.M. (immunological distances; sir. & paenungulate phylogenies; 543-544.) |
x |
1985 |
Thewissen, J.G.M. (tubulidentates not considered close to sirs. or other ungulates; 278-280.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Hayek (Trichechidae; cladistic analysis; 132-136.) |
x |
D |
* |
1986 |
Domning et al. (Behemotops & other Tethytheria; 31-47.) |
1986 |
Fischer, M.S. |
1986 |
Kleinschmidt et al. (hemoglobin sequences) |
x |
1986 |
Miyamoto & Goodman (protein sequences; sirs. considered closest to Hyracoidea, Proboscidea, & Tubulidentata; 230-240.) |
D |
1986a |
Novacek & Wyss |
1986b |
Novacek & Wyss |
1986 |
Novacek, M.J. |
x |
1986 |
Shoshani et al. (immunology; TM considered close to proboscideans; 431-436.) |
x |
D |
1986 |
Shoshani, J. (cladistic analysis; Sirenia & Desmostylia considered sister groups; 222-242.) |
x |
D |
1987 |
McKenna, M.C. (tethytheres considered a natural group, possibly a Cretaceous branch of Eutheria; 61-63, 70-71, 79-82.) |
D |
1987 |
Novacek & Wyss |
x |
1987 |
Wyss et al. (sirs. considered close to Hyracoidea & Proboscidea; 104-107, 113.) |
x |
1988 |
Domning, D.P. (Metaxytherium; 417-418.) |
x |
D |
1988 |
Janis, C.M. (tethytherian phylogeny; 292-295.) |
x |
1988 |
Kleinschmidt et al. (hemoglobin; Sirenia, Proboscidea, & Hyracoidea considered to form a monophyletic clade; 509, 511.) |
1988 |
Novacek et al. |
1988 |
Tassy & Shoshani |
x |
1989c |
Domning, D.P. (Rytiodontinae; cladistic analysis; 424-426.) |
x |
1989d |
Domning, D.P. (Rytiodontinae; 435.) |
1989 |
Novacek, M.J. |
x |
1990 |
Court, N. (periotic characters in tethytheres; 170-182.) |
1990 |
Czelusniak et al. |
x |
D |
1990 |
Gingerich et al. (astragalar characters in Proboscidea & Desmostylia; 76.) |
1990 |
Novacek, M.J. |
1990 |
Fischer, M.S. (TM; ear region; affinities with elephants) |
x |
D |
* |
1991 |
Clark, J.M. (Paleoparadoxia weltoni & other desmostylians; cladistic analysis; 490-494, 502-505.) |
x |
1991 |
Court & Jaeger (periotic characters in Proboscidea & Sirenia; 559-565.) |
1991 |
Fischer, M.S. |
x |
D |
1991 |
Kumar, K. (anthracobunids comp. w/ sirs. & desmostylians; 234-238.) |
1991 |
Ohnishi, K. (sirs. related to proboscideans, hyracoids, & tubulidentates) |
x |
1992 |
McKenna, M.C. (eye-lens proteins; sirs. closest to hyracoids, tubulidentates, & proboscideans; 350, 354-355, 357.)) |
x |
D |
1992 |
Novacek, M.J. (Tethytheria a well-supported group; 59-69.) |
x |
D |
1992 |
Thewissen & Domning (Sirenia & Desmostylia included in Pantomesaxonia = sister group of phenacodontids; 494-504.) |
1993 |
Barriel et al. |
x |
1993 |
Bradley et al. (TML; cytochrome b DNA sequence; similarities to elephant; 197-202.) |
x |
D |
1993 |
Fischer & Tassy (Desmostylia considered sister-group of Sirenia + Proboscidea + Embrithopoda; 217-234.) |
x |
1993 |
Shoshani, J. (myology supports monophyly of Tethytheria and Paenungulata; 235-256.) |
1993 |
Springer & Kirsch (mtDNA sequences; paenungulate monophyly supported) |
1993 |
Springer & Kirsch |
1994 |
Court, N. |
* |
1994b |
Domning, D.P. (cladistic analysis of Sirenia) |
1994 |
Irwin & Arnason (mtDNA sequences & tethythere phylogeny) |
x |
1994 |
Johnson et al. (brain traits; 319-347.) |
x |
1996 |
Lavergne et al. (mitochondrial 12S rRNA sequences; paenungulate monophyly supported; 245-258.) |
x |
1996 |
Reynolds & Rommel (gastrointestinal tract; sirs. considered similar to proboscideans & hyracoids; 556-557.) |
x |
1997 |
Bajpai & Domning (Dugonginae; cladistic analysis; 224-226.) |
1997 |
Dermastia, M. |
x |
1997b |
Domning, D.P. (Dugonginae; cladistic analysis; 409-411.) |
1997 |
Graur et al. |
x |
1997 |
Ozawa et al. (mtDNA sequences & tethythere phylogeny; 406-413.) |
x |
1997 |
Springer et al. (DNA sequences; paenungulate monophyly supported; 61-64.) |
x |
1998 |
De Jong, W.W. (molecular evidence; paenungulate monophyly supported; 270-275.) |
x |
D |
1998 |
Kondrashov, P.E. (cranial & mandibular characters; paenungulate monophyly supported; 418-428.) |
1998 |
Shoshani & McKenna |
1998 |
Stanhope et al. |
1999 |
Amrine & Springer |
1999 |
Gaeth et al. |
1999 |
Liu & Miyamoto |
2000 |
Gregor et al. (deinotheres considered closely related to sirs.) |
D |
2000e |
Inuzuka, N. (Desmostylia used to demonstrate simple cladistic analysis) |
2001 |
Langer, P. |
2001 |
Greenwood et al.. |
2001 |
Greenwood et al. (endogenous retrovirus-like elements) |
2001 |
Langer, P. (digestive tract) |
2002 |
Malia et al. |
2002 |
Corneli, P.S. (DD; mitochondrial genome; Afrotheria not supported) |
2002 |
Malia et al. (growth hormone receptor gene) |
2003 |
Joger et al. (genetics, comp. w/ Mammuthus) |
2003 |
Nikaido et al. |
2003 |
Asher et al. (Afrotheria relationships) |
2004 |
Springer et al. |
2005 |
Nishihara et al. (Retroposon analysis of Afrotherian phylogeny) |
D |
* |
2005 |
Gheerbrant et al. (relationships of Paenungulata) |
2007 |
Pardini et al. (chromosome painting; support for Paenungulata but not Tethytheria) |
* |
2007 |
Bininda-Emonds et al. (Estimated time of origin of Sirenia.) |
D |
2007 |
Hasegawa, Y. (studies of desmostylian evolution & locomotion) |
2007 |
Tabuce et al. (Phylogeny of Afrotheria clade) |
2007 |
Kellogg et al. (TML; chromosome painting supports Afrotheria & Paenungulata) |
2007 |
Seiffert, E.R. |
2007 |
Sanchez-V. et al. (vertebral number; synapomorphy of Afrotheria) |
2008 |
Asher & Lehmann |
x |
2009 |
Meredith et al. (DD; enamelin gene not degenerate; 3.) |
2010 |
Poulakakis & Stamatakis (Afrotheria; genes & rare genomic changes) |
2010 |
Hagey et al. (bile salts support Paenungulata) |
* |
2010 |
Asher & Seiffert (Afrotherian relationships) |
2011 |
Kuntner et al. (Afrotheria; phylogeny & conservation) |
2012 |
Svartman & Stanyon (chromosomes of Afrotheria) |
* |
2012 |
Vélez-Juarbe et al. (cladistic analysis) |
* |
2013 |
O'Leary et al. (Sirenia placed in context of other placental orders; 663-664 + supplemental material.) |
* |
2013 |
Benoit et al. (cladogram of 8 fossil & Recent sir. taxa, based on endocranial morphology.) |
* |
2013 |
Benoit et al. (new primitive sir.; Eoc., Tunisia; ear region, comp. w/ Prorastomus sirenoides) |
2013a |
Diedrich, C.G. (?polyphyly of sirs.) |
D |
2014 |
Cooper et al. |
x |
2014-15 |
Winsor, M.P. (in imaginary dialogue between Strickland and Darwin on affinity; m75-76, m125, m181.) |
D |
* |
2015 |
Chiba et al. (Desmostylidae: Ounalashkastylus tomidai, n.gen.n.sp., Olig.-Mioc., Alaska; cf. Vanderhoofius sp., Middle Mioc., Hokkaido) |
D |
* |
2015 |
Beatty & Cockburn (Behemotopsidae) |
* |
2015 |
Springer et al. (molecular & morphological phylogeny) |
* |
2019 |
Plön et al. (DD, HG; mtDNA phylogeography & sir. phylogeny) |
2019 |
Sharko et al. (HG; molecular phylogeny; mitochondrial genome) |
* |
2019 |
Lima et al. (TI x TM hybridization) |
* |
2019 |
Vilaça & Santos (TML, comp. w/other Trichechus; mitochondrial genome) |
* |
2021 |
Souza et al. (Trichechidae; mitogenomes; evolutionary history) |
D |
2021 |
Avilla & Mothé (in phylogenetic analysis of Afrotheria) |
2021 |
Sharko et al. (HG; nuclear genome) |
* |
2022 |
Heritage & Seiffert (Total evidence time-scaled phylogenetic and biogeographic models for sir. evolution) |
2023 |
Tavares, Ferguson-Smith, et al. (TI karyotype; Paenungulata (Afrotheria)) |
2023 |
Tian, Zhang, et al. (Sir. genomes & evolution within Afrotheria.) |
Physiology: SEE Biochemistry; Endocrinology; Respiration and Diving; Thermoregulation; and under organ systems ( 2 )
* |
2020 |
Maduro et al. (TI, in capt.; fed with mothers' milk; metabolism) |
2023 |
Smith, Bonde, et al. (TML; biomarker of renal insufficiency.) |
Phytophaga "F. Cuvier" [Todd], 1836 ( 2 )
(tribe; = Sirenia)
* |
1835-36 |
Cuvier, F. (new tribe [= Sirenia], presumably authored by editor Robert B. Todd and not Cuvier) |
1998 |
Rice, D.W. (m127.) |
Platystomus dugong (Gmelin, 1788) Fischer von Waldheim, 1803 ( 1 )
(= Dugong dugon)
* |
1803 |
Fischer v. Waldheim, G. (n.comb.) |
Platystomus Fischer von Waldheim, 1803 (non Platystoma Meigen, 1803 [Insecta]) ( 3 )
(= Dugong)
* |
1803 |
Fischer v. Waldheim, G. (n.gen.) |
x |
1872a |
Gill, T. (syn. of Halicore; m92.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Dugong; m578.) |
Pleistocene ( 52 )
x |
1833 |
Shepard, C.U. (Trichechus; ?Pleist., Florida; 164.) |
x |
1846 |
Allen, J.H. (Manatus; ?Pleist., Florida; 41.) |
x |
1868 |
Cope, E.D. (Manatus; "postpliocene", Maryland; m138.) |
x |
1884 |
De Vis, C.W. (Chronozoon Australe, n.gen.n.sp.; ?Plio-Pleist., Queensland; 395.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (HG; Bering Is.; 457-458.) |
x |
1897 |
Etheridge et al. (DD; ?Pleist., Sydney, Australia; 170-174, 178-180, pls. 8-11.) |
x |
1916 |
Sellards, E.H. (TM; Florida; 104.) |
x |
1919 |
Hay, O.P. ("Trichechus antiquus?"; Florida; 109.) |
x |
D |
1927 |
Pfizenmayer, E.W. (Desmostylus Wollosowitschi, n.sp.; ?Pleist., New Siberian Islands; 492-496.) |
x |
1929a |
Simpson, G.G. (Trichechus; Florida; 564.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (Trichechus; Florida; 419-424, 470.) |
x |
1939 |
Gut, H.J. (Trichechus; Florida; 50-53.) |
x |
1956 |
Paula Couto, C. de (Trichechus sp.; ?Pleist., Acre, Brazil; 5, 79, 95, 107.) |
x |
1960 |
Funderburg, J.B. (Trichechus; North Carolina; 521.) |
x |
1965 |
Long, A. (HG; Monterey Bay, California; carbon-14 date; 254.) |
x |
1967 |
Jones, R.E. (HG; Monterey Bay, California; carbon-14 date; 143.) |
x |
1967a |
Paula Couto, C. de (sirs.; ?Pleist., Acre, Brazil; m22, m26.) |
x |
1971 |
Gard & Szabo (HG; Amchitka Is., Alaska; 577.) |
x |
1972 |
Gard et al. (HG; Amchitka Is., Alaska; 867-868.) |
x |
1974 |
Addicott & Greene (HG; Monterey Bay, California; zoogeographic significance; 251-252.) |
x |
1974 |
Webb, S.D. (TM; Florida; 18.) |
x |
* |
1975 |
Szabo & Gard (HG; Amchitka Is., Alaska; uranium-series dates; 457-459.) |
x |
1976 |
Webb, S.D. (Trichechus; Florida; 221, 223, 226.) |
x |
* |
1977 |
Whitmore & Gard (HG; Amchitka Is., Alaska; 1-8, 18.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (HG; N. Pacific; 102-106, 161-162.) |
x |
1980 |
Kurtén & Anderson (HG, TM; North America; 340-342.) |
1980 |
Roth & Laerm (South Carolina) |
x |
1981 |
Simpson & Paula Couto (Trichechus; Acre, Brazil; 48-49, 69.) |
x |
1982b |
Domning, D.P. (Trichechus sp.; Brazil, 603-604; Florida, 604-605; Louisiana, 605.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (TM; Waccasassa R., Florida; m18.) |
x |
1982 |
Molnar, R.E. (Halicore brevirostre; ?Pleist., Papua New Guinea; 676, 679.) |
x |
1983 |
Kimura et al. (Hydrodamalis sp.; Hokkaido, Japan; 162-177, pls. 1-4.) |
x |
1983 |
Wilkins, K.T. (TM; Florida; 70, 76-77, 79.) |
1984 |
Anderson, E. |
x |
1984b |
Domning, D.P. (Trichechus; Maryland; 5.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Hayek (Trichechus; South Carolina; m136.) |
x |
1988 |
Boekschoten & Best (Trichechus; dispersal to Africa; 110-111.) |
x |
1989 |
Gallagher et al. (Trichechus sp.; New Jersey; 107-108.) |
x |
1989 |
Hulbert & Morgan (TM; Early Pleist., Florida; 11.) |
x |
1992 |
Jefferson et al. (Hydrodamalis sp.; Late Pleist., California; 29.) |
1992 |
Pirika Sirenia Research Group (Hydrodamalis sp.; Pleist., Hokkaido) |
x |
1992 |
Whybrow, P. (indeterminate sir.; ?Pleist., Abu Dhabi; 20.) |
1994 |
Furusawa & Kohno (HG; Middle Pleist., Japan) |
1995 |
Furusawa & Kimura (Hydrodamalis sp.; Early Pleist., Hokkaido) |
1999 |
Nojo et al. (Hydrodamalis ?gigas; Hokkaido, Japan) |
x |
2004 |
Williams & Domning (TM; ?Pleist., Arkansas, Ohio; 167-176.) |
* |
2005 |
Domning, D.P. (Trichechus manatus bakerorum, n.subsp.) |
2007 |
Kohno et al. (Hydrodamalis sp.; Lower Pleist.; Tokyo, Japan) |
2018 |
Domning, D.P. (TM; Calvert Cliffs, Maryland; 242, 260.) |
* |
2020 |
Perini et al. (Trichechus hesperamazonicus, n.sp.; Brazil) |
* |
2020 |
Bell et al. (TM & TM bakerorum; Texas) |
2022 |
Pyenson et al. (cf. DD; Qatar) |
Pliocene ( 51 )
x |
1838 |
Serres, M. de (Manatus, Halicore medius; Montpellier, France; 285-286.) |
x |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (Halitherium serresii; France; 209-211, 221.) |
x |
1877 |
Lawley, R. (Felsinotherium Forestii; Italy; 341-342.) |
x |
1883 |
Ameghino, F. (Ribodon limbato, n.gen.n.sp.; Argentina; 112-113.) |
x |
1884 |
De Vis, C.W. (Chronozoon Australe, n.gen.n.sp.; ?Plio-Pleist., Queensland; 395.) |
x |
1886 |
Portis, E. (Felsinotherium subappeninum, F. Gastaldii; Italy; 356-360.) |
x |
D |
1888 |
Marsh, O.C. (Desmostylus hesperus, n.gen.n.sp.; [actually Mioc.] California; 94-96.) |
x |
1912 |
Issel, A. (Felsinotherium subapenninum; Italy; 119.) |
x |
1914 |
Depéret, C. (Felsinotherium Serresi; Montpellier, France; 1858-1862.) |
x |
1922a |
Hay, O.P. (Metaxytherium floridanum, n.sp.; ?Plioc. [actually Mioc.], Florida; 3.) |
x |
1923a |
Allen, G.M. (Metaxytherium floridanum; ?Plioc. [actually Mioc.], Florida; 231-238.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (Felsinotherium ossivallense; [actually Mioc.] Florida; 445-446, 469, 499.) |
x |
1953 |
Pascual, R. (Ribodon; Mioc.-Plioc., Argentina; 163-167.) |
x |
1954 |
Ennouchi, E. (Felsinotherium cf. serresi; Morocco; 77.) |
x |
1970 |
Shikama & Domning (Hydrodamalis sp.; Late Plioc., Honshu, Japan; 390-396.) |
x |
1971a |
Domning, D.P. (sirs. & stratigraphic correlation; western North America; 110-111.) |
x |
1971b |
Domning, D.P. (hydrodamaline evolution; 217-220.) |
x |
1973 |
Tekkaya, I. ("Halitherium (Metaxytherium) sp."; Upper Mioc. or Lower Plioc., Turkey; m118.) |
x |
1974 |
Fondi & Pacini (Metaxytherium forestii; Italy; 37, 47.) |
1974 |
James & Slaughter (indeterminate sir.; Egypt) |
x |
* |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (Dusisiren sp., Hydrodamalis cuestae, n.gen.n.sp.; N. Pacific; 102-107, 157-161.) |
x |
1979 |
Boaz et al. (Metaxytherium; Libya; 137-139.) |
x |
1982 |
Azzaroli et al. (Felsinotherium gervaisi; Italy; 56, 58.) |
x |
1982 |
Boaz & Cramer (Metaxytherium; Sahabi, Libya; pop. acc.; 37, 40-41.) |
x |
1982b |
Domning, D.P. (Ribodon, North Carolina; Trichechus, Florida; 604.) |
x |
1982c |
Domning, D.P. (Metaxytherium serresii; Sahabi, Libya; 29-32.) |
x |
1984 |
Domning & Deméré (Hydrodamalis cuestae; California; 169-188.) |
x |
1985 |
Muizon & Domning (indeterminate sir.; Peru; 206-207, 210.) |
x |
1987 |
Canocchi, D. (Metaxytherium gervaisi; Early Plioc., Italy; 497-513.) |
x |
* |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (Metaxytherium forestii, Italy, 208, 220-221; M. serresii, Libya & France, 209-230.) |
x |
1989d |
Domning, D.P. (Xenosiren yucateca, n.gen.n.sp.; ?Plioc., Mexico; 430.) |
x |
1990b |
Domning, D.P. (Corystosiren varguezi, n.gen.n.sp.; Mexico, Florida; 362.) |
x |
1992 |
Pledge, N. (?Dugong; Early Plioc., South Australia; 6.) |
x |
1993 |
Deméré, T.A. (indet. sir.; Late Mioc.-Early Plioc., California; 84.) |
1995 |
Furusawa & Kimura (Hydrodamalis spissa; Early Plioc., Hokkaido) |
x |
1996 |
Morgan & Portell (indeterminate sirs.; Brevard County, Florida; ?Late Plioc.; m11.) |
1998 |
Nagasawa & Kobayashi (Hydrodamalis sp.; Yamagata Prefecture, Japan) |
1998 |
Sendra et al. (Almería, Spain) |
x |
1998 |
Estevens, M. (Portugal; geographic & stratigraphic distr.; A161-A164.) |
1999 |
Sendra et al. (Metaxytherium serresii; Spain) |
2001 |
Bianucci et al. (Val di Pugna, Italy) |
x |
2004 |
Missimer & Tobias. (cf. Dugongidae; Late Plioc., Florida; m62.) |
x |
* |
2006 |
Pledge, N.S. ("Dugonginae incertae sedis"; Early Plioc., South Australia; 295-305.) |
2007 |
Sorbi & Vaiani (Metaxytherium cf. subapenninum; Early Plioc.; Italy) |
* |
2008a |
Domning & Aguilera (Nanosiren garciae, n.gen.n.sp., Early Plioc., Florida) |
2008 |
Myoken Research Group (Hydrodamalis sp.; Late Plioc.; Nagaoka, Japan) |
* |
2012 |
Sorbi et al. (Metaxytherium subapenninum; Italy & Spain) |
2012 |
Tinelli et al. (Metaxytherium subapenninum; Italy; ground-penetrating radar) |
x |
2018 |
Dominici et al. (Metaxytherium subapenninum, Italy, taphonomy, 7-8, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24.) |
x |
2019 |
Bianucci et al. (Metaxytherium subapenninum; lower Pliocene, Italy; 2, 6-8.) |
2024 |
Nagasawa et al. (Hydrodamalis, Japan) |
Pollution, Effects of ( 85 )
(SEE ALSO: Temperature, Effects of)
x |
1972a |
Hartman, D.S. (TML; Florida; industrial & pesticide pollution, dredging; 21.) |
x |
1974a |
Hartman, D.S. (TML; Florida; 218-220.) |
x |
1974 |
Mondolfi, E. (TMM; Venezuela; possible harmful effects; m17.) |
x |
1975 |
Forrester et al. (TML; Florida; pesticide residues; 567-568.) |
x |
1976 |
Gallagher, M.D. (DD; Bahrain; possible deaths from oil pollution, seismic surveys, etc.; 211.) |
x |
1976 |
Heinsohn & Wake (DD; Australia; sandmining; 15-18.) |
x |
1977 |
Heinsohn et al. (Australia; seagrass beds; 244-245.) |
x |
1977 |
O'Keefe, M.T. (TML; Crystal R., Florida; pop. acc.; pollution considered beneficial; 67.) |
x |
1979 |
Hartman, D.S. (TML; Florida; arsenic in tissues, 124; ?bloat, 124-125.) |
x |
1979 |
Miyazaki et al. (DD; Sulawesi; metals & organochlorines in tissues; 125-128.) |
x |
* |
1980 |
Denton et al. (DD; Queensland; heavy metal content of tissues; 201-219.) |
x |
1981 |
Denton & Breck (DD; Queensland; mercury in tissues; 119-120.) |
x |
1981a |
Denton, G.R.W. (DD; Queensland; diet & heavy metal status; 169-174.) |
x |
1981b |
Denton, G.R.W. (DD; tissue sampling procedures; 239.) |
x |
1983a |
Anon. (DD; Persian Gulf; oil spill; 180.) |
x |
1983 |
Begley et al. (DD; Persian Gulf; Nowruz oil spill; 79.) |
x |
1983 |
Buergelt & Bonde (TML; Florida; toxoplasmic meningoencephalitis, possibly from sewer water; 1295.) |
x |
1983b |
Gluckman, D. (Florida; laws relevant to water quality; 253-273.) |
x |
1983 |
O'Shea, T.J. (potential hazards of 3 aquatic herbicides; 159-173.) |
x |
1983 |
Tiedemann, J.A. (TML; Turkey Creek, Florida; pesticide 2,4-D; 7.) |
x |
* |
1984 |
O'Shea et al. (TML; Florida; contaminant concentrations; 741-748.) |
x |
1986c |
Anon. (DD; Persian Gulf; not exterminated by oil spill; 25.) |
x |
1986 |
Colmenero-R. & Hoz-Z. (TM; Mexico; water pollution; 970, 973.) |
x |
1988 |
Carowan, G. (TML; Florida; ?chemical burns; m5.) |
1989 |
Lee & Socci (TML; North Carolina; potential oil spills) |
x |
1989a |
Marsh, H. (DD; Australia; heavy metals in tissues; 82.) |
x |
* |
1989 |
Preen et al. (DD; Arabian region; recommendations regarding oil pollution; 1-13, 17-19, 25-27.) |
x |
* |
1989a |
Preen, A. (DD; Arabian region; oil, 6, 51, 53, 69, 83, 90, 119, 122-125; other pollutants, 125-126.) |
* |
1990 |
St. Aubin & Lounsbury (TM; risks from oil) |
x |
1991 |
Beck & Barros (TML; Florida; impact of debris; 508-510.) |
1991a |
Kamiya, T. (DD; effects of Persian Gulf war) |
x |
1991 |
O'Shea et al. (TML; southwestern Florida; heavy metals in tissues; 171-172.) |
1994 |
Dight & Gladstone (DD; Torres Strait) |
x |
1994 |
Kemper et al. (DD; Australia; heavy metals, organochlorines; 129-139.) |
x |
1994 |
Rosas, F.C.W. (TI, Brazil; risk from mercury pollution; 56.) |
x |
1995 |
Reynolds et al. (TMM, Costa Rica; pesticides, plastic bags, noise; 194.) |
1995 |
Richardson et al. (noise) |
x |
* |
1996 |
Ames & Van Vleet (TML, Florida; organochlorine residues; 374-377.) |
x |
1996 |
Trocine & Trefry (Indian River Lagoon, Florida; metal concentrations; 754-759.) |
x |
1997 |
Edmonds et al. (DD; Western Australia; elemental composition of tusk; 203-214.) |
1998 |
Muller et al. (Great Barrier Reef, Australia) |
1998 |
Noreno-B. et al. (Chetumal Bay, Mexico) |
1999 |
Haynes et al. (DD; Australia) |
x |
1999 |
Smethurst & Nietschmann (TMM; Costa Rica; sedimentation, pesticides, gasoline, noise; 271-272.) |
1999 |
O'Shea, T.J. |
2000 |
Morgan et al. (DD; Australia; Cryptosporidium parvum from sewage) |
2001 |
McLachlan et al. (DD; Australia; PCDDs) |
2001 |
Gaus et al. (PCDDs) |
2001 |
Kubota et al. (arsenic in liver tissue) |
2001 |
Gaus et al. (PCDDs) |
2001 |
Kubota et al. (arsenic, in liver) |
2001 |
McLachlan et al. (DD; Great Barrier Reef, Australia; PCDDs; 129-134.) |
2001 |
O'Shea & Aguilar (toxicology) |
2001 |
Vetter et al. (northeastern Australia; organohalogens) |
2002 |
Kubota et al. (arsenic) |
2002 |
Schaffelke et al. (DD; Great Barrier Reef, Australia; water quality) |
2002 |
Senthil-Kumar et al. (DD; Thailand; dioxins/furans & PCBs) |
* |
2003 |
O'Shea, T.J. (toxicology) |
2003 |
Garcia-Rios & Gold-Bouchot (Bahia de Chetumal, Mexico; trace metals) |
2003 |
Kumar et al. (DD; Thailand; dioxins/furans & PCBs) |
2007 |
Harino et al. (DD; Thailand; organotin compounds) |
2008 |
Hermanussen et al. (DD; Queensland, Australia; PBDEs) |
2008 |
Stavros et al. (TML; trace elements in blood & skin) |
2008 |
Takahashi et al. (DD; Moreton Bay, Australia; okadaic acid) |
2009 |
Silva, A. B., & Marmontel, M. (TI; Brazil; death from ingestion of plastic.) |
2010 |
Bouchon et al. (Guadeloupe; metallic trace elements and organic molecules in seagrass beds.) |
2010 |
Wetzel et al. (TML; fatty acid biomarkers for brevetoxin exposure) |
2011 |
Gaul et al. (DD; Queensland, Australia; organobromine compounds) |
* |
2011 |
Campagna et al. (TM; Gulf of Mexico; oil spill) |
2011 |
Auil Gomez, N. E. (TMM; Belize) |
2012 |
Guterres-Pazin et al. (TI; ingestion of invertebrates, seeds, and plastic) |
2012 |
Reynolds & Marshall (physical traits, life history, & vulnerability of sirs.) |
* |
2012 |
Wetzel et al. (Organic contaminants) |
2013 |
Capper et al. (TML; Florida; algal bloom toxins) |
2014 |
Mojica-F. et al. (TM; Santander, Colombia; water quality of preferred sites) |
2016 |
Romero-Calderon et al. (TMM; Mexico; metals in bone tissue) |
2016 |
Takeuchi et al. (TM; Florida, Belize; trace metals) |
2016 |
Bouchon et al. (Guadeloupe; metallic trace elements & organic molecules in seagrass beds.) |
2017 |
Woolridge, S. (DD; Great Barrier Reef, Australia; mortality of seagrass & dugongs caused by fine sediment) |
2017 |
Owen et al. (marine debris & fisheries) |
* |
2019 |
Palmer et al. (TM; Florida, Puerto Rico; PFAS in plasma) |
* |
2021 |
De María et al. (TML; Florida; glyphosate) |
2024 |
Lemos, L.S. et al. (TM; Brazil; oil spill pollution; metal and metalloid maternal transfer in a newborn.) |
2024 |
De Maria, M., Garcia, et al. (Glyphosate; effects on manatee lymphocytes.) |
2024 |
De Oliveira, M. H., Verissimo, et al. (TMM; Brazil; plastic pollution on beaches.) |
Pontotherium Kaup, 1840 ( 5 )
(= Metaxytherium)
x |
* |
1840 |
Kaup, J.J. (proposed as replacement name for Cheirotherium Bruno; 676.) |
x |
1872a |
Gill, T. (in classification; 92.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (m481.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Metaxytherium; m577.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (syn. of Metaxytherium; 208-209.) |
Population Biology ( 96 )
(SEE ALSO: Aerial Surveys of Distribution; Age Determination; Birth and Breeding)
x |
1974b |
Dekker, D. (TMM; Suriname; 14:1 sex ratio among 15 animals caught; 3.) |
x |
1978 |
Heinsohn et al. (DD; Australia; proportion of calves in local population; 91.) |
x |
1978 |
Irvine & Campbell (TML; Florida; proportion of young calves in population; 615-616.) |
x |
1979 |
Hartman, D.S. (TML; Crystal R., Florida; population size, composition, & reproduction, 15-17, 26; population dynamics, 120-125.) |
x |
1980 |
Lal Mohan, R.S. (DD; India; sex ratio; 392-397.) |
x |
1981 |
Brownell, Ralls & Reeves (TML; Florida; review & research needs; 3-5.) |
x |
1981b |
Reynolds, J.E., III (TML; Blue Lagoon, Miami, Florida; 435-436, 441-442.) |
x |
1982 |
Eberhardt, L.L. (TML; Florida; censusing methods; 1-18.) |
x |
1983a |
Kinnaird, M.F. (TML; northeastern Florida; proportion of calves in population & population size; 9, 11, 25, 27, 44-46, 49-50.) |
x |
1983c |
Kinnaird, M.F. (TML; Florida; effect of boat kills; 33-35.) |
x |
1983 |
Packard & Nichols (TML; Florida; sample sizes required for mark-recovery studies; 1-14.) |
x |
* |
1984 |
Marsh, Heinsohn & Marsh (DD; Australia; 767-788.) |
x |
* |
1984 |
Packard, Frohlich et al. (TML; Florida; factors influencing indices of abundance; 1-63.) |
x |
* |
1985b |
Packard, J.M. (TML; population model; 1-19.) |
x |
* |
1986a |
Marsh, H. (DD; Torres Strait; population model; 64-73.) |
x |
* |
1986 |
Packard et al. (TML; Florida; use of replicate counts to improve indices of trends in abundance; 265-275.) |
x |
* |
1988a |
O'Shea, T.J. (review of population estimates & methods; 184-186, 188-191.) |
x |
1989 |
Bayliss & Freeland (DD; Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia; hunting & sustainable yield; 146-147.) |
x |
1989a |
Preen, A. (DD; Arabian region; estimated sustainable mortality; 129-130, 134.) |
x |
1991 |
Lefebvre & Kochman (TML; Florida; evaluation of replicate count methodology; 298-309.) |
x |
1991 |
Marsh & Saalfeld (DD; Torres Strait; sustainability of catch, 191-192.) |
* |
1992 |
O'Shea et al. (TML; Florida; interim report of workshop) |
x |
1993 |
Savinetsky, A.B. (HG; Bering Is.; 403-405.) |
x |
1994 |
Garrott et al. (TML; Florida; trends at aggregation sites; 642-654.) |
x |
1994 |
Reynolds & Wilcox (TML; Florida; declining proportion of calves; 169-171, 173-175.) |
1995 |
Eberhardt & O'Shea (TML; Florida) |
1995 |
Garrott et al. (TML; Florida; trends at aggregation sites; 34-55.) |
1995b |
Marsh, H. (DD; life history & breeding pattern; 75-83.) |
1995 |
O'Shea & Ackerman (TML; Florida; overview; 280-287.) |
x |
1995 |
O'Shea & Langtimm (TML; Florida; adult survival; 194-222.) |
* |
1995 |
O'Shea et al. (TML; Florida; workshop report with 18 papers; vi + 289.) |
x |
1995 |
Preen & Marsh (DD; Queensland; projected population recovery after seagrass die-off; 518.) |
1995 |
Reynolds, J.E., III (TML; Florida) |
1996 |
Miller et al. (TML; Florida; aerial survey & aerophotogrammetry) |
x |
1997 |
Craig et al. (TML; Atlantic coast, Florida; population trends, 1982-92; 524-541.) |
x |
* |
1997 |
Marmontel et al. (TML; Florida; population viability analysis, 1976-91; 467-481.) |
x |
1997 |
Marsh, H. (DD; Australia; gen. acc.; 50-57.) |
x |
1998 |
Langtimm et al. (TML; Florida; adult survival probabilities; 981-997.) |
x |
1999 |
Eberhardt et al. (TML; Florida; use of population trend indices; 766-767, 770-774, 781-783.) |
1999 |
Bowen & Siniff |
2000 |
Flamm et al. (TML; Florida; life-stage structure) |
2001 |
Jackson et al. (DD, HG; overfishing) |
x |
* |
2001 |
O'Shea et al. (TML; Florida; primer on concepts & uncertainties; 36-41.) |
2001 |
Marsh et al. (DD; Queensland; mortality in shark nets) |
2003 |
Kendall et al. (multistate capture-recapture models) |
* |
2004 |
Kendall et al. (TML; Florida; estimating reproductive rates) |
2004 |
Langtimm et al. (TML; Florida; survival estimates from photo-identification) |
2004 |
Runge et al. (TML; Florida; stage-structured population model) |
2004 |
Craig & Reynolds (TML; Atlantic coast of Florida; model of population trends) |
2004 |
Goodman, D. (TML; population modeling methods) |
2004 |
Marsh et al. (DD; Torres Strait, Australia; fishery unsustainable) |
* |
2004 |
Heinsohn, R., et al. (DD; Torres Strait & Cape York, Australia; population viability analyses) |
2005 |
Marsh et al. (DD; population estimates) |
2005 |
Cantanhede et al. (TI; phylogeography & population genetics) |
2005 |
Turvey & Risley (HG; modelling of extinction) |
2007 |
Grech & Marsh (DD; Australia; conservation; population model) |
2007a |
Runge et al. (TML; core stochastic population projection model) |
2007b |
Runge et al. (TML; quantitative threats analysis) |
* |
2008 |
McNiven & Bedingfield (DD; Torres Strait; archaeological sites; hunting rates) |
2009 |
Schwarz & Runge (TM; estimation of age; body length; Bayesian analysis) |
2010 |
Lanyon et al. (DD; Queensland, Australia; molecular characterization of populations; skin sampling) |
* |
2010 |
Hunter, Auil et al. (TMM; Belize; genetic diversity) |
2011 |
Martin et al. (TML; estimating abundance with a Bayesian approach) |
2011 |
Langtimm et al. (model to estimate manatee abundance) |
* |
2011 |
Nourisson et al. (TMM; Mexico; genetic diversity) |
2012 |
Bonde et al. (TM; genetics; conservation) |
2012 |
Satizabal et al. (TI, TMM; South America; phylogeography) |
2012 |
Rosa de Oliveira et al. (South America; conservation, genetics, phylogeography) |
2012 |
LaCommare et al. (TMM; Belize; population monitoring) |
2012 |
Parr et al. (Sir. genetics & demography; population structure) |
2012 |
Castelblanco-M., Nourisson, et al. (TMM; population viability) |
2012 |
Tucker et al. (TML; Florida; low genetic diversity; population structure; conservation) |
* |
2012b |
Aragones et al. (boat- & land-based surveys of distribution) |
2013 |
Meager, Limpus, & Sumpton. (DD; southern Queensland, Australia; population dynamics, 1830-2012.) |
2013 |
D'Souza et al. (DD; Andaman and Nicobar Archipelago; occupancy trends) |
2014 |
Blair et al. (DD; Australia; Pleist. sea level & phylogeography) |
* |
2016 |
Barros et al. (Trichechus spp.; cranial & chromosomal geographic variation) |
2017 |
Guzman, H.M, & Condit, R. (TMM; Panama; abundance estimated from from side-scan sonar.) |
* |
2017 |
Runge et al. (TML; status & threats analysis) |
2017 |
Puc-Carrasco et al. (TMM; Mexico; San Pedro River system; population estimate) |
2018 |
Hostetler et al. (TML; Florida; statewide abundance estimate) |
* |
2018 |
O'Shea, Takeuchi, Weijs, et al (Ecotoxicology of Sirenia & impacts of multiple stressors on population health.) |
2019 |
Collazo et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico; aerial surveys & population estimates) |
* |
2021 |
Souza et al. (TI; Central Amazon, Brazil; estimating occupancy and detection probability) |
2021 |
Ruano et al. (TI; Ecuador; population estimates) |
* |
2021 |
Sharko et al. (HG; nuclear genome; pre-human impact) |
* |
2021 |
Luna et al. (TMM, TI; Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela; genetics) |
* |
2022 |
Le Duc et al. (HG; genetics, integument) |
2022 |
Lin et al. (DD; considered functionally extinct in China) |
2023 |
Perez-Garduza et al. (TMM; southeastern Mexico; density & abundance estimate) |
* |
2023 |
Wang, Z. et al. (TML; Florida; counting with Artificial Intelligence.) |
2024 |
Pluckhahn & Thulman (TML, Florida, Conservation) |
2024 |
Patel, S., Wong, J., Tapales, K., & Al-Maslamani, I. (DD; Qatar; twin birth) |
2024 |
Reis et al. (TMM; Maranhao, Brazil; survey of Cururupu reserve.) |
2024 |
Schneider et al. (Acoustic estimation of the manatee population.) |
2024 |
Furness et al. (DD; Indo-Pacific; population structure.) |
Portugal ( 12 )
x |
1944 |
Zbyszewski, G. (Metaxytherium petersi; Mioc., Lisbon; 69-70.) |
1949 |
Zbyszewski, G. (Mioc., Lisbon) |
1954 |
Zbyszewski, G. (Mioc., Lisbon) |
x |
1959 |
Telles-Antunes, M.C.F. (Halitherium sp.; Mioc., Lisbon; 129-137.) |
1979 |
Telles-Antunes, M.C.F. (Metaxytherium medium) |
1984 |
Telles-Antunes, M.C.F. (Mioc.) |
x |
* |
1998 |
Estevens, M. (Mioc.-Plioc.; geographic & stratigraphic distr.; A161-A164.) |
x |
* |
2000 |
Estevens, M. (Mioc.; geographic & stratigraphic distr.; 323-334.) |
2003a |
Estevens, M. (Portugal; Mioc.) |
2003b |
Estevens, M. (Mioc.) |
2006 |
Estevens, M. |
* |
2023 |
Prista et al. (Miocene sir. records) |
Potamosiren magdalenensis Reinhart, 1951 ( 9 )
x |
* |
1951 |
Reinhart, R.H. (n.gen.n.sp.; Mioc., Colombia; 203-207.) |
x |
1953 |
Pascual, R. (comp. w/ Ribodon; 178-179.) |
x |
1953 |
Stirton, R.A. (in faunal list; 614.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (m66, m92.) |
x |
1967b |
Paula Couto, C. de (comp. w/ Sirenotherium; 345-346, 350, 355-356.) |
x |
* |
1982b |
Domning, D.P. (phyletic position; 600-603, 606-607, 609, 611-613, 616.) |
x |
1986 |
Frailey, C.D. (comp. w/ ?Ribodon; 34.) |
x |
1996 |
Cozzuol, M.A. (m328.) |
x |
* |
1997a |
Domning, D.P. (revision & new material; 383-391.) |
Potamosiren Reinhart, 1951 ( 10 )
x |
* |
1951 |
Reinhart, R.H. (n.gen.; Mioc., Colombia; 203-211.) |
x |
1974 |
Savage, J.M. (significance for manatee zoogeography; 20, 26.) |
1977 |
Ferrusquia-Villafranca, I. |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (in phylogeny; 579.) |
x |
* |
1982b |
Domning, D.P. (Potamosiren sp.; Mioc., Colombia; 601-602, 606.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (m378-379.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Hayek (in cladistic analysis of trichechids; 132-133.) |
2004 |
Linares, O.J. (Middle Mioc.; Urumaco, Venezuela) |
x |
2011 |
Gomes R. et al. (tooth replacement; m4.) |
2021 |
Souza et al. (evolutionary history) |
Predators: SEE Natural Enemies ( 0 )
Priscosiren atlantica Vélez-Juarbe & Domning, 2014 ( 1 )
* |
2014b |
Vélez-Juarbe & Domning (n.gen.n.sp.; Early Olig., Puerto Rico & South Carolina) |
Priscosiren Vélez-Juarbe & Domning, 2014 ( 1 )
* |
2014b |
Vélez-Juarbe & Domning (n.gen.; Early Olig., Puerto Rico & South Carolina) |
Prohalicore dubaleni Flot, 1887 ( 2 )
x |
* |
1887 |
Flot, L. (n.gen.n.sp.; Mioc., France; 11, 134-135, pl. 1.) |
x |
1943 |
Kaltenmark, J. (m23.) |
Prohalicore Flot, 1887 ( 4 )
x |
* |
1887 |
Flot, L. (n.gen.; Mioc., France; 11, 134-135, 137-138, pl. 1.) |
x |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker (m223.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (comp. w/ other sirs.; 473, 481, 499.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 154-155.) |
Prorastoma Lydekker, 1892 ( 3 )
(= Prorastomus)
x |
* |
1892 |
Lydekker, R. (unjustified emendation of Prorastomus Owen; 83.) |
x |
1942 |
Heuvelmans, B. (dentition; 1-5.) |
x |
1943 |
Heuvelmans, B. (dentition; 6, 8-11.) |
Prorastoma veronense (de Zigno, 1875) Lydekker, 1892 ( 6 )
(= Prototherium veronense)
x |
* |
1892 |
Lydekker, R. (n.comb.; 77-83.) |
1898 |
Trouessart, E.L. ("Prorastomus veronensis") |
x |
1906 |
Abel, O. (dentition; 52.) |
x |
1907b |
Arldt, T. ("P. veronensis"; biogeographic significance; 674.) |
x |
1923a |
Allen, G.M. ("P. veronensis"; m232.) |
x |
* |
1942 |
Heuvelmans, B. (dentition; 1-5.) |
Prorastomatidae Flower & Lydekker, 1891 ( 2 )
(family; = Prorastomidae)
x |
* |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker (unjustified emendation of Prorastomidae; 224.) |
1998 |
Rice, D.W. (explanation of transliteration; 151.) |
Prorastomidae Cope, 1889 ( 11 )
* |
1889b |
Cope, E.D. (n.fam.) |
x |
1889b |
Dollo, L. (m421.) |
x |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker ("Prorastomatidae", unjustified emendation; m224.) |
x |
1904 |
Case, E.C. (teeth; m57.) |
x |
1932c |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 281.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 154, pl. 6.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 135.) |
1998 |
Rice, D.W. (explanation of transliteration; 151.) |
x |
1998 |
Goodwin et al. (?prorastomid; Middle Eoc., Israel; 813-815.) |
2001 |
Portell et al. (Eoc., Jamaica) |
* |
2012 |
Hautier et al. (Prorastomidae indet.; Middle Eoc., Senegal) |
Prorastominae (Cope, 1889) Reinhart, 1959 ( 1 )
* |
1959 |
Reinhart, R.H. (new subfamily; 5-6, 62-63.) |
Prorastomus Owen, 1855 ( 43 )
x |
* |
1855 |
Owen, R. (n.gen.; Eoc., Jamaica; 541-543, pl. 15.) |
1869 |
Leidy, J. |
x |
1872a |
Gill, T. (in classification; 92.) |
x |
1883a |
Cope, E.D. (comp. w/ Dioplotherium; 52.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (teeth, 465; m472.) |
x |
1886b |
Hartlaub, C. (m376.) |
x |
1889b |
Dollo, L. (comp. w/ Miosiren; 416, 418-419, 421.) |
x |
1902 |
Yoshiwara & Iwasaki (comp. w/ ungulates; m12.) |
x |
1904 |
Case, E.C. (m57.) |
x |
D |
1915 |
Hay, O.P. (comp. w/ Desmostylus; 384-385, 391.) |
x |
1924 |
Andrews, C.W. (dentition; m306.) |
x |
1928 |
Prater, S.H. ("Porastomus"; m98.) |
x |
1930a |
Simpson, G.G. (pop. acc.; 44.) |
x |
1941a |
Heuvelmans, B. (dentition; m5, m8.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 153-154, 156.) |
x |
1942b |
Kaltenmark, J. (m104.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 135, 251.) |
x |
1951 |
Reinhart, R.H. (m208-209, 211.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (m65.) |
x |
1967 |
Browder, J. (m5.) |
x |
1968 |
Lemire, M. (m515.) |
x |
1969 |
Voorhies, M.R. (comp. w/ tooth from Georgia; m94.) |
x |
1974 |
Domning, D.P. (m7.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (dental formula; m4, 73.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (phyletic position; 574-575, 579.) |
x |
1979 |
Tassy, P. (comp. w/ Moeritherium; 85-87.) |
x |
1980 |
West, R.M. (comp. w/ Anthracobune; 520, 531.) |
x |
1981d |
Domning, D.P. (probable seagrass diet; 418.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (m378-380.) |
x |
1982 |
Sereno, P.C. (comp. w/ Florentinoameghinia; 7-9.) |
x |
1985 |
Thewissen, J.G.M. (alisphenoid canal; m273.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Hayek (in cladistic analysis; 133.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning et al. (cladistic relationships; 36-37.) |
x |
1990 |
Court, N. (ear comp. w/ Arsinoitherium, etc.; 175-179.) |
x |
1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (body size; 539.) |
x |
1991 |
Court & Jaeger (inner ear; 562, 564-565.) |
x |
1991 |
Domning & de Buffrénil (pachyosteosclerosis; m360.) |
x |
1996 |
Lavergne et al. (paenungulate relationships; m256.) |
x |
1997 |
Portell, R.W. (Jamaica; pop. acc.; 5-7.) |
1998 |
Rice, D.W. (explanation of transliteration; 151.) |
x |
1998 |
Kondrashov, P.E. (cranial & mandibular characters & phylogeny; 422-423.) |
x |
2000 |
Domning, D.P. (m118.) |
x |
2006 |
Averianov & Yarkov (comp. w/ enigmatic tooth from Eoc. of Russia) |
Prorastomus sirenoides Owen, 1855 ( 37 )
x |
* |
1855 |
Owen, R. (n.gen.n.sp.; Eoc., Jamaica; 541-543, pl. 15.) |
x |
1869 |
Leidy, J. (in synopsis; 414.) |
x |
* |
1875b |
Owen, R. (redescription; 559-567, pls. 28-29.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
x |
1887 |
Flot, L. (review; 136.) |
x |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker (anatomy; 224.) |
x |
1892 |
Lydekker, R. (comp. w/ P. veronense; 82-83.) |
x |
1907b |
Arldt, T. (biogeographic significance; 674.) |
x |
1916a |
Matthew, W.D. (comp. w/ Halitherium antillense; 23-24, 26, 28.) |
x |
1923a |
Allen, G.M. (m232.) |
x |
1931 |
Sickenberg, O. (pachyostosis & osteosclerosis; 409, 411.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (comp. w/ other sirs.; 422-423, 460, 470-472, 474, 491-492, 495-496, 499.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (comp. w/ Sirenavus, 146-149; in classification, 151, 154.) |
1942 |
Kellogg, R. |
x |
1943 |
Kellogg, R. (m299.) |
x |
1953 |
Kretzoi, M. (m274.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (review & measurements; 65.) |
x |
1967b |
Paula Couto, C. de (m346.) |
x |
1975 |
Savage, R.J.G. (restudy of holotype; 824.) |
x |
1977 |
Kordos, L. (comp. w/ Paralitherium; 366.) |
1977 |
Savage, R.J.G. (restudy of holotype) |
x |
1980 |
Kordos, L. (comp. w/ Hungarian Eotheroides; 388-389, 396-397.) |
x |
1982b |
Domning, D.P. (not closely related to trichechids; 599.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (comp. w/ other Eoc. sirs.; 1-2, 4, 7, 35, 55, 59-63.) |
x |
* |
1990 |
Donovan et al. (Middle Eoc., Jamaica; new specimen; 660-662.) |
x |
1992 |
Thewissen & Domning (character states; 495, 502.) |
x |
1993 |
Domning & Clark (Jamaica; 414.) |
1994 |
Court, N. (ear region) |
* |
1994 |
Savage et al. (redescr.) |
x |
1996 |
Miller & Donovan (?P. sirenoides; Early Eoc., Jamaica; 38.) |
x |
2001c |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ Pezosiren portelli; 625-627.) |
x |
2001 |
Reed, C. (m8.) |
2013 |
O'Leary et al. (In phylogenetic context of other placental orders; in supplemental material.) |
* |
2013 |
Benoit et al. (evolution of brain morphology; CT reconstruction of endocranial cast.) |
* |
2013 |
Benoit et al. (ear region, CT scans; comp. w/ new primitive sir. from Eoc. of Tunisia) |
D |
2014 |
Cooper et al. |
2015 |
Prothero, D.R. (gen. acc.) |
Prorastomus veronensis: SEE Prorastoma veronense ( 0 )
Protosiren Abel, 1907 ( 33 )
x |
1906 |
Abel, O. (nomen nudum; tooth replacement; 51, 59.) |
* |
1907a |
Abel, O. (n.gen.) |
x |
1916a |
Matthew, W.D. (m27.) |
1939 |
Edinger, T. |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 151, 154, pl. 6.) |
x |
1943 |
Kaltenmark, J. (phylogeny; 16-17, 21.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 135.) |
x |
1951 |
Reinhart, R.H. (m209, 211.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (m65.) |
x |
1967 |
Browder, J. (m5.) |
x |
1977 |
Kordos, L. (comp. w/ Paralitherium; 366.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ N. Pacific sirs.; 4, 16, 29.) |
x |
1979 |
Tassy, P. (comp. w/ Moeritherium; 87.) |
1979 |
Webb, S.D. (Florida) |
x |
1980 |
Sahni & Kumar (comp. w/ Ishatherium; 134.) |
x |
1982b |
Domning, D.P. (?ancestral to trichechids; 599-600, 605, 615-616.) |
x |
* |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (Protosiren sp.; Middle Eoc., Florida & North Carolina, 4, 18-63; Late Eoc., Egypt, 55-56.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (m378-380.) |
x |
1982 |
Sereno, P.C. (comp. w/ Florentinoameghinia; 7-9.) |
x |
1983 |
Bizzotto, B. (comp. w/ Prototherium; 100, 110.) |
x |
1983 |
Morgan & Pratt (Eoc., Florida; 24.) |
x |
1983 |
Sahni et al. (pelvis comp. w/ Ishatherium; m81.) |
x |
1985 |
Thewissen, J.G.M. (skull foramina; 272-273.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning et al. (cladistic relationships; 36-37, 39, 45-46.) |
x |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. ("Hippopotamus dubius" referable to Protosiren & not Halitherium; 124.) |
1987 |
Pilleri, G. |
x |
1990 |
Ivany et al. (Middle Eoc., Florida; paleoecology; 250.) |
x |
1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (brain; 536.) |
1990 |
Oliver & Long |
x |
1992 |
Hulbert, R.C., Jr. (Florida; in checklist; 28.) |
x |
2000 |
Domning, D.P. (locomotor & diving adaptations; 116-118.) |
2010 |
Beatty & Geisler (Protosiren sp.; Middle Eoc., South Carolina) |
2015 |
Prothero, D.R. (gen. acc.) |
Protosiren dolloi Abel, 1904 ( 5 )
(= Prototherium veronense; nomen nudum)
* |
1904a |
Abel, O. (n.sp.; nomen nudum) |
x |
* |
1906 |
Abel, O. (referred to Mesosiren; 52.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (comp. w/ other sirs.; 471, 473, 481, 492, 495, 499.) |
x |
1976 |
Kordos, L. (m282.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Prototherium veronense; m575.) |
Protosiren dubia (Cuvier, 1824) Sickenberg, 1934 ( 7 )
(= Protosiren minima)
* |
1934b |
Sickenberg, O. |
x |
1952 |
Hooijer, D.A. (syn. of P.(?) minima; 113.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (m68-70.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (m575.) |
x |
1978 |
Kordos, L. (m282.) |
x |
1980 |
Kordos, L. (nature of type material; 387.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (syn. of ?P. minima; m57.) |
Protosiren eothene Zalmout, Haq, & Gingerich, 2003 ( 2 )
x |
* |
2003 |
Zalmout et al. (n.sp.; Middle Eoc., Pakistan; 79-87.) |
x |
2017 |
Chatterjee et al. (brief summ. of Eoc. record; m92.) |
Protosiren fraasi Abel, 1907 ( 27 )
x |
1906 |
Abel, O. (nomen nudum; dentiton; 51.) |
* |
1907a |
Abel, O. (n.gen.n.sp.) |
1908 |
Priem, F. (Eoc., Egypt) |
x |
1924 |
Hay, O.P. (tooth formula; m3.) |
x |
1931 |
Sickenberg, O. (pachyostosis & osteosclerosis, 409, 411, 414, 416; tooth replacement, 429; respiratory adaptations, 438.) |
* |
1934b |
Sickenberg, O. |
x |
1938 |
Zdansky, O. (comp. w/ Eotherium majus; 429, 431-433.) |
x |
1942b |
Kaltenmark, J. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium sp.; 108.) |
x |
1943 |
Kaltenmark, J. (phylogeny; 16, 18, 21, 23-24.) |
x |
1953 |
Kretzoi, M. (m274.) |
x |
1973 |
Fuchs, H. ("Prototherium fraasi"; comp. w/ Romanian sir.; 75.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (phyletic position & occurrence in Africa; 574-575, 579.) |
x |
1978 |
Kordos, L. (P. cf. fraasi; Eoc., Hungary; 288-289, pl. 1.) |
x |
1980 |
Kordos, L. (m385; nature of type material, 387.) |
x |
1980 |
West, R.M. (m510.) |
x |
* |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (comp. w/ other Eoc. sirs.; 5, 18, 30, 36-37, 39, 42-44, 55-57, 59.) |
x |
1985a |
Kordos, L. (Hungary; m314.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Hayek (in cladistic analysis; 132-134.) |
x |
1991 |
Domning & de Buffrénil (pachyosteosclerosis; 360-361.) |
x |
1992 |
Gingerich, P.D. (Egypt; stratigraphic horizon; 11, 71, 75-77.) |
x |
1992 |
Thewissen & Domning (character states; 495, 502-503.) |
x |
1993 |
Gingerich et al. (India; specimen of Sahni & Mishra, 1975, referred to Cetacea; 410-411.) |
x |
2003 |
Zalmout et al. (comp. w/Protosiren eothene; 80-85.) |
x |
2006 |
Averianov & Yarkov (comp. w/ enigmatic tooth from Eoc. of Russia) |
2013 |
Benoit et al. (endocranial morphology) |
2013a |
Diedrich, C.G. (Protosiren cf. fraasi; Middle Eoc., Germany; paleobiogeography) |
2021 |
Avilla & Mothé (in phylogenetic analysis of Afrotheria) |
Protosiren minima (Desmarest, 1822) Hooijer, 1952 ( 2 )
x |
* |
1952 |
Hooijer, D.A. (n.comb.; senior synonym of P.(?) dubia; 113.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (comp. w/ other Eoc. sirs.; 5, 37, 57.) |
Protosiren sattaensis Gingerich, Arif, Bhatti, Raza and Raza, 1995 ( 5 )
* |
1995 |
Gingerich et al. (n.sp.; Middle Eoc., Pakistan) |
x |
1997 |
Gingerich et al. (Eoc., Pakistan; 57, 69, 71, 75.) |
2001 |
Gingerich et al. (Protosiren sattaensis, Eoc., Pakistan; 281, 318.) |
x |
2003 |
Zalmout et al. (comp. w/Protosiren eothene; 80-83.) |
2012 |
Zalmout & Gingerich (comp. w/ Protosiren smithae) |
Protosiren smithae Domning and Gingerich, 1994 ( 7 )
* |
1994 |
Domning & Gingerich (n.sp.; Middle Eoc., Egypt; 69-87.) |
x |
1997 |
Gingerich et al. (comp. w/ P. sattaensis; 69, 75.) |
x |
2001c |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ Pezosiren portelli; 627.) |
x |
2003 |
Zalmout et al. (comp. w/Protosiren eothene; 80-84.) |
* |
2012 |
Zalmout & Gingerich (Late Eoc., Fayum, Egypt) |
D |
2014 |
Cooper et al. |
x |
2017 |
Chatterjee et al. (brief summ. of Eoc. record; m92.) |
Protosiren veronense [sic] (de Zigno, 1875) Kaltenmark, 1942 ( 1 )
(= Prototherium veronense)
x |
1942b |
Kaltenmark, J. (n.comb.; ?lapsus for Prototherium veronense; comp. w/ Metaxytherium sp.; 108.) |
Protosirenidae Sickenberg, 1934 ( 4 )
* |
1934b |
Sickenberg, O. (n.fam.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 154, pl. 6.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 135, 251.) |
2014 |
Gingerich & Cappetta (lower Middle Eoc., Togo) |
Protosireninae (Sickenberg, 1934) Reinhart, 1959 ( 1 )
* |
1959 |
Reinhart, R.H. (new subfamily; 6, 62-63.) |
Prototheriidae Kretzoi, 1941 ( 1 )
(family; = Halitheriinae)
x |
* |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (n.fam.; 155, pl. 6.) |
Prototherium ausetanum Balaguer and Alba, 2016 ( 1 )
* |
2016 |
Balaguer & Alba (n.sp.; Middle Eoc., Spain) |
Prototherium de Zigno, 1887 ( 9 )
* |
1887 |
Zigno, A. de (n.gen.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 153, 155, pl. 6.) |
x |
1943 |
Kaltenmark, J. (phylogeny; 21.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 135, 251.) |
x |
1980 |
Sahni & Kumar (comp. w/ Ishatherium; 133-134.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (m378-380.) |
x |
1982 |
Sereno, P.C. (comp. w/ Florentinoameghinia; 7-8.) |
x |
1991 |
Domning & de Buffrénil (pachyosteosclerosis; m361.) |
x |
1997 |
Gómez-Alba R., J. (Eoc., Spain; 114.) |
Prototherium fraasi (Abel, 1907) Fuchs, 1973 ( 1 )
(= Protosiren fraasi)
x |
* |
1973 |
Fuchs, H. (n.comb.; lapsus for Protosiren fraasi; comp. w/ Romanian sir.; 75.) |
Prototherium intermedium Bizzotto, 1983 ( 4 )
x |
* |
1983 |
Bizzotto, B. (n.sp.; Late Eoc., Italy; 95-116, 2 pls.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Ray (comp. w/ Oregon halitheriine; 272.) |
* |
1989 |
Pilleri et al. |
* |
2005 |
Bizzotto, B. (cranial structure) |
Prototherium intermedium montserratense (Pilleri in Pilleri, Biosca, & Via, 1989) Bizzotto, 2005 ( 1 )
* |
2005 |
Bizzotto, B. (new rank; 123.) |
Prototherium intermedium solei (Pilleri in Pilleri, Biosca, & Via, 1989) Bizzotto, 2005 ( 1 )
* |
2005 |
Bizzotto, B. (new rank; 123.) |
Prototherium montserratense Pilleri in Pilleri, Biosca, & Via, 1989 ( 4 )
(= Prototherium intermedium)
* |
1989 |
Pilleri et al. (n.sp.; Eoc., Spain) |
x |
* |
1996a |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of "P." intermedium; 388.) |
* |
2005 |
Bizzotto, B. (reduced to a subspecies of P. intermedium; 123.) |
2008 |
Buffrénil et al. (Eoc., Spain; pachyosteosclerosis) |
Prototherium solei Pilleri in Pilleri, Biosca, & Via, 1989 ( 3 )
(= Prototherium intermedium)
* |
1989 |
Pilleri et al. (n.sp.; Eoc., Spain) |
x |
* |
1996a |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of "P." intermedium; 388.) |
* |
2005 |
Bizzotto, B. (reduced to a subspecies of P. intermedium; 123.) |
Prototherium veronense (de Zigno, 1875) de Zigno, 1887 ( 26 )
* |
1887 |
Zigno, A. de (n.comb.) |
x |
1902 |
Andrews, C.W. (comp. w/ Eosiren libyca; 293-294.) |
x |
1931 |
Sickenberg, O. (pachyostosis & osteosclerosis, 409, 411, 414; tooth replacement, 429.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (comp. w/ other sirs.; 423, 444, 471-474, 476-478, 480.) |
* |
1934b |
Sickenberg, O. |
x |
1942b |
Kaltenmark, J. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium sp.; 108.) |
x |
1943 |
Kaltenmark, J. (phylogeny; 17-19, 21, 23.) |
x |
1952a |
Koenigswald, G.H.R.v. (comp. w/ Indosiren; 611.) |
x |
1953 |
Kretzoi, M. (m274.) |
x |
1966 |
Piccoli, G. ("P. cf. veronense"; mandible in Priabonian stratotype, Italy; 349-353.) |
1969 |
Bartolomei, G. |
x |
1973 |
Fuchs, H. (comp. w/ Romanian sir.; 72, 76-77.) |
x |
* |
1977 |
Bizzarini et al. (Late Eoc., Italy; 1-15, pls. 1-2.) |
x |
1977 |
Kordos, L. (comp. w/ Paralitherium; 366.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ N. Pacific sirs.; 4, 12, 16.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (phyletic position; 575-576, 579.) |
1980 |
Altichieri, L. |
x |
1980 |
Kordos, L. (comp. w/ Hungarian Eotheroides; 387-389, 395-397.) |
x |
1982b |
Domning, D.P. (deciduous dentition, comp. w/ Trichechus; 608.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (comp. w/ other Eoc. sirs.; 5, 38-39, 58-59.) |
x |
* |
1983 |
Bizzotto, B. (comp. w/ P. intermedium, etc.; 99-111.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Ray (comp. w/ Oregon halitheriine; 272.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning et al. (deciduous dentition; 46.) |
x |
1988 |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium floridanum; 409-410.) |
2005 |
Bizzotto, B. |
x |
2006 |
Averianov & Yarkov (comp. w/ enigmatic tooth from Eoc. of Russia) |
Puerto Rico ( 57 )
1534 |
SEE Guzm n, A.E. de, 1960. |
1864 |
Latimer, G. (TMM) |
x |
1872a |
Murie, J. (TMM; in capt.; 191-192.) |
1882 |
Stahl, A. |
x |
1900 |
Evermann, B.W. (TMM; m25.) |
x |
1904 |
Wilcox, W.A. (TMM; near Ceiba; netting; 387.) |
x |
1914 |
Rabell Cabrero, N. (indeterminate sirs.; Olig.; 66-69.) |
x |
1915 |
Anon. (TMM; in capt., New York; 1216.) |
x |
* |
1916a |
Matthew, W.D. (?Halitherium antillense, n.sp.; Olig.; 23-28.) |
1916 |
Reeds, C.A. |
x |
1935 |
Barrett, O.W. (TMM; 216, 218.) |
x |
1956b |
Anon. (TMM; sound production; 39.) |
* |
1959 |
Reinhart, R.H. (Caribosiren turneri, n.gen.n.sp.) |
1960 |
Guzmán, A.E. de (TMM, 1534; 131.) |
x |
1970 |
Erdman, D.S. (TMM; 638.) |
x |
1980 |
Monroe, W.H. (indeterminate sirs.; Mioc.; 38, 78.) |
x |
1980 |
Ortiz Rivera, E.J. (numerous illustrations of sir. bones.) |
x |
* |
1981 |
Powell et al. (TMM; status; 642-646.) |
1985 |
Rathbun, Carr et al. (TMM) |
x |
1989 |
Lefebvre et al. (TMM; distr., status, & biogeography; 571-572, 600.) |
* |
1990 |
Freeman & Quintero (TMM; distr.) |
x |
* |
1990 |
MacPhee & Wyss (Oligo-Mioc. sirs. & localities; 2, 14-17, 21-38, 41.) |
1990 |
Mignucci, A.A. (TMM; mortality) |
x |
1995 |
MacPhee & Iturralde-V. (indet. sir.; Early Olig., Yauco; 15-16.) |
x |
1996 |
Boice, L.P. (TM; Roosevelt Roads; protective efforts by U.S. Navy; 4.) |
x |
1997 |
Mignucci G. et al. (TM; specimens in museum, Univ. of Puerto Rico; 288-292.) |
x |
1997 |
Reid, J.P. (TMM; Roosevelt Roads; radiotracking; 22-23.) |
x |
1998 |
Deutsch et al. (TMM; radio-tracking; 20-22, 24-26.) |
x |
1998 |
Mignucci G. & Beck (TMM; diet; 394-397.) |
x |
1998 |
Ortiz et al. (TMM; in capt.; osmoregulation experiments; 450.) |
1999 |
Mignucci G., Beck et al. (TMM; parasites & commensals) |
x |
2000 |
Lefebvre et al. (TMM; seagrass use; 289-297.) |
2000 |
Mignucci et al. (TMM; mortality) |
x |
2003 |
Falcón et al. (TMM; shark attack; 6-11.) |
x |
2004 |
Carvajal, J. (ed.) (TMM; recipe; 100-101.) |
2006 |
Reid, J.P. (TMM; research programs; gen. acc.) |
2007 |
Lowry et al. (TMM; conservation status & history of U.S. listing) |
2008 |
Moore et al. (TMM; cardiac failure) |
2008 |
Di Carlo & Kenworthy (TMM; recovery of Thalassia from grazing) |
2010 |
Alves-Stanley et al. (TMM; feeding preferences; stable isotopes) |
x |
* |
2010 |
Mignucci-G., A.A. (TM; children's book; iv + 56.) |
2012 |
Hunter et al. (TML, TMM; genetic distinction) |
2012 |
Bossart et al. (TMM; Toxoplasma gondii; gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, myocarditis) |
2012 |
Wong et al. (TMM; oral temperature, heart & respiration rate) |
* |
2014b |
Vélez-Juarbe & Domning (Priscosiren atlantica, n.gen.n.sp.; Early Olig., Puerto Rico & South Carolina) |
* |
2015 |
Vélez-Juarbe & Domning (Callistosiren boriquensis, n.gen.n.sp.; Late Olig.) |
2017 |
Wyrosdick et al. (TMM; Toxoplasma gondii) |
2017 |
Harms-Tuohy & Tuohy (TMM; aggression toward divers by mating herd) |
2017 |
Wyrosdick, Gerhold et al. (TMM; Toxoplasma gondii) |
2018 |
Mignucci, Iglesias et al. (TMM; helicopter surveys) |
2019 |
Palmer et al. (TM; PFAS in plasma) |
* |
2019 |
Collazo et al. (TMM; aerial surveys & population estimates) |
2022 |
Cabrias-C. et al. (TMM; perinatal bilateral exophthalmia & secondary corneal ulcers) |
2022 |
Mignucci-G. et al. (TMM; new papillovirus; genital papillomatosis) |
2024 |
Rivera-Perez et al. (TMM; verminous bronchitis and pneumonia; nasal trematodes.) |
2024 |
Allen, A.C., et al. (TM; conservation challenges; Florida & Puerto Rico) |
2024 |
Rivera-Perez et al. (TM; trematode Pulmonicola cochleotrema.) |
Pugmeodon Kaup, 1838 ( 11 )
(= Halitherium)
x |
* |
1834b |
Kaup & Scholl (n.gen.; nomen nudum; 16.) |
x |
* |
1838a |
Kaup, J.J. (n.gen.; Middle Olig., Mainz Basin, Germany; 319, pl. 2.) |
x |
1840 |
Kaup, J.J. (comp. w/ Manatus; 676.) |
x |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (syn. of Halitherium; 207, 220.) |
x |
1872a |
Gill, T. (in classification; 92.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (m481.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 151, 154.) |
x |
1942b |
Kaltenmark, J. (m103.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Halitherium; m576.) |
x |
* |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Halitherium; 122-125.) |
* |
2021 |
Domning, D.P. (nomenclature; syn. of Halitherium) |
Pugmeodon schinzii Kaup, 1838 ( 9 )
(= Halitherium schinzii)
x |
* |
1834b |
Kaup & Scholl (n.gen.n.sp.; nomen nudum; 16.) |
x |
* |
1838a |
Kaup, J.J. (n.gen.n.sp.; Middle Olig., Mainz Basin, Germany; 319, pl. 2.) |
x |
1839b |
Meyer, H.v. (syn. of Halianassa Studeri; 77.) |
x |
1840 |
Kaup, J.J. (considered to include Manatus fossilis; 676.) |
x |
1846 |
Meyer, H.v. (syn. of Halianassa Collinii; 328.) |
x |
* |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. (proposed designation as type species of Halitherium & Halianassa; 122-125.) |
x |
* |
1989 |
ICZN (designated type species of Halitherium; 83-84.) |
* |
2014 |
Voss, M. (holotype redescribed & illustrated; considered non-diagnostic) |
* |
2021 |
Domning, D.P. (designation of neotype; syn. of Halitherium schinzii) |