Haiti ( 6 )
x |
1851 |
Gosse, P.H. (TMM; 346-347.) |
x |
1942 |
Morison, S.E. (TMM; sighted by Columbus; 309-310.) |
x |
1985 |
Rathbun, Woods & Ottenwalder (TMM; status & distr.; 234-236.) |
x |
1989 |
Lefebvre et al. (TMM; distr., status, & biogeography; 575, 601.) |
2012 |
Self-Sullivan & Mignucci-Giannoni (TM; status & conservation) |
2019 |
Domínguez-Tejo (TMM; history & conservation status) |
Halianassa allisoni Kilmer, 1965 ( 4 )
(= Dioplotherium allisoni)
x |
* |
1965 |
Kilmer, F.H. ("H.(?) allisoni"; n.sp.; Mioc., Baja California; 57-74.) |
x |
1970 |
Shikama & Domning (m395.) |
x |
1977b |
Domning, D.P. (role in North Pacific paleoecology; 353-354, 356-357, 360.) |
x |
* |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (referred to Dioplotherium; 4-5.) |
Halianassa brocchii (de Blainville, 1844) Bronn, 1848 ( 1 )
(= Metaxytherium subapenninum)
* |
1855 |
Kaup, J.J. (n.comb.) |
Halianassa collinii von Meyer, 1846 ( 6 )
(= Halitherium christolii, in part; Halitherium schinzii, in part)
x |
* |
1846 |
Meyer, H.v. (n.sp.; considered to include Pugmeodon Schinzi & Manatus Schinzi; 328.) |
x |
1847 |
Meyer, H.v. (Linz, Austria; 189-190.) |
1855 |
Ehrlich, F.C. |
x |
1867 |
Hauer, F.v. ("H. Collini"; Mioc., Hainburg, Austria; 140-141.) |
x |
1867 |
Peters, K.F. (m309.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (review; 69.) |
Halianassa cordieri (de Christol in de Blainville, 1844) Bronn, 1848 ( 1 )
(= Metaxytherium medium)
* |
1848 |
Bronn, H.G. (n.comb.) |
Halianassa cordieri (de Christol, 1844) Bronn, 1848 ( 1 )
(= Metaxytherium medium)
* |
1848 |
Bronn, H.G. (n.comb.) |
Halianassa cuvieri (de Christol, 1832) Bronn, 1848 ( 6 )
(= Metaxytherium medium)
* |
1848 |
Bronn, H.G. (n.comb.) |
x |
1951 |
Reinhart, R.H. (comp. w/ Trichechus; 209.) |
x |
1970 |
Ginsburg, L. (Mioc., France; 189.) |
x |
1971 |
Ginsburg & Janvier (syn. of Metaxytherium medium; m182.) |
x |
1973 |
Crusafont-Pairó, M. (Spain; occurrences & bibliography; 96-97.) |
1975 |
Crusafont-Pairó & Golpe Posse (Spain) |
Halianassa jordani (Kellogg, 1925) Reinhart, 1951 ( 4 )
(= Dusisiren jordani)
x |
* |
1951 |
Reinhart, R.H. (n.comb.; brain; 210.) |
x |
1963 |
Mitchell & Repenning (occurrence; 14.) |
x |
1965 |
Kilmer, F.H. (comp. w/ H. allisoni; 64-65, 69, 71-72.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (referred to Dusisiren; m21.) |
Halianassa studeri von Meyer, 1838 ( 14 )
(= Halitherium schinzii, in part; Metaxytherium krahuletzi and M. medium, in part; Protosiren minima, in part)
x |
* |
1838 |
Meyer, H.v. (n.gen.n.sp.; 667.) |
x |
1839a |
Meyer, H.v. (in faunal list; 4.) |
x |
1839b |
Meyer, H.v. (m77.) |
x |
1840 |
Kaup, J.J. (synonymy; 674-675.) |
x |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (m208.) |
* |
1887 |
Studer, T. |
x |
1914 |
Depéret, C. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium spp.; m1861.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (comp. w/ other sirs.; 444-445, 475-478.) |
x |
* |
1952 |
Thenius, E. (referred to Thalattosiren; 110-112.) |
x |
* |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (review, 68-69, pl. 43; comp. w/ Metaxytherium calvertense, 78.) |
x |
1974 |
Fondi & Pacini (comp. w/ Metaxytherium forestii; 43.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (H. studeri sensu Studer a ?syn. of Metaxytherium krahuletzi; 208, 223.) |
x |
* |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. (proposed suppression by designation of neotype; 122-125.) |
x |
* |
1989 |
ICZN (neotype designated, name suppressed; 83-84.) |
Halianassa vanderhoofi Reinhart, 1959 ( 13 )
(= Dusisiren jordani)
* |
1959 |
Reinhart, R.H. (n.sp.) |
x |
1963 |
Mitchell & Repenning (occurrence; 9, 14.) |
x |
1965 |
Kilmer, F.H. (comp. w/ H. allisoni; 64-65, 69, 71-72.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium calvertense; 75, 77-78.) |
1966c |
Shikama, T. |
x |
1967b |
Paula Couto, C. de (m346.) |
x |
1970 |
Shikama & Domning (syn. of Metaxytherium jordani; 395.) |
x |
1971b |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Metaxytherium jordani; m217.) |
x |
1972 |
Varona, L.S. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium riveroi; 7, 10.) |
x |
1975 |
Domning & Frye (syn. of Metaxytherium jordani; m3.) |
x |
1977b |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Metaxytherium jordani; m354.) |
x |
* |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Dusisiren jordani; 21, 69-71.) |
x |
1981 |
Clark, J.C. (Mioc., Santa Cruz, California; 28, 34.) |
Halianassa von Meyer, 1838 ( 31 )
(= Halitherium, in part; Metaxytherium, in part; Protosiren, in part)
x |
* |
1838 |
Meyer, H.v. (n.gen.; 667.) |
x |
1840a |
Meyer, H.v. (additional material; m587.) |
x |
1840b |
Meyer, H.v. (synonymy; 587.) |
x |
1843 |
Meyer, H.v. (considered to include Flonheim sirs. & Halitherium Christolii; 702, 704.) |
x |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (syn. of Halitherium; 207, 220.) |
x |
1857 |
Jäger, G. (comp. w/ Dugong; 98.) |
x |
1867 |
Stache, G. (Mioc., Austria; 142-143.) |
x |
1872a |
Gill, T. (synonymy; 92.) |
* |
1887 |
Studer, T. |
x |
1906 |
Abel, O. (dentition; 51.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 154-155.) |
x |
1942b |
Kaltenmark, J. (m103.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 135, 251.) |
x |
1951 |
Reinhart, R.H. (nomenclature; m209-211.) |
x |
* |
1952 |
Thenius, E. (syn. of Halitherium; 110-111.) |
x |
1963 |
Mitchell & Repenning (occurrence in Pacific; 13-14.) |
x |
* |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (review; 68-69.) |
x |
1966 |
Mitchell, E.D., Jr. (artist's reconstruction; 59.) |
1966c |
Shikama, T. |
x |
1970 |
Shikama & Domning (syn. of Metaxytherium; 395.) |
x |
1971 |
Ginsburg & Janvier (not senior to Metaxytherium, 183-184; comp. w/ M. medium, 188.) |
x |
1973 |
Crusafont-Pairó, M. (Spain; occurrences & bibliography; 96-97.) |
1976 |
Reinhart, R.H. (syn. of Metaxytherium; 191-192.) |
x |
1977 |
Savage & Tewari (syn. of Metaxytherium; m216.) |
x |
1977 |
Tewari et al. (syn. of Metaxytherium; m47A.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (H. sensu Studer; phyletic position; 577, 579.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (m378-380.) |
x |
1982 |
Ridgway, B. (Hawthorn Formation [Mioc.], Florida; 13.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (H. Studer a syn. of Metaxytherium; 207.) |
x |
* |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. (proposed suppression, as syn. of Halitherium; 122-125.) |
x |
* |
1989 |
ICZN (name suppressed; 83-84.) |
Halianassinae Reinhart, 1959 ( 2 )
(subfamily; = Halitheriinae, in part; Hydrodamalinae, in part)
* |
1959 |
Reinhart, R.H. (new subfamily; 8, 62-63.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (divided between Halitheriinae & Hydrodamalinae; 3-4.) |
Halibutherium Gloger, 1842 ( 2 )
(nomen nudum; = Halitherium?)
* |
1842 |
Gloger, C. |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (m481.) |
Halicore australis (Retzius, 1794) Owen, 1847 ( 32 )
(= Dugong dugon)
* |
1847 |
Owen, R. (n.comb.) |
x |
1857 |
Fairholme, J.K.E. (Australia; 352-353.) |
1860 |
Bennett, G. (Australia) |
1876 |
Gill, W.W. (Torres Strait) |
x |
1876 |
Southwell, T. (synonymy; 76.) |
x |
1878 |
Brown, A.E. (gen. acc.; 293-298.) |
x |
1881 |
Anon. (Australia; econ. use; 738-747.) |
x |
1882 |
Faithful, P. (Moreton Bay, Queensland; 4-7, 9-11, 13, 15.) |
x |
1883 |
Wallace, A.R. (Queensland; 54.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (teeth; 467-468.) |
x |
* |
1886 |
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de (brain; 193-196, pl. 24.) |
x |
* |
1887 |
Ward, H.L. (vertebrae, pelvis; 536.) |
1888 |
Senior, W. (Moreton Bay, Queensland) |
x |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker (econ. use; 221.) |
1893 |
Kent, W.S. (Queensland) |
x |
1904a |
Lorenz, L.v. (pelvis; 1-7, pl. 1.) |
x |
1905 |
De Vis, C.W. (comp. w/ H. brevirostris; 27-29.) |
x |
* |
1906 |
Annandale, N. (synonymized with H. dugong; 238.) |
x |
1923 |
Sowerby, A. de C. (m135.) |
x |
1924a |
Petit, G. ("H. australe"; distr. comp. w/ other species; 124-125.) |
x |
1925 |
Kellogg, R. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium jordani; 67-69.) |
x |
1929 |
Birulia, A.A. (pelvis, comp. w/ HG; m88-89.) |
x |
1933b |
Dollman, G. (comp. w/ African dugong; m16.) |
x |
1934 |
Hirasaka, K. ("H. australe"; distr.; 4222.) |
x |
1937 |
Promus, J. (Queensland; netting; 40-41.) |
x |
1940 |
Pocock, R.I. (syn. of Dugong dugon; 330-331.) |
x |
1942a |
Kaltenmark, J. ("H. australe"; m56.) |
x |
1954b |
Friant, M. (brain; 134.) |
x |
* |
1967 |
Welsby, T. (Moreton Bay, Queensland; 1: 102-110, 2: 233-257.) |
1968 |
Banfield, E.J. (Queensland) |
x |
1969 |
Robineau, D. (temporal region; 6.) |
x |
2000 |
Maio & Picariello (syn. of Dugong dugon; m14.) |
Halicore brevirostris De Vis, 1905 ( 4 )
(= Dugong dugon)
x |
* |
1905 |
De Vis, C.W. (n.sp.; ?subfossil, Papua New Guinea; 27-30, pl. 10.) |
1975 |
Mahoney & Ride |
x |
1982 |
Molnar, R.E. ("H. brevirostre"; ?Pleist., Papua New Guinea; 676, 679.) |
x |
2006 |
Pledge, N.S. (m297.) |
Halicore cetacea Illiger, 1815 ( 10 )
(= Dugong dugon)
* |
1815 |
Illiger, C. (n.sp.) |
x |
1848 |
Gistel, J. (in classification; 83.) |
1876 |
Bsk., V. |
1877 |
Heuglin, M.T.v. |
1878 |
Linstow, O.v. |
x |
1880 |
Hartmann, R. (external morphology; 156-159.) |
x |
1899 |
Stiles & Hassall (nematode Ascaris halicoris; m149.) |
x |
1934 |
Hatt, R.T. (m536.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (syn. of Dugong dugon; 382.) |
x |
1994 |
Matthies, E. (illustrations reproduced; 188-189, 191, 193.) |
Halicore cuvierii de Christol, 1832 ( 12 )
(= Metaxytherium medium, in part; Metaxytherium serresii, in part; Protosiren minima, in part)
* |
1832b |
Christol, J. de (n.sp.) |
x |
1838 |
Meyer, H.v. (syn. of Halianassa Studeri; 667.) |
x |
1840 |
Kaup, J.J. (synonymy; 674-675.) |
x |
1840b |
Meyer, H.v. (syn. of Halianassa; 587.) |
x |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. ("Halichore"; m206, 208, 221.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (m475.) |
x |
1942a |
Kaltenmark, J. (history of name, m102; m113.) |
x |
1952 |
Hooijer, D.A. (syn. of Metaxytherium medium; 113.) |
x |
* |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (m69; history of name, 70.) |
x |
1971 |
Ginsburg & Janvier (syn. of Metaxytherium medium; m182.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (syn. of Metaxytherium medium; 206-207, 210.) |
x |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. (history of confusion with Halianassa; 123.) |
Halicore dugong (Gmelin, 1788) Illiger, 1811 ( 109 )
(= Dugong dugon)
* |
1811 |
Illiger, C. (n.comb.) |
1820 |
Ranzani, C. |
1821 |
Raffles, T.S. |
1829-44 |
Guérin-Méneville, F.-E. |
1830-35 |
Gray, J.E. (India) |
x |
1834 |
Rüppell, E. (m113.) |
x |
1835b |
Duvernoy, G.L. ("H. Dugung"; in classification; tab. 4.) |
x |
1837 |
Burmeister, H. (in classification; 793.) |
1838-45 |
Smith, A. |
1838 |
Waterhouse, G.R. |
x |
1838 |
Waterhouse, G.R. (Sumatra; 35.) |
x |
1843 |
Backhouse, J. (Australia; 368-369.) |
x |
1851 |
Barkow, H.C.L. (fetus; nerves & muscles; 119-122.) |
x |
1851 |
Diesing, C.M. ("H. Dugung"; nematode Ascaris Dugonis, n.sp.; 191, 502.) |
1851 |
Horsfield, T. ("H. dugung"; Siam; 139.) |
1852-53 |
Kelaart, E.F. (Sri Lanka) |
1853 |
Pucheran & Jacquinot |
x |
1857 |
Jäger, G. (skull; 98-99, pl. 6.) |
x |
1869a |
Bickmore, A.S. (Aru Islands; 244.) |
x |
1869b |
Bickmore, A.S. (Aru Islands; 182.) |
1871 |
Klunzinger, C.B. (Red Sea; hunting, econ. use) |
1871 |
Van Beneden, P.J. |
x |
1876 |
Southwell, T. (gen. acc.; 57, 75-76.) |
x |
1878 |
Brown, A.E. (gen. acc.; 293-298.) |
1878 |
Klunzinger, C.B. (Red Sea) |
x |
1884 |
Fischer, P. (barnacle Platylepas bissexlobata; New Caledonia; 359.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m468.) |
x |
1887b |
Baur, G. (supernumerary phalanges; 840.) |
1887 |
Collett, R. ("H. dugung var. australis"; Queensland) |
1888 |
Ching, J.L. ("H. dugong australis") |
x |
1889a |
Leboucq, H. (fetus; nails; 190-192.) |
1889b |
Leboucq, H. |
1889 |
Turner, W. |
x |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker (m221.) |
1894 |
Turner, W. |
x |
1894 |
Zaaijer, T. ("H. dujong"; cranial sutures; 340.) |
x |
1895 |
Phipson, H.M. (India; 489-490.) |
x |
1895 |
Thurston, E. (India, Sri Lanka; 98-99.) |
x |
1895 |
Yerbury & Thomas (Red Sea; 555.) |
x |
1897 |
Etheridge et al. (?Pleist., Sydney, Australia; 170-174, 178-180, pls. 8-11.) |
1900 |
Etheridge, R., Jr. (?Pleist., Papua New Guinea) |
1901a |
Finsch, O. ("H. dujong"; Papua New Guinea, Australia; hunting) |
x |
1901 |
Roth, W.E. (Queensland; hunting; 30.) |
x |
* |
1904 |
Freund, L. (manus; osteology; 363-397, pls. 14-15.) |
x |
1904a |
Lorenz, L.v. (m4.) |
x |
1905 |
Etheridge, R., Jr. (New South Wales; 17-19, pl. 4.) |
1905 |
Freund, L. (sternum) |
x |
1905 |
Knauff (pelvis; 306, 309.) |
x |
1905 |
Linstow, O.v. (India, Red Sea; nematode Ascaris halicoris; m258.) |
x |
* |
1906 |
Annandale, N. (India, 238-243; Australia, 238, 242; Andaman Islands, 241.) |
1906a |
Dexler & Freund |
x |
1907 |
Annandale, N. (pelvis, 79; manus, 79-80.) |
x |
* |
1907 |
Pick, F.K. (lung anatomy & histology; 245-272.) |
* |
1908a |
Freund, L. (skull; ontogeny) |
x |
1908b |
Freund, L. (bones & cartilages of nasal region; 254-256.) |
x |
1908 |
Hanitsch, R. ("H. duyong"; in capt., Singapore; 13.) |
1911 |
Dexler & Eger |
1911 |
Riha, A. |
1912a |
Dexler, H. |
x |
* |
1912b |
Dexler, H. (brain; 97-190, pls. 5-6.) |
x |
* |
1914a |
Freund, L. (skeletal embryology; 353-386, pl. 16.) |
1915 |
Matthes, E. |
1921c |
Matthes, E. |
1921d |
Matthes, E. |
x |
1923 |
Sowerby, A. de C. (m135.) |
x |
1924a |
Petit, G. (distr.; Madagascar, natural history; 124-127.) |
x |
1924c |
Petit, G. (kidney; 2198-2200.) |
x |
1926 |
Cheesman, R.E. (Red Sea; 348, m350.) |
x |
1926 |
Dahl, K. (Australia; m266.) |
x |
1926 |
Sanielevici, H. ("H. dugung"; diet, mastication; 251, 254-255.) |
x |
1928 |
Prater, S.H. (gen. acc.; 84-97, pls. 1-4.) |
x |
1929 |
Petit & Rochon-Duvigneaud (eye, sensory capacities; 129-138.) |
x |
1931 |
Sickenberg, O. (pachyostosis, osteosclerosis, 410-413, 415, 427; tooth replacement, 429; neoteny of brain & genitalia, 430-431.) |
x |
* |
1932 |
Hirasaka, K. (Taiwan; 1-4, pl. 1.) |
x |
1932 |
Korschelt, E. (rib fractures; 450.) |
1933 |
Bahrdt, H.J. |
x |
1934 |
Hirasaka, K. (distr. in Pacific; 4221-4222.) |
x |
1934 |
Thomson, D.F. (Cape York, Australia; hunting lore; 237-263, pls. 29-31.) |
x |
1935a |
Wislocki, G.B. (lungs; 385, 388, 392-394.) |
x |
1935b |
Wislocki, G.B. (placentation; 159, 164, 172-173, 176.) |
x |
1936 |
Lopes, A.P. (Mozambique; 28-36.) |
x |
1936 |
Sunter, G.H. (Northern Territory, Australia; harpooning; 47-48.) |
1938 |
Asano, N. |
x |
1938 |
Todd & Todd (epiphyseal union sequence; 32-33.) |
x |
1942a |
Kaltenmark, J. (m56.) |
x |
1951 |
Aragon, F. (Philippines; 265-268.) |
x |
1953 |
Brash, J.C. (tooth replacement; 464-466, 468-471.) |
x |
1954b |
Friant, M. (brain; 129-130, 134.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (syn. of Dugong dugon; m37.) |
x |
1959 |
De Silva, J.A. (Sri Lanka; conservation; 173-174.) |
x |
1959a |
Engel, S. (lung anatomy & histology; 102-104, 106, 111-114.) |
x |
* |
1959b |
Engel, S. (lung anatomy & histology; 90-100.) |
x |
1960 |
Jonklaas, R. (Sri Lanka; pop. acc.; 302-304.) |
x |
1960 |
Mani, S.B. (India; 216-217.) |
x |
1961 |
Silas, E.G. (India; 263-266.) |
x |
1961 |
Slijper, E.J. (closure of foramen ovale & ductus arteriosus; 536.) |
1961 |
Thiemmedh, J. (Gulf of Thailand) |
x |
v |
* |
1962 |
Engel, S. (lung anatomy & histology; 95-107.) |
x |
1963 |
Fenart, R. (skull; vestibular orientation; 92-98.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (m69.) |
x |
1967 |
Tsuyuki & Itoh (fatty acids; 1035-1037.) |
x |
1970 |
Cansdale, G.S. (probable identity of Biblical tachash; 138-139.) |
x |
1971 |
Fleischer, G. (ear; functional anatomy; 351-353, 355-359.) |
x |
1974 |
Itoh & Tsuyuki (fatty acids, comp. w/ TS; 310.) |
x |
1976 |
Fleischer, G. (anchoring of stapes; 305, 308-310.) |
x |
1979 |
Hoch, E. ("H. dugon"; syn. of Dugong dugon; m597.) |
x |
1982 |
Molnar, R.E. (?Pleist., Papua New Guinea; 680.) |
x |
1994 |
Matthies, E. ("H. dujong", in part; illustrations reproduced; 188, 190, 192.) |
x |
2000 |
Maio & Picariello (syn. of Dugong dugon; m14.) |
Halicore halicore Hilmy, 1949 ( 2 )
(= Dugong dugon)
* |
1949 |
Hilmy, I. S. (n. comb.) |
* |
1949 |
Hilmy, I. S. (n. comb.) |
Halicore hemprichii Ehrenberg, 1832 ( 8 )
(= Dugong dugon)
* |
1828-99 |
Hemprich & Ehrenberg (n.sp.) |
x |
1888 |
Hart, H.C. (mentioned in Bible; 26-27, 220, 228.) |
x |
1923a |
Petit, G. (mating; m77.) |
x |
1924a |
Petit, G. (distr., comp. w/ other species; 124-125.) |
x |
1930 |
Aharoni, J. (dispersal to Palestine via Suez Canal; 330.) |
x |
1940 |
Pocock, R.I. (?syn. of Dugong dugon; 330.) |
x |
1942a |
Kaltenmark, J. (m56.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (syn. of Dugong dugon; 4, 36.) |
Halicore Illiger, 1811 ( 63 )
(= Dugong)
x |
* |
1811 |
Illiger, C. (n.gen.; in classification; 140-141.) |
* |
1822 |
Fleming, J. ("Halicora"; unjustified emendation; 2:204.) |
x |
1825 |
Gray, J.E. ("Halicora"; in classification; m341.) |
x |
1827 |
Berthold, A.A. (in classification; 62.) |
x |
1827 |
Billberg, G.J. (in classification; tab. A.) |
x |
1828 |
Billberg, G.J. (in classification; tab. A.) |
x |
1837 |
Burmeister, H. (in classification; 793.) |
x |
1838a |
Kaup, J.J. (comp. w/ Halytherium dubium; 319.) |
x |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. ("Halichore"; comp. w/ Halitherium serresii, 211-217; comp. w/ Toxodon, 218-219.) |
x |
1864 |
Dana, J.D. (in classification; m169.) |
x |
1867c |
Brandt, J.F. (brain, comp. w/ Trichechus & Hydrodamalis; 269-270.) |
x |
1867 |
Claudius, M. (ear region, comp. w/ HG; 10-11.) |
x |
1870 |
Adams, A. (Sakhalin; 198.) |
1870 |
Krauss, C.F.F. |
x |
1872a |
Gill, T. (in classification; 92.) |
x |
1872a |
Murie, J. (anatomy, comp. w/ TMM; 133, 135, 137, 141, 154, 166-167, 170-171, 173-174, 179, 183, 190-191.) |
x |
1873 |
Gill, T. (phylogeny; 272.) |
x |
1874 |
Flower, W.H. (comp. w/ Halitherium; 2-5.) |
x |
1875a |
Owen, R. (brain; m102, m104-105.) |
x |
1875 |
Wilder, B.G. (m111.) |
x |
1878 |
Brown, A.E. (gen. acc.; 292-298.) |
x |
1880 |
Cope, E.D. (squamosal foramina; 456.) |
x |
1880a |
Zigno, Achille de (comp. w/ Halitherium veronense; 294, 296.) |
x |
1883a |
Cope, E.D. (m54.) |
x |
1883b |
Cope, E.D. (comp. w/ Dioplotherium; 309.) |
x |
1884 |
De Vis, C.W. (comp. w/ Chronozoon; 394.) |
x |
1884 |
Doran, A.H.G. (ear ossicles, comp. w/ HG; 367-370.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (skull, m459; rostral pads, m460; brain, 461; manus, m462; tusks, m465; teeth, 467; m470, m472.) |
x |
1887 |
Flot, L. (comp. w/ Prohalicore, 134-135, pl. 1; descent, 136-138.) |
x |
D |
1888 |
Marsh, O.C. (thought related to Desmostylus; m96.) |
x |
1889b |
Dollo, L. (comp. w/ Miosiren; 416, 418-421.) |
x |
1889 |
Lefèvre, T. (descent from Olig. Belgian sir.; 199-200.) |
x |
1890 |
Dollo, L. (comp. w/ Miosiren; m65.) |
x |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker (anatomy, 213-214, 220-221; m223.) |
x |
1894 |
Dawson, G.M. (m156-157.) |
x |
1895 |
Palmer, T.S. (syn. of Dugong; 449-450.) |
x |
1897 |
Sinclair, W.F. (meat; m198.) |
x |
1898 |
Anderson, R.J. (manus; 765-767.) |
x |
1899 |
Palmer, T.S. (syn. of Dugong; m494.) |
x |
1902a |
Osborn, H.F. (m714.) |
x |
1903a |
Smith, G.E. (brain; m328.) |
x |
1904 |
Eggeling, H. (sternum; 99.) |
x |
1904a |
Lorenz, L.v. (pelvis; 1-8, 11, pl. 1.) |
x |
1905 |
Toldt, C. (angular process of mandible; m337.) |
x |
1906 |
Abel, O. (dentition; 50-51, 60.) |
1910 |
Anon. |
x |
1912 |
Issel, A. (Assab, Eritrea; comp. w/ Felsinotherium subapenninum; 121.) |
x |
1914 |
Depéret, C. (comp. w/ Felsinotherium; 1860.) |
x |
D |
1915 |
Hay, O.P. (comp. w/ Desmostylus; 385-389, 391.) |
x |
1916a |
Matthew, W.D. (tooth formula; 26-28.) |
x |
1922 |
Sonntag, C.F. (tongue; 646-647, 654.) |
x |
1923 |
Nopcsa, F.v. (pachyostosis; m357.) |
x |
1924-25 |
Vosseler, J. (German East Africa; feeding behavior; 225-226.) |
x |
1942a |
Kaltenmark, J. (anatomy; gen. acc.; 53-54, 61-64.) |
x |
1942b |
Kaltenmark, J. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium sp.; 106-108, 111-113.) |
x |
1943 |
Kaltenmark, J. (nasals, 15-16, m18; phylogeny, 21.) |
x |
1944 |
Zbyszewski, G. (humerus, comp. w/ Metaxytherium petersi; m72.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (syn. of Dugong; 135.) |
x |
1952a |
Koenigswald, G.H.R.v. (lack of fossils in Indian Ocean, & vernacular name, m610; descent from Indosiren, 611.) |
1957 |
Pronina, I.G. |
x |
1960 |
Kappers et al. (epiphysis, spinal cord; 1: 286, 2: 1064.) |
1972 |
Hasegawa, U. |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Dugong; m578.) |
Halicore indica (Boddaert, 1785) Desmarest, 1822 ( 9 )
(= Dugong dugon)
* |
1822 |
Desmarest, A.G. ("H. indicus"; n.comb.) |
1830 |
Cheek, H.H. |
x |
1849 |
Owen, R. ("Halicore indicus"; forelimb adapted as fin; m5-6.) |
x |
1886 |
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de ("H. indicus"; m193.) |
1896 |
Stossich, M. (nematode Ascaris halicoris) |
x |
1899 |
Stiles & Hassall (nematode Ascaris halicoris; m151.) |
x |
1922 |
Sonntag, C.F. ("H. indicus"; tongue; 646.) |
x |
2000 |
Maio & Picariello ("H. indica"; syn. of Dugong dugon; m14.) |
x |
2014-15 |
Winsor, M.P. (in imaginary dialogue between Strickland and Darwin on affinity; "Halicore indicus"; m183.) |
Halicore lottum Ehrenberg, 1832 ( 5 )
(= Dugong dugon)
* |
1828-99 |
Hemprich & Ehrenberg (n.sp.) |
1877 |
Heuglin, M.T.v. |
x |
1940 |
Pocock, R.I. (?syn. of Dugong dugon; 330.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (syn. of Dugong dugon; 4, 36.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (syn. of Dugong dugon; 382.) |
Halicore malayana Owen, 1875 ( 1 )
(= Dugong dugon)
x |
* |
1875b |
Owen, R. (n.sp.; comp. w/ Prorastomus; 560-561, 563, 565-566.) |
Halicore maximovitschii Rogovich, 1875 ( 1 )
(Nomen nudum; Cetacea)
x |
1875 |
Rogovich, A. S. (Ukraine; 37.) |
Halicore medius [sic] (Desmarest, 1822) de Serres, 1838 ( 4 )
(= Metaxytherium serresii, not M. medium)
x |
1835 |
Serres, M. de (Montpellier, France; m238-239 [in 1838 ed.]) |
x |
* |
1838 |
Serres, M. de (n.comb.; Plioc., Montpellier, France; 286.) |
x |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. ("Halichore"; m205, 209, 221.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (syn. of Metaxytherium serresii; 210.) |
Halicore minuta Bronn, 1838 ( 1 )
(= Hippopotamidae)
* |
1838 |
Bronn, H.G. (n.sp.) |
Halicore syren Brookes, 1828 or 1830? ( 1 )
(= Dugong dugon)
* |
1828b |
Brookes, J. (n.sp.) |
Halicore tabernaculi Rüppell, 1834 ( 23 )
(= Dugong dugon)
x |
* |
1834 |
Rüppell, E. (n.sp.; Red Sea; 99-114, pl. 6.) |
x |
1838a |
Owen, R. (heart, m35; skeleton, 41.) |
1845a |
Reichenbach, H.G.L. |
1871 |
Ule, O. |
x |
1875a |
Owen, R. (m102.) |
x |
1876 |
Southwell, T. (gen. acc.; 57, 76.) |
x |
1881 |
Anon. (m738.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m468.) |
x |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker (m221.) |
x |
1904a |
Lorenz, L.v. (pelvis; 4-7, pl. 1.) |
x |
1906 |
Abel, O. (dentition; m60.) |
x |
1914a |
Freund, L. (pelvis; 372-373.) |
x |
1916 |
Lucas, F.A. (pop. acc.; 315-316, 318.) |
x |
1920 |
Schoff, W.H. (Biblical references to use of hide; 10-11, 51-53, 77, 140.) |
x |
1924a |
Petit, G. (syn. of H. hemprichi; m124.) |
x |
1925 |
Mertens, R. (type specimen listed; 30.) |
x |
1929 |
Birulia, A.A. (pelvis, comp. w/ HG; m87-88.) |
x |
1940 |
Pocock, R.I. (?syn. of Dugong dugon; 330.) |
x |
* |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (referred to Dugong dugon as subspecies; 37-39.) |
1963 |
Bertram, G.C.L. (pop. acc.) |
x |
1969 |
Robineau, D. (temporal region; 6.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Rice et al. (syn. of Dugong dugon; m305.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (syn. of Dugong dugon; 382.) |
Halicorea Brandt, 1846 ( 2 )
(tribe or family; included Manatus and Halicore but not Rytina)
* |
1846c |
Brandt, J.F. |
x |
1848 |
Gistel, J. (in classification; 83.) |
Halicoreae Brandt, 1833 ( 1 )
(tribe; included Manatus and Halicore but not Rytina)
* |
1833 |
Brandt, J.F. (new tribe) |
Halicorida Brandt, 1868 ( 2 )
(family; = Dugongidae)
* |
1868a |
Brandt, J.F. (n.fam.) |
x |
1872a |
Gill, T. (divided into 3 families; 13-14.) |
Halicoridae Gray, 1825 ( 11 )
(family; = Dugongidae)
x |
* |
1825 |
Gray, J.E. (n.fam.; in classification; 341, 344.) |
x |
1872a |
Gill, T. (in classification; 14, 91-92.) |
x |
1872b |
Gill, T. (m301.) |
x |
1873 |
Gill, T. (phylogeny; 272-273.) |
x |
1884 |
Flower, W.H. (in classification; m184.) |
x |
1889b |
Dollo, L. (m421.) |
x |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker (in classification, m220; m223.) |
x |
1895 |
Palmer, T.S. (syn. of Dugongidae; 450.) |
x |
1904 |
Case, E.C. (teeth; m57.) |
x |
1932c |
Simpson, G.G. (syn. of Dugongidae; 281.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (syn. of Dugongidae; 135.) |
Halicorinae Abel, 1913 ( 1 )
(subfamily; = Dugonginae)
* |
1913a |
Abel, O. (new subfamily) |
Halicoroidea Gill, 1872 ( 3 )
(superfamily; = Dugongidae)
x |
* |
1872a |
Gill, T. (new superfamily; in classification; 13, 91-92.) |
x |
1872b |
Gill, T. (m301.) |
x |
1873 |
Gill, T. (phylogeny; 272-273.) |
Haligyna Billberg, 1827 ( 4 )
(= Hydrodamalis)
x |
* |
1827 |
Billberg, G.J. (n.gen.; in classification; tabs. A & B, 33.) |
x |
1828 |
Billberg, G.J. (in classification; tabs. A & B, 33.) |
x |
1925 |
ICZN (nomenclature; 38.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Hydrodamalis; 75.) |
Haligyna borealis (Gmelin, 1788) Billberg, 1827 ( 3 )
(= Hydrodamalis gigas)
x |
* |
1827 |
Billberg, G.J. (n.comb.; 33.) |
x |
1828 |
Billberg, G.J. (in classification; 33.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Hydrodamalis gigas; 93.) |
Halipaedisca americana (Link, 1795) Gistel, 1848 ( 1 )
(= Trichechus manatus)
x |
* |
1848 |
Gistel, J. ("H. americanus"; n.comb.; 83.) |
Halipaedisca Gistel, 1848 ( 6 )
(= Trichechus)
x |
* |
1848 |
Gistel, J. (proposed as replacement name for Manatus; 83.) |
1850 |
Gistel & Bromme |
x |
1925 |
ICZN (syn. of Trichechus; 38.) |
x |
1934 |
Hatt, R.T. (syn. of Trichechus; 534.) |
x |
1961 |
Cabrera, A. ("Halipaediscus"; syn. of Trichechus; 309.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Trichechus; m578.) |
Halitherida Carus, 1868 ( 2 )
(family; = Halitheriinae)
* |
1868 |
Carus, J.V. (n.fam.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (syn. of Dugongidae; 135.) |
Halitheriidae Gill, 1872 ( 7 )
(family; = Halitheriinae)
x |
* |
1872a |
Gill, T. (n.fam.; in classification; 13, 91-92.) |
x |
1872b |
Gill, T. (m301.) |
x |
1873 |
Gill, T. (phylogeny; 273.) |
x |
1889b |
Dollo, L. (m421.) |
x |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker (m222.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 154.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (syn. of Dugongidae; 135.) |
Halitheriinae (Carus, 1868) Abel, 1913 ( 8 )
* |
1913a |
Abel, O. (new rank) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 135.) |
1960 |
Kaiser, H.E. |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (redefined; 3-5.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Ray (Halitheriinae indet.; Early Mioc., Oregon; 263-276.) |
1992 |
Kohno & Takaizumi (Halitheriinae indet.; Late Mioc., Japan) |
2002 |
Kobayashi, S. (indeterminate halitheriine; Mioc.; Japan) |
* |
2014 |
Voss, M. (considered invalid) |
Halitherium abeli Spillmann, 1959 ( 9 )
(= Halitherium christolii)
* |
1959 |
Spillmann, F. (n.sp.; Late Olig., Austria) |
1969 |
Spillmann, F. (Late Olig., Austria) |
x |
1973 |
Spillmann, F. (stratigraphic & phyletic position; 205.) |
x |
1977 |
Kordos, L. (comp. w/ Paralitherium; 367.) |
x |
1980 |
Kordos, L. (comp. w/ Hungarian Eotheroides; 389, 397.) |
x |
1986 |
Rothausen, K. (comp. w/ tooth from German Olig.; 529.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (syn. of H. christolii; 207, 225, 227.) |
x |
1988 |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium floridanum; 408.) |
2016 |
Voss et al. (synonymized with Lentiarenium cristolii (n.comb.)) |
Halitherium aegyptiacum (Owen, 1875) von Zittel, 1893 ( 2 )
(= Eotheroides aegyptiacum)
* |
1893 |
Zittel, K.A.v. (n.comb.) |
x |
1895 |
Depéret, C. ("H. (Eotherium) Aegyptiacum"; m410.) |
Halitherium alleni Simpson, 1932 ( 3 )
x |
* |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (n.sp.; 445.) |
x |
* |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (referred to Felsinotherium; 91-92.) |
x |
1989c |
Domning, D.P. (history of name; 416.) |
Halitherium angustifrons de Zigno, 1875 ( 7 )
(= Prototherium veronense)
* |
1875a |
Zigno, A. de (n.sp.) |
x |
1878a |
Zigno, A. de (review; 68, 70.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
x |
1892 |
Lydekker, R. (m78.) |
x |
1943 |
Kaltenmark, J. (phylogeny; 17-19, 21.) |
x |
1980 |
Kordos, L. (nature of type material; 387.) |
x |
1983 |
Bizzotto, B. (comp. w/ Prototherium; 100, 108.) |
Halitherium antillense Matthew, 1916 ( 10 )
x |
* |
1916a |
Matthew, W.D. (n.sp.; Olig., Puerto Rico; 23-29.) |
1916b |
Matthew, W.D. |
v |
1916 |
Reeds, C.A. |
x |
1923a |
Allen, G.M. (m232.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (m422, 496.) |
x |
1965 |
Kilmer, F.H. (comp. w/ Halianassa allisoni; 67.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (review; 65-66.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ Dusisiren; 73-74.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Ray (comp. w/ Oregon halitheriine; 272.) |
x |
1990 |
MacPhee & Wyss (review; 21, 31-32.) |
Halitherium antiquum (Leidy, 1856) Allen, 1926 ( 5 )
(nomen dubium; = "Manatus antiquus")
x |
* |
1926 |
Allen, G.M. (n.comb.; 455-459, pls. 2-3.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (m421, 444.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (history of name; 91.) |
x |
1988 |
Domning, D.P. (considered nomen dubium; 396.) |
x |
1989c |
Domning, D.P. (considered nomen dubium; 416.) |
Halitherium beaumontii (de Christol in de Blainville, 1844) Gervais, 1852 ( 2 )
(nomen dubium)
* |
1852 |
Gervais, F.L.P. (n.comb.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
Halitherium bellunense de Zigno, 1875 ( 14 )
* |
1875a |
Zigno, A. de (n.sp.; Italy) |
x |
1877 |
Lawley, R. (m342.) |
x |
1878a |
Zigno, A. de (review; 68, 70.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
x |
1892 |
Lydekker, R. (teeth; 78.) |
x |
1895 |
Depéret, C. (m410.) |
* |
1905a |
Abel, O. |
x |
1927 |
Collignon & Cottreau (m165.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (comp. w/ other sirs.; 474, 476-478.) |
x |
1937 |
Venzo, S. (considered Chattian [Olig.] in age; 7, 13, 196.) |
x |
1965 |
Kilmer, F.H. (m69.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (probably not Halitherium; 207.) |
x |
1989c |
Domning, D.P. (?related to rytiodontines; 425-426.) |
* |
2017 |
Voss et al. (made the basis of Italosiren, n.gen., as Italosiren bellunensis) |
Halitherium brocchii (de Blainville, 1844) Gervais, 1847 ( 1 )
(=Metaxytherium subapenninum)
x |
* |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (n.comb.; 221.) |
Halitherium bronni Krauss, 1858 ( 6 )
(= Halitherium schinzii)
* |
1858b |
Krauss, C.F.F. (n.sp.) |
x |
1862 |
Bronn, H.G. (m418.) |
* |
1862b |
Krauss, C.F.F. (comp. w/ H. schinzii) |
x |
1970 |
Fuchs, H. (comp. w/ Romanian ?Halitherium; 1186-1187.) |
2014 |
Voss, M. |
* |
2021 |
Domning, D.P. (conservation of name in preference to Kaupitherium bronni) |
Halitherium canhami Flower, 1874 ( 7 )
(= Miosiren canhami)
x |
* |
1874 |
Flower, W.H. (n.sp.; Mioc., England; 1-7, pl. 1.) |
x |
1875a |
Owen, R. (m104, 105.) |
x |
1879 |
Smith, R. |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
1891 |
Newton, E.T. |
x |
1927 |
Hopwood, A.T. (m21.) |
* |
1934b |
Sickenberg, O. |
Halitherium capgrandi (Lartet, 1866) Cope, 1883 ( 1 )
(= Rytiodus capgrandi)
x |
* |
1883a |
Cope, E.D. (n.comb.; comp. w/ Dioplotherium; 52.) |
Halitherium chouqueti Gaudry, 1884 ( 3 )
(= Halitherium schinzii)
x |
* |
1884 |
Gaudry, A. (n.sp.; 373-375, pl. 17.) |
x |
1887 |
Flot, L. (review; 136.) |
x |
1895 |
Depéret, C. (m410.) |
Halitherium christolii Fitzinger, 1842 ( 35 )
* |
1842 |
Fitzinger, L.J. (n.sp.; Late Olig., Austria) |
x |
1843 |
Meyer, H.v. (syn. of Halianassa; 704.) |
x |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (m209.) |
x |
1867 |
Peters, K.F. (synonymy; 310.) |
* |
1904a |
Abel, O. |
x |
1916a |
Matthew, W.D. (comp. w/ ?H. antillense; m26.) |
1916b |
Matthew, W.D. |
x |
1926 |
Allen, G.M. (comp. w/ H. antiquum; m457.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (m474, 478.) |
x |
1943 |
Kaltenmark, J. (phylogeny; 19-21.) |
x |
1951 |
Kretzoi, M. (m439, m441.) |
x |
1951 |
Reinhart, R.H. (m207.) |
* |
1959 |
Spillmann, F. |
x |
1965 |
Kilmer, F.H. (comp. w/ Halianassa allisoni; 67-68.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (review; 69.) |
1969 |
Spillmann, F. (Late Olig., Austria) |
x |
1970 |
Fuchs, H. (comp. w/ Romanian ?Halitherium; 1187.) |
x |
1973 |
Fuchs, H. (comp. w/ Romanian sir.; 73, 76-77.) |
x |
1973 |
Spillmann, F. (comp. w/ H. pergense; 200, 202-207, 209, pl. 40.) |
x |
1977 |
Kordos, L. (comp. w/ Paralitherium; 367.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ N. Pacific sirs.; 9, 12, 73, 118.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (phyletic position; 576.) |
x |
1980 |
Kordos, L. (comp. w/ Hungarian Eotheroides; 389, 397.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (comp. w/ Eoc. sirs.; 43.) |
x |
1985a |
Domning, D.P. (biochronological utility; 183.) |
x |
1985 |
Muizon & Domning (phyletic position; 211.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Ray (comp. w/ Oregon halitheriine; 272.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (considered ancestral to Metaxytherium; 207-208, 220-227.) |
x |
1988 |
Domning, D.P. (?ancestor of Metaxytherium; 417-418.) |
x |
1997 |
Bajpai & Domning (comp. w/ dugongines in cladistic analysis; 224-226.) |
x |
1997b |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ dugongines in cladistic analysis; 409.) |
x |
1997c |
Domning, D.P. (biostratigraphic utility; 178.) |
x |
2006 |
Pledge, N.S. (comp. w/ "Dugonginae incertae sedis", Early Plioc., South Australia; 301-302.) |
2013 |
Reiter & Mittermayr (Late Olig., Linz, Austria) |
* |
2016 |
Voss et al. (synonymized with Lentiarenium cristolii (n.comb.)) |
Halitherium cordieri (de Christol in de Blainville, 1844) Peters, 1867 ( 3 )
(= Metaxytherium medium)
x |
* |
1867 |
Peters, K.F. (n.comb.; skeleton; 309-314, pl. 7.) |
1899 |
Kornhuber, A. |
x |
1952 |
Thenius, E. (syn. of Thalattosiren petersi; 109.) |
Halitherium curvidens de Zigno, 1875 ( 5 )
(= Prototherium veronense)
* |
1875a |
Zigno, A. de (n.sp.; Late Eoc., Italy) |
x |
1878a |
Zigno, A. de (review; 68, 70.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
x |
1892 |
Lydekker, R. (m78.) |
x |
1980 |
Kordos, L. (syn. of Prototherium veronense; m387-389, m395-397.) |
Halitherium cuvieri (de Christol, 1832) Kaup, 1840 ( 8 )
(= Metaxytherium medium)
x |
* |
1840 |
Kaup, J.J. (n.comb.; 675.) |
x |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (m221.) |
x |
1867 |
Peters, K.F. (syn. of H. Cordieri; m310, m314.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
1906 |
Couffon, O. |
1923 |
Préaubert (France) |
x |
1971 |
Ginsburg & Janvier (syn. of Metaxytherium medium; m182.) |
x |
1976 |
Kordos, L. (m282.) |
Halitherium dubium (Cuvier, 1824) Kaup, 1838 ( 7 )
(= Halitherium schinzii, not Protosiren minima; used in reference to misidentified material)
x |
* |
1838a |
Kaup, J.J. ("Halytherium dubium", n.gen.n.sp.; Olig., Germany; 319, pl. 2.) |
x |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (m208.) |
x |
1866 |
Lartet, E. (occurrence; m684.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
x |
1895 |
Depéret, C. (m410.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (history of name; 70.) |
x |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. (history of name; 122-125.) |
Halitherium fossile (Holl, 1829) Gervais, 1847 ( 13 )
(= Metaxytherium medium)
x |
* |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. ("H. fossilis", n.comb.; 221.) |
x |
1884 |
Gaudry, A. (comp. w/ H. Chouqueti; 375.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
x |
1887 |
Flot, L. (review; 137-138.) |
x |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker (teeth illustrated; 223.) |
1909 |
Mayet & Lecointre |
x |
1919 |
Gómez Llueca, F. (syn. of Metaxytherium Cuvieri; 54.) |
1926 |
Cottreau, J. |
x |
1942b |
Kaltenmark, J. (m113.) |
x |
1956 |
Bataller, J.R. (Spain; skull; 24-25, pls. 6-8.) |
x |
1971 |
Ginsburg & Janvier (syn. of Metaxytherium medium; 182-183.) |
x |
1977 |
Hooijer, D.A. (m3.) |
x |
1997 |
Gómez-Alba R., J. (Mioc., Spain; 45, 171-172, 174.) |
Halitherium guettardi (de Blainville, 1844) Gervais, 1847 ( 8 )
(= Halitherium schinzii)
x |
* |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (n.comb.; 221.) |
x |
1866 |
Lartet, E. (occurrence; m684.) |
x |
1884 |
Gaudry, A. (m373.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
x |
1895 |
Depéret, C. (syn. of H. schinzi; m410.) |
1920 |
Depéret & Roman (syn. of H. schinzi; m37.) |
x |
1942b |
Kaltenmark, J. (m101, m113.) |
x |
1943 |
Kaltenmark, J. (phylogeny; 21-22.) |
Halitherium Kaup, 1838 ( 127 )
x |
* |
1838a |
Kaup, J.J. ("Halytherium"; n.gen.; 319, pl. 2.) |
x |
1838b |
Kaup, J.J. (comp. w/ DD; m536.) |
x |
1839b |
Meyer, H.v. ("Halytherium"; syn. of Halianassa; 77.) |
x |
1840 |
Kaup, J.J. (synonymy, 674-675; diagnosis, 675.) |
x |
1840b |
Meyer, H.v. (syn. of Halianassa; 587.) |
x |
* |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (review & diagnosis; 203-221.) |
1855 |
Kaup, J.J. |
1858b |
Krauss, C.F.F. |
x |
1861 |
Van Beneden, P.J. (Germany, Austria; 481.) |
x |
1864 |
Dana, J.D. (m183.) |
x |
1866 |
Adams, A.L. (Mioc., Malta; 595-596.) |
x |
1866 |
Lartet, E. (comp. w/ Rytiodus, etc.; 678-680, 682-683, 685.) |
x |
1867 |
Claudius, M. (ear region, comp. w/ HG; 6, 9-10.) |
1867 |
Peters, K.F. |
1867 |
Stache, G. |
x |
1867 |
Stache, G. (Mioc., Austria; 141, 144.) |
x |
1868 |
Falconer, H. (Malta; 304.) |
x |
1868 |
Fuchs, T. ("Halitherium" [= Metaxytherium krahuletzi]; Early Mioc., Austria; 591.) |
x |
1870 |
Delfortrie, E. (Early Mioc., France; bones scarred by fish teeth; 261.) |
x |
1871 |
Farge, E. (Middle Mioc., France; bone scarred by sharks; 265-268, pl. 2.) |
x |
1872 |
Farge, E. (Middle Mioc., France; bone scarred by sharks; 412-416.) |
x |
1872a |
Gill, T. (in classification; 92.) |
x |
1872a |
Murie, J. (anatomy, comp. w/ TMM; 135, 154, 167, 190-191.) |
x |
1873 |
Gill, T. (affinities; 271-272.) |
x |
1874 |
Flower, W.H. (comp. w/ other sirs.; 2, 5-7.) |
x |
1875a |
Owen, R. (brain, 102; Malta, 104, 105.) |
x |
1875b |
Owen, R. (comp. w/ Prorastomus; 566-567.) |
x |
1875 |
Wilder, B.G. (phyletic position; m111.) |
1875a |
Zigno, A. de (Mioc., Isthmus of Suez) |
x |
1878 |
Brown, A.E. (m292.) |
x |
1878a |
Zigno, A. de (Italy, 67-70; comp. w/ Felsinotherium, 69.) |
x |
1880 |
Delfortrie, E. (comp. w/ Rytiodus; 131, 135-139, 141-142.) |
x |
1883a |
Cope, E.D. (South Carolina; 54.) |
x |
1883b |
Cope, E.D. (comp. w/ Dioplotherium; 309.) |
1885 |
Gaudry, A. |
x |
1885 |
Ryder, J.A. (hind limbs; m515, 519.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (femur, m459; teeth, m464, m472; comp. w/ other sirs., 465.) |
x |
1886 |
Hauer, F.v. ("Halitherium" [=Metaxytherium medium]; Middle Mioc., Ottakring, Austria; 27-28.) |
x |
1886b |
Hartlaub, C. (comp. w/ Manatherium; 370, 374-376.) |
x |
* |
1887 |
Flot, L. (ancestral to Trichechus, 136-138; "new species", 138, pl. 1.) |
1887 |
Gaudry, A. |
x |
1889b |
Dollo, L. (comp. w/ Miosiren; 416-419, 421.) |
x |
1891 |
Flower & Lydekker (anatomy; 213, 222-224.) |
1892 |
Viguier, M.-G. |
1901 |
Kornhuber, A. |
x |
1902b |
Osborn, H.F. (m715.) |
1902 |
Schafarzik, F. (Hungary) |
1903 |
Van Oort, E.D. |
* |
1904a |
Abel, O. |
x |
1904 |
Freund, L. (carpus, comp. w/ DD, etc.; m394.) |
x |
1904a |
Lorenz, L.v. (pelvis; m1, m6-7.) |
1905 |
Van Oort, E.D. |
x |
1906 |
Abel, O. (dentition; 51-52, 59-60.) |
x |
1906 |
Almera, D.J. (Middle Eoc., Spain; 379.) |
1911 |
Lefeuvre |
x |
1914 |
Depéret, C. (m1858-1859.) |
x |
1914a |
Freund, L. (fusion of cervical vertebrae; m360.) |
x |
1917 |
Schréter, Z. ([actually Metaxytherium]; Hungary; m176.) |
1922 |
Dal Piaz, G. |
x |
1923a |
Allen, G.M. (vertebral epiphyses; m236.) |
x |
1924 |
Andrews, C.W. (dentition; m306.) |
x |
1924 |
Hay, O.P. (teeth; m4.) |
x |
* |
1927 |
Collignon & Cottreau (Mioc., Madagascar; 138, 164-165, 169.) |
x |
1928 |
Prater, S.H. (m98.) |
x |
1929 |
Birulia, A.A. (pelvis, comp. w/ HG; m88-89.) |
1934 |
Nopcsa & Heidsieck |
x |
1935 |
Dartevelle, E. ("Halitherium sp.?"; Mioc., Congo; 717-718.) |
1935 |
Fekete, Z. (Hungary) |
1937 |
Dal Piaz, G. |
x |
1941c |
Heuvelmans, B. (dentition, comp. w/ DD; 5-6, 14.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (Hungary, m146; comp. w/ Sirenavus, etc., 148-149, 151, 154, pl. 6.) |
x |
1942a |
Kaltenmark, J. (comp. w/ Trichechus; m59.) |
x |
1942b |
Kaltenmark, J. (history of name, 103-104; m106; comp. w/ Metaxytherium sp., 108.) |
x |
1943 |
Kaltenmark, J. (phylogeny; 18-23.) |
x |
1943 |
Kellogg, R. (Caribbean; m299.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 135, 251.) |
x |
1951 |
Kretzoi, M. (comp. w/ Haplosiren; 438-441.) |
x |
1951 |
Reinhart, R.H. (m207, 209.) |
x |
1952 |
Thenius, E. (senior syn. of Halianassa; 110-111.) |
x |
1953 |
Maldonado-Koerdell, M. ("cf. Halitherium"; Olig., Mexico; 146-148.) |
x |
1953 |
Zapfe, H. (m14.) |
1954 |
Astre, G. |
x |
1956 |
Bataller, J.R. (Eoc. & Mioc., Spain; 24-25.) |
1959 |
Spillmann, F. |
x |
1959 |
Telles-Antunes, M.C.F. (Early Mioc., Lisbon; 129-137, pl. 1.) |
1963 |
Patte, E. |
1964 |
Rey, R. (France) |
x |
1968 |
Olsen, S.J. (Mioc., northern Florida; 129, 133-134.) |
x |
1970 |
Chavanon & Saubade (Olig., France; 261-262.) |
x |
1970 |
Fuchs, H. ("?Halitherium sp."; Eoc., Romania; 1185-1191.) |
x |
1971 |
Ginsburg & Janvier (comp. w/ Metaxytherium medium; 184, 186, 188.) |
x |
1973 |
Crusafont-Pairó, M. (Spain; occurrences & bibliography; 97-98.) |
x |
1973 |
Spillmann, F. ("?Halitherium sp." of Fuchs [1970] comp. w/ other Halitherium species; 206-207.) |
x |
1974 |
Anglada et al. (Early Mioc., France; 1-2.) |
x |
1974 |
Domning, D.P. (Mississippi; m8.) |
x |
1974 |
Patte, E. (corrects erroneous record from Poitou, France; 24.) |
x |
1977 |
Kordos, L. (comp. w/ Paralitherium; 366-367.) |
x |
1977 |
Savage & Tewari (Madagascar specimen considered Dugongidae indet.; 217.) |
x |
1977 |
Tewari et al. (Madagascar specimen considered Dugongidae indet.; 47A.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (phyletic position, occurrence in Africa; 575-579.) |
x |
1978 |
Satsangi & Trivedy (Late Olig., India; 571-576.) |
1978 |
Schäfer, W. |
1979 |
Kattinger, E. |
x |
1980 |
Inuzuka et al. (m641.) |
1980 |
Sahni & Mitra |
x |
1980 |
Sanders, A.E. (Olig., South Carolina; 612.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (supposed Eoc. records; 5, 39.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (body proportions, 375; distr., 378-380; pelvis, 392.) |
x |
1983 |
Bizzotto, B. (comp. w/ Prototherium, etc.; 100, 106, 111.) |
x |
1985a |
Kordos, L. (Hungary; zoogeography; 314.) |
x |
1985 |
Muizon & Domning (m209.) |
1986 |
Rothausen, K. |
x |
* |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. (suppression of spelling Halytherium proposed; Pugmeodon schinzii proposed as type species; 122-125.) |
x |
* |
1989 |
ICZN (spelling Halytherium suppressed; type species designated; name placed on Official List; 83-84.) |
x |
1991 |
Basu et al. (comp. w/ ?halitheriine from India; 10.) |
x |
1995 |
Fichter, J. (specimen in Kassel, Germany; 154.) |
x |
D |
1996 |
Kozawa et al. (enamel structure; 353-354, 356.) |
x |
2000 |
Cappetta et al. (indeterminate sir. ["Halitherium sp."]; Late Eoc., Jordan; 91.) |
x |
2000 |
Mayor, A. (France; as ?inspiration of folklore & use for Paleolithic tools; 145, 166, 259, 325.) |
x |
2001 |
Böhme, M. (Early Olig., Germany; 76-79.) |
2008 |
Voss, M. (Germany; Lower Olig.) |
2011 |
Diedrich, C. G. (placodont reptiles comp. w/ Halitherium & Dugong: macroalgae diets?) |
* |
2014 |
Voss, M. (considered a nomen dubium) |
x |
2015 |
Rocher et al. (Rauzan, France; humerus found in Bordeaux collection; 16.) |
2015 |
Houssaye et al. (osteosclerosis) |
* |
2021 |
Domning, D.P. (conservation of name) |
2023 |
Bakker et al. |
Halitherium kaupi Krauss, 1858 ( 1 )
(= Halitherium schinzii)
* |
1858b |
Krauss, C.F.F. (n.sp.) |
Halitherium maeoticus (v. Eichwald, 1850) Lungu & Rzebik-Kowalska, 2011 ( 1 )
x |
* |
2011 |
Lungu & Rzebik-Kowalska ("?Halitherium maeoticus" (sic; n.comb.); Late Mioc., Moldova; 30.) |
Halitherium minor Cope, 1883 ( 1 )
(= Metaxytherium serresii)
x |
* |
1883a |
Cope, E.D. (n.comb.; comp. w/ Dioplotherium; 52.) |
Halitherium olseni Reinhart, 1976 ( 14 )
(= Crenatosiren olseni)
x |
1971 |
Reinhart, R.H. ("H. olsenensis", nomen nudum; m8.) |
* |
1976 |
Reinhart, R.H. (n.sp.; Mioc., Florida) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Ray (comp. w/ Oregon halitheriine; 272.) |
x |
1987 |
Bajpai et al. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium kachchhense; 22-23.) |
x |
1989b |
Domning, D.P. (Early Mioc., Suwannee R., Florida; 54-56, 59.) |
x |
1989c |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ Dioplotherium manigaulti; 421, 424-426.) |
x |
1989d |
Domning, D.P. (m435.) |
x |
1989 |
Morgan, G.S. (Early Mioc., Suwannee R., Florida; 27, 30, 32, 39.) |
x |
1990b |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ Corystosiren varguezi; 369.) |
x |
1990 |
MacPhee & Wyss (comp. w/ Metaxytherium cf. calvertense; 25.) |
x |
* |
1991b |
Domning, D.P. (made the basis of Crenatosiren, n.gen.; 398.) |
x |
1991 |
Toledo & Domning (comp. w/ Dioplotherium cf. allisoni, 124; comp. w/ cf. Rytiodus, 133.) |
x |
1992 |
Hulbert, R.C., Jr. (syn. of Crenatosiren olseni; 33.) |
x |
1997b |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Crenatosiren olseni; 397-398.) |
Halitherium pergense (Toula, 1899) Spillmann, 1959 ( 6 )
(= Halitherium christolii)
* |
1959 |
Spillmann, F. (n.comb.) |
1969 |
Spillmann, F. (Late Olig., Austria) |
x |
1970 |
Fuchs, H. (comp. w/ Romanian ?Halitherium; 1185-1186.) |
x |
* |
1973 |
Spillmann, F. (stratigraphic position & comparisons with other species; 197-209.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (syn. of H. christolii; 207.) |
2016 |
Voss et al. (synonymized with Lentiarenium cristolii (n.comb.)) |
Halitherium raulinii (Gervais, 1849) Depret, 1895 ( 1 )
(= Halitherium schinzii)
x |
* |
1895 |
Depéret, C. ("H. (Trachytherium) Raulini"; n.comb.; m410.) |
Halitherium schinzii (Kaup, 1838) Kaup, 1855 ( 104 )
* |
1855 |
Kaup, J.J. (n.comb.) |
x |
1862 |
Bronn, H.G. (vertebrae, ribs, humeri, tusks; 416-418.) |
* |
1862b |
Krauss, C.F.F. |
x |
1866 |
Lartet, E. (occurrence; m684.) |
x |
1867 |
Peters, K.F. (comp. w/ H. cordieri; 309-314.) |
x |
1874 |
Flower, W.H. (m3, 5.) |
x |
* |
1879 |
Adams, A.L. ("H. Schinzi?"; Malta; 525-527, pl. 25.) |
* |
1882 |
Lepsius, G.R. |
x |
1884 |
Gaudry, A. (comp. w/ H. Chouqueti; 373-375, pl. 17.) |
1885a |
Flot, L. |
1885b |
Flot, L. (Montmorency, France) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (skeleton, 466; teeth, 467; m470.) |
x |
1887 |
Flot, L. (review; 136.) |
x |
1889b |
Dollo, L. (comp. w/ Miosiren; 417.) |
x |
1889 |
Lefèvre, T. (Olig., Belgium; 198-200.) |
x |
1892 |
Lydekker, R. (comp. w/ H. bellunense & H. veronense; 78, 81-83.) |
x |
1893 |
Howes & Harrison (vertebral epiphyses; m790.) |
x |
1895 |
Depéret, C. (m410; comp. w/ Metaxytherium krahuletzi, 411.) |
x |
1902 |
Andrews, C.W. (comp. w/ Eosiren libyca; 295.) |
1904 |
Koch, A. ("Halitherium ... aff. Schinzi"; Hungary) |
x |
1906 |
Abel, O. (dentition; 60.) |
1911 |
Schmidtgen, O. |
x |
1912 |
Issel, A. (comp. w/ Felsinotherium subapenninum; 121.) |
1912 |
Schmidtgen, O. |
x |
1914 |
Depéret, C. (comp. w/ Felsinotherium Serresi; 1858-1859.) |
x |
1916a |
Matthew, W.D. (comp. w/ H. antillense; 24-26.) |
x |
1923a |
Allen, G.M. (m233.) |
x |
1925 |
Abel, O. (most skeletons said to be composite; 48.) |
x |
1925 |
Kellogg, R. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium jordani; 58, 67.) |
x |
1926 |
Allen, G.M. (comp. w/ H. antiquum; 456.) |
x |
1926 |
Sanielevici, H. (diet & tooth morphology; 251-252, 254.) |
x |
1927 |
Collignon & Cottreau (comp. w/ Madagascar Halitherium; 164-165.) |
x |
1927 |
Hopwood, A.T. (illustration of skeleton; 20.) |
x |
1928b |
Petit, G. (fusion of cervical vertebrae 2 & 3; m431.) |
1929a |
Dette, K. |
x |
1931 |
Sickenberg, O. (pachyostosis, osteosclerosis, 409-415, 427; tooth replacement, 429.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (comp. w/ other sirs.; 424, 431-436, 443-444, 454, 456, 460, 464, 472, 474, 476-478, 480, 495, 499.) |
x |
1932b |
Simpson, G.G. (critique of restorations; 7.) |
1935 |
Haupt, O. (Olig., Mainz Basin, Germany) |
1936 |
Gillet & Théobold (Olig., France) |
1936 |
Neumann, D. (manus) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (m147, m151.) |
x |
1942b |
Kaltenmark, J. (m103, m113.) |
x |
1943 |
Kaltenmark, J. (phylogeny; 19, 21.) |
x |
1946 |
Slijper, E.J. (spinal column; tab. 5.) |
1947 |
Cailleux & Feugueur |
x |
1951 |
Kretzoi, M. (m439, m441.) |
1962 |
Barthel, K.W. |
x |
1962 |
Schäfer, W. (manner of decay of carcass; 53-56.) |
x |
* |
1962 |
Wilhelm, W. (Olig., Germany; skeleton; 51-53.) |
x |
1965 |
Kilmer, F.H. (comp. w/ Halianassa allisoni; 67-68.) |
1966 |
Barthel, K.W. |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (?Mississippi, 66; Europe, 68-69; comp. w/ Metaxytherium calvertense, 76, 78, 81, 83-85, 88.) |
x |
1967 |
Siegfried, P. (femur, comp. w/ Eotheroides libyca; 165, 169-171.) |
x |
1970 |
Fuchs, H. (comp. w/ Romanian ?Halitherium; 1185-1188.) |
x |
1972 |
Sittler, C. (Olig., Alsace, France; vertebrae; 113.) |
x |
1973 |
Crusafont-Pairó, M. (Spain; occurrences & bibliography; 97.) |
x |
1973 |
Fuchs, H. (comp. w/ Romanian sir.; 72-73, 75-77.) |
x |
1973 |
Spillmann, F. (comp. w/ H. pergense; 198, 200, 202-204, 206-207, 209.) |
x |
1974 |
Fondi & Pacini (comp. w/ Metaxytherium forestii; 43.) |
x |
1977 |
Hooijer, D.A. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium cf. medium; 2-4, 6, 12.) |
x |
1977 |
Kordos, L. (comp. w/ Paralitherium; 367.) |
x |
1977 |
Schäfer, W. (display, Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt; 196-197.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ N. Pacific sirs.; 3, 9, 12, 16, 73-74.) |
x |
1978 |
Satsangi & Trivedy (comp. w/ Halitherium sp. from India; m575.) |
x |
* |
1980 |
Tobien, H. (Olig., Mainz Basin, Germany; occurrences summarized; 207-209.) |
1982 |
Bahlo & Tobien (Olig., Mainz Basin, Germany) |
x |
1982b |
Domning, D.P. (molarization of premolars; m608.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (comp. w/ Eoc. sirs.; 30, 39.) |
* |
1982 |
Fischer & Krumbiegel |
x |
1982 |
Fischer, K. (Middle Olig., Germany; 151-153.) |
1983 |
Müller, A. |
x |
1983 |
Müller, A. ("H. schinzi"; Olig., Germany; 71-72, pl. 27.) |
x |
1985a |
Domning, D.P. (biochronological utility; 183.) |
x |
1986 |
Domning & Ray (comp. w/ Oregon halitheriine; 272-273.) |
x |
1986 |
Rothausen, K. (Olig., Germany; 520-521, 528-529, 539, 545, 548.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (?ancestral to Metaxytherium; 207, 220-227.) |
x |
* |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. (history of name; 122-125.) |
* |
1987 |
Pilleri, G. |
x |
1989c |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ rytiodontines; 423, 425.) |
1991 |
Freess, W.B. (Olig., Germany) |
1992 |
Schindler & Schindler (Olig., Germany) |
1994 |
Bizzarini, F. (Olig., France) |
x |
1997 |
Bajpai & Domning (comp. w/ dugongines in cladistic analysis; 224-226.) |
x |
1997b |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ dugongines in cladistic analysis; m409.) |
1999 |
Fichter, J. (Halitherium ?schinzii; Olig., Schauenburg-Hoof, Germany) |
2004 |
D'Anastasio, R. (hyperostosis of ribs) |
2005 |
Cahuzac & Audouin (Olig., France; paleoecology) |
2006 |
Gatt, M. (Malta) |
x |
2006 |
Pledge, N.S. (comp. w/ "Dugonginae incertae sedis", Early Plioc., South Australia; 296, 298-299, 301.) |
2008 |
Müller, A. |
2008 |
Diedrich, C.G. (Olig., Germany) |
x |
2008 |
Rocher, P. (Rupelian, France: pl. 3) |
2010 |
Diedrich, C.G. (comp. w/ placodontids) |
x |
2010 |
Micklich & Hildebrandt (Early Olig., Germany; 3, 13, 18, 19.) |
2010 |
Bizzarini & Reggiani (Olig., France; skull & dentition; reconstructed skeleton exhibited in Venice) |
* |
2011 |
Voss, M. (Early Olig., Münsterland, Germany) |
2012 |
Schöggl & Micklich (early Olig., Germany) |
2013a |
Diedrich, C.G. (Germany; paleobiogeography; shark predation) |
* |
2014 |
Voss, M. (considered a nomen dubium) |
2019 |
Gol'din et al. (comp. w/Dugongidae indet.; early Olig., Ukraine) |
* |
2021 |
Domning, D.P. (conservation of name by designation of a neotype) |
2022 |
Veress, Laszlo, Bordeianu, Marian, & Codrea, Vlad A. (Romania) |
2023 |
Bakker et al. |
Halitherium schinzii forma delheidi (Hartlaub, 1886) Sickenberg, 1934 ( 6 )
* |
1934b |
Sickenberg, O. (new rank) |
x |
1942b |
Kaltenmark, J. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium sp.; 107-108.) |
x |
1970 |
Fuchs, H. (comp. w/ Romanian ?Halitherium; 1185-1188.) |
x |
1973 |
Fuchs, H. (comp. w/ Romanian sir.; 72.) |
x |
1982 |
Fischer, K. (comp. w/ other H. schinzii; 151-152.) |
2014 |
Voss, M. |
Halitherium schinzii forma typica Sickenberg, 1934 ( 2 )
* |
1934b |
Sickenberg, O. (new subspecies) |
2014 |
Voss, M. |
Halitherium schinzii lareolense Pilleri, 1987 ( 3 )
* |
1987 |
Pilleri, G. ("H. s. lareolensis"; new subspecies) |
x |
* |
1996a |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of H. schinzii; 385.) |
2014 |
Voss, M. |
Halitherium serresii Gervais, 1847 ( 10 )
x |
* |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (n.sp.; Plioc., Montpellier, France, 210-217, 221; comp. w/ Toxodon, 218-219.) |
* |
1859 |
Gervais, F.L.P. |
x |
1874 |
Flower, W.H. (m5.) |
x |
1875a |
Owen, R. (m104.) |
x |
1878a |
Zigno, A. de (m67.) |
x |
1883a |
Cope, E.D. (comp. w/ Dioplotherium; 52.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
x |
1914 |
Depéret, C. (syn. of Felsinotherium Serresi; 1858.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (history of name; 70.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (syn. of Metaxytherium serresii; 207, 210.) |
Halitherium studeri (von Meyer, 1838) Kaup, 1855 ( 1 )
(= Metaxytherium krahuletzi)
* |
1855 |
Kaup, J.J. (n.comb.) |
Halitherium subappeninum (Bruno, 1839) Kaup, 1855 ( 2 )
(= Metaxytherium subapenninum)
* |
1855 |
Kaup, J.J. (n.comb.) |
x |
1867 |
Peters, K.F. (comp. w/ H. Cordieri; 310.) |
Halitherium taulannense Sagne, 2001 ( 5 )
* |
2001 |
Sagne, C. (n.sp.; Late Eoc., France; 471-476.) |
x |
2006 |
Pledge, N.S. (comp. w/ "Dugonginae incertae sedis", Early Plioc., South Australia; 301.) |
2007 |
Floquet et al. (Late Eoc.; Taulanne, France; taphonomy) |
2014 |
Voss, M. |
2022 |
Veress, Laszlo, Bordeianu, Marian, & Codrea, Vlad A. |
Halitherium uytterhoeveni Abel, 1925 ( 2 )
(= Halitherium schinzii)
x |
* |
1925 |
Abel, O. (n.sp.; nomen nudum; Olig., Belgium; 39.) |
1934b |
Sickenberg, O. (206) |
Halitherium veronense de Zigno, 1875 ( 13 )
(= Prototherium veronense)
* |
1875a |
Zigno, A. de (n.sp.; Late Eoc., Italy) |
x |
1877 |
Lawley, R. (m342.) |
x |
1878a |
Zigno, A. de (review; 68, 70.) |
x |
* |
1880a |
Zigno, A. de (additional material; 291-298, pl. 4.) |
1882 |
Zigno, A. de |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
x |
1887 |
Flot, L. (review; 136.) |
x |
1892 |
Lydekker, R. (referred to Prorastomus; 78, 81-83.) |
x |
1895 |
Depéret, C. ("H. (Prototherium) Veronense"; m410.) |
x |
1902 |
Yoshiwara & Iwasaki ("H. varonense"; m12.) |
x |
1906 |
Abel, O. (dentition; 52.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (m473.) |
x |
1942 |
Heuvelmans, B. (dentition & synonymy; 1.) |
Halobioidea Ameghino, 1889 ( 1 )
(= Sirenia)
* |
1889 |
Ameghino, F. (new taxon, rank not specified) |
Halysiren Kretzoi, 1941 ( 3 )
(= Metaxytherium)
x |
* |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (proposed as replacement name for Cheirotherium, 153; in classification, 153-155, pl. 6.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Metaxytherium; m577.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (syn. of Metaxytherium; 208-209.) |
Halytherium Kaup, 1838 ( 4 )
(= Halitherium)
x |
* |
1838a |
Kaup, J.J. (n.gen.; Olig., Germany; 319, pl. 2.) |
x |
* |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. (proposed suppression in favor of Halitherium; 122-125.) |
x |
* |
1989 |
ICZN (correct spelling deemed to be Halitherium; 83-84.) |
* |
2021 |
Domning, D.P. (nomenclature; syn. of Halitherium) |
Haplosiren Kretzoi, 1951 ( 4 )
(= Metaxytherium)
x |
* |
1951 |
Kretzoi, M. (n.gen.; Mioc., Hungary; 438-441.) |
x |
1952 |
Thenius, E. (considered nomen nudum; 112.) |
x |
1985a |
Kordos, L. (Hungary; zoogeography; 314.) |
1985c |
Kordos, L. |
Haplosiren leganyii Kretzoi, 1951 ( 6 )
(= Metaxytherium medium?)
x |
* |
1951 |
Kretzoi, M. (n.gen.n.sp.; Mioc., Hungary; 438-441.) |
1982c |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium serresi; 29-30.) |
1984 |
Kordos & Solt |
1985b |
Kordos, L. |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (?syn. of Metaxytherium medium; 208, 215, 229.) |
* |
2013 |
Domning & Pervesler (comp. w/ Metaxytherium medium; Middle Mioc., Central Europe) |
Hematology: SEE Biochemistry; Circulatory System ( 0 )
Hemicaulodon Cope, 1869 ( 4 )
(Pinnipedia; = Odobenus)
* |
1869 |
Cope, E.D. (n.gen.) |
x |
1872a |
Gill, T. (in classification; 92.) |
x |
1883a |
Cope, E.D. (comp. w/ Dioplotherium; 52.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (m150.) |
Hemicaulodon effodiens Cope, 1869 ( 6 )
(Pinnipedia; = Odobenus rosmarus)
* |
1869 |
Cope, E.D. (n.gen.n.sp.) |
x |
1885a |
Woodward, H. (m470.) |
x |
1923a |
Allen, G.M. (m231.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (m65; comp. w/ Rytiodus, 78.) |
* |
1975 |
Ray, C.E. |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (considered an odobenid; 2.) |
Herbicides: SEE Pollution, Effects of ( 0 )
Hesperosiren crataegensis Simpson, 1932 ( 14 )
(= Metaxytherium crataegense)
x |
* |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (n.gen.n.sp.; Mioc., Florida; 427-443, 455, 464, 478, 495, 499.) |
x |
1932b |
Simpson, G.G. (mounted skeleton, New York; 5-7.) |
x |
1941 |
Gregory, J.T. (comp. w/ Felsinotherium ossivallense; 38.) |
x |
1965 |
Kilmer, F.H. (comp. w/ Halianassa allisoni; 66, 70.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (review, 66; comp. w/ Metaxytherium calvertense, 73, 78, 84-85.) |
x |
1971 |
Reinhart, R.H. (m8.) |
x |
1972 |
Varona, L.S. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium riveroi; 7.) |
1976 |
Reinhart, R.H. |
x |
1985 |
Muizon & Domning (comp. w/ Metaxytherium calvertense; 205-206.) |
x |
1988 |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium floridanum; 400-401, 413-415, 417-418.) |
x |
1989b |
Domning, D.P. (m56.) |
x |
1989 |
Morgan, G.S. (m39.) |
x |
1991 |
Bryant, J.D. (Mioc., Florida; 475-476, 481, 484, 486.) |
x |
1992 |
Hulbert, R.C., Jr. (Florida; in checklist; 29.) |
Hesperosiren Simpson, 1932 ( 15 )
(= Metaxytherium)
x |
* |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (n.gen.; Mioc., Florida; 424, 426-427.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 153, 155.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 135, 251.) |
x |
1951 |
Reinhart, R.H. (m210.) |
x |
1957 |
Kellogg & Whitmore (paleoecology; 1022.) |
x |
1965 |
Arata & Jackson (m176.) |
x |
1971b |
Domning, D.P. (m217.) |
x |
1971 |
Ginsburg & Janvier (comp. w/ Metaxytherium medium; 184, 186.) |
x |
1974 |
Domning, D.P. (m8.) |
x |
1974 |
Fondi & Pacini (comp. w/ Metaxytherium forestii; 43.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ N. Pacific sirs.; 14, 49, 51, 74.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (m378-380.) |
x |
1987 |
Bajpai et al. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium kachchhense; 22.) |
x |
1988 |
Domning, D.P. (records from Bone Valley [Florida] erroneous; 397, 400-401.) |
* |
1994 |
Aranda-Manteca et al. (synonymized w/ Metaxytherium) |
Hippopotamus dubius Cuvier, 1824 ( 6 )
(= Protosiren minima)
* |
1821-24 |
Cuvier, G. (n.sp.) |
x |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (m209-210.) |
x |
1952 |
Hooijer, D.A. (syn. of H. minimus; 113.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (review; 68-70.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (considered type species of Halitherium; m576.) |
x |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. (history of name; 122-125.) |
Hippopotamus intermedius Holl, 1829 ( 1 )
(= Metaxytherium medium)
Hippopotamus medius Desmarest, 1822 ( 11 )
(= Metaxytherium medium)
* |
1822 |
Desmarest, A.G. (n.sp.) |
x |
1835 |
Serres, M. de (Montpellier, France; m239 [in 1838 ed.]) |
x |
1847b |
Gervais, F.L.P. (m208.) |
x |
1867 |
Peters, K.F. (syn. of Halitherium Cordieri; m309.) |
x |
1952 |
Hooijer, D.A. (syn. of Metaxytherium medium; 113-114.) |
x |
* |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (review; 69-70.) |
x |
1971 |
Ginsburg & Janvier (syn. of Metaxytherium medium; 182-183.) |
x |
1977 |
Hooijer, D.A. (m3.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (m577.) |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (syn. of Metaxytherium medium; 206.) |
x |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. (confusion with Halianassa; 123.) |
Hippopotamus minimus Desmarest, 1822 ( 3 )
(= Protosiren minima)
* |
1822 |
Desmarest, A.G. (n.sp.) |
x |
1952 |
Hooijer, D.A. (priority over H. dubius; 113.) |
x |
1987b |
Domning, D.P. (priority over H. dubius; 123.) |
Hippopotamus minutus Cuvier, 1824 ( 1 )
* |
1821-24 |
Cuvier, G. (n.sp.) |
Histology ( 131 )
(SEE ALSO: Skeleton; other organ systems)
x |
1820b |
Home, E. (DD; digestive organs, 317; lung cells & sacs, 319.) |
x |
1861 |
Möbius, K. (TM; rostral pads; 148-156, pl. 7.) |
x |
1862 |
Goebel, A. (HG; bone; chemical analysis; 188-193.) |
1877 |
Garrod, A.H. |
1878 |
Gulliver, G. |
1878 |
Tomes, C.S. (teeth) |
1880 |
Murie, J. |
x |
1890 |
Pilliet, A.H. (Trichechus; stomach; 450-453.) |
x |
1892 |
Waldeyer, W. (Trichechus; stomach, intestine; 81-85.) |
1898 |
Tomes, C.S. (teeth) |
1901 |
Gebhardt, F.A.M.W. (bone) |
x |
1907 |
Pick, F.K. (DD; lung, 258-269; blood cells, 266-267.) |
x |
1908 |
Humphreys, J. (Trichechus; dentine; m8.) |
1911 |
Lefeuvre (Halitherium; bone) |
1913 |
Hopewell-Smith, A. (DD; dentine) |
1924 |
Mummery, J.H. (dentine) |
x |
1929 |
Petit & Rochon-Duvigneaud (DD; eye; 135-136.) |
x |
1931 |
Sickenberg, O. (osteosclerosis; 407-412, 416, 434-435.) |
x |
1934 |
Addison, W.H.F. (Trichechus; brain cells; 587, 590.) |
1934 |
Nopcsa & Heidsieck (pachyostosis) |
x |
* |
1935a |
Wislocki, G.B. (TM; lungs; 385-396.) |
x |
* |
1935b |
Wislocki, G.B. (TML; placenta; 164-171, 176-177, pls. 4-7.) |
x |
1938 |
Oldham et al. (TI; hypophysis; 27-32.) |
x |
D |
1939c |
Ijiri, S. (Desmostylus japonicus; tooth; 135-138.) |
1940 |
Bélanger, L.F. (lungs) |
x |
* |
1942b |
Fawcett, D.W. (TML; bone, 271-285, 287-303, 308-309; thyroid, 285-287, 304-307.) |
1946 |
Widdowson, T.W. (dentine) |
1947 |
Amprino & Godina (bone) |
x |
1951 |
Fernand, V.S.V. (DD; pituitary, adrenal; 57-62, pls. 1-2.) |
1951 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (HG, skin, 294-295, 306-308, 310; TM, skin, 308.) |
x |
1953 |
Fernand, V.S.V. (DD; tooth enamel, dentine, cementum; 144-146, pls. 28-29.) |
x |
1953 |
Quiring & Harlan (TM; thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, thymus; 201.) |
x |
1954 |
Crusz & Fernand (DD; changes caused by trematodes; 503-505.) |
x |
1955 |
Bernhauser, A. (Metaxytherium krahuletzi; bone; 168-169, 185.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (DD; skin; 11.) |
x |
1958 |
Enlow & Brown (Trichechus; bone; 198-199, pl. 34.) |
x |
1958 |
Knoll, W. (Trichechus; blood cells; 332-333.) |
x |
1959a |
Engel, S. (DD; lung; 102-104, 106, 111-114.) |
x |
* |
1959b |
Engel, S. (DD; lung; 90-100.) |
1960 |
Schwille, F. (bones, teeth) |
x |
* |
1962 |
Engel, S. (DD; lung; 95-107.) |
1962 |
Glas, J.-E. (tooth enamel) |
x |
1963 |
Boyde & Stewart (TM; tooth enamel; 1102-1103.) |
x |
D |
1963 |
Mitchell, E.D., Jr. (Paleoparadoxia; pachyostosis; 196-197, 199.) |
x |
D |
1964 |
Mitchell, E.D., Jr. (desmostylians; pachyostosis; 214.) |
1967 |
Boyde & Lester (teeth) |
1967 |
Cave & Aumonier (DD) |
1967 |
Lester & Boyde (teeth) |
x |
* |
1968 |
Lemire, M. (Trichechus, DD; stomach; 477-491.) |
x |
1969 |
Caldwell et al. (DD; gall bladder, liver; 437-441.) |
x |
1969b |
Kaiser, H.E. (pachyostosis & histochemistry; m207-208.) |
D |
1971 |
Iwata & Uozumi |
x |
1972 |
Blessing et al. (Trichechus; spleen; 175-178, 182-188, 190, 193, 195-198, 200-202.) |
x |
1972 |
Kenchington, R.A. (DD; digestive tract; 885-887.) |
1972 |
Ota, Y. |
x |
1972 |
Verhaart, W.J.C. (Trichechus; brain; 271-292.) |
D |
1973 |
Kobayashi & Kamei |
D |
1974 |
Kozawa, Y. |
x |
1975 |
Forrester et al. (TM; histopathology; 567.) |
x |
1976 |
White et al. (TML; blood; 413-415.) |
x |
* |
1977 |
Marsh, H. (DD; stomach, duodenum; 273, 278-292.) |
x |
1978 |
Kasuya & Nishiwaki (DD; incisor growth layers; 301-310, 4 pls.) |
x |
1980 |
Denton et al. (DD; liver; haemosiderin deposits; 213-214.) |
x |
1980 |
Marsh, H. (DD; teeth; 184-189, 196.) |
x |
1980 |
Miller et al. (TM; transseptal fibers & tooth replacement; 128A.) |
x |
1980 |
Domning & Myrick (TI; bone; tetracycline marking; 203-207.) |
x |
1981 |
Elliott et al. (DD; intestine, liver; salmonellosis; 203-206.) |
1981 |
Kaiser et al. |
x |
1981 |
Kamiya & Yamasaki (DD; sinus hair; 193-197.) |
x |
1981 |
Yamasaki et al. (DD; tongue; 185, 190-191.) |
x |
1982 |
Cohen et al. (TM; photoreceptors; 197-202.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (bone density, 387-389; HG, skin, 402, 404-409.) |
x |
1982 |
Medway, Black & Rathbun (TM; hematology; 11-15.) |
x |
1982 |
Reynolds & Krause (TM; duodenum; 35-38.) |
x |
1983 |
Buergelt & Bonde (TM; toxoplasmic meningoencephalitis; 1294-1296.) |
x |
1983 |
Piggins et al. (TI; retina; 116-117, 123.) |
x |
1983 |
Wall, W.P. (TM; bone density; 197, 201-204.) |
x |
1984 |
Bazzini et al. (TM; hemopoiesis in vertebral bodies; 19.) |
D |
1984a |
Kozawa, Y. |
x |
1984b |
Kozawa, Y. (tooth enamel prisms; 438-440.) |
x |
* |
1984 |
Marsh, Heinsohn & Channells (DD; female reproductive tract; 751-763.) |
x |
* |
1984 |
Marsh, Heinsohn & Glover (DD; male reproductive tract; 723-740.) |
x |
1984 |
Snipes, R.L. (TM; cecum; 71-74.) |
1985 |
Kozawa, Y. (tooth enamel) |
x |
1985 |
Mackay-Sim et al. (TM; olfactory epithelium; 187-191.) |
x |
1985 |
Ralph et al. (TM; pineal region of brain; 55-60.) |
x |
1986 |
Bazzini et al. (TM; hemopoiesis; 150-152.) |
1986 |
Kalashnikova & Kazanskaya (TM; liver cells) |
1986 |
Umnova & Novoselova (TM; skeletal muscles) |
x |
1988 |
Fischer, M.S. (TM; external auditory meatus, 367; tympanic membrane, 368; tympanic cavity, 370; eustachian tube, 373.) |
D |
1988b |
Kamiya, H. (Paleoparadoxia; tooth enamel) |
1989 |
Buffrénil & Schoevaert (DD; pachyostosis) |
x |
* |
1989 |
Buffrénil & Schoevaert (DD; pachyostosis; 2107-2119.) |
x |
1989 |
Hill & Reynolds (TM; kidney; 53-56.) |
x |
1989 |
Maluf, N.S.R. (TM; kidney; 277-278, 280, 282-283.) |
x |
1990 |
Buergelt et al. (TML; thickened heart valves; 220-227.) |
x |
1991 |
Domning & de Buffrénil (pachyosteosclerosis; 334-336, 358-364.) |
x |
1992 |
Ketten et al. (TML; middle & inner ear; 83-84, 86-88.) |
D |
1992 |
Sakae, T. (Desmostylus; enamel mineralogy) |
D |
1994 |
Pfretzschner, H.U. (tooth enamel) |
x |
* |
1995 |
Marshall & Reep (TML; cerebral cortex; 1-18.) |
x |
1995 |
Ricqlès & Buffrénil (HG; pachyosteosclerosis; 47-53.) |
x |
1996 |
Marmontel et al. (TML, TMM; growth layers in bone; 54-88.) |
x |
* |
1996 |
Reynolds & Rommel (TML; gastrointestinal tract; 544-556.) |
x |
1997 |
Capasso, L. (Felsinotherium forestii, DD; hyperostosis; 616-617, 619-620.) |
x |
1998 |
Bossart et al. (TML; brevetoxicosis; 277-281.) |
D |
1999 |
Suzuki & Kozawa (Desmostylus; tooth enamel) |
2001 |
Miller et al. (TML; spermatozoa; 253-256.) |
x |
2001 |
Reep et al. (TML; vibrissae; 1-14.) |
2001 |
Rommel & Lowenstine (TML; microscopic anatomy) |
2002 |
Levin & Pfeiffer (TML; tongue) |
x |
* |
2002 |
Reep et al. (TML; postcranial tactile hairs; 145, 148-152.) |
2004 |
D'Anastasio, R. (hyperostosis of ribs) |
2005 |
Harper et al. (TML; vascularization of cornea) |
2005 |
Sweat et al. (TML; surface interleukin-2 receptor expression; blood mononuclear cells) |
2006b |
Yan, Clifton et al. (TML; fracture toughness of rib) |
2006a |
Yan, Clifton et al. (TML; rib bone; fracture mechanics) |
2008b |
Clifton et al. (TML; rib bone; quantitative fractography) |
2008 |
Buffrénil et al. (Prototherium monserratense & undetermined dugongids; Eoc., Spain; pachyosteosclerosis) |
2010 |
Astibia et al. (indeterminate dugongids; early Middle Eoc., Spain; pachyosteosclerosis in ribs) |
* |
2010 |
Buffrénil et al. (evolution of pachyosteosclerosis) |
2010 |
Amaral et al. (TI; spermatozoa) |
2011 |
Guido et al. (Metaxytherium serresii; Late Mioc., Cessaniti, Italy; micromorphology, geochemistry, & diagenesis of ribs) |
D |
2013 |
Hayashi et al. (desmostylians; bone histology & aquatic adaptation) |
2013 |
Bills et al. (TML; anal glands) |
x |
2015 |
Amson et al. (supposed sir. rib reidentified as sloth; 1-4.) |
* |
2020 |
Barboza & Larkin (TML; olfactory epithelium) |
2023 |
Kaewmong et al. (DD, histology of 17 organs.) |
2023 |
Nascimento et al. (TMM; skin biopsies; somatic tissue banks & cell cultures) |
2024 |
Moura et al. (TMM; Age and sex effects on histological features and in vitro culturing of Antillean manatee skin.) |
2024 |
Tavares et al. (TI; primary fibroblast cell culture) |
Historical Notes ( 39 )
x |
1846a |
Brandt, J.F. (discussion of study of rostral pads of HG; 91-94.) |
1861 |
Brandt, J.F. |
x |
1868c |
Brandt, J.F. (discussion of contents of Symbolae Sirenologicae; 471-474.) |
x |
1868d |
Brandt, J.F. (new reconstruction of HG in Symbolae Sirenologicae; 457-458.) |
x |
1893 |
Stejneger, L. (HG skeletons in museums; 81.) |
x |
1897 |
Sinclair, W.F. (DD; possible mention by Cosmas of Alexandria [6th century A.D.]; 198.) |
x |
1923 |
Jackson, E.S. (DD; Australia; medicinal use of oil by Dr. Wm. Hobbs; m282.) |
D |
1939b |
Tokunaga, S. (identification of Togari Desmostylus skull; iii-v.) |
x |
1942 |
Simpson, G.G. (early finds of fossil sirs. in North America; m177.) |
D |
1971 |
Takashi, Y. |
x |
1974 |
Rayfield, E. (map with illustration of HG reproduced from National Ocean Survey archives, after Dall [1891]; 45, 47.) |
x |
1975 |
Bertram & Sale (report of meeting on dugong research in East Africa; 389-390.) |
x |
D |
1977 |
Hasegawa, Y. (artists' reconstructions of desmostylians; pop. acc.; 90-91.) |
1978 |
Arvy, L. |
x |
1978 |
Stanbury, P.J. (DD; Australia; accounts of Dampier & Portlock; 18.) |
x |
1985 |
Baldwin, C.L. (DD; Australia; research in progress, Feb. 1984; Appendix.) |
1987 |
Bertram, G.C.L. (account of the Bertrams' studies of sirs.) |
x |
1988 |
Flannery, T. (HG skeleton in Australian Museum, Sydney; 462.) |
x |
1991 |
Dubois, A. (Siren bartholini; 109, 114, 117.) |
x |
1991 |
Pietsch, T.W. (S. Fallours' painting of a mermaid probably based on a dugong; 1-25.) |
1991 |
Yamashita, K. (DD; in ancient Japanese documents) |
x |
D |
1993 |
McAnally, L.M. (Cornwallius sookensis; British Columbia; discovery & theft of type material; 8-9.) |
x |
1994 |
Matthies, E. (manatee & dugong illustrations from 19th-century German works; 186-193.) |
x |
2002 |
Bertram, B. (obituary of G. C. L. Bertram; 304.) |
x |
2002 |
Kumaran, P. (DD; India; review & critique of past studies; m1210-1220.) |
* |
2006 |
Mattioli & Domning (HG; Commander Islands; skeletal material in museums; history of collecting) |
D |
2007 |
Hasegawa, Y. (studies of desmostylian evolution & locomotion) |
x |
2007 |
Ewan & Ewan (DD; reproduction of earliest illustrations of skull; 1038.) |
2007 |
Luna, F. O. (Amazonian Manatee Project, Brazil: history and future perspectives.) |
* |
2010 |
Luna & Passavante (Trichechus, Brazil; history of conservation by Instituto Chico Mendes) |
2011 |
Lourie, P. (TI, TML, TS; field studies) |
2012 |
Domning, D.P. (TI; in capt., INPA, Manaus, Brazil; history of project) |
x |
2013 |
Friedman-Rudovsky, J. (TM; Cuba-Florida collaborative research; 447.) |
2014 |
McDonald, P. (TML, Florida; interview with Patrick Rose) |
x |
2014-15 |
Winsor, M.P. (in imaginary dialogue between Strickland and Darwin on affinity; m75-76, m125, m181, m183.) |
x |
* |
2015 |
Rocher et al. (Rytiodus capgrandi; France; rediscovery of lost skull; 13-18.) |
* |
2018 |
Brito, C. (history of the manatee-mermaid connection in European natural history) |
2021 |
Siciliano et al. (Trichechus spp.; Brazil; hunting & capture) |
2021 |
Emin-Lima, Costa et al. (TI; near Belém, Brazil; historical records; mating activity) |
Homing: SEE Migration and Movements ( 0 )
Honduras ( 10 )
(SEE ALSO: Central America)
x |
1782 |
Duhamel du Monceau, H.L. (TMM; m59.) |
1935 |
Strong, W.D. (TMM) |
1940 |
Hagen, V.W.v. (TM) |
1974 |
Davidson, W.V. (TMM now absent from Bay Islands) |
x |
* |
1979 |
Klein, E.H. (TMM; status & distr.; 21-28.) |
x |
1983 |
Rathbun et al. (TMM; status; 301-308.) |
x |
1989 |
Lefebvre et al. (TMM; distr., status, & biogeography; 582, 606.) |
x |
1993 |
Healy, P. (TM; supposed manatee effigies on prehistoric pottery; 202-203.) |
1994 |
Livermore, B. (TMM; aerial survey; pop. acc.) |
* |
2014 |
González-Socoloske et al. (TMM; aerial surveys; entanglement in fishnets; poaching) |
Hungary ( 23 )
1902 |
Schafarzik, F. |
1904 |
Koch, A. |
1911 |
Koch, A. (Halitherium; Olig.) |
x |
1917 |
Schréter, Z. (Metaxytherium petersi; Mioc.; 176-177.) |
1934b |
Sickenberg, O. |
1935 |
Fekete, Z. |
x |
* |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (Sirenavus hungaricus, n.gen.n.sp., Middle Eoc.; & other sirs.; 146-147, 156.) |
1944 |
Mottl, M. (Eoc.) |
x |
* |
1951 |
Kretzoi, M. (Haplosiren leganyii, n.gen.n.sp.; Mioc.; 438-441.) |
x |
1953 |
Kretzoi, M. (indeterminate sir.; Early Eoc., Dudar; 273-277.) |
1955 |
Kretzoi, M. |
1965 |
Balogh & Rónai (Eoc.) |
1971 |
Detre et al. (Eoc.) |
1976 |
Kordos, L. |
x |
* |
1977 |
Kordos, L. (Paralitherium tarkanyense, n.gen.n.sp.; Late Eoc., Felsőt rk ny; 349-367.) |
x |
1978 |
Kordos, L. (Protosiren cf. fraasi; Middle Eoc., Felsőgalla; 288-289.) |
* |
1979 |
Kordos, L. (Anisosiren pannonica, n.gen.n.sp.) |
x |
1980 |
Kordos, L. (Eotheroides sp.; Middle Eoc., Balinka; 385-397.) |
1983 |
Báldi, T. |
1984 |
Kordos & Solt |
x |
1985a |
Kordos, L. (sir. fossil record; 314.) |
1985b |
Kordos, L. (specimens collected by F. Leg nyi) |
1985c |
Kordos, L. |
Hunting and Capture ( 368 )
(SEE ALSO: Accidental Death or Injury; Archeological Sites, Sirenians at; Captivity, Sirenians in; Conservation; Economic Use; Natural Enemies; Weed Control)
1526 |
Oviedo, G.F. de (TMM; West Indies) |
x |
1743 |
Barrere, P. (TMM; French Guiana; 159-161, 1 pl.) |
1764 |
Soimonov, F.I. (HG) |
x |
* |
1782 |
Duhamel du Monceau, H.L. (Trichechus; South & Central America; 57-59, pl. 13.) |
x |
1791 |
Bartram, W. (TML; Florida; 231-232.) |
x |
1801 |
Edwards, B. (TMM; West Indies; remoras; 1: 127.) |
x |
1809 |
Descourtilz, M.E. (TMM; San Domingo; 2: 274-276.) |
x |
1820 |
Raffles, T.S. (DD; Singapore; harpoons; 180-181.) |
x |
1824 |
Harlan, R. (TML; Florida; harpoon; 392.) |
x |
1825a |
Harlan, R. (TML, Florida, 277; TMM, Belize, 278; harpoons.) |
x |
1826 |
Wied-Neuwied, M. zu (TMM; Brazil; harpoons; 603.) |
1826 |
Humboldt, A.v. (TMM; Bahia de Jagua, Cuba; use of freshwater springs at sea) |
x |
1829 |
Maw, H.L. (TI; Brazil-Peru border; harpoons; m237.) |
x |
1831 |
Spix & Martius (TI; Brazil; hunted during high water; 1122.) |
x |
1834 |
Rüppell, E. (DD; Red Sea; harpoons; 100, 112-113.) |
x |
1836 |
Smyth & Lowe (TI; Peru; harpooned in rainy season; 242-243.) |
1837 |
Williams, J.L. |
x |
1838 |
Humboldt, A.v. (TMM; Orinoco R.; annual hunts; 9.) |
x |
1843 |
Backhouse, J. (DD; Australia; nets; 368-369.) |
1845 |
Brumund, J.F.G. (DD; Aru Islands) |
x |
1847 |
Edwards, W.H. (TI; Brazil; harpoons; 187.) |
1847 |
Young, T. (TM) |
1852 |
MacGillivray, J. (DD; Moreton Bay, Australia; fishery) |
x |
1853 |
Wallace, A.R. (TI; Brazil; 187, 460.) |
x |
1857 |
Fairholme, J.K.E. (DD; Australia; nets, harpoons; 353.) |
x |
1857 |
Holton, I.F. (Trichechus; Colombia, Brazil; m46.) |
x |
1857 |
Shaw, N. (TS; Benué R., Africa; m99.) |
x |
1863c |
Brandt, J.F. (HG; extermination; 558-564.) |
1867 |
Rosenberg, C.B.H.v (DD; Aru Islands) |
x |
1867a |
Brandt, J.F. (HG; extermination; 445-450.) |
x |
1869 |
Marcoy, P. (Trichechus; South America; 1: 673; 2: 149-153, 157.) |
1871 |
Klunzinger, C.B. (DD; Red Sea) |
x |
1871 |
Myers & Myers (TMM; Orinoco R.; harpoons, stockades; 103.) |
1875 |
Moresby, J. (DD; Torres Strait; captures in 1873) |
x |
1875 |
Marcoy, P. (Trichechus; South America; 2: 45, 187-191, 194.) |
1875 |
Rambler (TML; Florida) |
1876 |
Gill, W.W. (DD; Torres Strait) |
x |
1876 |
Orton, J. (TI; Brazil; harpoons, nets; 299, 477.) |
x |
1880 |
LeBaron, J.F. (TML; Florida; nets, guns; 1006.) |
x |
1881 |
Anon. (DD; Queensland; nets, 744-745; harpoons, 745.) |
x |
* |
1881 |
Flower, W.H. (TS; West Africa; traps set on land; manatee-catching society; 454-455.) |
x |
1882 |
Faithful, P. (DD; Queensland; nets [made in England!], harpoons; 11.) |
x |
1883 |
Moloney, C.A. (TS; Gold Coast; traps, nets; 27-28.) |
x |
1884b |
True, F.W. (Trichechus; Americas; nets, guns, harpoons, crossbows; 123-127.) |
x |
1886 |
Miklouho-Maclay, N. de (DD; Australia; nets, drowning; m193.) |
x |
1887 |
Rovirosa, J.N. (TMM; Mexico; harpoons; 357.) |
x |
* |
1887 |
Stejneger, L. (HG; Commander Islands; 1048-1053.) |
1888 |
Senior, W. (DD; Queensland) |
1889 |
Jacobsen (DD; Indonesia) |
x |
1890 |
Büttikofer, J. (TS; Liberia; guns, harpoons, nets, fences; 2: 392-393.) |
x |
1891 |
Stuart, H.V. (TML; sold as beef in New York; 137.) |
x |
1893 |
Goeldi, E.A. (Trichechus; Brazil; harpoons, nets; 120.) |
1893 |
Stretton, W.G. (DD; Australia; making of harpoon rope) |
1894 |
Kuroiwa, T. (DD) |
x |
* |
1895 |
Veríssimo, J. (TI; Brazil; harpoons, nets; 35-39, 92-93.) |
x |
1898 |
Anon. (TML; Seminole Indians, Florida; harpoons; 102.) |
x |
* |
1899 |
Steller, G.W. (HG; Bering Is.; clubs, axes, hooks; 197-199.) |
x |
1901 |
Anon. (DD; Torres Strait; nets, harpoons; 21238-21239.) |
* |
1901a |
Finsch, O. (DD; Papua New Guinea, Australia) |
x |
1901 |
Roth, W.E. (DD; Queensland; harpoons, fences; 30.) |
1902 |
Moriceau (DD; Madagascar) |
x |
* |
1903 |
Rodriguez Ferreira, A. (TI; Par , Brazil; 169-170, 172-173.) |
x |
1904 |
Allen, J.A. (TMM; Colombia; 423.) |
x |
1904 |
Wilcox, W.A. (TMM; Puerto Rico; nets; 387.) |
x |
1906 |
Annandale, N. (DD; India, nets, 241-242; Australia, nets, 242.) |
x |
* |
1906b |
Dexler & Freund (DD; Australia; nets; 51-52, 55, 60-61, 64.) |
x |
1907 |
Dimock, A.W. (TML; Florida; live capture; 848-853.) |
1908 |
Dimock, A.W. |
1908 |
Maclaud, C. (TS; West Africa) |
x |
1909 |
Anon. (DD; Australia; nets; 93.) |
x |
v |
1909 |
Dimock & Dimock (TML; Florida; capture for New York Aquarium; 39-59.) |
x |
1910 |
Packard, W. (TML; Florida; accidental netting; m144-145.) |
x |
1911 |
Gann, T.W.F. (TMM; Belize; ?use of nets by ancient Maya; 78.) |
x |
1912 |
Harris, W.K. (DD; Australia; nets, harpoons; 227.) |
x |
1912 |
Rodway, J. (TMM; Guyana; m84.) |
x |
1913 |
Frobenius, L. (TS; Yoruba rituals; 1: 199.) |
x |
1914 |
Woodroffe, J.F. (TI; Amazonia; traps; 243-244.) |
1917 |
Brown, W.P. (TML; Florida) |
x |
1917 |
Fairchild, D. (TML; Florida; 343-344.) |
x |
1918 |
Cuní y Valera, L.A. (TMM; Cuba; 95.) |
x |
1919 |
Jay, D. (DD; Australia; harpoons; 40-41.) |
x |
* |
1920 |
Goldman, E.A. (TMM; Panama; 70-71.) |
x |
1922 |
Golder, F.A. (HG; by Bering expedition; 237-238, 279.) |
x |
1922 |
Swanton, J.R. (TML; Florida; by Indians; 389.) |
x |
* |
1923a |
Petit, G. (DD; Madagascar, harpoons, nets, rituals, 75-77, 81-82; New Guinea, nets, 82.) |
1924 |
Abraham, H.C. (DD; Malaysia; harpoons) |
1924 |
Adams, M.P.G. (DD; northwestern Australia) |
x |
* |
1924 |
Dandouau, A. (DD; Madagascar; harpoons, rituals; 151-153.) |
x |
1924-25 |
Vosseler, J. (TI; Brazil; for aquarium; 63-64.) |
x |
1925 |
Fernandes, A. de A. (Trichechus; Brazil; harpoons; 263-267.) |
x |
1925 |
Lee, I. (DD; Australia; net; 520.) |
x |
* |
1925 |
Steller, G.W. (HG; Bering Is.; hooks, harpoons; 180, 227-228.) |
1925 |
Tindale, N.B. (DD; Australia) |
x |
1926 |
Derscheid, J.M. (TS; Congo; nets; kept alive for weeks; 30.) |
x |
1926 |
MacCreagh, G. (TI; Rio Uaupés area, Brazil; by Tiquié Tucana Indians; harpoon, blowgun; 313, 323-324.) |
x |
1926 |
Schurz, W.L. (TI; Brazil; 2 photos of carcasses; 449-450.) |
1927 |
Landtman, G. (DD; New Guinea; rituals) |
x |
* |
1927b |
Petit, G. (DD; Madagascar; rituals; 246-250.) |
x |
1928 |
Cundall, F. (TMM; Jamaica; 139, 143.) |
x |
1928 |
Prater, S.H. (DD; nets, harpoons; 87-88.) |
x |
1929 |
Prater, S.H. (DD; Andaman Islands, harpoons; India, nets; 987.) |
x |
1931 |
Tate, G.H.H. (Trichechus; South America; harpoons; 253.) |
1932 |
Haddon, A.C. (DD; Torres Strait) |
x |
1932 |
Hirasaka, K. (DD; Japan & Ryukyus; 3.) |
1932 |
Petrie, C.C. (DD; Queensland; nets & harpoons) |
1933 |
Oshima, H. (DD; Japan) |
x |
* |
1933 |
Jobim, A. (Trichechus; Brazil; techniques; 140-144.) |
x |
1934 |
Bittencourt, A. (TI; Brazil; 24-25.) |
x |
1934 |
Hirasaka, K. (DD; Japan & Ryukyus; 4221.) |
x |
* |
1934 |
Thomson, D.F. (DD; Cape York, Australia; Aboriginal hunting lore; 237-263, pls. 29-30.) |
x |
* |
1935 |
Barrett, O.W. (TMM; Central America; 216-217.) |
x |
1936 |
Sunter, G.H. (DD; Australia; harpoons; 47-48.) |
x |
1937 |
Johnson, E. (TS; Gambia; nets; 63-64.) |
x |
1937 |
Pinheiro, A. (Trichechus; Brazil; 215-218.) |
x |
1937 |
Promus, J. (DD; Queensland; commercial netting; 40-41.) |
x |
1937 |
Sanderson, I.T. (TS; West Africa; 267.) |
x |
1937 |
Sunter, G.H. (DD; Australia; harpoons; 53-61.) |
x |
* |
1937 |
Woods, F.J. (TS; Nigeria; traps, bait, harpoons, nets; 23-27.) |
x |
1938 |
Wood, T. (DD; Buccaneer Archipelago, Australia; m53.) |
x |
1939 |
Coates, C.W. (TI; Brazil; harpoons, nets, guns; 148.) |
1939 |
Patterson, E.K. (DD; Australia) |
x |
1939 |
Wavrin, M. de (Trichechus; Amazonia & northern South America; beating, harpoons; 194-196.) |
x |
1940 |
Machado, F. de P. (TI; Brazil; hunted chiefly in winter; 246.) |
x |
1941 |
Landa, D. de (TMM; Yucatan; harpoons; 16th century; 190-191.) |
x |
1941-43 |
Pereira, M.N. (TI; Brazil; harpoons, nets; 100, 102, 153.) |
x |
1942 |
Morison, S.E. (TMM; Cuba, remoras, in 1494, 457; Dominican Republic, in 1502, 592.) |
1944 |
Andreyev, A.I. (HG) |
x |
* |
1944 |
Morais Rêgo, A.R. de (TI; Brazil; harpoons; 10-12.) |
x |
* |
1944 |
Pereira, M.N. (TI; Brazil; hunted less in black water, 45; holes made by hunters in floating meadows, 48; hunting pressure in different regions, 53-55; hunting methods, 72-83.) |
1945 |
Church, A.E. (DD; Australia) |
x |
1945 |
Santos, E. (TI; Brazil; harpoons, nets; 157-158.) |
x |
* |
1946 |
Baughman, J.L. (Trichechus; Americas; 234-237.) |
1946 |
Harney, W.E. (DD; Australia) |
x |
1946 |
Swanton, J.R. (TML; Florida; by Indians; 250, 282, 297-298, 329.) |
x |
1947 |
Harwood, K. (TML; Florida; live capture by harpoon; 50.) |
x |
1947 |
Marden, L. (TMM; Guatemala; 546, 552, 558.) |
* |
1948 |
Andreyev, A.I. (HG; Bering Is., 1759-60; Cherepanov's account; 113-115.) |
x |
1948 |
Bessac & Villiers (TS; Senegal; harpoons, nets, shark nets, superstitions; 188-189.) |
x |
1948 |
Mendes, A. (TI; Brazil; harpoons, nets; 326.) |
x |
1949 |
Loveless, J.R. (DD; Queensland; nets; 8.) |
1950a |
Durand, J. (TM) |
x |
1951a |
Moore, J.C. (TML; Florida; poaching; 4, 6, 8-11.) |
x |
1951b |
Moore, J.C. (TML; Florida; 23, 35.) |
1951 |
Taylor, D.M. (TMM; Belize) |
x |
1952 |
Andreyev, A.I. (HG; Bering Is., 1758-59; 19.) |
x |
1954 |
Aragão, A. de (TI; Brazil; harpoons; 54-56.) |
x |
* |
1955 |
MacMillan, L. (DD; Australia; nets, harpoons; 19.) |
1956 |
Thomson, D.F. (DD; Queensland) |
x |
1957 |
Cadenat, J. (TS; Senegal; accidental capture; 1368-1369.) |
x |
1957 |
Gohar, H.A.F. (DD; Red Sea; nets; 5.) |
x |
1957 |
Meggers & Evans (TI; Brazil; by Indians; m570.) |
x |
1958 |
Fichter, G.S. (TML; Florida; m31-32.) |
x |
1959 |
De Silva, J.A. (DD; Sri Lanka; 173-174.) |
x |
1959 |
Spittel, R.L. (DD; Sri Lanka; statistics; 174-175.) |
x |
1960 |
Blancou, L. (TS; West Africa; m244.) |
x |
1960 |
Crusz, H. (DD; Sri Lanka; 301-302.) |
x |
1960 |
Jonklaas, R. (DD; Sri Lanka; nets, harpoons; 303.) |
x |
1960 |
Mani, S.B. (DD; India; 217.) |
x |
* |
1960 |
Norris, C.E. (DD; Sri Lanka; statistics; 297-300.) |
x |
1961 |
Jonklaas, R. (DD; India; nets, harpoons; 7-8.) |
x |
1961 |
Silas, E.G. (DD; India; nets; 265-266.) |
x |
1962 |
Bertram & Bertram (TMM; Guyana; 1329.) |
1963 |
Bertram, G.C.L. (TMM; Guyana) |
1963 |
Freundt de Castro, E. |
1963 |
Kulatunge, D. |
x |
1963 |
Pfeffer, P. (DD; Indonesia; harpoons, nets; 150-151.) |
x |
1964a |
Anon. (TML; Florida; netted for weed-control study; 29-30.) |
x |
1964 |
Cansdale, G. (TS; Ghana; rituals; m171.) |
x |
1964 |
Johnson, D.H. (DD; Arnhem Land, Australia; 507.) |
x |
1965 |
Harrisson, T. (DD; Borneo & Sabah; hunting & accidental netting; 103.) |
x |
1965 |
Layne, J.N. (TML; Florida; guns; 166-167.) |
x |
* |
1965 |
Lluch B., D. (TMM; Mexico; netting & live transport, 414-417; harpoons; m416.) |
x |
1966a |
Anon. (DD; Kenya; nets; pop. acc.; 46-49.) |
x |
1966a |
Bertram & Bertram (DD; Australia; 938-939.) |
x |
1966b |
Bertram & Bertram (gen. acc.; 212-217.) |
x |
* |
1966 |
Jarman, P.J. (DD; Kenya; harpoons, nets; 85.) |
x |
* |
1966 |
Thomas, D. (DD; Rameswaram, India; nets; 80-82.) |
1966 |
Sauer, C.O. |
1967 |
Ihering, R. von (TI, Brazil; hunting.) |
x |
1967 |
Aung, S.H. (DD; Burma; net; m221.) |
x |
1967 |
Edwards, W.E. (HG; extermination; m148.) |
x |
1967a |
Jones, S. (DD; India; net; 216-217.) |
x |
1967 |
MacLaren, J.P. (TMM; by Caribbean buccaneers; 387.) |
1967 |
Van Reyk, P. |
x |
* |
1967 |
Welsby, T. (DD; Queensland; harpoons, nets; 1: 104-110, 2: 233-257.) |
1968 |
Banfield, E.J. (DD; Queensland; harpoons, nets, rifle; contraction of hide prevents bleeding from bullet wounds) |
x |
1968 |
Charnock-Wilson, J. (TMM no longer hunted in Belize; 293-294.) |
x |
1968 |
Grimwood, I.R. (TI; Peru; exploitation; 418.) |
x |
1969 |
Chelnokov, F.G. (HG; Bering Is.; butchering; 71, 73.) |
x |
1969 |
Gibson, J.R. (HG; by Russians; 30, 48, 51-52.) |
x |
1969 |
Grimwood, I.R. (TI; Peru; exploitation; 61.) |
x |
1970a |
Bertram & Bertram (DD: Sri Lanka; accidental netting; 53-55.) |
x |
1970b |
Bertram & Bertram (DD; Sri Lanka; accidental netting; 363.) |
x |
1970 |
Yin, T. (DD; Burma; nets; 326.) |
1971 |
Ohama, N. (DD; Japan; nets) |
x |
1971b |
Domning, D.P. (HG; extermination by North Pacific aborigines; 219.) |
x |
1971 |
Hughes & Oxley-Oxland (DD; Mozambique; nets; 300-301.) |
x |
1971 |
Kingdon, J. (DD; East Africa; nets, harpoons, drowning with a heavy stone; 397-398.) |
x |
* |
1972b |
Domning, D.P. (HG; extermination, & origin of North Pacific aboriginal whaling; 187-189.) |
x |
1972 |
Heinsohn & Birch (DD; Queensland; shark nets; 415-417.) |
x |
* |
1972 |
Heinsohn, G.E. (DD; Queensland; shark nets; 205-208.) |
x |
1972 |
Kenchington, R.A. (DD; Australia; accidental netting; 884.) |
x |
1972 |
Stoddart, D.R. (DD; western Indian Ocean; by Europeans; 209-210.) |
x |
1972 |
Walker, K. (DD; Queensland; nets; 71, 73.) |
x |
* |
1973 |
Bertram & Bertram (DD, magnitudes & trends of takes, 307-316, 333, techniques, 324-328; Trichechus, magnitudes & trends of takes, 316-321, 327.) |
x |
1973 |
Vorontsov, N.N. (HG; extermination by North Pacific aborigines; 124.) |
x |
1974a |
Hartman, D.S. (TML; Florida; vandalism, poaching; 214-215.) |
x |
* |
1974 |
Heinsohn & Spain (DD; Queensland; shark nets; 146-152.) |
x |
1974 |
Mondolfi, E. (TMM; Venezuela; harpoons, nets; 12-14.) |
1974 |
Proby, K.H. (TM; ?Florida) |
x |
* |
1974 |
Sikes, S. (TS; Nigeria; harpooning by Kabawa; 467-468.) |
x |
1975 |
Lynd, W. (TML; Florida; rescue & rehabilitation; 28-29.) |
x |
1975 |
Weber, T., Jr. (TML; Florida; dropping harpoons from bridges; 66-67.) |
x |
1976 |
Allen et al. (DD; Sulawesi; netted for aquarium; 35.) |
x |
1976 |
Cole & Okera (TS; Sierra Leone; traps; m43.) |
x |
* |
1976 |
Heinsohn, Marsh & Spain (DD; Australia, nets, netting technique, 117-121; Kenya, accidental netting, 121.) |
x |
* |
1976 |
Loveland, F.O. (TMM; Nicaragua; harpoons; 74-77.) |
x |
1976 |
Tas'an (DD; Indonesia; netted for oceanarium; 1-3.) |
x |
1976 |
Whitaker, Z. (DD; India; nets, clubs; 6.) |
x |
1977 |
Harris & Bertram (DD; Abu Dhabi; nets; 5-6.) |
x |
1977 |
Heinsohn et al. (DD; Australia; nets, harpoons; 242-244.) |
x |
1977 |
Lovisek, J. (TI; Amazonia; hunted during droughts; 64.) |
x |
1977 |
Whitmore & Gard (HG; by Aleuts & Russians; 3, 18.) |
x |
* |
1978 |
Anderson & Heinsohn (DD; Australia; questionnaire surveys; 13-26.) |
x |
* |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (HG; N. Pacific; extermination, 132-135, 141; Yakovlev's and Cherepanov's accounts, 163-165.) |
x |
1978 |
Husson, A.M. (TMM; Suriname; baiting with bananas; 338.) |
x |
1978 |
Stanbury, P.J. (DD; Australia; by Dampier; m18.) |
1978 |
Stark & Voorhies |
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; Palau; harpoons; skin thought "impenetrable" after being struck by first spear; use of unbarbed points; 127.) |
x |
1979 |
Caton, A. (DD; Australia; pop. acc.; photos of harpoons; 1-4.) |
x |
1979 |
Hartman, D.S. (TML; Florida; vandalism; 126.) |
x |
1979 |
Klein, E.H. (TMM; Honduras; harpoons; 24-25.) |
1979 |
Moore, D.R. (DD; Cape York, Australia) |
x |
1979 |
Tas'an et al. (DD; Indonesia; nets; live capture; 1-5, 8, 17.) |
1979c |
Cropp, B. (DD; Australia; hunting by Bardi Aborigines) |
x |
1980 |
Belitsky & Belitsky (TMM; Dominican Republic; 317-318.) |
x |
1980 |
Cumbaa, S.L. (TML; prehistoric Florida; 8-9.) |
x |
1981 |
Brownell, Anderson et al. (DD; Palau; harpoons, explosives; 24, 34-35.) |
x |
1981a |
Domning, D.P. (TI, TMM; Brazil; harpoons, stockades; 91-96.) |
x |
1981 |
Elliott, M.A. (DD; Northern Territory, Australia; 63-64.) |
x |
1981 |
Hendrokusumo et al. (DD; Indonesia; accidental netting; 10, 12.) |
x |
1981b |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD; Papua New Guinea; restrictions on harpooning & netting; 128-130.) |
x |
1981 |
Johannes, R.E. (DD; Palau; hunting & sale; 25, 68, 73.) |
x |
1981 |
Johnstone & Hudson (DD; Papua New Guinea; catch records; 682-684.) |
x |
1981 |
Jones, S. (DD; Burma, India, Sri Lanka; 45-51.) |
x |
* |
1981 |
Marsh et al. (DD; Wellesley Islands, Queensland; harpoons, lassos; 255-267.) |
x |
1981 |
Miller, R.R. (TML; New Jersey; nets; m53.) |
x |
1981 |
Nietschmann & Nietschmann (DD; Torres Strait; harpoons; 54-62.) |
x |
1981 |
Powell et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico; nets; 645.) |
x |
1981 |
Purse, B. (DD; Queensland; harpoons; review of film; 199-200.) |
x |
1981b |
Smith, N.J.H. (TI; Itacoatiara, Brazil; nets, harpoons; 95-96.) |
x |
1982 |
Barnett & Johns (DD; Queensland; harpoons; 517-519.) |
x |
1982 |
Best & Teixeira (Trichechus; Amap , Brazil; bait, harpoons, nets; 43-44.) |
x |
1982a |
Best, R.C. (TI; Amazonas, Brazil; peak hunting seasons; 77.) |
1982 |
Laughlin & Harper (HG) |
x |
1982 |
Marsh & Heinsohn (DD; Australia; accidental netting, poaching; 3.) |
x |
1982 |
Wing & Reitz (TMM; Caribbean; spears; 24.) |
x |
1983 |
Best, R.C. (TI; Brazil; hunted during dry-season congregations; 62-63.) |
1983 |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD; Torres Strait) |
x |
* |
1983 |
Marsh & Anderson (DD: Australia; capture myopathy; 1-3.) |
x |
1983 |
Rathbun et al. (TMM; Honduras; harpoons, nets; 305-307.) |
x |
1983 |
Tisdell, C.A. (DD; Papua New Guinea; economy & conservation; 14-15.) |
x |
1984b |
Best, R.C. (TI; Brazil; 372-374.) |
x |
1984 |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD; Papua New Guinea; platforms, harpoons, nets; pop. acc.; 298-301.) |
x |
1984 |
Marsh, Heinsohn & Marsh (DD; Australia; Aborigines' reluctance to kill "wati dangal"; 783.) |
x |
* |
1984 |
Nietschmann, B. (DD; Torres Strait; catch statistics, 1976-79; 641-647.) |
1985a |
Anon. (DD; Australia) |
x |
1985 |
Beckjord, J.-E. (DD; Papua New Guinea; nets; m155.) |
x |
1985 |
Kenchington, R.A. (DD; Great Barrier Reef, Australia; regulation of hunting; 89-90.) |
x |
1985 |
McKillop, H.I. (TMM; Caribbean region; historical, ethnographic, & archeological records; 338-348.) |
x |
* |
1985 |
O'Shea, Rathbun et al. (TML; Florida; no evidence of capture myopathy; 335-349.) |
x |
1985 |
Rathbun, Woods & Ottenwalder (TMM; Haiti; nets, harpoons, stoning to death; 234-236.) |
x |
1986 |
Bayliss, P. (DD; Cobourg Peninsula, Australia; harvest of about 12 per year by Aborigines; 35.) |
x |
1986 |
Blair, D. (DD; Queensland; photo of harpooning; S21.) |
x |
1986 |
Colmenero-R. & Hoz-Z. (TM; Mexico; explosives, harpoons, nets; 1009-1010.) |
x |
1986 |
Goldsmith, P. (DD; East Africa; remoras; 231.) |
* |
1986c |
Hudson, B.E.T. (DD; Papua New Guinea; traditional hunting & conservation) |
x |
* |
1986a |
Marsh, H. (DD; Torres Strait; catch statistics; 53-55, 66, 69-73.) |
x |
1986 |
Prince, R.I.T. (DD; Western Australia; "by hand" & harpoons; catch estimates; 22-24, 36.) |
x |
1986 |
Timm et al. (TI; Ecuador, Peru; harpoons; 151, 154.) |
x |
1986 |
Williams, T.R. (DD; Papua New Guinea; gun; 67.) |
1987 |
Beckett, J. (DD; Torres Strait) |
x |
1987 |
Whitten et al. (DD; Sulawesi; 208.) |
1988 |
Bradley, J.J. (DD; Australia) |
x |
1988 |
Carowan, G. (TML; Florida; accidental entanglement in shrimp net; m5.) |
1988 |
Davis, S. (DD; Australia) |
x |
1988 |
Doig & Dyson (DD; Queensland; photos of hoop-netting; 436-437.) |
1988 |
Gray & Zann (DD; Australia) |
x |
1988 |
Ho, H.C. (DD; Malaysia; harpoons; 22, 24.) |
x |
1988e |
Marsh, H. (DD; Queensland; harpoons, guns; 496-499.) |
x |
1988 |
O'Shea et al. (TMM; Venezuela; harpoons; 282, 286, 288-297.) |
x |
1988a |
O'Shea, T.J. (TML; Florida; historical records; 186, 190.) |
x |
1988 |
Rathbun et al. (DD; Palau; harpoons, guns, dynamite; 268.) |
x |
* |
1988 |
Reeves et al. (TS; Sierra Leone; traps, nets, harpoons, 76-84; catch statistics, 80-81.) |
1988 |
Smith, A.J. (DD; Queensland) |
x |
1989 |
Bayliss & Freeland (DD; Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia; estimates of sustainable yield; 146-147.) |
x |
1989 |
Chambers & Bani (DD; Vanuatu; 13-14.) |
x |
1989 |
García M rquez, G. (TMM; Colombia; guns; fictional account; 331-332.) |
x |
* |
1989 |
Leatherwood & Reeves (DD; Sri Lanka; nets, harpoons, dynamite; catch statistics; 4, 86-89.) |
x |
1989a |
Preen, A. (DD; Arabian region; catching by hand & killing with clubs, 47, 50, 114; drowning with cement blocks, 50; capture for tagging, 56, 87-88; metal hooks & harpoons, 96-97, 114; nets, 99, 114.) |
x |
1989 |
Timm et al. (TI; Ecuador; by Siona Indians; harpooning techniques; 1-4.) |
x |
1990 |
Smith & Marsh (DD; Queensland; management of traditional hunting; 47-55.) |
x |
* |
1991 |
Bradley, J.J. (DD; Sir Edward Pellew Islands, Australia; traditional hunting & butchering customs, 91-110; poaching by whites with guns, 107, 110.) |
1991 |
Johannes & MacFarlane (DD; Torres Strait) |
x |
1991 |
Marsh & Saalfeld (DD; Torres Strait; catch statistics, 1975-83, 188-189; sustainability of catch, 191-192.) |
x |
1992 |
Borobia & Lodi (TMM; northeastern Brazil; nets, harpoons; 40-41.) |
1993 |
Kingdon, J.; 1993 (DD; HG) |
1994 |
Cook, C. (DD; Australia; traditional hunting rights) |
x |
1994 |
Ponte et al. (DD; Queensland; traditional hunting rights; 260-261.) |
x |
1994 |
Ross, A. (DD; Australia; traditional hunting rights; m22-24.) |
x |
1995 |
Hellyer, P. (DD; United Arab Emirates; 28 animals estimated caught in 2 years; 32.) |
1995 |
Karre, B. (DD; Torres Strait) |
x |
1995 |
Marsh et al. (DD; Palau; harpoons, dynamite; 87-88.) |
x |
1995 |
Reynolds et al. (TMM; Costa Rica; guns, harpoons; m194.) |
x |
1995 |
Schuhmann, H.-J. (TS; Guinea-Bissau; firearms, 404, 409; nets, 405.) |
x |
1995 |
Smith et al. (DD; Vietnam; m164.) |
x |
1996 |
Anderson, I. (DD; Queensland; voluntary hunting moratorium by Aborigines; 5.) |
x |
1996 |
Grigione, M.M. (TS; Cameroon; attitudes responsible for low incidence of hunting; 192-195.) |
x |
1996 |
Reeves et al. (TI; Peru; harpoons, traps, nets; 247-250, 252-253.) |
x |
1996 |
Russel, M. (TM; Texas; net; rescue; 18-19.) |
1996 |
Roberts et al. (DD; North Queensland; monitoring Aboriginal hunting) |
1997 |
Friaes, P. (TI, Brazil) |
x |
1997 |
Marsh, Harris & Lawler (DD; Torres Strait; catch statistics; 1379, 1381, 1383-1384.) |
x |
1998 |
Deutsch et al. (TML, TMM; capture & handling for radio-tracking; 20-21.) |
x |
1998 |
Grubb et al. (TS; Sierra Leone; harpoon traps, nets, fence traps; m138.) |
x |
1999 |
Das & Dey (DD; Andaman & Nicobar Is.; harpoons, nets; 196-197.) |
x |
1999 |
Smethurst & Nietschmann (TMM; Costa Rica; harpoons; 271-272.) |
1999 |
Hope Vale Aboriginal Community (DD; Hope Vale, Australia; hunting management plan) |
2002 |
Jiménez P., I. (TMM; Nicaragua; poaching) |
2002 |
Jousse et al. (DD; Akab Island, United Arab Emirates; archaeological site; nets) |
2003 |
Rouja et al. (DD; Australia; indigenous hunting & use of fat) |
2004 |
Marsh et al. (DD; Torres Strait, Australia; fishery unsustainable) |
2005 |
Kwan, D. (DD; Torres Strait, Australia; management of traditional fishery) |
2005 |
Havemann et al. (DD; Great Barrier Reef; traditional hunting agreements) |
2006 |
Kwan et al. (DD; Australia) |
2006 |
Lanyon, Slade et al. (DD; rodeo method of open-water capture) |
2008 |
Luna, Araujo, Lima et al. (TMM; northern Brazil; capture and use.) |
2008 |
Garrigue et al. (DD; New Caledonia) |
2008 |
Grech et al. (DD; bycatch assessment) |
x |
* |
2008 |
Turner, L.M. (HG; Attu; killed by women; 106-107.) |
* |
2008 |
McNiven & Bedingfield (DD; Torres Strait; archaeological sites; hunting rates) |
2009 |
Jaaman et al. (DD; East Malaysia; bycatch) |
2009 |
Calvimontes, J. (TI; Brazil) |
x |
2009 |
Dulvy et al. (HG, DD, TM; m137, m145.) |
2010 |
Calvimontes & Marmontel (TI; Brazil; ethnobiology) |
* |
2010 |
Sikes, S.K. (TS; Nigeria) |
2010 |
Lanyon et al. (DD; capture for health assessment) |
2011 |
Ferreira et al. (Dugong, Trichechus; forensic genetics) |
2012 |
Reynolds & Marshall (physical traits, life history, & vulnerability of sirs.) |
* |
2012 |
Lanyon et al. (DD; blood chemistry; no evidence of capture myopathy) |
2012 |
Butler et al. (DD; Torres Strait, Australia; traditional ecological
knowledge and fisheries management; role with turtles as keystone species) |
2013 |
Franzini et al. (TI; Urucú region, Brazil) |
* |
2013 |
Bonde et al. (TML; Crystal River, Florida; capture for health assessments) |
* |
2013 |
Fuentes et al. (DD; Torres Strait; capture for tagging by harpoon and dermal holdfast) |
2014 |
González-Socoloske et al. (TMM; Honduras; entanglement in fishnets; poaching) |
2015 |
Nanayakkara et al. (DD; northern Sri Lanka; destructive fishing) |
2016 |
Nanayakkara, de Mel, et al. (DD; Sri Lanka; the fisher's perspective) |
2016 |
Cosentino & Fisher (TI, TM, TS; as bushmeat) |
2016 |
Davies, N. (Amazonia; children's book on manatee hunting & protection) |
2017 |
Delisle et al. (DD; Torres Strait, Australia; socio-cultural benefits and costs of traditional hunting.) |
2017 |
Moore et al. (DD; Indonesia) |
2019 |
Brito, C. (TMM; TI; exploitation in early modern Americas.) |
2019 |
Mayaka et al. (TS; Cameroon; conflicts with humans) |
* |
2020 |
Kendall, S. |
2021 |
Siciliano et al. (Trichechus spp.; Brazil; historical records) |
2022 |
Calvimontes & Marmontel (TI; Brazil; hunting in a protected area) |
2023 |
Abrahao et al. (TI; Amazonia; proposed cultivation of manatee meat) |
2024 |
Ordo?ez-Nieto, et al. (TI; Colombia; conflicts with fishermen.) |
Hydrodamalidae Palmer, 1895 (1833) ( 6 )
(family; = Hydrodamalinae)
x |
* |
1895 |
Palmer, T.S. (n.fam.; 449-450.) |
x |
1901 |
Elliott, D.G. (diagnosis; 5.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 155.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 135.) |
x |
1967 |
Browder, J. (m5.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Hydrodamalinae; m13.) |
Hydrodamalinae (Palmer, 1895 [1833]) Simpson, 1932 ( 9 )
x |
* |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (new rank; 424.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 135.) |
1960 |
Kaiser, H.E. |
x |
1971a |
Domning, D.P. (history in Pacific; 110-111.) |
x |
* |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (definition; 3-4, 13.) |
1998 |
Kobayashi, S. (Japan) |
2004 |
Furusawa, H. (phylogeny; endocranial casts) |
2006 |
Kobayashi & Tazaki (evolution of mastication and spinal movement) |
x |
2019 |
Powell et al. (Sonoma County, California; Late Mioc.; indeterminate rib fragments of a hydrodamaline sirenian; 3, 11, 44, Pl. 12.) |
Hydrodamalis cuestae Domning, 1978 ( 18 )
x |
v |
1970 |
Shikama & Domning ("new species of Hydrodamalis"; m395.) |
x |
v |
1971a |
Domning, D.P. ("Hydrodamalis n. sp."; m110.) |
x |
v |
1971b |
Domning, D.P. ("Hydrodamalis n. sp."; evolution; 217-218, 220.) |
x |
v |
1975 |
Domning & Frye ("Hydrodamalis sp. nov."; pathology; 3-4, pl. 2.) |
x |
v |
1977b |
Domning, D.P. ("Hydrodamalis C"; phyletic position & role in North Pacific paleoecology; 354, 356-358, 360.) |
x |
v |
1977 |
Whitmore & Gard ("Hydrodamalis n. sp."; m3, m18.) |
x |
* |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (n.sp.; Plioc., California & Baja California; 29, 32, 35-36, 47-48, 55-61, 72, 75-93, 96-97, 100-104, 106-107, 114, 117, 123-124, 129, 143-146, 158-160, pls. 5-9, 13-17.) |
x |
1981 |
Barnes et al. (Plioc., San Mateo Formation, California; 56-57, 62-63.) |
x |
1983 |
Takahashi et al. (comp. w/ Yamagata Dusisiren; 8, 13, 15-16.) |
x |
* |
1984 |
Domning & Deméré (Plioc., San Diego Co., California; 169-188.) |
x |
1984 |
Rainey et al. (date of divergence from other dugongids; 587.) |
x |
* |
1986 |
Takahashi et al. (comp. w/ Dusisiren dewana; 296-298, 307-309, 312-313, 315-318.) |
x |
1987 |
Bajpai et al. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium kachchhense; 22.) |
x |
1987a |
Domning, D.P. (pop. acc.; 66-71.) |
x |
1993 |
Deméré, T.A. (comp. w/ indet. sir. from California; m84.) |
2005 |
Furusawa, H. |
2008 |
Barnes, L.G. (type locality; 142.) |
2013 |
Furusawa, H. (Dusisiren, Hydrodamalis; climatic cooling, size increase, loss of teeth) |
Hydrodamalis gigas (Zimmermann, 1780) Palmer, 1895 ( 154 )
1742 |
SEE K. Yushin in Golder, F.A., 1922. |
1742 |
SEE S. Khitrov in Golder, F.A., 1922. |
1742 |
SEE Waxell, S.L. |
v |
* |
1751 |
Steller, G.W. (HG; Bering Is.; anatomy & natural history) |
1754 |
SEE P. Yakovlev in Domning, D.P., 1978b. |
1759 |
SEE S. Cherepanov in Domning, D.P., 1978b. |
x |
v |
* |
1778 |
Zimmermann, E.A.W. (distinguished from manatee; 253.) |
1790 |
Meares, J. (HG? on coast of western Canada?) |
x |
v |
* |
1802 |
Sauer, M. (exterminated in 1768; 181.) |
1807 |
Jewitt, J. R. (HG? Nootka Sound, Canada?) |
x |
v |
1868d |
Brandt, J.F. (preparation of new restoration; 457-458.) |
x |
v |
1885 |
Stejneger, L. (Bering Is.; excavation of skeleton; 256-257.) |
x |
v |
1889 |
Scammon, C.M. (gen. acc.; 582-585.) |
x |
* |
1895 |
Palmer, T.S. (n.comb.; 449.) |
v |
* |
1899 |
Vaksmut, N.S. (skeletons deposited in various museums) |
x |
v |
* |
1899 |
Steller, G.W. (HG; Bering Is.; anatomy & natural history; 181-201.) |
x |
1899 |
Stiles & Hassall (parasites; 108, 149, 163, 169.) |
x |
1901 |
Elliott, D.G. (diagnosis; 5, pl. 2.) |
x |
v |
1911 |
Anon. (photo of skull; 37.) |
x |
v |
* |
1922 |
Golder, F.A. (Bering Is.; observations by members of Bering expedition; 237-238, 279.) |
x |
v |
1923 |
Pütter, A. (weight probably 2-3 tons; m221.) |
x |
* |
1925 |
Steller, G.W. (Bering Is.; hunting, anatomy, & natural history; vii, 139-140, 161, 180, 182, 226-237, 245.) |
x |
v |
1927 |
Hopwood, A.T. (illustration of skeleton; 21.) |
x |
v |
1928 |
Tolmachoff, I.P. (causes of extinction; 1137-1138.) |
x |
1929 |
Birulia, A.A. (pelvis; 87-90.) |
x |
1942 |
Scheffer, V.B. (in list of marine mammals; 46.) |
1944 |
Andreyev, A.I. |
x |
v |
1946a |
Goodwin, G.G. (pop. acc.; 56-61.) |
x |
1951a |
Burton, M. (extinction; 178.) |
x |
1952 |
Andreyev, A.I. (Bering Is.; hunting, 1758-59; 19.) |
x |
v |
1964b |
Bertram & Bertram (possible survival; 313.) |
x |
* |
1965 |
Heptner, V.G. ("Hydromalis"; distr. & extermination; 91-93.) |
1966 |
Heptner, V.G. (distr. & extermination) |
x |
v |
1967 |
Edwards, W.E. (extermination by prehistoric man; m148.) |
1967 |
Heptner & Naumov |
x |
* |
1967 |
Jones, R.E. (Pleist., Monterey Bay, California; 143.) |
x |
1968 |
Rice & Scheffer (distr., 5-6; H. stelleri a synonym, 12.) |
x |
v |
1969 |
Gibson, J.R. (hunting & use by Russians; 29-30, 48, 51-52, 54.) |
1970b |
Anon. (extermination) |
x |
1970 |
Shikama & Domning (comp. w/ Japanese Hydrodamalis sp.; 390, 393, 395.) |
x |
1971a |
Domning, D.P. (m110.) |
x |
1971b |
Domning, D.P. (evolution; 217-220.) |
x |
1971 |
Gard & Szabo (Pleist., Amchitka, Alaska; 577.) |
x |
v |
1971 |
Hall, E.S., Jr. (at archeological site, Kangiguksuk, Alaska; 23, 34, 52.) |
x |
1972a |
Domning, D.P. (evolution; m147.) |
x |
1972b |
Domning, D.P. (hunting, extermination, & origin of North Pacific aboriginal whaling; 187-189.) |
x |
1972 |
Gard et al. (Pleist., Amchitka, Alaska; 867-868.) |
x |
1972 |
Scheffer, V.B. (size & weight; 912-913.) |
x |
1973 |
Bertram & Bertram (extermination; 304-305, 325.) |
x |
1973 |
Scheffer, V.B. (gen. acc. & recent research; 64-67.) |
x |
1973 |
Vorontsov, N.N. (extermination by North Pacific aborigines; 124.) |
x |
1974 |
Addicott & Greene (zoogeographic significance of Monterey Bay occurrence; 251-252.) |
x |
1975 |
Dayton, P.K. (ecological interrelationships with kelp & sea otters; 236-237.) |
x |
1975 |
Domning & Frye (injuries & pathology; 2-3.) |
x |
1975 |
Domning, D.P. (feeding ecology & evolution; 824.) |
x |
v |
1975 |
Szabo & Gard (Pleist., Amchitka, Alaska; 459.) |
x |
1976 |
Fleischer, G. (anchoring of stapes; 305, 308-310.) |
x |
1977b |
Domning, D.P. (phyletic position & role in North Pacific paleoecology; 352, 354-359.) |
1977 |
Gordon & Gordon |
1977 |
Malukovich, V. |
x |
* |
1977 |
Whitmore & Gard (Pleist., Amchitka, Alaska; 1-19, pls. 1-8.) |
x |
* |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (morphology, evolution, extermination; 2, 19, 23, 26-33, 35-37, 40, 47, 51, 55, 57-61, 67, 69-71, 75-77, 80-90, 92-106, 112, 115-146, 161-165, pls. 5-9, 13-15, 17.) |
x |
v |
1978 |
McClung, R.M. (pop. acc.; 46-47.) |
x |
1978 |
Simenstad et al. (former ecological role in Aleutians; m409.) |
* |
1979 |
Liapunova, R. G. (Near Islands, Alaska) |
x |
1979 |
Takahashi et al. (m228.) |
x |
1980 |
Arvy, L. (extinction attributed to supposed "osteopetrosis"; 312.) |
x |
1980 |
Haley, D. (pop. acc.; artist's reconstruction; 7-11.) |
x |
1980 |
Inuzuka et al. (m640.) |
x |
1980 |
Kurtén & Anderson (Pleist., North America; 340-341.) |
x |
1981 |
Best, R.C. (diet & nutrition; 3-4, 15-17.) |
x |
1981 |
Sprent, J.F.A. (ascaridoid parasites; 319, 321.) |
x |
1982 |
Domning, Rice et al. (former distr.; 305.) |
1982 |
Forsten & Youngman (gen. acc.) |
x |
v |
1982 |
Thiel, R. (pop. acc.; 7.) |
x |
1982 |
Warhol, P. (pop. acc.; artist's reconstruction; 10-12.) |
x |
1983 |
Gallivan et al. (thermoregulation; 255, 260.) |
x |
1983 |
Takahashi et al. (comp. w/ Yamagata Dusisiren; 13, 15-16.) |
x |
1984 |
Domning & Deméré (comp. w/ H. cuestae; 169, 176, 178-180, 183, 186.) |
x |
1984a |
Domning, D.P. (skeleton from Bering Is.; comment on V. Rich [1983]; 500.) |
x |
1984 |
McNally, R. (pop. acc.; 168-172.) |
x |
1984 |
Rainey et al. (molecular systematics; 586-587.) |
x |
1985 |
Laughlin, W.S. (Bering Is.; significance for Beringian anthropology; 780-781, 783.) |
x |
1985 |
Lowenstein, J.M. (immunology & phylogeny; 543-544.) |
1985 |
Shinohara et al. |
1986 |
Frost, O. W. |
x |
v |
1986 |
Bruemmer, F. (pop. acc.; artist's reconstruction; 24.) |
1986 |
Kamiya, T. |
x |
1986 |
Takahashi et al. (comp. w/ Dusisiren dewana; 296-298, 302, 304, 316-318.) |
x |
1987a |
Domning, D.P. (evolution; pop. acc.; 64, 66-71.) |
x |
1988 |
Estes & Steinberg (evolution & availability of kelp; 21-22.) |
x |
1988 |
Fischer, M.S. (malleus & tympanic membrane; m369.) |
x |
1988 |
Flannery, T. (partial skeleton in Australian Museum, Sydney; 462.) |
1988 |
Kamiya, T. |
1989 |
Horn, G. (HG; children's book) |
x |
1989 |
Estes & Steinberg (evolution & feeding on kelp; 58-59.) |
v |
1989 |
Ijiri & Inuzuka |
1989b |
Kamiya, T. |
x |
1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (encephalization quotients & life history; 534-543.) |
1992 |
Aubert, A. |
1993 |
Kingdon, J., (extermination; 83-84.) |
x |
1993a |
Domning, D.P. (extinction; 2.) |
x |
1993 |
Savinetsky, A.B. (Bering Is.; radiocarbon dates; 403-405.) |
x |
1993 |
Vermeij, G.J. (biogeography and extinction; 392-394.) |
v |
1994b |
Kamiya, T. (pop. acc.) |
1994 |
Furusawa & Kohno (Middle Pleist., Japan) |
v |
1994b |
Kamiya, T. (pop. acc.; 14-15.) |
x |
1995a |
Anderson, P.K. (kelp-sea urchin-sea otter relationship; 391-394.) |
1995 |
Furusawa, H. (Bering Is.; new specimens) |
x |
1995 |
Hoyt, E. (pop. acc.; 60-61.) |
x |
v |
1995 |
Papastavrou, V. (kelp-sea urchin-sea otter relationship; pop. acc.; 26.) |
x |
1995 |
Ricqlès & Buffrénil (pachyosteosclerosis; 47-53.) |
x |
* |
1997 |
Ozawa et al. (mtDNA sequence & tethythere phylogeny; 406-413.) |
1997 |
Yakovlev, Y.M. |
x |
v |
1998 |
Gerber, Leah R. (gen. acc; m90-92.) |
* |
1998 |
Hoffmann & Domning (eds.) |
1998 |
Sidorov, Y. |
1999 |
Gibson, J.R. (role in Russian expansion) |
x |
1999 |
Feiler, A. (skeleton, Dresden; 402.) |
1999 |
Nojo et al. (H. ?gigas; Pleist., Hokkaido, Japan) |
x |
2000 |
Maio & Picariello (cast of skull at Naples; 14-15.) |
2001 |
Sysoeva, O. V. |
2001 |
Jackson et al. (overfishing) |
2002 |
Isakova, L. F. (Irkutsk Provincial Museum) |
2002 |
Anderson & Domning (gen. acc.) |
2003 |
Stefen, C. (Dresden) |
2004 |
Savinetsky et al. (Bering Sea region; in archaeological sites) |
x |
2004 |
Csorba et al. (2 specimens in Hungarian Nat. Hist. Mus.; 317-320.) |
2005 |
Furusawa, H. |
2005 |
Turvey & Risley (modelling of extinction) |
2006 |
Jousse et al. (Lyon) |
* |
2006 |
Mattioli & Domning (Commander Islands; skeletal material in museums; history of collecting) |
x |
2007 |
Frankel, J. (graphic story for children; [1-44].) |
* |
2007 |
Domning et al. (Aleutian Islands) |
2008 |
Corbett et al. (kelp diet & stable isotope composition of bone) |
* |
2008 |
Rothauscher, H. |
x |
2009 |
Dulvy et al. (extermination; m137, m145.) |
x |
2011 |
Kowalski, K.M. (pop. acc.; 18-19.) |
x |
v |
2011 |
de Foy, K. (pop. acc.; 14-18.) |
2013 |
Furusawa, H. (Dusisiren, Hydrodamalis; climatic cooling, size increase, loss of teeth) |
2013 |
Benoit et al. (endocranial morphology) |
2013 |
Dumont et al. (vertebral centra architecture) |
2014 |
Jones, R.T. (extermination) |
* |
2014 |
Crerar et al. (St. Lawrence Is., Alaska; DNA, stable isotopes) |
2015 |
Puttick & Thomas (Body mass evolution in Afrotheria) |
* |
2015 |
Springer et al. (molecular & morphological phylogeny) |
2017 |
Crerar et al. (bone used for carvings) |
* |
2017 |
Gaudry et al. (HG; lack of UCP1-mediated thermogenesis) |
* |
2019 |
Plön et al. (genetic analysis of Bremen skin sample) |
2019 |
Sharko et al. (molecular phylogeny; mitochondrial genome) |
* |
2021 |
Bullen et al. (HG; structuring of North Pacific kelp forests) |
* |
2021 |
Sharko et al. (nuclear genome) |
2022 |
Schalansky, Judith (25-27, 124.) |
* |
2022 |
Le Duc et al. (genetics, comp. w/DD & TML; integument, biochemistry, thermoregulation, population biology) |
Hydrodamalis Retzius, 1794 ( 49 )
* |
1794 |
Retzius, A.J. (n.gen.) |
x |
v |
1809a |
Cuvier, G. (history of study, 277-278; as distinct genus, 282; comp. w/ Trichechus, 296-299; in Greenland, based on Fabricius, 299.) |
x |
1840 |
Baer, K.E.v. (syn. of Rytina; m53.) |
x |
1895 |
Palmer, T.S. (name considered senior to Rytina; 449.) |
x |
1899 |
Palmer, T.S. (name considered senior to Rytina; m494.) |
x |
1901 |
Elliott, D.G. (diagnosis; 5.) |
x |
1904a |
Lorenz, L.v. (m7.) |
x |
D |
1915 |
Hay, O.P. (comp. w/ Desmostylus; m386.) |
x |
1917 |
Palmer, W. (m344.) |
x |
1923a |
Allen, G.M. (m231, 234; vertebrae, comp. w/ Metaxytherium floridanum, m235.) |
x |
1924 |
Thomas et al. (syn. of Rhytina; 347.) |
x |
* |
1925 |
ICZN (name upheld in preference to Rhytina; 38.) |
x |
1932a |
Simpson, G.G. (comp. w/ other sirs.; 421-424, 427, 435, 443, 454, 480-482, 485-488, 490, 495-496, 499.) |
x |
1941c |
Heuvelmans, B. (loss of teeth; 14.) |
x |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 153, 155.) |
x |
1941a |
VanderHoof, V.L. (phylogeny; 1985.) |
x |
1942a |
Kaltenmark, J. (gen. acc.; 56-57.) |
x |
v |
1943 |
Heuvelmans, B. (loss of teeth; 5-6.) |
x |
1945 |
Simpson, G.G. (in classification; 136.) |
x |
1951 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (syn. of Rhytina; m292.) |
x |
1965 |
Kilmer, F.H. (comp. w/ Halianassa allisoni; 63-64.) |
x |
1966a |
Kaiser, H.E. (illustration [from Kleinschmidt, 1951]; 61.) |
x |
1968a |
Kaiser, H.E. (occiput; 478.) |
x |
1968 |
Rice & Scheffer (distr., 5; Rhytina a synonym, 12.) |
x |
* |
1970 |
Shikama & Domning (Plioc., Japan; 390-396, pl. 44.) |
1971 |
Palmer, G.F. |
x |
1972a |
Domning, D.P. (evolution & distr.; 147-149.) |
x |
1973 |
Shikama et al. (Japan; stratigraphic range; 138, 140-141.) |
x |
1978a |
Domning, D.P. (neck muscles & feeding; 69.) |
x |
* |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (morphology, evolution, extermination; 2-4, 7, 12-13, 20, 25, 72-110, 112-146, 158-165.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (phyletic position; m574, 579.) |
x |
1981c |
Domning, D.P. (proposed placing on Official List of Generic Names; 130-132.) |
1982 |
Furusawa & Kimura (Hokkaido) |
1982 |
Kimura, M. (Hokkaido) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (syn. of Rhytina; 382.) |
x |
1983 |
Kimura et al. (Pleist., Hokkaido; 162, 165, 167, 169, 174-175, pl. 4.) |
x |
* |
1985 |
Melville, R.V. (placed on Official List of Generic Names; 175-176.) |
x |
1989a |
Domning, D.P. (evolution & feeding on kelp; 53-56.) |
x |
1989d |
Domning, D.P. (comp. w/ Xenosiren yucateca; 435-436.) |
x |
1991 |
Domning & de Buffrénil (pachyosteosclerosis; m362.) |
x |
1992 |
Jefferson et al. (Late Pleist., California; 29.) |
1992 |
Pirika Sirenia Research Group (Pleist., Hokkaido) |
1995 |
Furusawa & Kimura (Early Pleist., Hokkaido) |
1998 |
Nagasawa & Kobayashi (Hydrodamalis sp.; Plioc.; Yamagata Prefecture, Japan) |
x |
2000 |
Domning, D.P. (m117.) |
2007 |
Kohno et al. (Hydrodamalis sp.; Lower Pleist.; Tokyo, Japan) |
2008 |
Myoken Research Group (Late Plioc.; Nagaoka, Japan) |
2015 |
Prothero, D.R. (gen. acc.) |
2024 |
Nagasawa et al. (Pliocene, Japan) |
Hydrodamalis spissa Furusawa, 1988 ( 10 )
(= Hydrodamalis cuestae)
v |
1982 |
Furusawa & Kimura |
v |
1984 |
Takikawa Investigation Group |
x |
v |
1986 |
Takahashi et al. ("H. cuestae (?)"; age & species assignment; 298, 317-318.) |
* |
1988 |
Furusawa, H. ("H. spissus", n.sp.; Plioc., Hokkaido, Japan) |
1989 |
Furusawa, H. |
1990 |
Furusawa et al. |
1990 |
Furusawa, H. |
1995 |
Furusawa & Kimura (Early Plioc., Hokkaido) |
2005 |
Furusawa, H. |
2013 |
Furusawa, H. (Dusisiren, Hydrodamalis; climatic cooling, size increase, loss of teeth) |
Hydrodamalis stelleri Retzius, 1794 ( 27 )
(= Hydrodamalis gigas)
* |
1794 |
Retzius, A.J. (n.gen.n.sp.) |
x |
1895 |
Palmer, T.S. (syn. of H. gigas; 449.) |
x |
1899 |
Stiles & Hassall (parasites; 99, 100.) |
x |
1923 |
Sowerby, A. de C. (gen. acc.; 135-137.) |
x |
1924c |
Petit, G. (kidney; 2199-2200.) |
x |
1925 |
Kellogg, R. (comp. w/ Metaxytherium jordani; 57-58, 61-67.) |
x |
1943 |
Kaltenmark, J. (phylogeny; 20-21.) |
1950 |
Gromova, V.I. (key to bones) |
x |
1954b |
Friant, M. (brain; 129, 134-135.) |
x |
* |
1958 |
Grekov, V.I. (former distr.; 95-100.) |
1964b |
Anon. |
1964c |
Anon. |
1964e |
Anon. (possible survival) |
x |
1965 |
Long, A. ("H. steller"; Pleist., Monterey Bay, California; carbon-14 date; 254.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (m66.) |
x |
1967 |
Browder, J. (m5.) |
x |
1968a |
Bertram & Bertram (extinction; 386.) |
x |
1968 |
Rice & Scheffer (syn. of H. gigas; 12.) |
1969 |
McClung, R.M. |
x |
1971 |
Ginsburg & Janvier (comp. w/ Metaxytherium medium, 186; relationships, 188-189.) |
x |
1973 |
Fuchs, H. (comp. w/ Romanian sir.; 72.) |
x |
1976 |
Campbell, H.W. (m9.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Hydrodamalis gigas; 74, 92.) |
x |
1981c |
Domning, D.P. (type species of Hydrodamalis; 130-131.) |
x |
1982 |
Kleinschmidt, A. (syn. of Rhytina gigas; 383.) |
1983 |
Sylvestre, J.-P. (gen. acc.) |
x |
1989 |
Maluf, N.S.R. (kidney, comp. w/ TM & DD; 282.) |
Hydropithecus simia (Illiger, 1815) Gloger, 1842 ( 1 )
(Steller's "sea-ape"; nomen nudum)
* |
1842 |
Gloger, C. (n.comb.) |