Nanosiren Domning in Domning & Aguilera, 2008 ( 4 )
* |
2008a |
Domning & Aguilera (n.gen., Late Mioc.-Early Plioc., Venezuela & Florida) |
x |
2013 |
Lambert & Muizon (cf. Nanosiren sp.; Late Mioc., Sacaco Basin, Peru; m719.) |
x |
2015 |
Amson et al. (comp. w/ supposed sir. rib reidentified as sloth; 2.) |
2018 |
Domning, D.P. (Nanosiren sp.; Mioc.; Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina; 251-255.) |
Nanosiren garciae Domning in Domning & Aguilera, 2008 ( 2 )
* |
2008a |
Domning & Aguilera (n.gen.n.sp., Early Plioc., Florida) |
2012 |
Vélez-Juarbe et al. |
Nanosiren sanchezi Domning & Aguilera, 2008 ( 2 )
* |
2008a |
Domning & Aguilera (n.sp., Late Mioc., Venezuela) |
* |
2012 |
Koyabu & Sánchez (Late Mioc., Venezuela) |
Natural Death or Injury ( 96 )
(SEE ALSO: Captivity, Sirenians in; Natural Enemies; Pathology; Temperature, Effects of)
x |
1881 |
Crane, A. (?TI; shattered humerus & spinal injury; 459.) |
x |
* |
1899 |
Steller, G.W. (HG; ice, surf, rocks; 184, 198, 200.) |
x |
1904 |
Freund, L. (DD; fractured metacarpals; 375-376, pls. 14-15.) |
x |
1906 |
Annandale, N. (DD; ?shark bite; m240.) |
x |
1923a |
Petit, G. (DD; scratched by shells; 77.) |
x |
1928 |
Prater, S.H. (DD; India; m88.) |
1931 |
Loth, E. |
1931 |
Slijper, E.J. |
x |
1932 |
Korschelt, E. (DD, rib fractures, 450; TML, lesion on radius, 451.) |
1936 |
Slijper, E.J. |
1940 |
Loth, E. |
x |
1953 |
Fernand, V.S.V. (DD; scars from ?coral or ?shells; 142.) |
x |
1953 |
Moore, J.C. (TML; Florida; calf; 121.) |
1959b |
Anon. (DD; New South Wales; stranding; 49.) |
x |
1960 |
Mani, S.B. (DD; India; stranding; 216-217.) |
x |
1961 |
Silas, E.G. (DD; India; stranding; 263-264.) |
x |
1962 |
Marlow, B.J. (DD; New South Wales; stranding; 433.) |
x |
1963 |
Lal Mohan, R.S. (DD; India; strandings; 152.) |
x |
1965 |
Layne, J.N. (TML; Florida; cold & ?red tide; 166-167.) |
x |
1967a |
Jones, S. (DD; India; cyclone & salinity change; 217.) |
x |
1972a |
Anon. (TML; Florida; "played with" by porpoises; 4.) |
x |
1973 |
Bertram & Bertram (DD; Somalia; surf; m302.) |
x |
1975 |
Domning & Frye (Metaxytherium jordani; fractures; 2.) |
x |
1975 |
Pinto da Silveira, E.K. (TI; females killed by mating herds; 225.) |
x |
1976 |
Gallagher, M.D. (DD; Bahrain; cold, nets, oil, or seismic surveys as possible causes of death; 211.) |
x |
1978 |
Anderson & Heinsohn (DD; Australia; ?mass mortality; 20.) |
x |
1978 |
Odell et al. (TM; Bahamas; 292.) |
x |
1979 |
Hartman, D.S. (TML; Florida; gashes on belly, 38; mortality factors, 123-125.) |
1980 |
Harper, H. (TML; Florida) |
x |
1981 |
Beck et al. (TML; Florida; mortality, 1978; 76-85.) |
x |
1981 |
Brownell & Ralls (TML; Florida; carcasses salvaged, 1974-77; 147-154.) |
x |
1981 |
Campbell & Irvine (TML; Florida; cold mortality, 1976-77; 86-91.) |
x |
1981 |
Irvine, Odell, & Campbell (TML; Florida; mortality, 1974-77; 67-75.) |
x |
1981 |
Powell et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico; calf stranded; 645.) |
x |
1982 |
Rathbun et al. (TML; U.S.A. north of Florida; starvation, cold; 153-154, 156.) |
x |
1983 |
Best, R.C. (TI; bowel obstruction during fasting; 62.) |
x |
* |
1983 |
Bonde et al. (TM; salvage & necropsy manual; i-v, 1-175.) |
x |
1983 |
Buergelt & Bonde (TM; toxoplasmic meningoencephalitis; 1294-1296.) |
x |
1984 |
Buergelt et al. (TML; Florida; necropsy findings; cold mortality, malnutrition, meningoencephalitis, periventriculitis, 1331-1334; red tide, 1334.) |
x |
1984 |
Buergelt, C.D. (TML; Florida; summary of necropsy findings, 1980-83; 28-29.) |
x |
1984c |
Marsh, H. (DD; Australia; stranding by cyclone; 106-107.) |
x |
1984 |
Robinson, N.H. (DD; New South Wales; strandings; 157.) |
x |
* |
1985 |
O'Shea, Beck et al. (TML; Florida; mortality, 1976-81; 1-11.) |
x |
1985 |
Packard, Frohlich et al. (TML; Florida; cold mortality; 16.) |
1986 |
Marsh, Freeland et al. (DD; Australia; stranding by cyclone) |
x |
1987 |
Walsh et al. (TML; Florida; omphalitis & peritonitis; 702-704.) |
* |
1988 |
Beeler & O'Shea (TML; southeastern U.S.A.) |
x |
1988 |
Hasegawa, H. (DD; Okinawa; 23.) |
x |
1988 |
Ho, H.C. (DD; Singapore; strandings; 24-25.) |
x |
1988a |
O'Shea, T.J. (TML; southeastern U.S.A.; historical records of mortality; 186-187, 190-191, 199.) |
x |
1988 |
Rathbun et al. (TMM; Honduras; starvation in lagoon; 306-307.) |
x |
1989a |
Marsh, H. (DD; Australia; stranding by cyclone; 78-84.) |
1990 |
Oliveira et al. (TMM; northeastern Brazil; mortality) |
x |
1990 |
Rathbun et al. (TM; northwestern Florida, 1982-85; 22-23, 30-32.) |
x |
D |
1990 |
Repenning & Packard (Paleoparadoxia; Mioc., California; 199-203.) |
x |
* |
1991 |
O'Shea et al. (TML; Florida; red tide, 1982; 165-179.) |
x |
1993 |
Brown, J. (DD; Australia; seagrass dieoff; pop. acc.; 11.) |
1993 |
Geraci & Lounsbury |
1994 |
Spielman, D. (stranding) |
x |
1994 |
Tilmant et al. (TML; Florida; no observed mortality from 1992 hurricane; 236.) |
x |
* |
1995 |
Ackerman et al. (TML; Florida; mortality, 1974-1992; 223-258.) |
x |
1995b |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; Shark Bay, Australia; scars, 207-210; ?sunburn, 210.) |
x |
* |
1995 |
O'Shea & Hartley (TML; Blue Spring, Florida; early-age survival; 157-170.) |
x |
* |
1995 |
O'Shea & Langtimm (TML; Florida; adult survival; 194-222.) |
x |
* |
1995 |
Preen & Marsh (DD; Hervey Bay, Queensland; starvation; 507-519.) |
1995 |
Reid et al. (TML; Atlantic coast, Florida; reproduction & mortality) |
x |
1996d |
Anon. (TML; Florida; 1996 die-off ?due to red tide; 456-457.) |
x |
1996 |
Behler, D.A. (TML; southwest Florida; 1996 die-off; 16.) |
x |
1996 |
Holden, C. (TML; Florida; 1996 die-off due to red tide; 191.) |
x |
1996 |
Turner, R.O. (TML; southwest Florida; 1996 die-off; 27.) |
x |
* |
1998 |
Bossart et al. (TML; Florida; 1996 die-off due to red tide; 276-282.) |
x |
1999 |
Das & Dey (DD; Nicobar Is.; ?cyclone; 197.) |
x |
2000 |
Cowan, D.F. (TM; Texas; death from starvation & cold; 5.) |
* |
2003 |
Langtimm & Beck (TML; Florida; mortality from hurricanes) |
2003 |
Dybas, C.L. (algal blooms) |
2004 |
Parente et al. (TMM; Brazil; strandings) |
x |
2005 |
Flewelling et al. (TML; Florida; red tide, 2002: 755-756.) |
2005 |
Raloff, J. (TML; red tide; gen. acc.) |
2006 |
Langtimm et al. (TML; Florida; effects of hurricanes) |
2008 |
Schwarz, L.K. (TML; determining perinatal status of carcasses) |
2008 |
Meirelles, A.C.O. (TMM; Ceará, Brazil; mortality) |
2009 |
Landsberg et al. (TML, Florida; Karenia brevis red tides) |
2009 |
Joly et al. (TML; necropsies; cause-specific mortality rates) |
2010 |
Sas & Baatz (TML; red tide; brevetoxin-2) |
2010 |
Aragones et al. (DD; Philippines; strandings, 1998-2009) |
2012 |
Sadchatheeswaran et al. (TML; southwest Florida; brevetoxin levels) |
* |
2012 |
Bonde, Mignucci-Giannoni, & Bossart (pathology & mortality assessment) |
2013 |
Laist et al. (TML; Florida; warm-water refuges & cold stress) |
2013 |
Burgess, Brown, & Lanyon (DD; seasonal stresses) |
2014 |
Meager & Limpus (DD; eastern Australia; mortality; freshwater & air temperature) |
* |
2019 |
Martony et al. (TML; cold-stress syndrome) |
2019 |
Martony, Isaza et al. (TML; cold-stress syndrome; measurement of core body temperature) |
2020 |
Conceição et al. (TMM; Panaquatira, Maranhão, Brazil; stranding) |
2022 |
Landsberg et al. (TML; Florida; Indian River Lagoon mortality event; clostridial infection) |
2023 |
Galves, Galves, et al. (TMM; Belize; strandings, conservation) |
2023 |
Hatkar et al. (DD; Gujarat, India; stranding records) |
Natural Enemies ( 84 )
(SEE ALSO: Natural Death or Injury)
1745 |
Gumilla, J. (TMM; Guianas; "Tigres") |
x |
1763 |
Bellin, S. (TMM; Guianas; "Tigres"; m66.) |
x |
1855a |
Gervais, P. (TI; Amazonia; jaguar; 116.) |
x |
1869 |
Marcoy, P. (TI; Amazonia; jaguar; 2: 202-204.) |
x |
1870 |
Delfortrie, E. (Halitherium; Early Mioc., France; bones scarred by fish teeth; 261.) |
x |
1871 |
Farge, E. (Halitherium; Middle Mioc., France; bone scarred by sharks; 265-268, pl. 2.) |
x |
1872 |
Farge, E. (Halitherium; Middle Mioc., France; bone scarred by sharks; 412-416.) |
x |
1872 |
Kingston, W.H.G. (TI; Amazonia; jaguars; 184-190.) |
1875 |
Barbosa Rodriguez, J. (TI; Brazil; jaguars) |
x |
1875 |
Marcoy, P. (TI; Amazonia; jaguar; 2: 235-237.) |
x |
1886 |
Portis, A. (Felsinotherium; Plioc., Italy; bones scarred by sharks; 357.) |
x |
1906 |
Annandale, N. (DD: India; sharks; m240.) |
x |
1925 |
Lee, I. (DD; Australia; sharks; 20.) |
x |
1934 |
Thomson, D.F. (DD; Australia; sharks; 242.) |
x |
1935 |
Barrett, O.W. (TMM, sharks, caimans, m218; DD, crocodiles, 219-220.) |
x |
1937 |
Johnson, E. (TS; Gambia; crocodiles; 63.) |
x |
1937 |
Promus, J. (DD; Australia; killing shark with tusks; 41.) |
x |
1937 |
Sunter, G.H. (DD; Northern Territory, Australia; dugong killing crocodile by falling on top of it; 60.) |
1939 |
Patterson, E.K. (DD; Torres Strait; shark attack) |
x |
1941 |
Landa, D. de (TMM; Yucatan; bats; 191.) |
x |
1944 |
Pereira, M.N. (TI; Brazil; jaguar & shark only known predators; 63-65.) |
x |
1948 |
Bessac & Villiers (TS; Senegal; bitten by small fish, especially "Silures", but "friendly" with crocodiles; 189.) |
x |
1955 |
MacMillan, L. (DD; Australia; sharks, killer whales; 18.) |
x |
1958 |
Leakey, L.S.B. (DD; East Africa; crocodiles; m19.) |
x |
1960 |
Allsopp, W.H.L. (TMM; Guyana; immune to electric eels; 762.) |
1963 |
Bertram, G.C.L. (Trichechus; South America; fish) |
x |
1964a |
Bertram & Bertram (TMM; Guyana; caimans, parrot-fish; m119.) |
1964 |
Norwood, V.G.C. |
x |
1966 |
Jarman, P.J. (DD; Kenya; sharks; 84.) |
x |
1966 |
Kellogg, R. (Metaxytherium calvertense; Middle Mioc., Maryland; bones scarred by sharks; 67.) |
x |
1967a |
Jones, S. (DD; India; wounded by stingray; 219.) |
x |
1967 |
Welsby, T. (DD; Moreton Bay, Queensland; sharks, 2: 234; sharks eating drowned dugongs in nets, 2: 238-239.) |
x |
1968 |
Charnock-Wilson, J. (TMM; Belize; alligators; 293-294.) |
x |
1971 |
Kingdon, J. (DD; East Africa; sharks; 397.) |
x |
1974 |
Fondi & Pacini (Metaxytherium forestii; Plioc., Italy; bone scarred by ?shark tooth; 50-51, pl. 46.) |
x |
1975a |
Husar, S.L. (DD; Australia; carcasses not molested by sharks; m18.) |
x |
1975 |
Pinto da Silveira, E.K. (TMM, sharks; TI, jaguars, caimans, anacondas; 226.) |
x |
1978 |
Anderson & Heinsohn (DD; Australia; sharks, crocodiles, "porpoises", stingrays, stonefish; 19-20.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (HG; possible predators; 115-116.) |
x |
1978 |
Stanbury, P.J. (DD; Australia; shark, fide Dampier; 18.) |
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; blood clotting & "skin hardening" as ?anti-predator adaptations, 127; scar from shark attack, 128, 131; sharks, ?crocodiles, ?killer whales, ?stonefish, 135.) |
x |
1979 |
Hartman, D.S. (Trichechus; South America; piranhas; m123.) |
x |
1980 |
Belitsky & Belitsky (TMM; Dominican Republic; sharks; 317-319.) |
x |
1981b |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; Australia; sharks; 103, 107.) |
x |
1981 |
Brownell, Anderson et al. (DD; Palau; carcasses scavenged by crocodiles; 34-35.) |
* |
1982 |
Rancurel & Intes (DD; New Caledonia; remains in tiger shark stomachs) |
x |
1982a |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; Shark Bay, Australia; association of sharks with groups of dugongs; 78, 82-83.) |
x |
1982 |
Barnett & Johns (DD; Queensland; sharks; 519.) |
x |
1982 |
Best & Teixeira (TMM; Brazil; ?shark bites; 45.) |
x |
1982 |
Boaz & Cramer (Metaxytherium; Plioc., Libya; sharks; pop. acc.; 37, 40-41.) |
x |
1982c |
Domning, D.P. (Metaxytherium serresii; Plioc., Libya; bones scarred by shark Carcharodon megalodon; 29, 32.) |
x |
1982 |
Ridgway, B. (cf. Halianassa; Mioc., Florida; bones scarred by sharks; 13, 15.) |
x |
1984 |
Marsh, Heinsohn & Marsh (DD; Australia; attack by tiger shark; 788.) |
x |
* |
1985 |
Anderson & Prince (DD; Shark Bay, Australia; attacks by killer whales; 554-556.) |
x |
1986c |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; pop. acc.; sharks, 162-165; dolphin harassing dugongs, 166.) |
x |
1987 |
Domning & Thomas (Metaxytherium serresii; Plioc., Libya; bones scarred by sharks; 209.) |
x |
1988 |
Reddacliff, G. (DD; Australia; cookie-cutter shark [Isistius]; 133-134.) |
x |
1989 |
Morgan, G.S. (Metaxytherium; Early Mioc., Florida; sharks; 33, 37-38.) |
x |
D |
1990 |
Repenning & Packard (Paleoparadoxia; Mioc., California; sharks; 199-201.) |
x |
1993 |
Loyer, B. (DD; Vanuatu; wounds from sharks; attempts to ?drown turtles; 55.) |
x |
1995 |
Reynolds et al. (TMM; Costa Rica; sharks; m195.) |
2001 |
Heithaus, M.R. (tiger sharks; Shark Bay, Australia) |
* |
2001 |
Simpfendorfer et al. (DD; Western Australia; remains found in tiger shark stomachs) |
2001 |
Heithaus, M.R. (DD; Shark Bay, Australia; tiger sharks) |
x |
* |
2001 |
Taylor, G. (DD; Shark Bay, Australia; sharks; 36-37, 41.) |
2002 |
Heithaus, Dill, Marshall, et al. (DD; Australia; tiger sharks) |
x |
* |
2003 |
Falcón et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico; shark; 6-11.) |
x |
2004 |
Aguilera & De Aguilera (early Mioc., Venezuela; scars of shark bites on sir. bones; 376-378.) |
2004 |
Aguilera & Rodrigues (indeterminate dugongids; Mioc., Venezuela; shark predation) |
* |
2007b |
Wirsing et al. (DD; tiger sharks) |
2007a |
Wirsing et al. (DD; foraging tactics & shark avoidance) |
2007c |
Wirsing et al. (DD; foraging tactics & shark avoidance) |
2008 |
Wirsing et al. (DD; Shark Bay, Australia; foraging tactics & shark avoidance) |
2008 |
Garrigue et al. (DD; New Caledonia; sharks; 86.) |
2009 |
Rateau et al. (sharks; Metaxytherium medium, Mioc., Channay-sur-Lathan, France.) |
2011 |
Wirsing & Ripple (DD; responses to tiger sharks) |
2011 |
Wirsing et al. (DD; feeding and diving mode in presence of tiger sharks) |
2012 |
Luiselli et al. (TS; Nigeria; habitat overlap with crocodiles) |
2013a |
Diedrich, C.G. (Halitherium schinzii; Germany; shark predation) |
2013b |
Diedrich, C.G. (Halitherium; Olig., Germany; shark predation) |
* |
2020 |
Reeves & Gillett-Kaufman (TML; Florida; bitten by mosquitoes [Aedes, Anopheles, & Culex]) |
* |
2021 |
Nowicki et al. (DD; Shark Bay, Australia; tiger sharks; effects of apex predator removal and extreme climatic events) |
* |
2021 |
Feichtinger et al. (Metaxytherium cf. medium; middle Mioc., Styria, Austria; tiger shark (Galeocerdo aduncus)) |
* |
2024 |
Benites-Palomino et al. (Culebratherium sp.; Mioc., Venezuela; scarred by crocodile & shark (Galeocerdo aduncus) |
Nemodermus Rafinesque, 1815 ( 2 )
(nomen nudum; = Trichechus)
x |
* |
1815 |
Rafinesque, C.S. (n.gen.; nomen nudum; in classification; 60.) |
x |
1978c |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Trichechus; m578.) |
Neodesmostylus Khomenko, 1928 ( 3 )
(Proboscidea; = Mammuthus)
x |
D |
* |
1928a |
Khomenko, J.P. (n.gen.; Pleist., Siberia; 519-520.) |
x |
D |
1941 |
Kretzoi, M. (in classification; 153, 155.) |
x |
D |
1963 |
Mitchell & Repenning (not considered a desmostylian; m4.) |
Neodesmostylus primigenius Khomenko, 1928 ( 2 )
(Proboscidea; = Mammuthus)
x |
D |
* |
1928a |
Khomenko, J.P. (n.gen.n.sp.; Pleist., Siberia; 519-520.) |
D |
1966c |
Shikama, T. |
Neoparadoxia Barnes, 2013 ( 2 )
D |
2011 |
Harris, J.M. (ed.) (nomen nudum; 23.) |
D |
* |
2013 |
Barnes, L.G. (new genus) |
Neoparadoxia cecilialina Barnes, 2013 ( 3 )
D |
2011 |
Harris, J.M. (ed.) (nomen nudum; 23.) |
D |
* |
2013 |
Barnes, L.G. (n.gen.n.sp.; Late Mioc., Orange Co., California) |
D |
2015 |
Thomas & Barnes (Late Mioc., California; osteochondrosis; 28-31.) |
Neoparadoxia repenningi (Domning and Barnes, 2007) Barnes, 2013 ( 1 )
D |
* |
2013 |
Barnes, L.G. (n.comb.) |
Nepus Fischer von Waldheim, 1814 ( 5 )
(= Hydrodamalis)
* |
1813-14 |
Fischer v. Waldheim, G. (n.gen.) |
x |
1840 |
Baer, K.E.v. (syn. of Rytina; m53.) |
x |
1872a |
Gill, T. (syn. of Rhytina; m92.) |
1925 |
ICZN (syn. of Hydrodamalis; m38.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Hydrodamalis; 75.) |
Nepus stelleri (Retzius, 1794) Fischer von Waldheim, 1814 ( 2 )
(= Hydrodamalis gigas)
* |
1813-14 |
Fischer v. Waldheim, G. (n.comb.) |
x |
1978b |
Domning, D.P. (syn. of Hydrodamalis gigas; 75, 93.) |
Nervous System: SEE Brain and Nervous System ( 0 )
Netherlands, The ( 5 )
1975 |
Bosch et al. ("Halitherium" [actually Metaxytherium]) |
x |
1977 |
Hooijer, D.A. (Metaxytherium cf. medium; Mioc., Eibergen: 2, 12.) |
x |
1982 |
Hooijer, D.A. (indeterminate sir.; Western Scheldt; 261-262, pl. 1.) |
x |
1999 |
Erdbrink & Van Bree (indeterminate sir.; Western Schelde; 17-20.) |
2023 |
Bakker et al. |
New Jersey ( 4 )
x |
1856b |
Leidy, J. (Manatus antiquus; 165.) |
x |
1981 |
Miller, R.R. (TML; Long Beach Is.; netting; m53.) |
x |
* |
1989 |
Gallagher et al. (Trichechus sp.; ?Pleist.; 107-108.) |
2018 |
Domning, D.P. (cf. Metaxytherium, Mioc.; Trichechus sp., ?Pleist.; 246.) |
Nicaragua ( 17 )
(SEE ALSO: Central America)
1847 |
Young, T. (TMM) |
x |
1910 |
Allen, J.A. (TMM; m89, m94.) |
x |
1920 |
Goldman, E.A. (TMM; 69.) |
x |
* |
1935 |
Barrett, O.W. (TMM; 216-219.) |
x |
1965 |
Jones, J.K., Jr. (TMM; Indian name; 354.) |
1973 |
Nietschmann, B. (TMM) |
x |
* |
1976 |
Loveland, F.O. (TMM; hunting, ritual & myth; 70-82.) |
1978 |
Magnus, R.W. (TMM) |
x |
1982 |
Wing & Reitz (TMM; at archeological sites; m16.) |
x |
1989 |
Lefebvre et al. (TMM; distr., status, & biogeography; 582-583, 606.) |
1994 |
Carr, T. (TMM; distr., Miskito Coast) |
* |
2000 |
Jiménez P., I. (TMM) |
2002 |
Jiménez P., I. (TMM; poaching) |
* |
2003 |
Jiménez P., I. (TMM) |
2005 |
Jiménez P., I. (TMM; Costa Rica & Nicaragua; habitat use) |
2010 |
Jamieson, M. |
2012 |
Self-Sullivan & Mignucci-Giannoni (TM; status & conservation) |
Norosiren Samonds, Ernat, Andrianavalona, and Domning, 2019 ( 1 )
* |
2019 |
Samonds et al. (n.gen.; Mioc., Madagascar) |
Norosiren zazavavindrano Samonds, Ernat, Andrianavalona, and Domning, 2019 ( 1 )
* |
2019 |
Samonds et al. (n.gen.n.sp.; Mioc., Madagascar) |
North America ( 18 )
(SEE ALSO under countries and states)
x |
1837 |
Richardson, J. (Manatus americanus, M. latirostris, Rytina borealis; m162.) |
x |
1856a |
Leidy, J. (Ischyrotherium, supposed sir. from Nebraska; 89.) |
x |
1941a |
Gunter, G. (TML; distr.; 60-64.) |
x |
1942 |
Gunter, G. (TML; distr.; 89-90.) |
x |
1942 |
Simpson, G.G. (fossil sirs. on Atlantic coast; m177.) |
x |
1954 |
Gunter, G. (TM; distr.; 543-544.) |
x |
1974 |
Domning, D.P. (fossil sirs.; southeastern U.S.A.; pop. acc.; 7-9.) |
x |
* |
1989 |
Lefebvre et al. (TM; distr., status, & biogeography; 576-580, 589-591, 599, 603-605.) |
x |
* |
1996 |
Reid, J.P. (TML; Rhode Island; northernmost recorded occurrence in North America; 13.) |
2001 |
Valentine & Heck (Thalassia testudinum; NE Gulf of Mexico) |
* |
2001 |
Lefebvre et al. (TML, TMM; status & biogeography) |
2003 |
Deutsch et al. (TML; movements & site fidelity along Atlantic coast of USA) |
* |
2003 |
Deutsch et al. (TML; Atlantic coast of USA; migration & site fidelity) |
x |
* |
2004 |
Williams & Domning (TM; ?Pleist., Arkansas, Ohio; 167-176.) |
* |
2005 |
Fertl et al. (TM; northern Gulf of Mexico) |
* |
2008b |
Domning, D.P. (sir. fossil record) |
D |
* |
2008c |
Domning, D.P. (desmostylian fossil record) |
x |
2011 |
Jackson & Thorpe (TML; Memphis, Tennessee; children's book; 1-26.) |
North Carolina ( 22 )
1858 |
Emmons, E. |
1860 |
Emmons, E. |
x |
1875 |
Cope, E.D. (Ontocetus emmonsii referred to Sirenia [actually Odobenidae]; 51.) |
1908 |
Brimley, C.S. (TM) |
x |
1919 |
Stiles, C.W. (TML; in capt.; 658.) |
x |
1931 |
Brimley, H.H. (TML; captured, 1919; 320-321.) |
1946 |
Brimley, H.H. (TML) |
x |
1960 |
Funderburg, J.B. (TML; Pleist. & Recent records; 521.) |
1960 |
Smith et al. (TM) |
1965 |
Caldwell & Golley |
1976 |
Lee, D.S. |
x |
1977 |
Browne & Lee (TML; abstract of interview survey; 40.) |
x |
1977 |
Campbell, H.W. (TML; gen. acc.; 396-397.) |
x |
1982b |
Domning, D.P. (Ribodon sp., ?Plioc., 604; Trichechus sp., Pleist., 605.) |
x |
* |
1982 |
Domning, Morgan & Ray (Eoc. sirs.; 4, 6, 13-17, 39.) |
x |
* |
1982 |
Rathbun et al. (TML; 153-154, 156, 160-163.) |
x |
1984b |
Domning, D.P. (fossil sirs.; pop. acc.; 5.) |
x |
1988a |
O'Shea, T.J. (TML; 187, 198-199.) |
1989 |
Lee & Socci |
x |
* |
1995 |
Schwartz, F.J. (TM; 1919-1994; 53-60.) |
x |
1997b |
Domning, D.P. (cf. Crenatosiren; Late Oligocene, Onslow Beach; 399.) |
2018 |
Domning, D.P. (Metaxytherium crataegense, Nanosiren sp., aff. Corystosiren sp.; Mioc., Lee Creek Mine; 245.) |
Nutrition: SEE Digestive System; Food; Milk ( 0 )