Bibliography and Index of the Sirenia and Desmostylia  

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"Denton, G. R. W."

Denton, G. R. W.; Marsh, Helene D.; Heinsohn, George Edwin; Burdon-Jones, C. (detail)
The unusual metal status of the dugong Dugong dugon.
Marine Biology 57(3): 201-219. 6 tabs. 5 figs.
–Reports very high levels of iron and zinc found in dugong livers; levels of copper, cadmium, cobalt, and silver were also high in livers, and cadmium in kidneys; manganese concentrations were comparable to those in other marine mammals; nickel, lead, and chromium were not detected in any tissue. Concentrations of several metals varied with age of the dugongs. Seagrasses were probably the source of the iron, but anthropogenic pollution was not implicated.
Denton, G. R. W.; Breck, W. G. (detail)
Mercury in tropical marine organisms from North Queensland.
Mar. Pollution Bull. 12(4): 116-121. 3 tabs. 2 figs. Apr. 1981.
–Reports that the mercury content of tissues of two dugongs from Cleveland Bay, Australia, was "extremely low" compared with other marine mammals.
Denton, G. R. W. (detail)
The effect of diet on the heavy metal status of the dugong (Dugong dugon (Müller)). In: H. Marsh (ed.), The dugong. Proceedings of a seminar/workshop held at James Cook University of North Queensland 8-13 May 1979 (q.v.).
[Townsville (Australia)], James Cook Univ. (vii + 400): 169-174.
–Summary of Denton et al. (1980).
Denton, G. R. W. (detail)
Brief outline of procedures recommended for the collection and storage of dugong tissues for heavy metal, organochlorine pesticide and PCB analyses. In: H. Marsh (ed.), The dugong. Proceedings of a seminar/workshop held at James Cook University of North Queensland 8-13 May 1979 (q.v.).
[Townsville (Australia)], James Cook Univ. (vii + 400): 239.
–Two paragraphs on procedures for avoiding contamination of tissue samples.

Daryl P. Domning, Research Associate, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, and Laboratory of Evolutionary Biology, Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059.
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