Uchida, Senzo
1994. |
The dugong. In: S. Odate (ed.), Base data of Japanese rare wild aquatic organisms.
Tokyo: Fisheries Agency and Japanese Association for Conservation of Aquatic Resources, 569-583.
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Uchida, Senzo; Nagasaki, Tasuku; Miyahara, Hirokazu; Ueda, Keiichi; Ono, Hidehiko
1999 |
Introducing Caribbean manatees and treating diseases. [Abstr.]
IBI Reports (Kamogawa, Japan, Intl. Marine Biol. Research Inst.) No. 9: 131-133. Mar. 1999.
–In Engl. & Japanese. Paper presented at 10th Annual Intl. Symposium of the Intl. Mar. Biol. Res. Inst., Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 1998. Summarizes lessons learned in the care & transport of two Antillean manatees from Chetumal, Mexico to Okinawa in May 1997. Makes only general statements about pathology & treatment.
Udell, Bradley J.; Martin, Julien; Fletcher, Robert J., Jr.; Bonneau, Mathieu; Edwards, Holly H.; Gowan, Timothy A.; Hardy, Stacie K.; Gurarie, Eliezer; Calleson, Charles S.; Deutsch, Charles J.
2019 |
Integrating encounter theory with decision analysis to evaluate collision risk and determine optimal protection zones for wildlife.
Jour. Applied Ecology 56(5): 1050-1062. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13290 May 2019.
–ABSTRACT: Better understanding human–wildlife interactions and their links with management can help improve the design of wildlife protection zones. One example is the problem of wildlife collisions with vehicles or human-built structures (e.g., power lines, wind farms). In fact, collisions between marine wildlife and watercraft are among the major threats faced by several endangered species of marine mammals. Natural resource managers are therefore interested in finding cost-effective solutions to mitigate these threats.
We combined abundance estimators with encounter rate theory to estimate relative lethal collision risk of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) from watercraft. We first modelled seasonal abundance of watercraft and manatees using a Bayesian analysis of aerial survey count data. We then modelled relative lethal collision risk in space and across seasons. Finally, we applied decision analysis and Linear Integer Programming to determine the optimal design of speed zones in terms of relative risk to manatees and costs to waterway users. We used a Pareto efficient frontier approach to evaluate the performance of alternative zones, which included additional practical considerations (e.g., spatial aggregation of speed zones) in relation to the optimal zone configurations.
Under the various relationships for probability of death given strike speed that we considered, the current speed zones reduced the relative lethal collision risk by an average of 51.5% to 70.0% compared to the scenario in which all speed regulations were removed (i.e., the no-protection scenario). We identified optimal zones and near-optimal zones with additional management considerations that improved upon the current zones in terms of cost or relative risk.
Policy implications. Our analytical framework combines encounter rate theory and decision analysis to quantify the effectiveness of speed zones in protecting manatees while accounting for uncertainty. Our approach can be used to optimize the design of protection zones intended to reduce conflicts between human waterborne activity and marine mammals. This framework could be extended to address many other problems of human–wildlife interactions, such as the optimal placement of wind farms to minimize collisions with wildlife or the optimal allocation of ranger effort to mitigate poaching threats.
Uerpmann, H. P.
1989 |
Problems of archaeo-zoological research in eastern Arabia. In: P. M. Costa & M. Tosi (eds.), Oman studies.
Serie Orientale Roma 63: 163-168.
–Reports dugong bones in archeological site at Ras Ghanada.
Uerpmann, M.
1993 |
Animal remains from Qala'at al-Bahrain, a preliminary report. In: H. Buitenhuis & A.T. Clason (eds.), Archaeozoology in the Near East.
Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on the Archaeozoology of Southwestern Asia and Adjacent Areas (Leiden): 60-66.
Uerpmann, M.; Uerpmann, H.-P.
1994 |
Animal bone finds from excavation 520 at Qala'at al-Bahrain. In: F. Højlund & H. Andersen (eds.), Qala'at al-Bahrain I. The northern city wall and the Islamic fortress.
Jutland Archaeol. Soc. Publ. (Moesgaard, Aarhus Univ. Press) 30(1): 417-481.
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Uhen, Mark David
2004 |
Form, function, and anatomy of Dorudon atrox (Mammalia, Cetacea): an archaeocete from the Middle to Late Eocene of Egypt.
Univ. Michigan Papers on Paleontology No. 34: xiii + 222. Frontisp. 27 tabs. 141 figs. 8 appendices. Jan. 30, 2004.
–Dorudon is compared with sirs. with respect to vertebral morphology and locomotion (147-152) and rib morphology and buoyancy (157-159).
Uhen, Mark David; Coates, Anthony G.; Jaramillo, Carlos A.; Montes, Camilo; Pimiento, Catalina; Rinc?n, Aldo; Strong, Nikki; V?lez-Juarbe, Jorge
2010 |
Marine mammals from the Miocene of Panama.
Jour. South American Earth Scis. 30(3-4): 167-175. 2 tabs. 5 figs.
–Describes a caudal vertebra and rib fragments representing two different dugongids from the Early Mioc. (Aquitanian-Burdigalian) Culebra Formation, Panama Canal (167-168, 170-174).
ABSTRACT: Panama has produced an abundance of Neogene marine fossils both invertebrate (mollusks, corals, microfossils etc.) and vertebrate (fish, land mammals etc.), but marine mammals have not been previously reported. Here we describe a cetacean thoracic vertebra from the late Miocene Tobabe Formation, a partial cetacean...
Ule, Otto
1871 |
Der Dugong (Halicore tabernaculi) im Roten Meere (Auszug aus Klunzinger).
Natur (Ule-Müller) 20: 296.
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Ulloa, Antonio de
1813 |
A voyage to South America, describing at large the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, &c. on that extensive continent: undertaken, by command of the King of Spain, by Don George Juan, and Don Antonio de Ulloa, Captains of the Spanish Navy, .... Translated from the original Spanish; with notes and observations; and an account of the Brazils. By John Adams.... In: J. Pinkerton (ed.), A general collection of ... voyages and travels ....
London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown and Cadell & Davies: vol. 14: 313-696.
–Pinkerton notes that "This translation has passed through five Editions." An account of a voyage between the years 1735 and 1744, with a brief description of the manatee [T. inunguis] found in the Rio Maranon or Amazon (513).
Umnova, M. M.; Novoselova, I. L.
1986 |
[Microscopic and ultrastructural study of the skeletal muscles of the manatee.] In: V. E. Sokolov (ed.), Lamantin: morfologicheskie adaptatsii (q.v.).
Moscow, "Nauka" (Akad. Nauk SSSR) (405 pp.): 357-370. Figs. 138-147.
–In Russian.
2009 |
Action plan for the conservation of the West African manatee. Annex I to the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the conservation of the manatee and small cetaceans of western Africa and Macaronesia.
2012 |
Conserving cetaceans and manatees in the western African region.
CMS Technical Series (Bonn, United Nations Environment Programme [UNEP]/Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals [CMS]) No. 26: [iii] + 96. Illus.
–Available at http://www.cms.int/publications/TechSeries/ts26[underline character]watch[underline character]e.pdf. French & Spanish versions also available (same address, but ending with "f.pdf" and "s.pdf", respectively).
Material on TS is found in chapters by Tchibozo & Van Waerebeek (pp. 34-36); Dodman, Diop, & Beye (38-40); and Ayissi (52-58).
Unienville, M. C. A. M. D'
1838 |
Statistique de l'Isle Maurice et ses dépendances, suivie d'une notice historique sur cette colonie et d'une essai sur l'Isle de Madagascar.
Paris, Gustave Barba (3 vols.).
United Nations Environment Programme (U.N.E.P.)
1995 |
Regional management plan for the West Indian manatee, Trichechus manatus.
Caribbean Environment Programme Tech. Rept. (Kingston, Jamaica, U.N.E.P.) No. 35: i + 104.
–Published simultaneously in English, French, and Spanish.
D |
Uno, Hikaru
2000 |
The evaluation of the morphological variation of deciduous teeth in Desmostylus hesperus Marsh, 1888. In: Inuzuka et al. (eds.), Evolution of Desmostylia ... (q.v.).
Bull. Ashoro Mus. Pal. No. 1: 153-158. 12 figs. Mar. 29, 2000.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ.
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Uno, Hikaru; Kimura, Masaichi
2004 |
Reinterpretation of some cranial structures of Desmostylus hesperus (Mammalia: Desmostylia): a new specimen from the Middle Miocene Tachikaraushinai Formation, Hokkaido, Japan.
Pal. Research 8(1): 1-10. 2 tabs. 9 figs. Apr. 30, 2004.
–Describes a new juvenile skull from the Utanobori locality, and discusses the proper identification of the external acoustic meatus.
Unterbrink, Mary
1984 |
Manatees: gentle giants in peril.
St. Petersburg (Florida), Great Outdoors Publishers: 1-47. Illus. Sept. 1984.
–Revised ed.: August 1995.
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Uozumi, Satoru; Fujie, Tsutomu; Matsui, Masaru
1966 |
Neogene molluscan fauna in Hokkaido. Part 3. Description of the Ainonai fauna associated with Desmostylus cf. minor Nagao, from Kitami district, east Hokkaido.
Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. (4)13(2): 165-183.
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Upton, Steve J.; Odell, Daniel Keith; Bossart, Gregory D.; Walsh, Michael T.
1989 |
Description of the oocysts of two new species of Eimeria (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus (Sirenia: Trichechidae).
Jour. Protozool. 36(1): 87-90. 1 tab. 8 figs.
–Describes Eimeria manatus and E. nodulosa, n.spp., from the feces of 9 out of 16 T. m. latirostris examined, and compares them with E. trichechi. The infected manatees included both wild and captive-born specimens, and ones from both coasts of Florida.
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Urita, Tomoe
1944 |
A new locality of Desmostylus in Karahuto (Saghalien).
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 51(607): 115-118. 3 figs.
–In Japanese.