x |
Jackson, E. Sandford
1923 |
Historical notes from the records in the Brisbane Hospital (1850-1870).
Med. Jour. Austral. (10th year) 1(11): 281-286. Mar. 17, 1923 (read Feb. 2, 1923).
–Biographical sketch of Dr. William Hobbs. P. 282: {"Dr. Hobbs did much to introduce dugong oil as a substitute for cod liver oil, using it in all the diseases for which the latter long held reputation. He published a lecture on dugong oil under the title "Elaiopathy," to which reference is made in Lang's "Queensland." (Spongiopiline soaked in dugong oil was a favourite treatment for phthisis with Dr. Hobbs.)"}
As far as I can determine, Hobbs' lecture "Elaiopathy" was published only in a newspaper, the Melbourne Argus, Sept. 19, 1857.
x |
Jackson, James; Thorpe, Erin
2011 |
Murphy the Manatee visits Memphis.
Bloomington (Indiana), AuthorHouse: 1-26. Illus. Oct. 14, 2011.
–Children's book about a young Florida manatee who travels to Memphis, Tennessee, to meet Elvis Presley. The story was inspired by the actual sighting (by author Jackson and a friend) of a manatee near Memphis in 2006.
Jackson, Jeremy B. C.; Kirby, Michael X.; Berger, Wolfgang H.; Bjorndal, Karen A.; Botsford, Louis W.; Bourque, Bruce J.; Bradbury, Roger H.; Cooke, Richard; Erlandson, John; Estes, James A.; Hughes, Terence P.; Kidwell, Susan; Lange, Carina B.; Lenihan, Hunter S.; Pandolfi, John M.; Peterson, Charles H.; Steneck, Robert S.; Tegner, Mia J.; Warner, Robert R.
2001 |
Historical overfishing and the recent collapse of coastal ecosystems.
Science 293(5530): 629-638. 1 tab. 3 figs. July 27, 2001.
–Discusses the exploitation of Steller's sea cows and Australian dugongs. Estimates that eastern Australia once supported 1 million to 3.6 million dugongs (now reduced to an estimated 14,000), with over 104,000 in Moreton Bay alone (now an estimated 500 only). These historical estimates are considered too high by at least some dugong biologists.
x |
Jacobi, E. F.
1969 |
Hippopotamus, tapir and manatee house at Amsterdam Zoo.
Internatl. Zoo Yearbk. 9: 63-65. 1 fig. 2 pls.
–Illustrates the overall plan of the building.
Jacobs, Francine
1991 |
Sam the sea cow.
New York, Walker & Co.: 1-47. Illus.
–Simultaneously publ. in Markham, Ontario by Thomas Allen & Son. First ed.: Sewer Sam, the sea cow, N.Y., Walker & Co., 1979. Children's book on Florida manatees, based on "Sewer Sam"'s rehabilitation at the Miami Seaquarium.
D |
Jacobs, Louis L.; Fiorillo, Anthony R.; Nishida, Yosuke; Fitzgerald, Erich M. G.
2009 |
Mid-Cenozoic marine mammals from Alaska. In: L.B. Albright, III (ed.), Papers on geology, vertebrate paleontology, and biostratigraphy in honor of Michael O. Woodburne.
Museum of Northern Arizona Bull. No. 65: 171-184. 6 figs.
–ABSTRACT: Mid-Cenozoic marine mammals of Alaska were isolated from the Arctic Ocean by Beringia and were thus part of a far North Pacific ecosystem. The amphicynodontid ?Kolponomos, a neocete whale, and a desmostylian were found in the latest Oligocene or earliest Miocene (approximately 23 Ma) Dutch Harbor Member of the Unalaska Formation, Aleutian Chain, Alaska. The Unalaska desmostylian is more derived than Cornwallius but more primitive than Desmostylus. Derived desmostylians are known from the early middle Miocene (16-15 Ma) Bear Lake Formation on the Alaska Peninsula and the Narrow Cape Formation on Kodiak Island. The Miocene Yakatat Formation has produced sparse mammal remains but records the onset of montane glaciation in southern Alaska.
Jaekel, Otto
1911 |
Die Wirbeltiere. Eine Übersicht über die fossilen und lebenden Formen.
Berlin, Borntraeger Bros.: viii + 252. 281 figs.
–Abstrs.: Amer. Jour. Sci. (4)33: 592?; Geol. Zentralbl. 17: 475?; Jahresber. Anat. Entwickl. (n.s.) 18(3): 202-205?; Nature (London) 89: 134? Sirenii, 245.
Jaffe, J. S.; et al.
2007 |
Measurement of the acoustic reflectivity of Sirenia (Florida manatees) at 171 kHz.
Jour. Acoustical Soc. Amer. 121(1): 158-165.
x |
Jagan, Janet
1995 |
Patricia the baby manatee and other stories.
Leeds, Peepal Tree Books: 1-76. Illus.
–Book of children's stories. The one about hand-rearing an orphaned manatee in Guyana is on pp. 59-62, with 1 fig.
x |
Jäger, Georg Friedrich von
1835 |
Ueber die fossilen Säugethiere, welche in Würtemberg [sic] aufgefunden worden sind.
Stuttgart, Carl Erhard: [iii] + 1-70. 9 pls.
–Abstr.: Jour. Géol. (Paris) 1: 392-393, 1830? A second installment, expanding the work to 214 pages and 20 plates, was published in 1839. Describes sir. rib fragments from the Miocene Molasse near Baltringen, Germany (3-4; pl. 9, figs. 1-6).
Jäger, Georg Friedrich von
1850 |
Ueber die fossilen Säugethiere Würtembergs [sic].
Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. 22(2): 765-934. Pls. 68-72.
–Also publ. as separate in 171 pp. + pls. Discusses Halianassa.
x |
Jäger, Georg Friedrich von
1857 |
Osteologische Bemerkungen.
Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leopoldino-Carolinae Nat. Curios. 26(1): 87-134. Pls. 6-8.
–Describes skulls, dentitions, and postcranial skeletons of four T. manatus from Suriname (91-98, pl. 6), and skull and dentition of a dugong, with particular attention to the presence of interfrontal fontanelles in both species (98-99, pl. 6).
James, D. B.
1988 |
Some observations and remarks on the endangered marine animals of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Proc. Symp. Endangered Marine Animals & Marine Parks (Cochin, India, Jan. 12-16, 1985) 1: 337-340. 3 pls. Oct. 1988.
James, Gideon T.; Slaughter, Bob H.
1974 |
A primitive new Middle Pliocene murid from Wadi el Natrun, Egypt.
Ann. Geol. Surv. Egypt 4: 333-361. 4 tabs. 8 figs.
–Notes the occurrence of indeterminate sir. remains in the Wadi el Natrun local fauna (m339).
x |
James, P. S. B. R.
1974 |
An osteological study of the dugong, Dugong dugon (Sirenia) from India.
Marine Biology 27(2): 173-184. 4 tabs. 6 figs. Oct. 31, 1974.
–Gives data on two skeletons, 15 other skulls, 10 mandibles, and other bones; but most measurements are not defined well enough to be usable. The text is mostly a general description of dugong osteology. No evidence is found for sexual dimorphism in linear dimensions, nor for taxonomic splitting of Indian from Red Sea dugongs.
James, P. S. B. R.
1988 |
On the conservation and management of marine mammals of India.
Proc. Symp. Endangered Marine Animals & Marine Parks (Cochin, India, Jan. 12-16, 1985) 1: 61-64. Oct. 1988.
Jamieson, Mark
2010 |
Bloodman, Manatee Owner, and the destruction of the Turtle Book: Ulwa and Miskitu representations of knowledge and the moral economy.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 16(1): 31-45. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9655.2009.01595.x. Mar. 2010.
–ABSTRACT: This article argues that comparative analysis in anthropology is particularly enlightening where contexts under study are most similar. Comparisons of this kind are especially useful in that they allow us to abstract the similarities, focus on the differences, and isolate the reasons for these. To demonstrate this the article considers how the peoples of Karawala and Kakabila, two Miskitu-speaking villages in Nicaragua, represent obscure aspects of processes implicated in the generation of wealth in terms of relations with occult others. In Kakabila, where capitalist penetration is weak and gift-giving remains important, these are represented in terms of relations, both socially reproductive and selfish, with 'spirit owners' who mediate access to wealth. In Karawala, where villagers have experienced proletarianization and social fragmentation, these processes find expression in stories of murderous 'foreigners' who expropriate blood, and a myth in which an iconic representation of communal responsibility, the Turtle Book, is destroyed.
Jamir, N. C.
1985 |
Last round-up for sea cow in sight.
Science News Service 4: 181.
–Discusses dugongs in southern Mindanao, Philippines.
x |
D |
Janis, Christine M.
1988 |
New ideas in ungulate phylogeny and evolution.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 3(11): 291-297. 3 tabs. 2 figs. + cover illus. Nov. 1988.
–Accepts the monophyly of the Tethytheria, and suggests that they all were primitively semi-aquatic, the proboscideans being "secondarily terrestrial" (292-295).
Janis, Christine M.; Fortelius, Mikael
1988 |
On the means whereby mammals achieve increased functional durability of their dentitions, with special reference to limiting factors.
Biol. Rev. 63: 197-230. 2 tabs. 4 figs.
1880 |
Scraps from public records.
St. Helena Almanack (Jamestown, Govt. Printer), 1880.
Janson, Thor
1979 |
The remarkable manatee. A personal adventure.
Bull. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 50(5): 8-9, 28-29. Illus.
Janson, Thor
1980 |
Discovering the mermaids.
Oryx 15(4): 374-379. 2 figs. Aug. 1980.
Janzen, Daniel H.
1984 |
Dispersal of small seeds by big herbivores: foliage is the fruit.
Amer. Naturalist 123: 338-353.
x |
Jarman, P. J.
1966 |
The status of the dugong (Dugong dugon Müller); Kenya, 1961.
East Afr. Wildl. Jour. 4: 82-88. 1 fig. Aug. 1966.
–Preliminary report: Anon. (1966b). Detailed account of distribution and natural history, based largely on interviews with fishermen.
Jay, D.
1919 |
Dugong hunting.
The Lone Hand, Oct. 25, 1919: 40-41. 3 figs.
–Dugong hunting in tropical Australia.
Jayasankar, P.; Anoop, B.; Rajagopalan, M.; Vivekanandan, E.; Krishnakumar, P.K.; Kumaran, P. L.; Reynold, P.; Anoop, A.K.; Yousuf, K.S.S.M.; Afsal, V.V.
2007 |
Mitochondrial DNA sequencing of cetaceans and dugong from the Indian seas for their conservation and management.
Marine Fisheries Information Service Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute No. 192 June 2007.
Jeannin, A.
1936 |
Mammifères sauvages du Cameroun.
Paris, Paul Lechevalier (Encyclopédie Biologique XVI): iii + 255. 30 pls. Aug. 31, 1936.
–Brief account of T. senegalensis, 92-93.
Jeannin, A.
1951 |
Le dugong. In: La faune africaine: biologie, histoire, folklore, chasse.
Paris, Payot: 1-242.
x |
Jefferson, George T.; Fierstine, Harry L.; Wesling, John R.; Ku, Teh-Lung
1992 |
Pleistocene terrestrial vertebrates from near Point San Luis, and other localities in San Luis Obispo County, California.
Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 91(1): 26-38. 5 tabs. 3 figs. Apr. 1992.
–Lists "Hydrodamalis sp." in tab. 1 (p. 29) as part of a Late Pleistocene fauna coming from Pecho Creek, San Luis Obispo County, but does not discuss this record in the text, nor show the locality on the accompanying maps.
x |
Jefferson, Thomas A.; Baumgardner, George D.
1997 |
Osteological specimens of marine mammals (Cetacea and Sirenia) from the western Gulf of Mexico.
Texas Jour. Sci. 49(2): 97-108. 1 fig. May 1997.
–Lists marine mammals from the western Gulf held in the Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection at Texas A&M University, College Station, which includes two male T. manatus skeletons from Texas: one from Copano Bay, collected 1928, and one from the Bolivar Peninsula, collected 1983.
Jefferson, Thomas A.; Leatherwood, J. Stephen
1995 |
[Marine mammals.] In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter, & V. H. Niem (eds.), Guia FAO para la identificacion de especies para los fines de la pesca. Pacifico centro-oriental. Vol. 3: Vertebrados - Parte 2.
Rome, United Nations Food & Agric. Org. (v + 1201-1813): 1669-1744. Illus.
Jel, Paul de
1944 |
El manati (Trichechus manatus): ¨Un animal o un monstruo?
Mem. Soc. Cienc. Nat. La Salle (Caracas) 4(10): 20-23. 2 figs. May-Aug. 1944.
Jeletzky, J. A.
1973 |
Age and depositional environments of Tertiary rocks of Nootka Island, British Columbia (92-E): mollusks versus foraminifers.
Canad. Jour. Earth Scis. 10(3): 331-365. 2 figs. 3 pls. Mar. 1973.
–Reports a fragment of a sir. rib from a unit ("Division D") of Early Miocene (Zemorrian, upper Blakely) age on Nootka Island (356-357).
Jelgersma, Gerbrandus
1934 |
Das Gehirn der Wassersäugetiere. Eine anatomische Untersuchung.
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth: 1-238. 188 figs.
–See also W.J.C. Verhaart, 1972.
x |
Jenkins, Patricia Belz
1997 |
A safe home for manatees.
New York, HarperCollins Publs.: 1-32. Illus.
–Children's book on Florida manatees and the threats to their habitat. Part of the publisher's Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science series, Stage 1 (for ages 3-6).
x |
Jenkins, Robert L.
1981 |
Captive husbandry of the manatees at Marineland of Florida. In: R. L. Brownell, Jr., & K. Ralls (eds.), The West Indian manatee in Florida. Proceedings of a workshop held in Orlando, Florida 27-29 March 1978 (q.v.).
Tallahassee, Florida Dept. Nat. Res. (iv + 154): 128-130.
–Describes the captive facilities and diet, the manatees' development of dermatitis during 5 months when they were kept in fresh water, and observations of mating.
Jenkinson, J. W.
1913 |
Vertebrate embryology, comprising the early history of the embryo and its foetal membranes.
Oxford, Clarendon Press: 1-267. Illus.
–Mentions hippomanes (allantoic calculi) in the allantoic cavity of the "sea-cow."
Jennison, G.
1927 |
Table of gestation periods and number of young.
London, A. & C. Black, Ltd.: 1-8.
Jentink, F. A.
1887 |
Catalogue ostéologique des mammifères.
Mus. Hist. Nat. Pays-Bas (Leiden) 9: 1-360. 12 pls.
–Manatees from Suriname, 171.
x |
Jentink, F. A.
1888 |
Zoological researches in Liberia. A list of mammals, collected by J. Büttikofer, C. F. Sala and F. N. Stampfli, with biological observations.
Notes Leyden Mus. 10: 1-58.
–Gives locality records of T. senegalensis, with measurements of one specimen. Manatees in one area are said to form "schools" below rapids and to overturn canoes (33-34).
Jentink, F. A.
1892 |
Catalogue systématique des mammifères (singes, carnivores, ruminants, pachydermes, sirènes et cétacés).
Mus. Hist. Nat. Pays-Bas (Leiden) 11: 1-219.
–Sirs., 199.
Jerdon, Thomas Claverhill
1867 |
Mammals of India; a natural history of all the animals known to inhabit continental India.
Roorkee, printed for the author by the Thomason College Press: xxi + 319 + xv.
–1874 ed.: London, John Wheldon, xxxi + 335. Dugong distribution in Andaman Islands, Ceylon, and India (310-312).
x |
Jervis, James
1949 |
Notes and queries.
Jour. & Proc. Roy. Austral. Hist. Soc. 35(6): 339-341.
–Cites notices in the Sydney Morning Herald in 1847 concerning dugong oil and its extraction at Moreton Bay (340).
Jett, John S.; Thapa, Brijesh; Swett, Robert
2012 |
Boater speed compliance in manatee zones: examining a proposed predictive model.
Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal 26(1): 95-104. 1 tab. 1 fig. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2012.711434. Oct. 15, 2012.
–ABSTRACT: In Florida, recreational watercraft strikes are the single greatest cause of mortality among the endangered West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Vessel speed reduction zones are meant to minimize this threat, although boater compliance studies suggest that the current reliance on waterway signage and voluntary observance may be somewhat ineffective. Based on observation of vessels on the St. Johns River in Florida, and subsequent mail survey of observed boaters, this study attempted to better understand attitude importance and subjective norms with respect to boating behavior within the context of a predictive model. Fifty-five percent of observed vessels were noncompliant with the posted zone speeds. In general, observed and self-reported compliance behaviors were only partially consistent with the tested model. Findings suggest that messages to compel boaters to comply should foster an attachment to personally important attitudes and appropriate desires of family members, other boaters and law enforcement officers.
Jewitt, J. R.
1807 |
A journal kept at Nootka Sound.
–Mentions sea cows? on coast of western Canada?
Jiang, Y., Liu, Z., Yang, C., White, P., Wang, X., L., L.G., Xia, T., Zhang, X. and Kittiwattanawong, K.,
2024 |
Dugong chirp type classification based on fundamental contour extraction and hierarchical cluster analysis.
Applied Acoustics 217, p.109812.
Jim?nez, I .
1999 |
Estado de conservacion, ecologia y conocimiento popular del manati (Trichechus manatus, L.) en Costa Rica. (Conservation status, ecology and popular knowledge of the manatee (Trichechus manatus, L.) in Costa Rica.)
Vida Silvestre Neotropical 8:18-30. https://doi.org/10.15359/revmar.2.9
Jiménez Pérez, Ignacio
2000 |
Los manatíes del Río San Juan y los Canales de Tortuguero: ecología y conservación.
San José (Costa Rica), Asoc. Comunidades Ecologistas La Ceiba, Amigos de la Tierra: 1-120. Figs. 16 pls. Maps.
–ABSTRACT: This book describes the ecology and conservation issues of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) in the San Juan river and Tortuguero canals (Nicaragua-Costa Rica). It also includes an introduction to the biology of the species. Manatees belong to the order Sirenia, the only group of aquatic mammals adapted to an herbivorous diet. Because of their aquatic life and type of diet, manatees posses a unique set of physiological and anatomic traits. These animals have a very low reproductive rate due to their lack of natural predators. This makes them very susceptible to overhunting. They are usually timid animals that inhabit coastal fresh and salt waters, and that feed as generalists from different kinds of plants. The distribution range of Trichechus manatus is restricted to warm waters of Atlantic America. During this century this distribution has been fragmented and their numbers have decreased, due mostly to hunting pressure. This species has been hunted by indigenous people and immigrants to the Americas for centuries, becoming an important piece of local folklore. The study area of this book includes the basins of the San Juan and Indio rivers and Tortuguero canals. This region harbors an extensive system of watercourses that make up excellent habitat for the manatee. Besides sharing a common landscape, the coastal communities of the area share a common sociocultural history. Manatees are found along most of the region in an almost continuous fashion and their numbers are higher than previously thought. The species became specially rare between the 60's and 80's and its numbers might be increasing presently, thanks to the setting of protected areas. Our knowledge of the local ecology of the species is scarce, due to difficulties to observe these animals. Local manatees show a crepuscular and nocturnal activity pattern, feed on emergent and floating vegetation and prefer lagoons from other kind of watercourses. The main threats to the population are hunting, use of gillnets, boat traffic, pollution and habitat loss. Though none of these threats look like it will end the population in the near future, it is vulnerable of extinction. The main positive point for the species survival on the region is the existence of an excellent network of protected areas on both sides of the border. Up to date some conservation actions have been carried out, but many others should be implemented to assure the species' permanence in the region.
RESUMEN: Este libro describe la ecología y la problemática de conservación del manatí Trichechus manatus en la cuenca del río San Juan y los canales de Tortuguero (Nicaragua-Costa Rica). Además incluye una introducción a la biología general de la especie. Los manatíes pertenecen al orden Sirenia, el único grupo de mamíferos acuáticos adaptado a una dieta herbívora. Por su vida acuática y su tipo de dieta los manatíes poseen un conjunto de características anatómicas y fisiológicas propio. Al carecer de depredadores naturales, estos animales tienen una tasa reproductiva muy baja, lo que los hace extremadamente sensibles a la sobrecacería por parte de los humanos. Los manatíes son generalmente animales huidizos y difíciles de observar, que habitan aguas dulces y saladas cerca de las costas tropicales y que se alimentan de manera generalista de diferentes tipos de plantas. La distribución del manatí Trichechus manatus se restringe a las aguas cálidas del océano Atlántico americano. En el último siglo esta distribución se ha visto fragmentada y sus números poblacionales han disminuido, siendo la cacería la principal causa del declive de la especie. El manatí ha sido cazado durante siglos por las poblaciones indígenas y los pueblos que han ido emigrando a América, por esto la especie forma parte importante de la cultura y el folklore de la región. El área de estudio de este libro incluye las cuencas de los ríos San Juan e Indio y los canales de Tortuguero. Esta región alberga un extenso sistema de cursos de agua que constituye un excelente hábitat para los manatíes. Además de su unidad paisajística, las comunidades costeras de la región tienen una unidad sociocultural que trasciende las fronteras nacionales. Los manatíes se distribuyen de manera casi continua a lo largo de la zona y su población es mayor de la estimada previamente. La especie se hizo especialmente rara entre los años 60 y 80 en la región, y puede estar experimentando una recuperación en la actualidad gracias al establecimiento de espacios protegidos. Nuestro conocimiento sobre la ecología de la especie a nivel local es escaso debido a la dificultad de observar a estos animales. Los manatíes tienen un patrón de actividad crepuscular y nocturno influenciado por las mareas, se alimentan de plantas flotantes y emergentes, y prefieren las lagunas sobre otros cursos de agua. Las principales amenazas que pesan sobre el futuro de la especie en la región son la cacería, el uso de redes en los cursos de agua, el tráfico de embarcaciones a motor, la contaminación y la destrucción del hábitat. Aunque ninguna de estas amenazas parece que vaya a exterminar a la población en el futuro inmediato, ésta se encuentra en un equilibrio precario. El principal aspecto favorable para su supervivencia es la existencia de un excelente sistema de áreas protegidas a ambos lados de la frontera. Hasta el momento se han realizado algunas actividades destinadas a conservar la especie, sin embargo todavía quedan muchas actividades pendientes para asegurar que la especie sigue habitando la región a perpetuidad.
Jiménez Pérez, Ignacio
2001 |
Estado de conservación, ecología y conocimiento popular del manatí (Trichechus manatus) en Costa Rica.
Vida Silvestre Neotropical 8(1-2): 18-30.
–Published 1999?
Jiménez Pérez, Ignacio
2002 |
Heavy poaching in prime habitat: the conservation status of the West Indian manatee in Nicaragua.
Oryx 36(3): 272-278. July 2002.
Jiménez Pérez, Ignacio
2003 |
Los manatíes del Río San Juan y los Canales de Tortuguero: ecología y conservación. [Ed. 2.]
Managua, Araucaria: 1-87. Illus.
–Ed. 1: Jiménez P. (2000). Distribution and status of TMM in Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
Jiménez Pérez, Ignacio
2005 |
Development of predictive models to explain the distribution of the West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus in tropical watercourses.
Biol. Conserv. 125: 491-503. 7 tabs. 2 figs.
–Habitat use by manatees in Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
Jimenez-Dominguez, Darwin; Olivera-Gomez, Leon David
2014 |
Caracteristicas del habitat del manati antillano (Trichechus manatus manatus) en sistemas fluviolagunares del sur del Golfo de Mexico. (Habitat characteristics of Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) in fluvial lake systems of southern Gulf of Mexico).
Therya (Associación Mexicana de Mastozoología) 5(2): 601-614. 2 tabs. 1 fig. DOI: 10.12933/therya-14-205. Aug. 2014.
–ABSTRACT: Studying a species' habitat is a tool for researchers and stakeholders to find key ecological characteristics to be used in management actions. Freshwater systems comprise most of the habitat of Antillean manatees, however the habitat features of these systems are still poorly understood. The objective of this study was to explore habitat variables most related to the use of freshwater systems by the Antillean manatees in the lower basin of the Usumacinta River.
D |
Jiménez-Hidalgo, Eduardo; Ferrusquía-Villafranca, Ismael; Bravo-Cuevas, Victor Manuel
2002 |
El registro mastofaunístico miocénico en México y sus implicaciones geológico-paleontológicas. In: M. Montellano-B. & J. Arroyo-C., Avances en los estudios paleomastozoológicos en México.
Mexico City, Inst. Nac. Antropol. e Hist. (Coleccion Cientifica, Serie Arqueología) (1-248): 47-?
–Notes the presence of Desmostylus sp. and D. hesperus in the La Misión and La Purísima Faunules, Baja California and Baja California Sur, respectively (Middle Mioc.) (53).
Jin, Ling; Gaus, Caroline; Escher, Beate I.
2015 |
Adaptive stress response pathways induced by environmental mixtures of bioaccumulative chemicals in dugongs.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 49 (11):6963-6973. 5 figures. 2 tales. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b00947. JUN 2, 2015.
–ABTSTRACT: To address the poorly understood mixture effects of chemicals in the marine mammal dugong, we coupled equilibrium-based passive sampling in blubber to a range of in vitro bioassays for screening mixtures of bioaccumulative chemicals. The modes of action included early effect indicators along important toxicity pathways, such as induction of xenobiotic metabolism, and some integrative indicators downstream of the molecular initiating event, such as adaptive stress responses. Activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and Nrf2-mediated oxidative stress response were found to be the most prominent effects, while the p53-mediated DNA damage response and NF-?B-mediated response to inflammation were not significantly affected. Although polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) quantified in the samples accounted for the majority of AhR-mediated activity, PCDDs explained less than 5% of the total oxidative stress response, despite their known ability to activate this pathway. Altered oxidative stress response was observed with both individual chemicals and blubber extracts subject to metabolic activation by rat liver S9 fraction. Metabolic activation resulted in both enhanced and reduced toxicity, suggesting the relevance and utility of incorporating metabolic enzymes into in vitro bioassays. Our approach provides a first insight into the burden of toxicologically relevant bioaccumulative chemical mixtures in dugongs and can be applied to lipid tissue of other wildlife species.
Jiwa, Hoslo
2005 |
Mermaid mysteries: looking for dugongs in the Indian Ocean.
Wildlife Conservation 108(1): 22-27. Illus. Jan./Feb. 2005.
x |
Jobim, Anisio
1933 |
Panoramas amazonicos: Coary.
Manaus (Brazil), Imprensa Publica: 1-159.
–Describes three techniques of manatee hunting: "pesca do boiadouro" (harpooning where manatees are concentrated in deep pools during the dry season), "pesca na 'comedia'" (harpooning while a manatee is feeding), and "pesca do pary" (harpooning when a manatee disturbs stakes placed in a narrow waterway) (140-144).
Jobim, Anisio
1948 |
Itacoatiara: estudo social, político, geográfico e descritivo.
Manaus (Brazil), Associação Comercial do Amazonas: 1-71.
–Gives quantities and values of manatee hides exported in 1942 and 1943 (61, 62).
x |
Jobim, José
1943 |
Brazil in the making.
New York, Macmillan: x + 318.
–P. 178: {"A relatively new product is the leather manufactured from peixe-boi, a large Amazon River fish with a hide which, when prepared, has a great affinity for coloring matter and thus facilitates the preparation of tinted hides."}
x |
Joeckel, R. M.
1991 |
A functional interpretation of the masticatory system and paleoecology of entelodonts.
Paleobiology 16(4): 459-482. 6 tabs. 23 figs. "Fall 1990" (mailed Jan. 23, 1991).
–Includes T. manatus in graph of coronoid height against toothrow position in mammalian mandibles (463).
x |
Johannes, Robert Earle
1981 |
Words of the lagoon: fishing and marine lore in the Palau district of Micronesia.
Berkeley, Univ. California Press: xiv + 245. Illus.
–Briefly mentions the hunting and sale of dugongs (mesekiu) (25, 68, 73).
Johannes, Robert Earle; MacFarlane, W.
1991 |
Traditional fishing in the Torres Strait Islands.
Hobart (Australia), CSIRO Division of Fisheries, Marine Laboratories. http://www.cmar.csiro.au/datacentre/torres/AFMA19802003/DVDVer101/Reports/r474.pdf
Johns, Harvey
1964 |
No sirens these!
Walkabout 30(11): 20-22. 4 figs. + 1 on contents page. Nov. 1964.
–Pop. acc. of dugongs.
x |
Johnson, David H.
1964 |
Mammals of the Arnhem Land Expedition.
Recs. Amer.-Austral. Sci. Expedition to Arnhem Land (Melbourne, Melbourne Univ. Press) 4: 427-515. 22 tabs. 16 pls. Oct. 1964.
–Gives measurements and locality data on a collection of dugong skulls and mandibles (deposited in the U.S. National Museum of Natural History), and comments on dugong habits and hunting (506-508).
x |
Johnson, Eric
1937 |
List of vanishing Gambian mammals.
Jour. Soc. Preserv. Fauna Empire 31: 62-66.
–States that, though manatees are "rare" in the Gambia River, "about a dozen are caught daily" (!) in fishermen's nets, "but only small specimens weighing from 10 to 40 lb. each." Also, "out of 100 Crocodiles cut open only one contained part of a Manatee." Recommends absolute protection for the species in the future (63-64, 66).
x |
Johnson, Irving
1947 |
Adventures with the survey navy.
Natl. Geogr. Mag. 92(1): 130-148. Illus. July 1947.
–Reports a dugong seen while diving in a Southwest Pacific lagoon; locality not stated (143-144). Includes a good photo of the ventral side of a dugong's head (130).
Johnson, J. I.; Reep, Roger Lyons
2008 |
Specialized somatosensory systems. In: J. Kaas & E.P. Gardner (eds.), The senses: a comprehensive reference. Vol. 6: Somatosensation.
Elsevier: 331-353.
–Discusses vibrissae in sirs.
x |
Johnson, John Irwin; Kirsch, John A. W.; Reep, Roger Lyons; Switzer, Robert C.
1994 |
Phylogeny through brain traits: more characters for the analysis of mammalian evolution.
Brain Behav. Evol. 43(6): 319-347. 5 tabs. 12 figs.
–Reports and analyzes data on nine brain traits (in addition to 15 previously described) in mammals including T. manatus and D. dugon, and analyzes the cladistic relationships among mammalian orders that these traits imply.
D |
Johnson, Kirk; Troll, Ray
2018 |
Cruisin' the Fossil Coastline. The Travels of an Artist and a Scientist Along the Shores of the Prehistoric Pacific.
Golden, Colorado, Fulcrum Publishing, xii + 276. Illus.
–Pop. acc. of fossils (mainly marine vertebrates, especially desmostylians, from the U.S. Pacific Coast and beyond) and the people who have studied them. Entertainingly written with lavish and often amusing color illustrations. Johnson was Director of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
x |
Johnson, Rebecca L.
1991 |
The Great Barrier Reef: a living laboratory.
Minneapolis, Lerner Publs. Co.: 1-96. Illus.
–Pop. acc. of Australian dugongs and dugong research (36-46).
Johnson, Stephen P.
1972a |
Palau: conservation frontier of the Pacific.
Natl. Parks & Conserv. Mag. 46: 12-17. 8 figs. Apr. 1972.
Johnson, Stephen P.
1972b |
Palau: exploring the limestone islands.
Natl. Parks & Conserv. Mag. 46(7): 4-8. 5 figs. 1 map.
Johnston, Harry Hamilton
1884 |
The River Congo, from its mouth to Bólóbó; with a general description of the natural history and anthropology of its western basin. Ed. 3.
London, S. Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington: xvii + 470. Illus.
–Sirs., 379.
Johnston, S. J.
1913 |
On some Queensland trematodes, with anatomical observations and descriptions of new species and genera.
Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci. (n.s.) 59: 361-400.
x |
Johnston, T. Harvey; Mawson, Patricia M.
1941 |
Nematodes from Australian marine mammals.
Recs. South Austral. Mus. 6(4): 429-434. 10 figs. Feb. 28, 1941.
–P. 432: {"Dujardinia halicoris (Owen) Baylis. / This large species was taken from an Australian dugong, Dugong australis Owen, from Yarrabah, near Cairns, North Queensland (Austr. Museum, Reg. No. W2543)."}
Johnstone, I. M.
1979 |
Survey methods for the analysis of seagrass meadows with respect to their potential as dugong and turtle habitat with a field key to the seagrasses of Papua New Guinea.
Occas. Paper Dept. Biol., Univ. of Papua New Guinea No. 8. Dec. 1979.
Johnstone, I. M.; Hudson, Brydget E. T.
1980 |
The dugong diet: mouth sample analysis.
Wildlife in Papua New Guinea 80/17.
–Abstr.: Hudson & Johnstone, Internatl. Symp. Biol. Manage. Mangroves Trop. Shallow Water Communities 2: 31, 1980.
x |
Johnstone, I. M.; Hudson, Brydget E. T.
1981 |
The dugong diet: mouth sample analysis.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 31(3): 681-690. 5 tabs. 3 figs.
–Reprinting of 1980? Analysis of mouth samples from 102 dugongs caught in Papua New Guinea showed the presence of 11 different seagrasses, plus small amounts of algae and mangroves. Frequency of occurrence and a "preference ratio" for each species are tabulated. Concludes that the mouth samples reflect local abundance, ecological distribution, and energetic value of the seagrass species in the catch area.
Johonnot, James
1887 |
Some curious flyers, creepers, and swimmers.
New York, D. Appleton & Co.: 1-224. Illus.
–Sirs., 198-203.
D |
Joleaud, Léonce
1920 |
Revue de paléontologie animale.
Rev. Gen. Sci. (Paris) 31: 487-500. 11 figs.
Jollie, M.
1973 |
Chordate morphology.
Huntington (New York), Robert E. Krieger: 1-478. Illus.
–Short discussion of dugong kidney (292).
Joly, Damien O.; Heisey, Dennis M.; Samuel, Michael D.; Ribic, Christine A.; Thomas, Nancy J.; Wright, Scott D.; Wrigh, Irene E.
2009 |
Estimating cause-specific mortality rates using recovered carcasses.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 45(1): 122-127. 1 tab. Jan. 2009.
–ABSTRACT: Stranding networks, in which carcasses are recovered and sent to diagnostic laboratories for necropsy and determination of cause of death, have been developed to monitor the health of marine mammal and bird populations. These programs typically accumulate comprehensive, long-term datasets on causes of death that can be used to identify important sources of mortality or changes in mortality patterns that lead to management actions. However, the utility of these data in determining cause-specific mortality rates has not been explored. We present a maximum likelihood-based approach that partitions total mortality rate, estimated by independent sources, into cause-specific mortality rates. We also demonstrate how variance estimates are derived for these rates. We present examples of the method using mortality data for California sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) and Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris).
x |
Jones, J. Knox, Jr.
1965 |
Some Miskito Indian names for mammals.
Jour. Mamm. 46(2): 353-354. May 20, 1965.
–Gives palpa as the Miskito name for T. manatus in Nicaragua (354).
Jones, J. Knox, Jr.; Johnson, R. Roy
1967 |
Sirenians. In: S. Anderson & J. K. Jones, Jr. (eds.), Recent mammals of the world: a synopsis of families.
New York, Ronald Press (453 pp.): 366-373. Fig. 62.
Jones, M. P. (Ed.)
1976? |
Rulemaking actions September 1976. Florida manatee.
Endangered Species Tech. Bull. (U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv.) 1(4): 3.
x |
Jones, Marvin L.
1971 |
History of marine mammals in captivity with notes on their longevity.
Proc. 7th Ann. Conf. Biol. Sonar & Diving Mammals (Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif.): 81-89. Read Oct. 23, 1970.
–Tabulates the earliest known instance of each sir. species being held in captivity, the earliest instance in America, and the longevity record for each (85).
x |
Jones, Robert E.
1967 |
A Hydrodamalis skull fragment from Monterey Bay, California.
Jour. Mamm. 48(1): 143-144. 1 fig. Feb. 20, 1967.
–A specimen dredged up in 1960 yielded a radiocarbon date of 18,940 ± 1100 years B.P. See also A. Long (1965).
Jones, Ryan Tucker
2014 |
Empire of extinction: Russians and the North Pacific's strange beasts of the sea, 1741-1867.
Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press. 1-320. June 11, 2014.
x |
Jones, Santhabpan
1959 |
On a pair of captive dugongs (Dugong dugong (Erxleben)).
Jour. Mar. Biol. Assoc. India 1(2): 198-202. Dec. 1959.
–Discusses various aspects of the natural history, diet, behavior, and size at birth of the dugong, and attempts to keep it in captivity. The captive pair were held at Mandapam Camp, India.
Jones, Santhabpan
1966 |
Problems of research and conservation of the dugong, Dugong dugon (Müller) in the Indopacific. [Abstr.]
Proc. 11th Pacif. Sci. Congr. (Tokyo) 5-7: 724. [77:16?]
x |
Jones, Santhabpan
1967a |
The dugong Dugong dugon (Müller): its present status in the seas round India with observations on its behaviour in captivity.
Internatl. Zoo Yearbk. 7: 215-220. 1 tab. 1 fig. Pl. 33.
–Abstr.: Abstr. Contr. Fish. Aquat. Sci. India 1(1): 39-40? Summary of dugong distribution and status in India, with account of sexual behavior, pathology, and other observations on captives. Notes that a captive dugong was kept alive in New Caledonia for four months in 1965 (216).
Jones, Santhabpan
1980 |
The dugong or the so-called mermaid, Dugong dugon (Müller) of the Indo-Sri Lanka waters - problems of research and conservation.
Spolia Zeylanica 35(I-II): 223-260. 4 tabs. 8 figs. 6 pls.
x |
Jones, Santhabpan
1981 |
Distribution and status of the dugong, Dugong dugon (Müller) in the Indian region. In: H. Marsh (ed.), The dugong. Proceedings of a seminar/workshop held at James Cook University of North Queensland 8-13 May 1979 (q.v.).
[Townsville (Australia)], James Cook Univ. (vii + 400): 43-54. 3 figs.
–Summarizes the present distribution of dugongs in Burma, India, and Sri Lanka, including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands; no resident populations appear to exist in Pakistan, Bangladesh, or the Maldives. Recommends joint research and conservation efforts by India and Sri Lanka.
Jones, Santhabpan
1983 |
The present status of the dugong in the Indo-Sri Lanka waters.
Loris 16(3): 139-141.
Jones, Thomas Rymer
1871 |
General outline of the organization of the animal kingdom, and manual of comparative anatomy. Ed. 4.
London, J. Van Voorst: xliii + 886. Illus.
–Sirs., 809, section 2201.
Jongbloed, Marijcke
2001 |
Denis the Dugong.
Stacey Publishing. ISBN# Denis; SKU 192392. 32 pp.
–Childrens' book about dugongs in Arabian waters, illustrated with colorful sketches of marine life.
x |
Jonklaas, Rodney
1960 |
The vanishing dugong.
Loris 8(5): 302-304. June 1960.
–Pop. acc. of dugongs and problems confronting their conservation in Ceylon.
x |
Jonklaas, Rodney
1961 |
Some observations on dugongs (Dugong dugong - Erxleben).
Loris 9(1): 1-8. 4 figs. June 1961.
–Detailed account of the behavior of wild and captive dugongs in India, with remarks on their conservation in India and Ceylon.
Jonston, Johannes
1650 |
Historiae naturalis de piscibus et cetis Libri V. [together with] Historiae naturalis de exangvibus aqvaticis Libri IV.
Frankfurt am Main, Matthaei Meriani: 1-228. 47 pls. [first part]; 1-78. 20 pls. [second part].
–Allen 74. Repr.: Amsterdam, 1718 (Allen 173). De Manati Indorum, 223-224, with a reference to "Tab. xliii"; but there is no corresponding figure on the plate.
Jonston, Johannes
1657 |
An history of the wonderful things of nature: set forth in ten severall classes....
London, printed by John Streater: 1-344.
–Allen 81. Transl. into English by John Rowland. Classis IX (Fishes), chap. xi, "of Manaty, and the Whiting," 296, 297.
Jordana y Morera, Ramón
1895 |
Bosquejo geográfico e histórico-natural del Archipiélago Filipino.
Madrid, Impr. de Moreno y Rojas: xiv + 461. 12 pls.
–Sirs., 174.
Jousse, Hélène; Guérin, Claude
2003 |
Les dugongs (Sirenia, Dugongidae) de l'Holocène ancien d'Umm al-Qaiwain (Émirats Arabes Unis).
Mammalia 67(3): 337-347. 4 tabs. 3 figs. 1 pl.
–Engl. summ.
Jousse, Hélène; Chenal-Velarde, Isabelle
2002 |
Nouvelles données sur la faune mammalienne de Kobadi (Mali) au Néolithique: implications paléoéconomiques et paléoenvironnementales.
Préhistoire Anthropologie Méditerranéennes 10-11 (2001-2002): 145-158. 6 tabs. 7 figs. 2 pls.
–Engl. summ.
Jousse, Hélène; Guérin, Claude; Philippe, M.
2006 |
Les rhytines de Steller (Mammalia, Sirenia, Dugongidae) du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle de Lyon.
Cahiers Scientifiques, Dépt. du Rhône, Muséum, Lyon, Fasc. No. 10: 5-49. 5 tabs. 7 figs. 11 pls.
x |
Jueco, Nonette L.
1977 |
The nematode Paradujardinia halicoris in the sea cow in the Philippines.
Kalikasan, Philippine Jour. Biol. 6(3): 257-262. 6 figs.
–Describes worms from the stomach and small intestine of a dugong, and suggests that P. halicoris has no intermediate host. Also comments briefly on the distribution of the dugong in the Philippines.