Bibliography Record

Denton, G. R. W. (detail)
The effect of diet on the heavy metal status of the dugong (Dugong dugon (Müller)). In: H. Marsh (ed.), The dugong. Proceedings of a seminar/workshop held at James Cook University of North Queensland 8-13 May 1979 (q.v.).
[Townsville (Australia)], James Cook Univ. (vii + 400): 169-174.
–Summary of Denton et al. (1980).

Related Index Records (4)

  x 1981a Denton, G.R.W. (DD; Queensland; heavy metal content of tissues; 169-174.)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  x 1981a Denton, G.R.W. (Queensland; heavy metals in tissues; 169-174.)

(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Ingestive; Captivity, Sirenians in; Digestive System; Food Plants; Weed Control) (NOTE: Plants reported as part of the captive but not the natural diet of sirs. will not necessarily be found under Food Plants. Papers referring to them are, however, indexed here.)
  x 1981a Denton, G.R.W. (DD; Queensland; metal content of seagrasses; 170-171.)

Pollution, Effects of
(SEE ALSO: Temperature, Effects of)
  x 1981a Denton, G.R.W. (DD; Queensland; diet & heavy metal status; 169-174.)

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