Bibliography Record
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Denton, G. R. W.; Breck, W. G.
1981 |
Mercury in tropical marine organisms from North Queensland.
Mar. Pollution Bull. 12(4): 116-121. 3 tabs. 2 figs. Apr. 1981.
–Reports that the mercury content of tissues of two dugongs from Cleveland Bay, Australia, was "extremely low" compared with other marine mammals.
Related Index Records (3)
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1981 |
Denton & Breck (DD; Queensland; mercury in tissues; 117, 119-120.) |
Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
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1981 |
Denton & Breck (Queensland; mercury in tissues; 117, 119-120.) |
Pollution, Effects of
(SEE ALSO: Temperature, Effects of)
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1981 |
Denton & Breck (DD; Queensland; mercury in tissues; 119-120.) |