Kataoka, Teruo: SEE ALSO Asano et al., 1978; Kamiya et al., 1979; Nishimura et al., 1981; Nishiwaki et al., 1979, 1982.
( detail)
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Kamiya, Toshiro; Uchida, Senzo; Kataoka, Teruo
1979 |
Organ weights of Dugong dugon.
Sci. Rept. Whales Res. Inst. No. 31: 129-132. 2 tabs. Pls. 1-4.
–Weights of organs in 6 animals from the Philippines, Indonesia, and Okinawa, with body lengths and weights, intestine lengths, and photos of major organs.
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Nishiwaki, Masaharu; Kasuya, Toshio; Miyazaki, Nobuyuki; Tobayama, Teruo; Kataoka, Teruo
1979 |
Present distribution of the dugong in the world.
Sci. Rept. Whales Res. Inst. No. 31: 133-141. 2 figs. Dec. 1979.
–Abstr.: Nishiwaki et al. (1981). Summarizes dugong distribution based on interview surveys, and recognizes 5 more or less discrete areas of relatively continuous distribution: eastern Australia, eastern Papua New Guinea, and Melanesia; western Australia, Moluccas, and Philippines; Sumatra, Malaysia, and Andamans; India and Sri Lanka; and East Africa and Madagascar. Suggests that dugong populations in the latter two regions are declining, and offers a population guesstimate of 30,000 animals worldwide. Cites records of rare dugong occurrences at Guam and Yap; discusses the roles of water temperature and ocean currents in dugong distribution; and notes the issuance of dugong postage stamps by the Ryukyus (in 1966) and Tanzania (in 1977).
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Kataoka, Teruo; Asano, Shiro
1980 |
A brief note on the dugong Dugong dugon at the Toba Aquarium.
Internatl. Zoo Yearbk. 20: 269-270. 1 fig.
–Describes the captive conditions, growth, diet, feeding and other behavior of a young female Philippine dugong. See also Kataoka & Asano (1981).
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Kataoka, Teruo; Asano, Shiro
1981 |
On the keeping of dugong (Dugong dugon) in Toba Aquarium. In: H. Marsh (ed.), The dugong. Proceedings of a seminar/workshop held at James Cook University of North Queensland 8-13 May 1979 (q.v.).
[Townsville (Australia)], James Cook Univ. (vii + 400): 199-203. 4 tabs. 1 fig.
–A slightly more detailed version of Kataoka & Asano (1980), with a graph of food intake and tables showing the chemical composition of the diet used at Toba, the amounts of food consumed per day by various captive dugongs, and additional growth data on the Toba specimen.
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Nishiwaki, Masaharu; Yamaguchi, M.; Shokita, S.; Uchida, Senzo; Kataoka, Teruo
1982 |
Recent survey on the distribution of the African manatee.
Sci. Rept. Whales Res. Inst. No. 34: 137-147. 2 figs. Dec. 1982.
–An interview survey in 1980-81 found evidence of T. senegalensis mainly in the Niger River and its tributaries; also in the Sanaga and Ivindo Rivers in Cameroon and Gabon, respectively; and in Gambia, Ivory Coast, and Ghana to some extent. They were found to be scarce or absent elsewhere, and not found at all in salt water. [More recent work by J. A. Powell, Jr., casts doubt on the accuracy of many statements in this report.] Points out the need for an international conservation strategy for the manatee.
Kataoka, Teruo
1987 |
"Sirenology" [general biology of the dugong].
Jour. Mie Prefecture Zool. Soc. No. 9: 3-7. 4 tabs. 8 figs. Aug. 1987.
–In Japanese.
Kataoka, Teruo; Asano, Shiro
1990 |
[The life of dugong.] In: N. Miyazaki & T. Kasuya (eds.), Biology of marine mammals.
Tokyo, Scientist Inc. (xi + 300): 206-217. 6 tabs. 9 figs.
–In Japanese.
Kataoka, Teruo
1994 |
Do dugongs look like mermaids? The thorough comparison of the legendary creature and its model animal.
Newton Graphic Science Mag. 14(6).
Kataoka, Teruo; Mori, Takuya; Wakai, Yoshihito; Palma, Joese Angelito M.; Yaptinchay, Arnel Andrew S. P.; Veyra, Rhodora T. D. Ramirez de; Trono, Romeo B.
1995 |
Dugongs Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) of the Philippines: a report of the joint dugong research and conservation program.
[Toba, Japan], Pawikan Conservation Project-Protected Areas & Wildlife Bureau, Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources (Philippines) & Toba Aquarium (Japan): 1-168. 21 tabs. 114 figs. 35 color pls. Misc. other illustrations. May 1995.
–Lavishly illustrated summary of dugong biology, status, research and conservation activities in the Philippines, and of captive history and observations at Toba Aquarium.
Kataoka, Teruo
1997 |
[Dugong: invitation to sirenian biology.]
Tokyo: 1-179. 12 tabs. 76 figs. 11 pls. June 1997.
–In Japanese.
Kataoka, Teruo
1998 |
Sirenia - dugong and manatee.
Aquabiology 20(1)(114): 36-41. 4 tabs. 7 figs. Feb. 1998.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. Gen. acc. of Recent sirs.
Goto, Masakazu; Ito, Chisato; Yahaya, Mohammed Sani; Wakamura, K.; Asano, Shiro; Wakai, Yoshihito; Oka, Yukari; Furuta, Masami; Kataoka, Teruo
2004a |
Effects of age, body size and season on food consumption and digestion of captive dugongs (Dugong dugon).
Mar. Fresh. Behav. Physiol. 37(2): 89-97. June 2004.