Bibliography Record

Nishiwaki, Masaharu; Kasuya, Toshio; Miyazaki, Nobuyuki; Tobayama, Teruo; Kataoka, Teruo (detail)
Present distribution of the dugong in the world.
Sci. Rept. Whales Res. Inst. No. 31: 133-141. 2 figs. Dec. 1979.
–Abstr.: Nishiwaki et al. (1981). Summarizes dugong distribution based on interview surveys, and recognizes 5 more or less discrete areas of relatively continuous distribution: eastern Australia, eastern Papua New Guinea, and Melanesia; western Australia, Moluccas, and Philippines; Sumatra, Malaysia, and Andamans; India and Sri Lanka; and East Africa and Madagascar. Suggests that dugong populations in the latter two regions are declining, and offers a population guesstimate of 30,000 animals worldwide. Cites records of rare dugong occurrences at Guam and Yap; discusses the roles of water temperature and ocean currents in dugong distribution; and notes the issuance of dugong postage stamps by the Ryukyus (in 1966) and Tanzania (in 1977).

Related Index Records (4)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  x 1979 Nishiwaki et al. (distr.; 133-141.)

Indian Ocean
(SEE ALSO: Africa; Asia; Australia; East Indies; India; Madagascar; Red Sea; Sri Lanka)
  x 1979 Nishiwaki et al. (DD; distr.; 133-141.)

Pacific Ocean
(SEE ALSO: East Indies; Palau; circumpacific regions)
  x 1979 Nishiwaki et al. (DD; distr.; 133-141.)

Stamps, Sirenians on Postage
(SEE ALSO Appendix 3)
  x 1979 Nishiwaki et al. (DD; Ryukyus & Tanzania; 141.)

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