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Forrester, Donald J.; White, Franklin H.; Woodard, J. C.; Thompson, N. P.
1975 |
Intussusception in a Florida manatee.
Jour. Wildl. Diseases 11(4): 566-568. Oct. 1975.
–Reports pathological findings on a manatee which died from ingesting a fishhook and line; includes bacteriological and pesticide residue analyses and data on distribution of Chiorchis fabaceus in the gut.
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Forrester, Donald J.; Black, D. J.; Odell, Daniel Keith; Reynolds, John E., III; Beck, Cathy A.; Bonde, Robert K.
1979 |
Parasites of manatees. [Abstr.]
Abstrs. 10th Ann. Conf. & Workshop, Internatl. Assoc. Aquat. Animal Medicine (St. Augustine, Fla., Apr. 22-26, 1979): 5.
–Reports Opisthotrema cochleotrema, Chiorchis fabaceus, Plicatolabia hagenbecki, and Microphallidae spp. from 48 Florida manatees stranded between Oct. 1974 and Feb. 1979.
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Cardeilhac, Paul T.; Walker, Cecil M.; Jenkins, Robert L.; Popp, James A.; Forrester, Donald J.; White, Franklin H.; Smith, Richard T.
1981 |
Complications in the formula-rearing of infant manatees associated with bacterial infections. In: R. L. Brownell, Jr., & K. Ralls (eds.), The West Indian manatee in Florida. Proceedings of a workshop held in Orlando, Florida 27-29 March 1978 (q.v.).
Tallahassee, Florida Dept. Nat. Res. (iv + 154): 141-146. 2 tabs. 1 fig.
–Abstr.: Proc. 10th Ann. Meeting, Internatl. Assoc. Aquat. Anim. Med.: 7, 1979? Gives the case histories of two orphaned manatees that died of pneumonia and bacterial infections 24 and 80 days, respectively, after capture. Reports their blood values and growth rates, and suggests an artificial milk formula for manatees.
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Odell, Daniel Keith; Forrester, Donald J.; Asper, Edward D.
1981 |
A preliminary analysis of organ weights and sexual maturity in the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus). In: R. L. Brownell, Jr., & K. Ralls (eds.), The West Indian manatee in Florida. Proceedings of a workshop held in Orlando, Florida 27-29 March 1978 (q.v.).
Tallahassee, Florida Dept. Nat. Res. (iv + 154): 52-65. 3 tabs. 7 figs.
–Presents data from salvaged carcasses on body weight vs. length, and weights of heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, adrenals, spleen, pancreas, thyroid, and gonads, and discusses gonad weight as an indicator of sexual maturity (estimated to occur at body lengths of 275 cm in males and 260 cm in females).
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Beck, Cathy A.; Forrester, Donald J.
1988 |
Helminths of the Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris, with a discussion and summary of the parasites of sirenians.
Jour. Parasitol. 74(4): 628-637. Aug. 1988.
–Reports the geographic and anatomical distribution and intensity of infestation of parasites in carcasses of Florida manatees, lists all reported sir. parasites, and speculates on the intermediate hosts of the common manatee parasites.
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Dailey, Murray D.; Vogelbein, Wolfgang; Forrester, Donald J.
1988 |
Moniligerum blairi n. g., n. sp. and Nudacotyle undicola n. sp. (Trematoda: Digenea) from the West Indian manatee, Trichechus manatus L.
Syst. Parasitol. 11(2): 159-163. 5 figs.
–The new taxa are described from a single manatee killed by a boat in Hobe Sound, Martin County, Florida.
Forrester, Donald J.
1992 |
Parasites and diseases of wild mammals in Florida.
Gainesville, Univ. Press of Florida: 1-479. Tabs. 91 figs.