Bibliography Record
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Cardeilhac, Paul T.; Walker, Cecil M.; Jenkins, Robert L.; Popp, James A.; Forrester, Donald J.; White, Franklin H.; Smith, Richard T.
1981 |
Complications in the formula-rearing of infant manatees associated with bacterial infections. In: R. L. Brownell, Jr., & K. Ralls (eds.), The West Indian manatee in Florida. Proceedings of a workshop held in Orlando, Florida 27-29 March 1978 (q.v.).
Tallahassee, Florida Dept. Nat. Res. (iv + 154): 141-146. 2 tabs. 1 fig.
–Abstr.: Proc. 10th Ann. Meeting, Internatl. Assoc. Aquat. Anim. Med.: 7, 1979? Gives the case histories of two orphaned manatees that died of pneumonia and bacterial infections 24 and 80 days, respectively, after capture. Reports their blood values and growth rates, and suggests an artificial milk formula for manatees.
Related Index Records (8)
(SEE ALSO Virology)
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1981 |
Cardeilhac et al. (TM; Florida; Salmonella heidelberg; 144.) |
(SEE ALSO: Digestive System; Endocrinology; Milk; Phylogeny and Affinities)
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1981 |
Cardeilhac et al. (TM; hematology; 143.) |
Captivity, Sirenians in
(SEE ALSO: Hunting and Capture; Weed Control)
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1981 |
Cardeilhac et al. (TML; Florida; artificial rearing; 141.) |
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1981 |
Cardeilhac et al. (TML; captive rearing of orphans; 141.) |
Growth Rates
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1981 |
Cardeilhac et al. (TML; in capt., St. Augustine, Florida; on milk diet; 143.) |
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Epimeletic; Behavior, Ingestive)
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1981 |
Cardeilhac et al. (TML; artificial formula; 141-146.) |
(SEE ALSO: Bacteriology; Biochemistry; Natural Death or Injury; Parasites; Parasitology; Pollution, Effects of; Temperature, Effects of; Teratology; Virology)
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1981 |
Cardeilhac et al. (TML; Florida; pneumonia, infections; 144.) |
Trichechus manatus Linnaeus, 1758
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1981 |
Cardeilhac et al. (Florida; captive rearing of orphans; 141-146.) |