Takai, Fuyuji: SEE ALSO Desmostylus Research Committee; Hanzawa et al., 1961; Yabe et al., 1952.
( detail)
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Takai, Fuyuji
1938 |
Cainozoic mammals in Japan (preliminary notes).
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 45(541): 745-763.
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Takai, Fuyuji
1939a |
The mammalian faunas of the Hiramakian and Togarian stages in the Japanese Miocene. In: Jubilee publication commemorating Prof. H. Yabe, M.I.A. sixtieth birthday.
Sendai (Japan), Tohoku Imper. Univ., Inst. Geol. Pal.: Vol. 1: 189-203. 1 fig.
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Takai, Fuyuji
1939b |
On some Cenozoic mammals from Japan, Part I.
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 46: 481-489.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. Abstrs.: Jap. Jour. Geol. Geogr. 17: 45-46; Pal. Zentralbl. 16: 36-37.
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Takai, Fuyuji
1944 |
Desmostylus from phosphorus ore bed in Noto Peninsula.
Misc. Rept. Res. Inst. Nat. Resources (Sigenkagaku Kenkyusyo Iho) 5: 59-62. 1 fig. Pl. 5.
–In Japanese.
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Takai, Fuyuji; Shikama, Tokio; Ijiri, Shoji
1952 |
Re-excavation of Desmostylus and its horizon in Doki district, Gihu Prefecture.
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 58(679): 144.
–In Japanese. Engl. transl. done by Engineer Intelligence Division, Office of the Engineer, Headquarters U.S. Army Forces Far East, Tokyo, 1954; available from Military Geology Branch, U.S. Geological Survey?
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Hanzawa, Shoshiro; Asano, Kiyoshi; Takai, Fuyuji
1961 |
Catalogue of type-specimens of fossils in Japan.
Pal. Soc. Japan 25th Anniv. Vol.: vii + 422. Feb. 15, 1961.
–Lists (355) the localities and locations of the types of: Cornwallius tabatai Tokunaga, 1939; Desmostylella typica Nagao, 1937; Desmostylus japonicus Tokunaga & Iwasaki, 1914; D. minor Nagao, 1937; D. mirabilis Nagao, 1935; and D. cf. mirabilis, Nagao, 1936.