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Kamiya, Hidetoshi
1987 |
[Observations on the dental structure of Paleoparadoxia from Tsuyama.] In: Y. Hasegawa (ed.), [Study on fossil marine mammals from Japan. (Subject of study) Studies on biostratigraphy and paleontology of Cenozoic marine mammals.]
Japan, Ministry of Education, Aid for Scientific Study, Synthetic Study A, Subject No. 61304010: 81-82. 4 figs. March 1987.
–In Japanese.
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Kamiya, Hidetoshi
1988a |
Histological reexamination of enamel of Paleoparadoxia tabatai. In: Y. Hasegawa (ed.), [Study on fossil marine mammals from Japan. (Subject of study) Studies on biostratigraphy and paleontology of Cenozoic marine mammals.]
Japan, Ministry of Education, Aid for Scientific Study, Synthetic Study A, Subject No. 61304010: 128-133. 6 figs. March 1988.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ.
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Kamiya, Hidetoshi
1988b |
Observations on the tooth cementum of the Paleoparadoxia unearthed in Tsuyama Municipality, Okayama Prefecture.
Jour. Fossil Research 21(1): 5-8. Illus. Aug. 1988.
–In Japanese; Engl. Summ.
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Kamei, Tadao; Kuga, Naoyuki; Inuzuka, Norihisa; Kamiya, Hidetoshi; Saegusa, Haruo
1989 |
[Report of Paleoparadoxia fossils from Tsuyama.]
Ann. Rept. Tsuyama Mus. No. 1: [vii] + 48. 3 tabs. Frontisp. 25 figs. 7 pls.
–In Japanese. Comprises a preface by Kamei and chapters on the following topics: geology of the Tsuyama Basin (Kamei, pp. 1-9); fossils of Paleoparadoxia and their modes of occurrence (Kuga, pp. 10-23); reconstruction of Paleoparadoxia (Inuzuka, pp. 24-25); radiographic observations (Kuga, p. 26); tooth microstructure (Kamiya, p. 27); and discussion (Kamei, Saegusa, & Kuga, pp. 28-41). Pp. 42-48 reproduce news clippings about the Tsuyama specimen.