Bibliography and Index of the Sirenia and Desmostylia  

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"Jefferson, Thomas A."

Jefferson, Thomas A.: SEE ALSO Beasley & Jefferson, 1997; Reeves et al., 1996; Smith et al., 1995, 1997. (detail)
Jefferson, Thomas A.; Leatherwood, J. Stephen (detail)
[Marine mammals.] In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K. E. Carpenter, & V. H. Niem (eds.), Guia FAO para la identificacion de especies para los fines de la pesca. Pacifico centro-oriental. Vol. 3: Vertebrados - Parte 2.
Rome, United Nations Food & Agric. Org. (v + 1201-1813): 1669-1744. Illus.
Smith, Brian D.; Jefferson, Thomas A.; Ho, Dao Tan; Leatherwood, J. Stephen; Thuoc, Chu Van; Andersen, Michael; Chiam, Ernest (detail)
Marine mammals of Vietnam: a preliminary checklist.
Collection of Marine Research Works 6: 147-176. 2 tabs. 13 figs.
–Cites literature records plus five new records of dugongs in Vietnam, the latter based on skulls preserved in "whale temples" maintained by fishermen in coastal villages (147-148, 161, 163-164, 166, 170).
Reeves, Randall R.; Leatherwood, J. Stephen; Jefferson, Thomas A.; Curry, B. E.; Henningsen, T. (detail)
Amazonian manatees, Trichechus inunguis, in Peru: distribution, exploitation, and conservation status.
Interciencia (Caracas) 21(6): 246-254. 2 tabs. 5 figs. Nov.-Dec. 1996.
–Reports results of boat and interview surveys in and near the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve, and describes hunting methods and use of manatee products. Impressions of manatee abundance and of the magnitude of the catch suggest that the conservation outlook is grim despite large remaining areas of relatively unspoiled habitat.
Beasley, Isabel; Jefferson, Thomas A. (detail)
Marine mammals of Borneo: a preliminary checklist.
Sarawak Museum Jour. 51(72)(N.S.): 193-210. 1 tab. 1 fig. Pls. 25-34. Dec. 1997.
–Briefly summarizes, tabulates, and maps reported occurrences of dugongs in northern Borneo (194, 202, 204). Illustrates a stuffed skin of a dugong from Sabah in the Sarawak Museum (Pl. 34).
Jefferson, Thomas A.; Baumgardner, George D. (detail)
Osteological specimens of marine mammals (Cetacea and Sirenia) from the western Gulf of Mexico.
Texas Jour. Sci. 49(2): 97-108. 1 fig. May 1997.
–Lists marine mammals from the western Gulf held in the Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection at Texas A&M University, College Station, which includes two male T. manatus skeletons from Texas: one from Copano Bay, collected 1928, and one from the Bolivar Peninsula, collected 1983.
Smith, Brian D.; Jefferson, Thomas A.; Leatherwood, J. Stephen; Ho, Dao Tan; Thuoc, Chu Van; Quang, Le Hai (detail)
Investigations of marine mammals in Vietnam.
Asian Marine Biology 14: 145-172.

Daryl P. Domning, Research Associate, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, and Laboratory of Evolutionary Biology, Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059.
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