Ijiri, Shoji: SEE ALSO Desmostylus Research Committee; Sato & Ijiri, 1977; Takai et al., 1952; Yabe et al., 1952; Yabe & Ijiri, 1954.
( detail)
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Ijiri, Shoji
1937a |
On the tooth germ (Zahnkeim) of Desmostylus japonicus Tokunaga et Iwasaki. [Abstr.]
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 44(525): 532. June 20, 1937.
–In Japanese. Repr.: Jap. Jour. Geol. Geogr. 14(3/4): 59, Oct. 1937?
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Ijiri, Shoji
1937b |
Die Zahnformel von Desmostylus japonicus.
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 44(528): 837-856. 2 pls. Sept. 30, 1937.
–In Japanese; German summ.
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Ijiri, Shoji
1937c |
Über das Os sacculi dentis bei Desmostylus japonicus.
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 44(531): 1177-1193. 9 figs. 1 pl.
–In Japanese; German summ.
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Ijiri, Shoji
1938a |
Über den Zahnkeim M/2 (= m1/2) und das Os sacculi dentis von Desmostylus japonicus.
Proc. Imper. Acad. Japan 14(6): 225-230. 6 figs. June 1938.
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Ijiri, Shoji
1938b |
The mammalian teeth morphogenetically considered with special reference to those of Desmostylus japonicus (invagination hypothesis).
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 45(538): 566-572. 9 figs. Pls. 12-13. July 20, 1938.
–In Japanese.
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Ijiri, Shoji
1939a |
Histologische Untersuchung der Zähne des Desmostylus japonicus.
Bull. Tokyo Sci. Mus. 1(1): 1-16. 13 figs. March 1939.
–In Japanese; German summ.
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Ijiri, Shoji
1939b |
Histological study of the teeth of Desmostylus.
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 46(548): 220-230. 13 figs. May 20, 1939.
–In Japanese; German summ.
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Ijiri, Shoji
1939c |
Microscopic structure of a tooth of Desmostylus.
Proc. Imper. Acad. Japan 15(5): 135-138. 6 figs. May 1939.
–Study of sections of an M/1 of D. japonicus. Comments that Desmostylus is an ungulate sensu lato and cannot be considered a monotreme, multituberculate, marsupial, or sirenian.
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Ijiri, Shoji
1940 |
A study on the variation in the teeth of Desmostylus.
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 47(563): 318-327. 6 figs. Aug. 20, 1940.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. ?Abstr.: Jap. Jour. Geol. Geogr. 18: 28, 1941?
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Takai, Fuyuji; Shikama, Tokio; Ijiri, Shoji
1952 |
Re-excavation of Desmostylus and its horizon in Doki district, Gihu Prefecture.
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 58(679): 144.
–In Japanese. Engl. transl. done by Engineer Intelligence Division, Office of the Engineer, Headquarters U.S. Army Forces Far East, Tokyo, 1954; available from Military Geology Branch, U.S. Geological Survey?
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Ijiri, Shoji
1952a |
On some question of S. Ogose's "On Desmostylus-bearing formation in Izumi-machi, Gifu Prefecture."
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 58(685): 494.
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Ijiri, Shoji
1952b |
Desmostylid restored.
Science (Kagaku) 22(12): 621-626. 10 figs.
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Ijiri, Shoji
1954 |
Fossil of blood vessels.
Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku) 19: 2-6. 8 figs.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ.
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Yabe, Hisakatsu; Ijiri, Shoji
1954 |
Die Entdeckung der versteinerten Arteria alveolaris mandibularis und Vena alveolaris mandibularis am 2M von Desmostylella typica Nagao.
Proc. Imper. Acad. Japan 30(9): 873-876. 3 figs.
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Ijiri, Shoji; Kamei, T.
1961 |
On the skulls of Desmostylus mirabilis Nagao from South Sakhalin and of Paleoparadoxia tabatai (Tokunaga) from Gifu Prefecture, Japan.
Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku) 53: 1-27. 1 tab. 22 figs. 6 pls.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. Engl. transl.: NTIS Document No. TT 74-53093.
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Sato, J.; Ijiri, Shoji
1977 |
On the molar teeth of Paleoparadoxia tabatai (Tokunaga) from "Wainai Site", the latest Jómon Period.
Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku) 31(4): 149-155. May 1977.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ.
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Ijiri, Shoji; Inuzuka, Norihisa
1989 |
[Extinct giant mammals in Japan.]
Tokyo, Tsukiji-Shokan Publ. Co., Ltd.: 1-242. Illus.
–In Japanese. Includes discussions of desmostylians, Dusisiren dewana, and Hydrodamalis.