Hasegawa, Yoshikazu: SEE ALSO Kamiya et al., 1985; Kohno & Hasegawa, 1988; Oishi et al., 1990; Satoh et al., 1989; Shikama et al., 1973; Suzuki et al., 1986.
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Shikama, Tokio; Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Otsuka, Hiroyuki
1973 |
Geological range of mammals in the Japanese Neogene. In: Neogene biostratigraphy and radiometric dating of Japan.
Mem. Geol. Soc. Japan 8: 137-141. 2 figs.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. Summarizes the stratigraphic ranges of Hydrodamalis sp., Desmostylus, and Paleoparadoxia.
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu
1977 |
[The reconstruction of the queer mammal Desmostylus.]
Anima (Tokyo) 5(12)(57): 90-91. 11 figs. Dec. 1977.
–In Japanese. Pop. acc. of reconstructions of the body forms of Desmostylus and Paleoparadoxia, illustrated by 11 artist's renderings.
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu
1978 |
[Problems concerning some Cenozoic terrestrial vertebrates from Japan; with comment by Y. Okazaki.] [Abstr.]
Bull. Mizunami Fossil Mus. No. 5: 159. Dec. 25, 1978.
–In Japanese.
Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Nokariya
1979 |
[Mammalian specimens from the Nagarabaru-Nishi Shellmound.]
Ieson Bunkazai Chosa Hokokusho [Iko Village Cultural Assets Investigative Report] No. 8: 175-229. 16 tabs. 4 figs. 17 pls.
–In Japanese. Reports specimens of Dugong dugon from an archeological site.
Hasegawa, Yoshikazu
1980 |
Notes on vertebrate fossils from late Pleistocene to Holocene of Ryukyu Islands, Japan.
Quat. Res. (Jap. Assoc. Quat. Res.) 18(4): 263-267. 2 tabs. Feb. 1980.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. Dugong.
Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Nohara, Tomohide
1982 |
Two large tusks of Dugong from Okinawa and Iriomote Islands, Ryukyu Islands.
Sci. Rept. Yokohama Natl. Univ., Sect. II, Biol. & Geol. No. 29: 29-32. 1 fig. 1 pl. Nov. 1982.
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Kamiya, Toshiro; Pirlot, Paul; Hasegawa, Yoshikazu
1985 |
Comparative brain morphology of miocene [sic] and recent sirenians.
Fortschritte der Zool. 30: 541-544. 1 tab. 1 fig.
–The Mioc. "sirenian" compared with the Recent dugong is actually Paleoparadoxia tabatai.
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu
1986 |
On morphological characteristics of Paleoparadoxia from the Yanagawa Formation. In: Research Report of Paleoparadoxia from Yanagawa Formation.
Res. Rept. Cultural Properties of Yanagawa-machi 11: 17-22.
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Suzuki, Keiji; Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Ogasawara, Kenshiro; Yomogida, Hiroshi; Hikichi, Katsumasa; Taniguchi, Satoru; Makuta, Kazuyoshi; Fujita, Takashi; Kawamura, Tomoyoshi; Yamaki, Zenbei; Kumasaka, Hiroko; Kato, Yoshiaki
1986a |
New skeleton of Paleoparadoxia with stratigraphical and sedimentary environmental remarks in Yanagawa-town, Date-gun, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. In: Essay in Geology (Prof. Makoto Kitamura Commemorative Volume):
453-464. 2 tabs. 4 figs. 1 pl.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ.
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Tanaka, Hiroyuki
1987 |
[Desmostylus from Takasaki.] In: Y. Hasegawa (ed.), [Study on fossil marine mammals from Japan. (Subject of study) Studies on biostratigraphy and paleontology of Cenozoic marine mammals.]
Japan, Ministry of Education, Aid for Scientific Study, Synthetic Study A, Subject No. 61304010: 44. 1 fig. March 1987.
–In Japanese.
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu
1988 |
[Reconstruction of the skeleton of Paleoparadoxia.] In: Y. Hasegawa (ed.), [Study on fossil marine mammals from Japan. (Subject of study) Studies on biostratigraphy and paleontology of Cenozoic marine mammals.]
Japan, Ministry of Education, Aid for Scientific Study, Synthetic Study A, Subject No. 61304010: 102-104. 2 figs. March 1988.
–In Japanese.
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Okazaki, Yoshihiko; Kuga, Naoyuki; Kohno, Naoki
1988 |
[Comparison of mammal fossils in the Tomikusa Formation, Mizunami Formation, and Isshi Formation.] In: Y. Hasegawa (ed.), [Study on fossil marine mammals from Japan. (Subject of study) Studies on biostratigraphy and paleontology of Cenozoic marine mammals.]
Japan, Ministry of Education, Aid for Scientific Study, Synthetic Study A, Subject No. 61304010: 15-17. 1 tab. 2 figs. March 1988.
–In Japanese.
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Kohno, Naoki; Hasegawa, Yoshikazu
1988 |
[First discovery of Imagotaria from Japan and its significance.] In: Y. Hasegawa (ed.), [Study on fossil marine mammals from Japan. (Subject of study) Studies on biostratigraphy and paleontology of Cenozoic marine mammals.]
Japan, Ministry of Education, Aid for Scientific Study, Synthetic Study A, Subject No. 61304010: 87-89. 2 figs. March 1988.
–In Japanese.
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Satoh, Atsushi; Hashimoto, Kazuo; Hasegawa, Yoshikazu
1989 |
Early Miocene desmostylid skull from Goyasu Formation, Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
Sci. Repts. Yokohama Natl. Univ., Sect. II, Biol. & Geol. No. 36: 57-70. 3 tabs. 3 figs. 2 pls. Oct. 1989.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. The specimen is considered "the earliest desmostylid to date in the Japanese Archipelago."
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Taketani, Yojiro
1994 |
Paleoparadoxia tabatai from Yanagawa-machi, Fukushima Prefecture, northeast Japan.
Research Rept. Fukushima Mus. 30: 1-69. 11 tabs. 15 figs. 30 pls. Mar. 1994.
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Muramatsu, Takeshi; Miyazawa, Yuzuru
1995 |
A desmostylian tooth from the Tomikusa Group, Nagano Prefecture.
Sci. Repts. Yokohama Natl. Univ., Sect. II, Biol. & Geol. No. 41/42: 1-11. 2 tabs. 2 figs. 1 pl. Oct. 1995.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. Describes a left upper second molar of a Middle Miocene Desmostylus.
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu
1997 |
Review on paleontological studies of marine mammals of the Japanese Archipelago.
IBI Reports (Kamogawa, Japan, Intl. Marine Biol. Research Inst.) No. 7: 139-145. 2 figs.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. Discusses both sirs. and desmostylians.
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Kimura, Toshiyuki; Matsumoto, Ryosuke
2006 |
A smaller manus of the Paleoparadoxia (Mammalia: Desmostylia) from the Haratajino Formation, Tomioka Group, Gunma, Japan.
Bull. Gunma Mus. Nat. Hist. 10: 37-48. 3 tabs. 4 figs. 4 pls.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. Describes a forelimb of a Middle Mioc. specimen of Paleoparadoxia sp., smaller than the Izumi specimen.
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu
2007 |
[Contributions of Dr. Shigeyasu Tokunaga in paleovertebrate zoology. In: Festschrift for Dr. Shigemoto Tokunaga, Supplement:]
153-174. 17 figs. Oct. 2007.
–In Japanese. Shigemoto Tokunaga was one of the sons of Shigeyasu Tokunaga.
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Kohno, Naoki
2007 |
Case 3384: Cornwallius tabatai Tokunaga, 1939 (currently Paleoparadoxia tabatai; Mammalia, Desmostylia): proposed conservation of usage of the specific name by the designation of a neotype.
Bull. Zool. Nomenclature 64(2): 113-117. June 2007.
–In its Opinion 2232, the ICZN (2009) declined to take action on this proposal, on the grounds that Inuzuka's (2005) designation of a lectotype, which threatened the established usage, was invalid to start with. Consequently, Shikama's (1966) original designation of the Izumi skeleton as neotype of P. tabatai was maintained, as Hasegawa & Kohno desired.
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Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Kimura, Toshiyuki
2008 |
On the two large specimens of Paleoparadoxia (Middle Miocene) from western Gunma Prefecture, Japan.
Bull. Gunma Mus. Nat. Hist. 12: 15-33. 1 tab. 6 figs. 8 pls.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. Describes two sets of postcranial remains of large Paleoparadoxia sp.: the Kurosawa specimen and the stratigraphically-higher Nakajima specimen, both from the Annaka Group.