Bibliography and Index of the Sirenia and Desmostylia  

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Gonzalez-Socoloske, Daniel; Olivera-Gómez, Léon David; Ford, Robert E. (detail)
Detection of free-ranging West Indian manatees Trichechus manatus using side-scan sonar.
Endang. Species Res. 8: 249-257. 4 tabs. 2 figs. Oct. 2009.
Gonzalez-Socoloske, D.; Olivera-Gomez, L. (detail)
Gentle giants in dark waters: using side-scan sonar for manatee research.
The Open Remote Sensing Journal 5(1): 1-14.
Gonzalez-Socoloske, Daniel; Olivera-Gómez, Léon David (detail)
Gentle giants in dark waters: using side-scan sonar for manatee research.
Open Remote Sensing Jour. 5: 1-14.
Aragones, Lemnuel V.; LaCommare, Katherine S.; Kendall, Sarita; Castelblanco-Martinez, Delma Nataly; Gonzalez-Socoloske, Daniel (detail)
Boat- and land-based surveys for sirenians. Chap. 20 in: E. M. Hines et al. (eds.), Sirenian conservation: issues and strategies in developing countries (q.v.).
Gainesville, University Press of Florida (xiv + 326): 179-185. 3 tabs. 2 figs.
González-Socoloske, Daniel; Taylor, Cynthia R.; Rendon Thompson, Olivia R. (detail)
Distribution and conservation status of the Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) in Honduras.
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals 9(2): 123-131. 3 tabs. 2 figs. Publ. online Jan. 27, 2014.
–ABSTRACT: The Antillean manatee, Trichechus manatus manatus, is among the most threatened mammals in Honduras, yet the last published study is from 1980. Since then, the North Coast of Honduras has experienced rapid population growth and land cover change possibly causing habitat loss for manatees. We conducted aerial, boat, and interview surveys between 2005-2007 along the northern and remote eastern coasts of Honduras to assess the current status and distribution of manatees. In addition, we compiled all available data on manatee mortality from museum specimens, unpublished reports, and interviews to determine current threats. We averaged 1.2 manatee sightings per survey hour during six flights along the North Coast in March-April 2006 during 14.4 aerial survey hours. Sightings were mainly clustered in Cuero y Salado Wildlife Refuge (CSWR) and Rios Chapagua and Aguan, which we identify as important conservation areas. Our total and average sightings per survey hour in CSWR were much lower than those reported in 1979-80, in spite of the area being protected since 1987. Our interviews indicate that manatees are still present on the eastern coast (La Mosquitia), however we observed none during 14.5 survey hours in June 2005 and April 2007. The major cause of known mortality from 1970-2007, based on 26 records, was due to entanglement in fishnets. Despite local and federal protection, manatees are still poached and opportunistically caught in fishnets. While some efforts have been made by local NGOs to raise public awareness for manatees, a national conservation program is highly recommended to centralize and coordinate efforts.
 RESUMEN: El manatí antillano, Trichechus manatus manatus, es uno de los mamíferos más amenazados en Honduras, sin embargo, el último estudio publicado data de 1980. Desde entonces, la Costa Norte de Honduras ha experimentado un crecimiento rápido de población humana y cambios en el uso de suelo probablemente causando pérdida de hábitat para los manatíes. Realizamos muestreos aéreos y en lancha y también entrevistas entre 2005-2007 en la Costa Norte y en la remota costa del este de Honduras para evaluar el estado actual y la distribución de manatíes. Además, recopilamos todos los datos disponibles sobre mortalidad de manatíes mediante ejemplares en museos, reportes no publicados y entrevistas, para determinar las amenazas actuales. Realizamos seis muestreos aéreos de la Costa Norte entre marzo y abril del 2006, en los cuales registramos un promedio de 1.2 avistamientos por hora en un total de 14.4 horas de muestreos. Los avistamientos se ubicaron principalmente en el Refugio de Vida Silvestre Cuero y Salado (CSWR) y en los Ríos Chapagua y Aguan, que identi?camos como importantes áreas de conservación. Los avistamientos totales y promedio por hora de muestreos en CSWR fueron mucho menores que los reportados en 1979-1980, a pesar de que esta área está protegida desde 1987. Nuestras entrevistas indican que los manatíes aún están presentes en la costa este (La Mosquitia), sin embargo, no se observó ningún manatí durante 14.5 horas de muestreos en junio 2005 y abril 2007. La mayor causa de mortalidad entre 1970 y 2007, basado en 26 reportes, se debió a que manatíes quedaban atrapados en redes de pesca. Si bien se han hecho algunos esfuerzos por parte de ONGs locales para incrementar el conocimiento del público en cuanto a los manatíes, se recomienda fuertemente que se desarrolle un programa de conservación nacional que centralice y coordine esfuerzos.
Kikuchi, M,; Akamatsu, T,; Gonzalez-Socoloske, D.; et al . (detail)
Detection of manatee feeding events by animal-borne underwater sound recorders.
J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. UK 94:1139-1146.
Gonzalez-Socoloske, Daniel; Olivera-Gómez, Leon D.; Reid, James P.; Espinoza-Marin, Carlos; Ruiz, Kherson E.; Glander, Kenneth E (detail)
First successful capture and satellite tracking of a West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) in Panama: feasibility of capture and telemetry techniques.
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals 10(1): 52-57. 1 table. 1 figure. DOI:10.5597/lajam00194. Sep. 16, 2015.
–ABSTRACT- It is currently unknown how important the Central American countries south of Belize are as a link between manatee populations in the north (Belize and Mexico) and populations in South America. Therefore, apart from knowing where manatees are found, it is important to understand how manatees are using these habitats and if they are moving between countries or distinct population centers. Here we report the results of a multi-national and multiinstitutional collaboration resulting in the first successful capture and satellite tracking of a West Indian manatee in southern Central America.
Gonzalez-Socoloske, Daniel; Olivera-Gómez, Leon D. (detail)
Food choice by a wild free-renging Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) in Tabasco, Mexico.
Jour. of Marine Animals and Their Environment 11(1): 19-32.
McLarty, Mindy J.; Gonzalez-Socoloske, Daniel; Alvarez Alemán, Anmari; Angulo-Valdés, Jorge A. (detail)
Manatee habitat characterization using side-scan sonar.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 100(1): 173-179. 3 tabs. 7 figs. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315419000973 Feb. 2020
–ABSTRACT: Identifying benthic substrates is important to researchers studying aquatic organisms in fresh and salt water systems. Benthic substrates are often not visible from the surface making it necessary to find another method to gather these data. Previous research has demonstrated that low cost side-scan sonar is a reliable way to identify hard substrates, such as rock and gravel, in a small, freshwater stream. In this study, the reliability of the side-scan sonar to accurately identify softer substrates such as grass and mud was tested in a large, brackish lagoon system. A total area of 11.55 km ² was surveyed with the sonar. Videos and pictures were taken at various points to groundtruth the sonar images and provide a measure of accuracy. Five substrate types were identified: dense seagrass, sparse seagrass, mangrove soil, mangrove soil with rock, and silt. Unidentifiable substrates were classified as unknown. A manually zoned benthic substrate map was created from the sonar recordings. Dense seagrass was most accurately identified. Sparse seagrass was the least accurately identified. A bathymetric map was also created from the sonar recordings.
Mignucci-Giannoni, A. A,; Gonzalez-Socoloske, D,; Alvarez-Aleman, A,; Aquino, J,; Caicedo-Herrera, D,; Castelblanco-Martinez, D.N,; Claridge, D,; Corona-Figueroa, M.F,; Debrot, A. O,; de Thoisy, B.; Espinoza-Marin, C.; Galves, J.A,; Garcia-Alfonso E.; Khan, J. A.; Kiszka, J. J.; Luna, F. O.; Marmontel, M,; Olivera-Gomez, L. D.; O'Sullivan, C.; Powell, J. A.; Pugibet-Bobea, E.; Roopsind, I.; Silva, C. J. (detail)
What's in a name? Standardization of vernacular names for Trichechus manatus.
Caribbean Naturalist 98:1-17. 3 figs. 2 tables.
–Proposes new vernacular names in English, Spanish, French, Dutch and Portuguese for Trichechus manatus and its two subspecies. With 24 co-authors from every country where the American manatee lives.
 ABSTRACT - Trichechus manatus is one of 3 recognized extant species of manatees of the mammalian Order Sirenia. Currently, it is known by various vernacular names, none of which are descriptive of its biology and known distribution. This lack of standardization has led to confusion and miscommunication, hindering conservation efforts for this species. We propose standardizing the vernacular names used to refer to the species and its 2 subspecies based on appropriate geographical characterization in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Portuguese, respectively: "American Manatee", "Manati de las Americas", "Lamantin d'Amerique", "Amerikaanse Lamantijn", and "Peixe-boi das Americas" for T. manatus; "Florida Manatee", "Manati de la Florida", "Lamantin de Floride", "Florida Lamantijn", and "Peixe-boi da Florida" for T. m. latirostris; and "Greater Caribbean Manatee", "Manati del Gran Caribe", "Lamantin des Grandes Caraibe", "Groter Caribische Lamantijn", and "Peixe-boi do Grande Caribe" for T. m. manatus. By establishing clear, universally recognized, and standardized vernacular names, we foster a sense of connection and scientific communication responsibility, improving public awareness and understanding of these animals and ultimately aiding in their conservation.

Daryl P. Domning, Research Associate, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, and Laboratory of Evolutionary Biology, Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059.
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