Mignucci-Giannoni, A. A,; Gonzalez-Socoloske, D,; Alvarez-Aleman, A,; Aquino, J,; Caicedo-Herrera, D,; Castelblanco-Martinez, D.N,; Claridge, D,; Corona-Figueroa, M.F,; Debrot, A. O,; de Thoisy, B.; Espinoza-Marin, C.; Galves, J.A,; Garcia-Alfonso E.; Khan, J. A.; Kiszka, J. J.; Luna, F. O.; Marmontel, M,; Olivera-Gomez, L. D.; O'Sullivan, C.; Powell, J. A.; Pugibet-Bobea, E.; Roopsind, I.; Silva, C. J.
2024 |
What's in a name? Standardization of vernacular names for Trichechus manatus.
Caribbean Naturalist 98:1-17. 3 figs. 2 tables.
–Proposes new vernacular names in English, Spanish, French, Dutch and Portuguese for Trichechus manatus and its two subspecies. With 24 co-authors from every country where the American manatee lives.
ABSTRACT - Trichechus manatus is one of 3 recognized extant species of manatees of the mammalian Order Sirenia. Currently, it is known by various vernacular names, none of which are descriptive of its biology and known distribution. This lack of standardization has led to confusion and miscommunication, hindering conservation efforts for this species. We propose standardizing the vernacular names used to refer to the species and its 2 subspecies based on appropriate geographical characterization in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Portuguese, respectively: "American Manatee", "Manati de las Americas", "Lamantin d'Amerique", "Amerikaanse Lamantijn", and "Peixe-boi das Americas" for T. manatus; "Florida Manatee", "Manati de la Florida", "Lamantin de Floride", "Florida Lamantijn", and "Peixe-boi da Florida" for T. m. latirostris; and "Greater Caribbean Manatee", "Manati del Gran Caribe", "Lamantin des Grandes Caraibe", "Groter Caribische Lamantijn", and "Peixe-boi do Grande Caribe" for T. m. manatus. By establishing clear, universally recognized, and standardized vernacular names, we foster a sense of connection and scientific communication responsibility, improving public awareness and understanding of these animals and ultimately aiding in their conservation.
Ramos, E.A.; Galves, J.; Searle, L.; Walker, Z.; Walker, P.; Castelblanco-Martinez, N.; Knowles, B.; Self-Sullivan, C; and Kiszka, J.J.
2024 |
Agonistic interactions initiated by adult bottlenose dolphins on Antillean manatee calves in the Caribbean Sea.
Plos one: 19(1), p.e0295739.