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Galantsev, V. P.; Mukhametov, L. M.
1984 |
On functional and structural adaptations of cardiovascular system in the manatee Trichechus manatus.
Zhur. Evol. Biokhim. Fiziol. 20(3): 288-293. 1 tab. 2 figs. May-June 1984.
–In Russian; Engl. summ. Engl. transl.: Jour. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. 20(3): 201-205, Jan. 1985. Page references in the Index are to this Engl. transl. Reports electrocardiographic observations of heart rhythms during diving in a captive adult T. manatus, and briefly describes the locations of major venous sinuses. Compares both sets of data with the conditions generally found in other diving mammals. Diving bradycardia was observed and was especially distinct just before surfacing. Cardiac arrhythmia was significant but highly variable.
Galantsev, V. P.
1986 |
[On certain functional, morphological adaptations in the venous system of the manatee.] In: V. E. Sokolov (ed.), Lamantin: morfologicheskie adaptatsii (q.v.).
Moscow, "Nauka" (Akad. Nauk SSSR) (405 pp.): 331-337.
–In Russian.
Mukhametov, L. M.; Galantsev, V. P.
1986 |
[Investigation of certain physiological features of the manatee.] In: V. E. Sokolov (ed.), Lamantin: morfologicheskie adaptatsii (q.v.).
Moscow, "Nauka" (Akad. Nauk SSSR) (405 pp.): 377-384.
–In Russian.
Galantsev, V. P.; Kuz'min, D. A.
1989 |
Trends in development of adaptive characters in the venous system of hydro- and amphibiont mammals.
Zool. Zhur. 68(10): 107-117.
–In Russian; Engl. summ.