Bibliography and Index of the Sirenia and Desmostylia  

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"Furusawa, Hitoshi"

Furusawa, Hitoshi: SEE ALSO Domning & Furusawa, 1995; Kimura et al., 1995; Shinohara et al., 1985; Takikawa Sea Cow Geological Investigation Group, 1984. (detail)
Furusawa, Hitoshi; Kimura, Masaichi (detail)
Discovery of new species of Sirenia from the Lower Pliocene in the Sorachi River, Takikawa City, Hokkaido.
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 88(10): 849-852. 2 tabs. 3 figs.
–In Japanese. Reports a partial skeleton of Hydrodamalis sp.; the "new species" is not named here but is H. spissa Furusawa, 1988.
Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
Discovery of a juvenile sirenian rib from the Lower Pliocene in the Sorachi River, Takikawa City, Hokkaido.
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 90(5): 345-347. 4 figs. May 1984.
–In Japanese.
Shinohara, Satoshi; Kimura, Masaichi; Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
Steller's sea-cow (Hydrodamalis gigas) from the Nopporo Hills in the Ishikari Lowland, Hokkaido, Japan. In: M. Goto, M. Takahashi, M. Kimura, & H. Horikawa (eds.), Evolution and adaptation of marine vertebrates.
Assoc. Geol. Collaboration in Japan, Monogr. 30: 97-117. 1 tab. 21 figs. 4 pls. Dec. 1985.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ.
Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
[Sirenian fossils from Japan.] In: Y. Hasegawa (ed.), [Study on fossil marine mammals from Japan. (Subject of study) Studies on biostratigraphy and paleontology of Cenozoic marine mammals.]
Japan, Ministry of Education, Aid for Scientific Study, Synthetic Study A, Subject No. 61304010: 49-50. 1 tab. March 1987.
–In Japanese.
Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
A new species of hydrodamaline Sirenia from Hokkaido, Japan.
Takikawa City (Japan), Takikawa Mus. of Art & Nat. Hist.: 1-73. 4 tabs. 31 figs. 6 pls.
–Japanese transl.: Furusawa (1989). Describes Hydrodamalis spissus, n.sp. (sic; emended to H. spissa by Furusawa, 1990).
Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
[Study of the Takikawa sea cow: a message from 5 million years ago.]
Takikawa City (Japan), Takikawa Mus. of Art & Nat. Hist.: 1-81. 4 tabs. Frontisp. 33 figs. 6 pls. Mar. 31, 1989.
–Japanese transl. of Furusawa (1988), with an added frontispiece and two new figures.
Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
Scenario of the sirenian evolution in the North Pacific Ocean.
Prof. Akira Kasugai Memorial Vol.: 97-104. 4 figs. Mar. 1990.
–In Japanese.
Furusawa, Hitoshi; Numata Fossil Research Group (detail)
Discovery and significance of the Takikawa sea cow (Hydrodamalis spissa) from Numata-cho, Uryu-gun, Hokkaido, Japan.
Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku) 44(4)(229): 224-228. 4 figs. July 1990.
–In Japanese.
Furusawa, Hitoshi; Maeda, Toshitsugu; Yamashita, Shigeru; Sagayama, Tsumoru; Igarashi, Yaeko; Kimura, Masaichi (detail)
Geologic age and paleoenvironment of marine mammal fossils from Numata-cho, Hokkaido.
Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku) 47(2)(245): 133-145. 3 tabs. 5 figs. Mar. 1993.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ.
Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
The survey and subjects of North Pacific sirenian evolution from the view point of paleobiogeography.
Monogr. Assoc. Geol. Collaboration in Japan 43: 99-110. 3 figs. July 1994.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ.
Furusawa, Hitoshi; Kohno, Naoki (detail)
Steller's sea-cow (Sirenia: Hydrodamalis gigas) from the Middle Pleistocene Mandano Formation of the Boso Peninsula, central Japan.
Fossils No. 56: 26-32. 1 tab. 4 figs. June 1994.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ.
Domning, Daryl Paul; Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
Summary of taxa and distribution of Sirenia in the North Pacific Ocean.
The Island Arc 3(4): 506-512. "Dec. 1994" (publ. Nov. 1995).
Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
Steller's sea-cow (Hydrodamalis gigas) in the Bering Island, Kamschatka.
Fossils (Pal. Soc. Japan) No. 58: 1-9. 1 tab. 6 figs. June 30, 1995.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ.
Furusawa, Hitoshi; Kimura, Masaichi (detail)
Sirenian fossils (Hydrodamalis) from Early Pliocene of Hombetsu and Early Pleistocene of Kuromatsunai, Hokkaido.
Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku) 49(4): 298-301. 4 figs. July 1995.
–In Japanese.
Kimura, Masaichi; Furusawa, Hitoshi; Sagayama, Tsumoru, Igarashi, Yaeko; Suzuki, Akihiko; Fukusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
Geologic age and paleoenvironment of fossil sirenian-bearing deposits (Kinkomanai Formation) in the Shosambetsu region of northern Hokkaido, Japan.
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 101(5): 345-352. 2 tabs. 5 figs. 1 pl. May 1995.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ.
Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
New material of sirenian fossil from the upper Miocene of Numata-cho, Hokkaido, Japan.
Fossils No. 60: 1-11. 3 tabs. 10 figs. June 30, 1996.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. Reports a partial postcranial skeleton of Dusisiren sp. from the Mashike Formation, Shintotsukawa Group.
Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
A phylogeny of the North Pacific Sirenia (Dugongidae: Hydrodamalinae) based on a comparative study of endocranial casts.
Pal. Research 8(2): 91-98. 1 tab. 4 figs. 2 appendices. June 30, 2004.
Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
Evolution of the North Pacific Sirenia (Hydrodamalinae) and their paleoenvironment.
Fossils (Palaeontological Soc. Japan) No. 77: 29-33. 1 tab. 3 figs. Mar. 2005.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ.
Furusawa, Hitoshi (detail)
Consideration of the enlargement of body size in Sirenia.
Jour. Fossil Research 45(2): 55-60. 5 figs. Feb. 2013.
–In Japanese; Engl. summ. Relates the increase in body size and loss of functional teeth in the Hydrodamalinae to climatic cooling and consequent changes in marine vegetation.

Daryl P. Domning, Research Associate, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, and Laboratory of Evolutionary Biology, Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059.
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