Clementz, Mark T.; Holden, P.; Koch, Paul L.
2003 |
Are calcium isotopes a reliable monitor of trophic level in marine setings?
Intl. Jour. Osteoarchaeology 13: 29-36.
–Mentions calcium isotope values (δ44Ca) for tooth enamel of Dugong dugon and Dusisiren jordani.
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Clementz, Mark T.; Hoppe, Kathryn A.; Koch, Paul L.
2003 |
A paleoecological paradox: the habitat and dietary preferences of the extinct tethythere Desmostylus, inferred from stable isotope analysis.
Paleobiology 29(4): 506-519. 2 tabs. 4 figs. Fall 2003 (mailed Oct. 27, 2003).
–Carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotope compositions of enamel from Desmostylus (Middle Mioc., California) indicated a probable diet of aquatic vegetation and an estuarine or freshwater habitat.
Clementz, Mark T.; Koch, Paul L.; Beck, Cathy A.
2007 |
Diet induced differences in carbon isotope fractionation between sirenians and terrestrial ungulates.
Marine Biology 151(5): 1773-1784. 2 tabs. 3 figs. + online supplementary material. DOI 10.1007/s00227-007-0616-1. Publ. online Feb. 8, 2007.
–ABSTRACT: Carbon isotope differences (?13C) between bioapatite and diet, collagen and diet, and bioapatite and collagen were calculated for four species of sirenians, Dugong dugon (Müller), Trichechus manatus (Linnaeus), Trichechus inunguis (Natterer), and the extinct Hydrodamalis gigas (Zimmerman). Bone and tooth samples were taken from archived materials collected from populations during the mid eighteenth century (H. gigas), between 1978 and 1984 (T. manatus, T. inunguis), and between 1997 and 1999 (D. dugon). Mean ?13C values were compared with those for terrestrial ungulates, carnivores, and six species of carnivorous marine mammals (cetaceans = 1; pinnipeds = 4; mustelids = 1). Significant differences in mean ?13C values among species for all tissue types were detected that separated species or populations foraging on freshwater plants or attached marine macroalgae (?13C values < ?6‰; ?13Cbioapatite–diet ?14‰) from those feeding on marine seagrasses (?13C values > ?4‰; ?13Cbioapatite–diet ?11‰). Likewise, ?13Cbioapatite–collagen values for freshwater and algal-foraging species (?7‰) were greater than those for seagrass-foraging species (?5‰). Variation in ?13C values calculated between tissues and between tissues and diet among species may relate to the nutritional composition of a species' diet and the extent and type of microbial fermentation that occurs during digestion of different types of plants. These results highlight the complications that can arise when making dietary interpretations without having first determined species-specific ?13Ctissue–diet values.
Corbett, Debra G.; Causey, Douglas; Clementz, Mark T.; Koch, Paul L.; Doroff, Angela; Lefèvre, Christine; West, Dixie
2008 |
Aleut hunters, sea otters, and sea cows: three thousand years of interactions in the western Aleutian Islands, Alaska. In: T.C. Rick & J.M. Erlandson (eds.), Human impacts on ancient marine systems -- a global perspective.
Berkeley, Univ. Calif. Press: 43-75. 10 tabs. 5 figs.
Clementz, Mark T.; Sorbi, Silvia; Domning, Daryl Paul
2009 |
Evidence of Cenozoic environmental and ecological change from stable isotope analysis of sirenian remains from the Tethys-Mediterranean region.
Geology 37(4): 307-310. 2 figs. https://doi.org/10.1130/G25533A.1 Apr. 2009.
Clementz, Mark T.; Sewall, Jacob O.
2011 |
Latitudinal gradients in greenhouse seawater δ18O: evidence from Eocene sirenian tooth enamel.
Science 332: 455-458. 4 figs. Supporting online material: 12 pp., 1 tab., 3 figs. Apr. 22, 2011.
–Comment: Gabriel J. Bowen, "A faster water cycle", Science 332: 430-431, 1 fig., Apr. 22, 2011. Summ.: Carolyn Gramling, "Toothsome sleuths of ancient oceans", Earth 56(7): 23, 2 figs., July 2011.
Beck, Cathy A.; Clementz, Mark T.
2012 |
Techniques for determining the food habits of sirenians. Chap. 14 in: E. M. Hines et al. (eds.), Sirenian conservation: issues and strategies in developing countries (q.v.).
Gainesville, University Press of Florida (xiv + 326): 126-132. 2 tabs.
–Includes techniques for stable isotope sampling and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy.