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Buffrénil, Vivian De; Schoevaert, Damien
1989 |
Données quantitatives et observations histologiques sur la pachyostose du squelette du dugong, Dugong dugon (Müller) (Sirenia, Dugongidae).
Canad. Jour. Zool. 67: 2107-2119. 2 tabs. 18 figs.
–Engl. summ. Examination of bone samples from various parts of the dugong skeleton showed that the increased bone volume is due to hyperostosis of the periosteal cortices, whereas the increased bone density is due to greater compactness and mineralization of the tissue. These effects are localized in the head and thorax. The increased compactness is due mainly to decrease of osteoclastic bone resorption and to endosteal deposits which fill the medullary regions. Possible endocrine controls on these processes are discussed. Pachyostosis in the dugong is considered adaptive rather than pathological.
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Domning, Daryl Paul; Buffrénil, Vivian de
1991 |
Hydrostasis in the Sirenia: quantitative data and functional interpretations.
Mar. Mamm. Sci. 7(4): 331-368. 5 tabs. 18 figs. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1748-7692.1991.tb00111.x Oct. 1991.
–Analyzes the distribution of skeletal mass in T. m. latirostris and the positions of the centers of gravity and buoyancy in T. inunguis, concluding that increased volume and density of bones (= "pachyosteosclerosis", a term introduced here) do indeed serve in sirs. as ballast to maintain horizontal trim and neutral buoyancy. The design and position of the lungs also seem to serve this purpose. Selection for maintenance of trim and maximization of turning moments of the flippers may help account, respectively, for loss of hind limbs and shortening of the neck. The gross anatomy of a sir. (T. inunguis) is illustrated in serial cross sections for the first time. Summarizes the distribution of pachyosteosclerosis in various fossil sirs., and concludes that this condition is fully adaptive and in no sense "pathological".
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Ricqlès, Armand De; Buffrénil, Vivian de
1995 |
Sur la présence de pachyostéosclérose chez la rhytine de Steller [Rhytina (Hydrodamalis) gigas], sirénien récent éteint.
Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (Paris) (13)16(2): 47-53. 1 pl.
–French summ. Describes the histology of bone in H. gigas as seen in two thin sections at the University of California Museum of Paleontology (Berkeley) made by C. L. Camp, and shows that this is indistinguishable from the pachyosteosclerosis seen in other sir. bone. (At least one of the sections, UCMP 23031, is from a periotic bone of H. gigas.)
Astibia, Humberto; Bardet, Nathalie; Pereda-Suberbiola, Xabier; Payros, Aitor; Buffrenil, Vivian de; Elorza, Javier; Tosquella, Josep; Berreteaga, Ana; Badiola, Ainara
2010 |
New fossils of Sirenia from the Middle Eocene of Navarre (Western Pyrenees): the oldest West European sea cow record.
Geological Magazine 147(5): 665-673. 1 tab. 4 figs. DOI:10.1017/S0016756810000130 Sept. 2010.
–ABSTRACT -- Postcranial remains of Sirenia from the early Middle Eocene (late Lutetian) Urbasa-Andia Formation of Navarre (Western Pyrenees) are described. The material consists of two partial atlas vertebrae, one humerus and several dorsal ribs (from Arrasate, Urbasa plateau), and partial dorsal ribs (from Lezaun, Andia plateau). The morphology of the fossils is consistent with referral to Dugongidae, the only sirenian 2 clade known so far in the Middle Eocene of Europe. Moreover, the histological study of the ribs shows that the pachyosteosclerosis of extant Sirenia was definitively present by the early Middle Eocene. The oldest sirenian remains reported to date in the Pyrenean Realm were assigned to the Biarritzian, a regional stage that is currently adscribed either to the middle or to the lower-middle Bartonian. Therefore, the sirenian remains of Lezaun, reliably dated as late Lutetian (SBZ16 zone) in age, are definitively the earliest sirenian fossils known in Western Europe and are among the oldest sea cow record of Europe.
Dumont, Maitena; Laurin, Michel; Jacques, Florian; Pellé, Eric; Dabin, Willy; Buffrénil, Vivian de
2013 |
Inner architecture of vertebral centra in terrestrial and aquatic mammals: a two-dimensional comparative study.
Jour. Morphol. 274(5): 570-584. Illus. + online supporting information. DOI: 10.1002/jmor.20122 May 2013 (publ. online Feb. 8, 2013).
–ABSTRACT: Inner vertebral architecture is poorly known, except in human and laboratory animals. In order to document this topic at a broad comparative level, a 2D-histomorphometric study of vertebral centra was conducted in a sample of 98 therian mammal species, spanning most of the size range and representing the main locomotor adaptations known in therian taxa. Eleven variables relative to the development and geometry of trabecular networks were extracted from CT scan mid-sagittal sections. Phylogeny-informed statistical tests were used to reveal the respective influences of phylogeny, size, and locomotion adaptations on mammalian vertebral structure. The use of random taxon reshuffling and squared change parsimony reveals that 9 of the 11 characteristics (the two exceptions are total sectional area and structural polarization) contain a phylogenetic signal. Linear discriminant analyses suggest that the sampled taxa can be arranged into three categories with respect to locomotion mode: a) terrestrial + flying + digging + amphibious forms, b) coastal oscillatory aquatic taxa, and c) pelagic oscillatory aquatic forms represented by oceanic cetaceans. Pairwise comparison tests and linear regressions show that, when specific size increases, the length of trabecular network (Tt.Tb.Le), as well as trabecular proliferation in total sections (Pr.Tb.Tt), increase with positive allometry. This process occurs in all locomotion categories but is particularly pronounced in pelagic oscillators. Conversely, mean trabecular width has a lesser increase with size in pelagic oscillators. Trabecular orientation is not influenced by size. All tests were corrected for multiple testing. By using six structural variables or indices, locomotion mode can be predicted with a 97.4% success rate for terrestrial forms, 66.7% for coastal oscillatory, and 81.3% for pelagic oscillatory. The possible functional meaning of these results and their potential use for paleobiological inference of locomotion in extinct taxa are discussed.
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Amson, Eli; Muizon, Christian de; Domning, Daryl Paul; Argot, Christine; Buffrénil, Vivian de
2015 |
Bone histology as a clue for resolving the puzzle of a dugong rib in the Pisco Formation, Peru.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35(3): e922981 (4 pp.) 2 figs. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2014.922981 May 2015 (publ. online Apr. 22, 2015).
–A supposedly dugongine rib described by Muizon & Domning (1985) and Domning & Aguilera (2008a) is reidentified as an aquatic sloth (Thalassocnus sp.).
Canoville, Aurore; Buffrénil, Vivian de; Laurin, Michel
2016 |
Microanatomical diversity of amniote ribs: an exploratory quantitative study.
Biol. Jour. Linnean Soc. 118(4): 706-733. 4 tabs. 11 figs. https://doi.org/10.1111/bij.12779 Aug. 2016 (publ. online June 30, 2016).
–ABSTRACT: Bone microanatomical diversity in extant and extinct tetrapods has been studied extensively, using increasingly sophisticated quantitative methods to assess its ecological, biomechanical and phylogenetic significance. Most studies have been conducted on the appendicular skeleton, and a strong relationship was found between limb bone microanatomy and habitat preferences. Few comparative studies have focused on the microanatomy of the axial skeleton and its ecological signal. In the present study, we propose the first exploratory study of the microanatomical diversity of amniote ribs. Our comparative sample comprises 155 species of extant amniotes and encompasses the taxonomic, ecological, and body size diversity of this group. We standardized our sampling location to the midshaft of mid-dorsal ribs. Transverse sections were obtained from classical petrographic methods, as well as by X-ray microtomography. Most of the microanatomical and size characters of the ribs display a phylogenetic signal, which is an expected result and is also observed in amniote limb bones and vertebrae. We found a significant relationship between rib cortical thickness, global compactness, and lifestyle. As for the vertebrae, the development of the spongiosa in the medullary region appears to be strongly correlated with size. Even though an ecological signal was found in the inner structure of the ribs, additional work is needed to document the intra-individual variability of the rib microanatomy along the rib cage and within a single element.
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Buffrénil, Vivian de
2018 |
Vertébrés. In: C. Montenat & D. Merle (coords.), Stratotype Danien.
Patrimoine géologique (Paris, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle) No. 9: 337-339.
–Describes a single rib fragment from the type section of the Danian Stage at Vigny, France, evidently sirenian based on its histology: the first sir. ever reported from rocks of Early Paleocene (or any Paleocene) age.