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Ocorrências de mamíferos aquáticos no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil.
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2023 |
Impactos Antropicos aos Ambientes Manguezais em areas de Ocorrencia do Peixe-boi-marinho Trichechus manatus manatus no Litoral Brasileiro: uma Revisao.
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2024 |
Morphological analysis of the digestive tract of Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus, Linnaeus, 1758) in northeast Brazil.
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals
Melo, L.I.D.S.; Matias de Oliveira, R.E.; Freitas Caetano de Sousa, A.C.; de Oliveira, R.M.; Lima, M.A.; Fragoso, A.B.L.; Silva, F.J.D.L.; Attademo, F.L.N.; Luna, F.D.O; , Pereira, A.F.; de Oliveira, M.F. 2024.
2024 |
Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus Linnaeus, 1758) Tongue morphology and adaptive herbivorous implications.
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Daryl P. Domning, Research Associate, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, and Laboratory of Evolutionary Biology, Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059.