Lacreta, A. C. C., Jr.; Andrade, M. C. M. de; Legatzki, K.; Trinta, A. F.; Costa, E. M. M.
2010 |
Radiographic monitoring of radius fracture in Amazon manatee (Trichechus inunguis).
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 51(2): 205. DOI:10.1111/j.1740-8261.2009.01650.x. Mar.-Apr. 2010.
Introduction/Purpose: The Amazonian manatee is an aquatic mammal classified as threatened with extinction mainly due to hunting for subsistence. A pup of Amazonian manatee calf was rescued on Marajó Island, state of Pará. The animal had restriction of movement and abnormal positioning of the left pectoral fin, with crepitation on palpation.
Methods: After the rescue, the animal was sent to the Federal Rural University of the Amazon's veterinary hospital for radiographic evaluation. The radiographic examination indicated a complete oblique fracture in relation to the proximal-middle third of the diaphysis of the left radius bone, with loss of bone axis and overlap of the fracture fragments, radiolucent discrete point in correspondence to the cranial aspect of the distal metaphysis of the left humerus bone and irregularity of the bone surface in relation to the cranial aspect of the proximal metaphysis of the left ulna. The radiographic features suggested recent fracture. Conservative treatment was instituted, with restriction of space in the swimming-pool of 1,000 liters of milk diet enriched with calcium phosphate and vitamin D3.
Results: The monitoring of the fracture consolidation was done only utilizing radiographs. In the 21th day, regular periosteal reaction was visible in correspondence to the extremities of the fracture fragments of the left radius, cranial-medial aspect of the distal metaphysis of the left humerus and cranial aspect of the proximal metaphysis of the left ulna. In the 43rd day, an intensification of the regular periosteal reaction was visible, with some evidence of bone lysis in the regions above (remodeling) and discrete filling of the fracture line by radiopaque content. In the 78th day and 106th day, the fracture's consolidation progress was visible with intensified radiographic aspects related to the process. In the 162nd day, it was possible to verify an ossified bone callus, absence of the fracture line, smooth and regular periosteal reaction, in correspondence to the cranio-medial aspect of the metaphysis of the distal left humerus bone and cranial aspect of the proximal metaphysis of the left ulna, suggesting bone remodeling. In the 319th day there was complete consolidation of the fracture with bone remodeling.
Discussion/Conclusions: The radiographic monitoring of this case offered an excellent parameter for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment, given the fact that, due to environmental and anatomical factors related to the species, it was not possible to carry out treatments other than conservative. This report has significant value for conservation, since the literature does not offer much information about fracture treatment and radiographic follow-up in this species.