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Allsopp, W. Herbert L.
1960 |
The manatee: ecology and use for weed control.
Nature (London) 188(4752): 762. Nov. 26, 1960.
–Describes weed control experiments with T. manatus in British Guiana. Reprinted in W.A. Dill (1961: 3-4).
Allsopp, W. Herbert L.
1961 |
Putting manatees to work.
New Scientist 12(263): 548-549. 3 figs. Nov. 30, 1961.
–Weed-clearance in British Guiana.
Allsopp, W. Herbert L.
1962 |
Putting manatees to work.
Jour. Brit. Guiana Mus. Zoo No. 34: 33-35.
–Weed-clearance in British Guiana.
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Allsopp, W. Herbert L.
1969 |
Aquatic weed control by manatees - its prospects and problems. In: L. E. Obeng (ed.), Man-made lakes.
Accra, Ghana Univ. Press (398 pp.): 344-351.
–Account of weed-control experiments in Guyana and elsewhere, including species of plants eaten and sizes of areas cleared.
Daryl P. Domning, Research Associate, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, and Laboratory of Evolutionary Biology, Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059.