Bibliography Record

Sarko, Diana K.; Domning, Daryl Paul; Marino, Lori; Reep, Roger Lyons (detail)
Estimating body size of fossil sirenians.
Mar. Mamm. Sci. 26(4): 937-959. 4 tabs. 5 figs. Oct. 2010.

Related Index Records (4)

(SEE ALSO: Brain and Nervous System; Circulatory System; Digestive System; Embryology; Endocrinology; Growth Rates; Histology; Myology; Pathology; Respiratory System; Skeleton; Urogenital System; and under species)
  * 2010 Sarko et al. (DD, TML, fossil sirs.; body size estimation)

Community Ecology
(SEE ALSO: Food; Food Plants; Natural Enemies; Paleoecology; Parasites; Parasitology)
  * 2010 Sarko et al. (fossil sirs.; body size estimation; niche partitioning)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  * 2010 Sarko et al. (body size estimation)

Trichechus manatus latirostris (Harlan, 1824) Hatt, 1934
  * 2010 Sarko et al. (body size estimation)

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