Bibliography Record

Castelblanco-Martínez, Delma Nataly; Barba, Everardo; Schmitter-Soto, Juan Jacobo; Hernández-Arana, Héctor Abuid; Morales-Vela, Benjamín (detail)
The trophic role of the endangered Caribbean manatee Trichechus manatus in an estuary with low abundance of seagrass.
Estuaries and Coasts 35(1): 60-77. 4 tabs. 4 figs. DOI 10.1007/s12237-011-9420-8. Jan. 2012 (publ. online June 11, 2011).

Related Index Records (4)

Community Ecology
(SEE ALSO: Food; Food Plants; Natural Enemies; Paleoecology; Parasites; Parasitology)
  2012 Castelblanco-M. et al. (TMM; Chetumal Bay, Mexico; feeding ecology)

(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Ingestive; Captivity, Sirenians in; Digestive System; Food Plants; Weed Control) (NOTE: Plants reported as part of the captive but not the natural diet of sirs. will not necessarily be found under Food Plants. Papers referring to them are, however, indexed here.)
  2012 Castelblanco-M. et al. (TMM; Chetumal Bay, Mexico; feeding ecology)

(SEE ALSO: Baja California; Central America)
  2012 Castelblanco-M. et al. (TMM; Chetumal Bay; feeding ecology)

Trichechus manatus manatus Linnaeus, 1758, Hatt, 1934
  2012 Castelblanco-M. et al. (Chetumal Bay, Mexico; feeding ecology)

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