Bibliography Record

Allen, Aarin Conrad; Beck, Cathy A.; Bonde, Robert K.; Powell, James A.; Auil Gomez, Nicole (detail)
Diet of the Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) in Belize, Central America.
Jour. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 98(7): 1831-1840. 2 tabs. 1 fig. 8 appendices. doi:/10.1017/S0025315417000182 Nov. 2018 (publ. online Apr. 3, 2017).
–ABSTRACT: Belize contains important habitat for Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) and provides refuge for the highest known population density of this subspecies. As these animals face impending threats, knowledge of their dietary habits can be used to interpret resource utilization. The contents of 13 mouth, six digestive tract (stomach, duodenum and colon) and 124 faecal samples were microscopically examined using a modified point technique detection protocol to identify key plant species consumed by manatees at two important aggregation sites in Belize: Southern Lagoon and the Drowned Cayes. Overall, 15 different items were identified in samples from manatees in Belize. Five species of seagrasses (Halodule wrightii, Thalassia testudinum, Ruppia maritima, Syringodium filiforme and Halophila sp.) made up the highest percentage of items. The red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) was also identified as an important food item. Algae (Ulva sp., Chara sp., Lyngbya sp.) and invertebrates (sponges and diatoms) were also consumed. Variation in the percentage of seagrasses, other vascular plants and algae consumption was analysed as a 4-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) with main effects and interactions for locality, sex, size classification and season. While sex and season did not influence diet composition, differences for locality and size classification were observed. These results suggest that analysis of diet composition of Antillean manatees may help to determine critical habitat and use of associated food resources which, in turn, can be used to aid conservation efforts in Belize.

Related Index Records (15)

(formerly British Honduras) (SEE ALSO: Central America)
  * 2017 Allen et al. (TMM; diet)

(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Ingestive; Captivity, Sirenians in; Digestive System; Food Plants; Weed Control) (NOTE: Plants reported as part of the captive but not the natural diet of sirs. will not necessarily be found under Food Plants. Papers referring to them are, however, indexed here.)
  * 2017 Allen et al. (TMM; Belize; plants, sponges, diatoms)

Food Plants: Chara
(green alga; Charophyceae)
  2017 Allen et al. (TMM, Belize)

Food Plants: Halodule wrightii
  2017 Allen et al. (TMM, Belize)

Food Plants: Halodule wrightii
  2017 Allen et al. (TMM, Belize)

Food Plants: Halodule wrightii
  2017 Allen et al. (TMM, Belize)

Food Plants: Halophila
  2017 Allen et al. (TMM, Belize)

Food Plants: Rhizophora mangle
  2017 Allen et al. (TMM, Belize)

Food Plants: Ruppia maritima
  2017 Allen et al. (TMM, Belize)

Food Plants: Syringodium filiforme
  2017 Allen et al. (TMM, Belize)

Food Plants: Syringodium filiforme
  2017 Allen et al. (TMM, Belize)

Food Plants: Thalassia testudinum
  2017 Allen et al. (TMM, Belize)

Food Plants: Ulva
(green alga; Ulvaceae)
  2017 Allen et al. (TMM; Belize)

Trichechus manatus manatus Linnaeus, 1758, Hatt, 1934
  * 2017 Allen et al. (Belize; diet)

Food Plants: Lyngbya
  2017 Allen et al. (TMM; Belize)

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