Bibliography Record
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Zaaijer, T.
1894 |
Die Persistenz der Synchondrosis condylo-squamosa am Hinterhauptsbeine des Menschen und der Säugetiere.
Anat. Anz. 9(11): 337-342. 4 figs. Mar. 30, 1894.
–Notes the occurrence of unfused exoccipital-supraoccipital sutures in two dugong skulls, and regards them as anomalous (340).
Related Index Records (2)
Halicore dugong (Gmelin, 1788) Illiger, 1811
(= Dugong dugon)
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1894 |
Zaaijer, T. ("H. dujong"; cranial sutures; 340.) |
(SEE ALSO: Age Determination; Embryology and Ontogeny; Histology; Myology; Sense Organs; Tooth Replacement; and under species)
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1894 |
Zaaijer, T. (DD; cranial sutures; m340.) |