Bibliography Record

Schiro, Andrew J.; May, L. P.; Fertl, Dagmar C. (detail)
Manatee occurrence in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. [Abstr.]
Whalewatcher (Jour. Amer. Cetacean Soc.) 30(1): 28-29.
–Notes "an increasing number of reports of manatees in the northern Gulf" in the past five years, and the possibility of "moderate gene flow between the two subspecies" of T. manatus.

Related Index Records (3)

  x 1996 Schiro et al. (TM; 28-29.)

  x 1996 Schiro et al. (TM; 28-29.)

Trichechus manatus Linnaeus, 1758
  x 1996 Schiro et al. (northwestern Gulf of Mexico; 28-29.)

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