Bibliography Record

Pirlot, Paul; Kamiya, Toshiro (detail)
Qualitative and quantitative brain morphology in the sirenian Dugong dugong Erxl.
Zs. Zool. Syst. Evol.-Forsch. 23(2): 147-155. 3 tabs. 5 figs.
–German summ. Describes the gross features, biometrics, and encephalization of the dugong brain, and makes crude comparisons of its "evolutionary level" with those of other mammals (especially dolphins). Concludes that the dugong exhibits an "average degree" of evolutionary progression.

Related Index Records (3)

Brain and Nervous System
(SEE ALSO: Sense Organs)
  x 1985 Pirlot & Kamiya (DD; brain; 147-155.)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  x 1985 Pirlot & Kamiya ("D. dugong"; brain morphology; 147-155.)

Sense Organs
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Investigative, and Sense Perception; Brain and Nervous System; Digestive System; Skeleton; Sound Production)
  x 1985 Pirlot & Kamiya (DD; importance of sinus hairs; 154.)

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