Bibliography Record
Okazaki, Yoshihiko
1984 |
An occurrence of fossil Sirenia (Mammalia) from the Ashiya Group, Kyushu, Japan.
Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. 5: 189-195. 3 tabs. 3 figs. Pls. 8-9. Sept. 20, 1984.
–Reports dugongid(?) caudal vertebrae from the Late Oligocene Honjo Formation, Ashiya Group, Fukuoka, Japan. It may be older, possibly from the early-middle Oligocene Sakamizu or Yamaga Formation (pers. comm., K. Matsui, Feb. 7, 2022); but at any rate it is the oldest sir. record from Japan, with the possible exception of vertebrae and ribs from the latest Eocene to Early Oligocene (Coccolith Zone CP 16b) Kakinourashima Formation, Nishisonogi Group, Saito Town, Seikai City, Nagasaki, reported in an abstract by H. Mori et al., Paleontological Society of Japan conference proceedings, 2021.
Related Index Records (2)
(SEE ALSO: Sakhalin)
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1984 |
Okazaki, Y. (Dugongid(?) caudal vertebrae from the Late Oligocene Honjo Formation, Ashiya Group, Fukuoka, Japan.) |
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1984 |
Okazaki, Y. (Dugongid(?) caudal vertebrae from the Late Oligocene Honjo Formation, Ashiya Group, Fukuoka, Japan.) |