Brain and Nervous System
(SEE ALSO: Sense Organs)
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1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (encephalization quotients & life history; 534-543.) |
Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
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* |
1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (encephalization quotients & life history; 534-543.) |
Embryology and Ontogeny
(SEE ALSO: Age Determination; Growth Rates; Teratology)
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1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (TML; brain & body size, fusion of cranial sutures; 534-543.) |
Eotheroides Palmer, 1899
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1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (brain & body size; 536, 539.) |
Growth Rates
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1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (wild TML; Florida; brain & body size; 535-541.) |
Hydrodamalis gigas (Zimmermann, 1780) Palmer, 1895
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1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (encephalization quotients & life history; 534-543.) |
Prorastomus Owen, 1855
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1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (body size; 539.) |
Protosiren Abel, 1907
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1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (brain; 536.) |
(SEE ALSO: Age Determination; Embryology and Ontogeny; Histology; Myology; Sense Organs; Tooth Replacement; and under species)
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1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (TML; body size & fusion of cranial sutures; 539-540.) |
Trichechus manatus Linnaeus, 1758
x |
* |
1990 |
O'Shea & Reep (encephalization quotients & life history; 534-543.) |