Bibliography Record

O'Shea, Thomas J.; Reep, Roger Lyons (detail)
Encephalization quotients and life-history traits in the Sirenia.
Jour. Mamm. 71(4): 534-543. 2 tabs. 2 figs. Dec. 7, 1990.
–Presents data on brain and body size in Recent sirs., and on growth rates and closure of cranial sutures in wild Florida manatees. Concludes that low encephalization quotients in sirs. are due to low metabolic rate and prolonged postnatal growth, leading to a post-weaning increase in body size that is decoupled from brain growth.

Related Index Records (10)

Brain and Nervous System
(SEE ALSO: Sense Organs)
  x 1990 O'Shea & Reep (encephalization quotients & life history; 534-543.)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  x * 1990 O'Shea & Reep (encephalization quotients & life history; 534-543.)

Embryology and Ontogeny
(SEE ALSO: Age Determination; Growth Rates; Teratology)
  x 1990 O'Shea & Reep (TML; brain & body size, fusion of cranial sutures; 534-543.)

Eotheroides Palmer, 1899
  x 1990 O'Shea & Reep (brain & body size; 536, 539.)

Growth Rates
  x 1990 O'Shea & Reep (wild TML; Florida; brain & body size; 535-541.)

Hydrodamalis gigas (Zimmermann, 1780) Palmer, 1895
  x 1990 O'Shea & Reep (encephalization quotients & life history; 534-543.)

Prorastomus Owen, 1855
  x 1990 O'Shea & Reep (body size; 539.)

Protosiren Abel, 1907
  x 1990 O'Shea & Reep (brain; 536.)

(SEE ALSO: Age Determination; Embryology and Ontogeny; Histology; Myology; Sense Organs; Tooth Replacement; and under species)
  x 1990 O'Shea & Reep (TML; body size & fusion of cranial sutures; 539-540.)

Trichechus manatus Linnaeus, 1758
  x * 1990 O'Shea & Reep (encephalization quotients & life history; 534-543.)

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