Bibliography Record

Mortensen, Th. (detail)
On the "solitaire" of the island of Rodriguez.
Ardea 22(1-2): 21-29. 4 figs. 2 pls. July 1933.
–Concludes (23-26) that Leguat's Voyages et avantures was based on actual experiences, though embellished with fictitious additions, including the account of sea cows at Rodriguez. Reproduces Leguat's illustration of a quadrupedal "Vache Marine" (fig. 3).

Related Index Records (2)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  x v 1933b Mortensen, T. (Rodriguez; former occurrence; 23-26.)

Indian Ocean
(SEE ALSO: Africa; Asia; Australia; East Indies; India; Madagascar; Red Sea; Sri Lanka)
  x 1933b Mortensen, T. (DD; Rodriguez; Leguat's account; 23-26.)

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