Bibliography Record

Mondolfi, Edgardo (detail)
Taxonomy, distribution and status of the manatee in Venezuela.
Mem. Soc. Cient. Nat. La Salle 34(97): 5-23. 11 figs. Jan.-Apr. 1974.
–Spanish summ. Reports on the examination of 3 specimens, and concludes that only T. manatus and not T. inunguis occurs in the lower Orinoco River. Discusses the movements, feeding, hunting, economic uses, and conservation problems of manatees in Venezuela.

Related Index Records (15)

Behavior, Aggregative
(SEE ALSO: Aerial Surveys of Distribution)
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. (TM; Venezuela; aggregations in lagoons; 14-15.)

Behavior, Ingestive
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Epimeletic; Behavior, Et-epimeletic; Food; Mastication; Milk)
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. (TM; Venezuela; pulling grasses into water with flippers; 14.)

Captivity, Sirenians in
(SEE ALSO: Hunting and Capture; Weed Control)
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. (TMM; Venezuela; m6-7, m11, m13.)

(SEE ALSO: Accidental Death or Injury; Economic Uses; Hunting and Capture; Weed Control)
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. (TMM; Venezuela; 13, 16-18.)

Economic Uses
(SEE ALSO: Archeological Sites, Sirenia at; Hunting and Capture; Medicinal Applications; Religious, Superstitious, or Ornamental Use or Observance; Weed Control)
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. (TMM; Venezuela; meat, fat, bones, hide; live animals for zoos & weed control; 13-14.)

Food Plants: Paspalum fasciculatum
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. (Venezuela; 14.)

Food Plants: Paspalum repens
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. ("Panicum repens"; Venezuela; 14.)

Hunting and Capture
(SEE ALSO: Accidental Death or Injury; Archeological Sites, Sirenians at; Captivity, Sirenians in; Conservation; Economic Use; Natural Enemies; Weed Control)
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. (TMM; Venezuela; harpoons, nets; 12-14.)

Medicinal Applications
(SEE ALSO: Economic Use)
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. (TMM; Venezuela; bones; for asthma; 13.)

Migration and Movements
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Aggregative; Behavior, Shelter-seeking; Locomotion; Temperature, Effects of)
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. (TMM; Venezuela; ascending rivers in rainy season; 12, 14-15.)

Pollution, Effects of
(SEE ALSO: Temperature, Effects of)
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. (TMM; Venezuela; possible harmful effects; m17.)

Trichechus inunguis (Natterer in von Pelzeln, 1883) Thomas and Lydekker, 1897
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. (Venezuela; probably absent from lower Orinoco R.; 5-6, 15.)

Trichechus manatus Linnaeus, 1758
  x * 1974 Mondolfi, E. (Venezuela; 6-22.)

  x * 1974 Mondolfi, E. (TMM; 5-22.)

Weed Control
  x 1974 Mondolfi, E. (TMM; Venezuela; m6-7, m13.)

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