Bibliography Record

Mitchell, P. Chalmers (detail)
On the intestinal tract of mammals.
Trans. Zool. Soc. London 17(5): 437-536. 50 figs. Dec. 1905 (read June 6, 1905).
–Describes the intestine and cecum of T. inunguis and compares them with those of other sirs., other mammals, and birds (464-465, 516, 523, 525, 530). Concludes that with regard to the intestinal tract, the Sirenia, Hyracoidea, and Proboscidea are linked only by shared primitive characteristics.

Related Index Records (4)

Circulatory System
(including lymphatic system)
  x 1905 Mitchell, P.C. (TI; portal [posterior mesenteric] vein; 465.)

Digestive System
(SEE ALSO: Excretion and Defecation; Food; Mastication; Parasites; Parasitology; Sense Organs)
  x 1905 Mitchell, P.C. (TI; intestine; 464-465, 516, 523, 525, 530, 533.)

Manatus inunguis Natterer in von Pelzeln, 1883
(= Trichechus inunguis)
  x 1905 Mitchell, P.C. (intestine; 464-465.)

Phylogeny and Affinities of the Sirenia and/or Desmostylia
(SEE ALSO under species)
  x 1905 Mitchell, P.C. (intestinal tract; sirs. considered linked to hyraces & proboscideans only by primitive characters; 533.)

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