Bibliography Record
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Mendes, Amando
1948 |
Vamos criar o peixe-boi na represa de Santo Amaro?
Chácaras e Quintais (São Paulo) 78(3): 325-327. 3 figs. Sept. 15, 1948.
–Pop. acc. of hunting Amazonian manatees (called T. manatus) with harpoons and nets, and the use of their meat, oil, and hides. Repeats his earlier suggestion (Mendes, 1938) that manatees be raised commercially.
Related Index Records (8)
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1948 |
Mendes, A. (TI; econ. use; 325-327.) |
Economic Uses
(SEE ALSO: Archeological Sites, Sirenia at; Hunting and Capture; Medicinal Applications; Religious, Superstitious, or Ornamental Use or Observance; Weed Control)
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1948 |
Mendes, A. (TI; Brazil; meat, oil, hide; 325-327.) |
Food Plants: Panicum spectabile
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1948 |
Mendes, A. (TI; Brazil; 326.) |
Hunting and Capture
(SEE ALSO: Accidental Death or Injury; Archeological Sites, Sirenians at; Captivity, Sirenians in; Conservation; Economic Use; Natural Enemies; Weed Control)
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1948 |
Mendes, A. (TI; Brazil; harpoons, nets; 326.) |
Manatus inunguis Natterer in von Pelzeln, 1883
(= Trichechus inunguis)
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1948 |
Mendes, A. (syn. of Trichechus manatus; m325.) |
Respiration and Diving
(SEE ALSO: Locomotion)
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1948 |
Mendes, A. (TI; sliding backwards on submergence; 326.) |
Trichechus inunguis (Natterer in von Pelzeln, 1883) Thomas and Lydekker, 1897
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1948 |
Mendes, A. ("T. manatus"; Brazil; hunting, econ. use; 325-327.) |
Trichechus manatus Linnaeus, 1758
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1948 |
Mendes, A. (used as the "correct" name for the Amazonian manatee; 325.) |