Bibliography Record

Mead, James G. (detail)
Ri or dugong? (Comment on Wagner [1982])
Cryptozoology 2: 161-162. Winter 1983.
–Concludes that the "ri" of New Ireland is not a porpoise, and suggests some sorts of evidence that would help determine whether it is a dugong.

Related Index Records (3)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  x 1983 Mead, J.G. (Papua New Guinea; "ri" not a porpoise, possibly a dugong; 161-162.)

Papua New Guinea
  x 1983 Mead, J.G. (New Ireland; "ri" not a porpoise, possibly a dugong; 161-162.)

Ri (marine animal of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea)
  x 1983 Mead, J.G. (not a porpoise, possibly a dugong; 161-162.)

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