Bibliography Record

McCabe, M.; Hamilton, R.; Marsh, Helene D. (detail)
Some studies on the oxygen affinity of haemoglobin from the dugong.
Compar. Biochem. Physiol., Part A, 61(1): 19-22. 2 tabs. 3 figs.
–Reports that the oxygen-hemoglobin equilibrium curves did not show the pronounced sigmoidality seen in humans; the oxygen affinities were rather high; and the Bohr effect was not very marked. Significant subunit dissociation of dugong hemoglobin may occur at low concentrations.

Related Index Records (4)

(SEE ALSO: Digestive System; Endocrinology; Milk; Phylogeny and Affinities)
  x 1978 McCabe et al. (DD; hemoglobin; 19-22.)

Circulatory System
(including lymphatic system)
  x 1978 McCabe et al. (DD; oxygen affinity of hemoglobin; 19-22.)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  x 1978 McCabe et al. (oxygen affinity of hemoglobin; 19-22.)

Respiration and Diving
(SEE ALSO: Locomotion)
  x 1978 McCabe et al. (DD; oxygen affinity of hemoglobin; 19-22.)

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