Bibliography Record

Marshall, Alan J. (detail)
People of the Dreamtime. Ed. 2.
Melbourne, Hyland House: 1-104. Illus.
–Ed. 1, Melbourne, Cheshire: iv + 88, illus., 1952. Recounts an Aboriginal story, collected in Arnhem Land, of "The bittern who caught a dugong" (80-84).

Related Index Records (3)

  x 1978 Marshall, A.J. (DD; Arnhem Land, Northern Territory; Aboriginal story; 80-84.)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  x v 1978 Marshall, A.J. (Australia; Aboriginal story; 80-84.)

Religious, Superstitious, or Ornamental Use or Observance
(SEE ALSO: Economic Use; Mermaid Legend)
  x 1978 Marshall, A.J. (DD; Australia; Aboriginal story of dugong; 80-84.)

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