Bibliography Record

Marlow, B. J. (detail)
A recent record of the dugong, Dugong dugon, from New South Wales.
Jour. Mamm. 43(3): 433. Aug. 20, 1962.
–Reports an adult male washed ashore near Sydney in 1959, possibly killed by cold (see also Anon., 1959b). It bore specimens of the barnacle Platylepas hexastylus, and its mouth contained the seagrasses Halophila ovalis and Zostera capricornii.

Related Index Records (7)

  x 1962 Marlow, B.J. (DD; New South Wales; 433.)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  x 1962 Marlow, B.J. (New South Wales; 433.)

Food Plants: Halophila ovalis
  x 1962 Marlow, B.J. (Australia; 433.)

Food Plants: Zostera capricornis
  x 1962 Marlow, B.J. ("Z. capricornii"; Australia; 433.)

Natural Death or Injury
(SEE ALSO: Captivity, Sirenians in; Natural Enemies; Pathology; Temperature, Effects of)
  x 1962 Marlow, B.J. (DD; New South Wales; stranding; 433.)

Parasites: Platylepas hexastylos (Fabricius, 1798)
  x 1962 Marlow, B.J. ("P. hexastylus"; DD; New South Wales; 433.)

Temperature, Effects of
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Shelter-seeking or Escape; Migration & Movements; Natural Death or Injury; Pollution, Effects of; Thermoregulation)
  x 1962 Marlow, B.J. (DD; New South Wales; 433.)

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