Bibliography Record

Marcoy, Paul (pseudonym of Laurent Saint-Cricq) (detail)
Voyage a travers l'Amerique du Sud.
Paris, L. Hachette & Cie. (2 vols.): Vol. 1: 1-704; Vol. 2: 1-519. Illus.
–Engl. transl.: Marcoy (1875). Interesting accounts of Amazonian manatees, including Indians' use of manatee-hide straps in wrapping the dead (1: 671-672), hunting (1: 673; 2: 149-153), possible fighting between male manatees (2: 151), a manatee fetus (2: 152, 155), anatomical and gastronomical comments (2: 155-157), and the capture of a manatee by a jaguar (2: 202-204). There are two pictures of hunting (1: 673; 2: 153), one of the fetus (2: 155), and a most dramatic one of the jaguar and his prey (2: 203). See also Van Bree & Duguy (1977).

Related Index Records (11)

Behavior, Agonistic and Territorial
  x 1869 Marcoy, P. (Trichechus; South America; 2: 151.)

Behavior, Sexual
(SEE ALSO: Birth and Breeding)
  x 1869 Marcoy, P. (Trichechus; South America; 2: 150-151.)

Birth and Breeding
(SEE ALSO: Age Determination; Behavior, Sexual; Population Biology; Urogenital System)
  x 1869 Marcoy, P. (Trichechus; South America; 2: 152.)

Economic Uses
(SEE ALSO: Archeological Sites, Sirenia at; Hunting and Capture; Medicinal Applications; Religious, Superstitious, or Ornamental Use or Observance; Weed Control)
  x 1869 Marcoy, P. (TI; hide, meat, oil; 1: 671-672, 2: 149, 156-157.)

Embryology and Ontogeny
(SEE ALSO: Age Determination; Growth Rates; Teratology)
  x 1869 Marcoy, P. (TI; fetus; 2: 152-153.)

Hunting and Capture
(SEE ALSO: Accidental Death or Injury; Archeological Sites, Sirenians at; Captivity, Sirenians in; Conservation; Economic Use; Natural Enemies; Weed Control)
  x 1869 Marcoy, P. (Trichechus; South America; 1: 673; 2: 149-153, 157.)

Natural Enemies
(SEE ALSO: Natural Death or Injury)
  x 1869 Marcoy, P. (TI; Amazonia; jaguar; 2: 202-204.)

Religious, Superstitious, or Ornamental Use or Observance
(SEE ALSO: Economic Use; Mermaid Legend)
  x 1869 Marcoy, P. (South America; use of manatee hide in funeral; 1: 671-672.)

South America
(SEE ALSO under countries)
  x 1869 Marcoy, P. (TI; Amazonia; hunting, etc.; 1: 671-673, 2: 149-157, 202-204.)

Trichechus inunguis (Natterer in von Pelzeln, 1883) Thomas and Lydekker, 1897
  x v 1869 Marcoy, P. (Amazonia; hunting, etc.; 1: 671-673, 2: 149-157, 202-204.)

Vernacular Names
  x 1869 Marcoy, P. (TI; South America; 2: 151.)

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