Bibliography Record

Loveland, Franklin O. (detail)
Tapirs and manatees: cosmological categories and social process among the Rama Indians of eastern Nicaragua. In: M. W. Helms & F. O. Loveland (eds.), Frontier adaptations in lower Central America.
Philadelphia, Inst. for Study of Human Issues: 67-82. 1 tab.
–Describes the symbolic significance, hunting, and carcass utilization of manatees and rituals and myths concerning manatees among the Rama. Manatees symbolize culture, society, and order, in contrast to untamed nature and disorder, represented by tapirs. [The Rama are evidently people of great discernment.]

Related Index Records (8)

Archeological Sites, Sirenia at
  x 1976 Loveland, F.O. (TM; Panama; 80.)

Economic Uses
(SEE ALSO: Archeological Sites, Sirenia at; Hunting and Capture; Medicinal Applications; Religious, Superstitious, or Ornamental Use or Observance; Weed Control)
  x 1976 Loveland, F.O. (TMM; Nicaragua; meat, fat, hide, blood; 70, 75, 81.)

Hunting and Capture
(SEE ALSO: Accidental Death or Injury; Archeological Sites, Sirenians at; Captivity, Sirenians in; Conservation; Economic Use; Natural Enemies; Weed Control)
  x * 1976 Loveland, F.O. (TMM; Nicaragua; harpoons; 74-77.)

Migration and Movements
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Aggregative; Behavior, Shelter-seeking; Locomotion; Temperature, Effects of)
  x 1976 Loveland, F.O. (TMM; Nicaragua; moving between salt & fresh water; 70, 74.)

(SEE ALSO: Central America)
  x * 1976 Loveland, F.O. (TMM; hunting, ritual & myth; 70-82.)

Religious, Superstitious, or Ornamental Use or Observance
(SEE ALSO: Economic Use; Mermaid Legend)
  x * 1976 Loveland, F.O. (TMM; Nicaragua; symbolic significance, myths, rituals; 70-81.)

Trichechus manatus manatus Linnaeus, 1758, Hatt, 1934
  x 1976 Loveland, F.O. (Nicaragua; hunting, ritual, & symbolic significance; 70-82.)

Vernacular Names
  x 1976 Loveland, F.O. (TMM; Rama, Nicaragua; palpah; 74.)

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