Behavior, Aggregative
(SEE ALSO: Aerial Surveys of Distribution)
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (DD; Red Sea; 94.) |
Behavior, Shelter-seeking or Escape
(SEE ALSO: Hunting and Capture; Migration and Movements; Natural Death or Injury; Temperature, Effects of)
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (DD; Red Sea; feeding & resting areas; 88-90, 94.) |
Digestive System
(SEE ALSO: Excretion and Defecation; Food; Mastication; Parasites; Parasitology; Sense Organs)
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (DD; Red Sea; digestive tract contents; 86-88, 94, 96.) |
Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
x |
* |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; stomach contents & feeding; 81-96.) |
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Ingestive; Captivity, Sirenians in; Digestive System; Food Plants; Weed Control) (NOTE: Plants reported as part of the captive but not the natural diet of sirs. will not necessarily be found under Food Plants. Papers referring to them are, however, indexed here.)
x |
* |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (DD; Red Sea; stomach contents; 81-96.) |
Food Plants: Caulerpa racemosa
(green alga; Caulerpaceae)
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; 94, 96.) |
Food Plants: Caulerpa serrulata
(green alga; Caulerpaceae)
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; 94, 96.) |
Food Plants: Caulerpa taxifolia
(green alga; Caulerpaceae)
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; 94, 96.) |
Food Plants: Chaetomorpha
(green alga; Cladophoraceae)
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; 94.) |
Food Plants: Cymodocea rotundata
x |
* |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; 82, 87-89, 91.) |
Food Plants: Cymodocea serrulata
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (review; 82, 91.) |
Food Plants: Enhalus acoroides
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (review; 82, 91, 92.) |
Food Plants: Halodule pinifolia
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (review; 82, 91.) |
Food Plants: Halodule uninervis
x |
* |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; 82-83, 87-92, 96.) |
Food Plants: Halophila decipiens
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (review; 82, 91.) |
Food Plants: Halophila ovalis
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (review, 82; Red Sea, not eaten, 89.) |
Food Plants: Halophila ovata
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (review; 82, 91.) |
Food Plants: Halophila spinulosa
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (review; 82, 91.) |
Food Plants: Halophila stipulacea
x |
* |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; 82, 87-92, 96.) |
Food Plants: Posidonia australis
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (review; 82, 91-92.) |
Food Plants: Stypopodium zonale
(brown alga; Phaeophyta)
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; 88, 92.) |
Food Plants: Syringodium isoetifolium
x |
* |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; 82, 87-92.) |
Food Plants: Thalassia hemprichii
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; 89, 91, 94, 96.) |
Food Plants: Thalassodendron ciliatum
x |
* |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; 82, 87-92, 96.) |
Food Plants: Udotea argentea
(green alga; Udoteaceae)
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (Red Sea; 94.) |
Food Plants: Zostera capensis
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (review; 82, 91.) |
Food Plants: Zostera capricornis
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. ("Z. capricorni"; review; 82, 91.) |
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Ingestive)
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (DD; thought ineffective at chewing dry plants, 88, or algae, 92-93.) |
Paleoecology and Taphonomy
x |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (angiosperms vs. algae in early sir. diet; 92-93.) |
Red Sea
(SEE ALSO: Africa; Asia)
x |
* |
1976 |
Lipkin, Y. (DD; stomach contents & feeding; 81-96.) |