Bibliography Record

Lecuyer, C.; Grandjean, P.; Paris, F.; Robardet, M.; Robineau, Daniel (detail)
Deciphering "temperature" and "salinity" from biogenic phosphates: the δ18O of coexisting fishes and mammals of the Middle Miocene sea of western France.
Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 126(1-2): 61-74.

Related Index Records (3)

  1996 Lecuyer et al. (Metaxytherium medium; Middle Mioc.; paleotemperatures & paleosalinity)

  1996 Lecuyer et al. (Metaxytherium medium; Middle Mioc., France; paleotemperatures & paleosalinity)

Paleoecology and Taphonomy
  1996 Lecuyer et al. (Metaxytherium medium; Middle Mioc., France; paleotemperatures & paleosalinity)

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