Bibliography Record

Leboucq, Hector (detail)
Über Nagelrudimente an der fötalen Flosse der Cetaceen und Sirenier.
Anat. Anz. 4(6): 190-192. 2 figs. Mar. 31, 1889.
–Abstr.: Amer. Naturalist 23(274): 923? Reports observations on rudimentary nail-forming areas in a dugong fetus.

Related Index Records (3)

(SEE ALSO: Brain and Nervous System; Circulatory System; Digestive System; Embryology; Endocrinology; Growth Rates; Histology; Myology; Pathology; Respiratory System; Skeleton; Urogenital System; and under species)
  x 1889a Leboucq, H. (DD; fingernail rudiments; 190-192.)

Embryology and Ontogeny
(SEE ALSO: Age Determination; Growth Rates; Teratology)
  x 1889a Leboucq, H. (DD; nail; 190-192.)

Halicore dugong (Gmelin, 1788) Illiger, 1811
(= Dugong dugon)
  x 1889a Leboucq, H. (fetus; nails; 190-192.)

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