Bibliography Record
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Lal Mohan, R. S.
1980 |
Some observations on the sea cow, Dugong dugon from the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay during 1971-1975.
Jour. Mar. Biol. Assoc. India 18(2): 391-397. 6 tabs. "Aug. 1976" (publ. June 1, 1980).
–Abstr.: Proc. Ind. Sci. Congr. 63(4): 109, 1976. Also exists as a 6-page reprint with different page-breaks. Analyzes body lengths, sex ratio, and seasonality of occurrence of 146 dugongs entangled in fishing nets. They were captured throughout the year but were scarcer during April-July; the overall sex ratio was about 1:1.
Related Index Records (5)
Accidental Death or Injury
(SEE ALSO: Conservation; Hunting and Capture; Natural Death or Injury)
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1980 |
Lal Mohan, R.S. (DD; India; fishing nets; 392-397.) |
Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
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1980 |
Lal Mohan, R.S. (India; seasonal occurrence, sex ratio; 391-397.) |
(SEE ALSO: Indian Ocean)
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1980 |
Lal Mohan, R.S. (DD; Gulf of Mannar & Palk Bay; seasonal occurrence, sex ratio; 391-397.) |
Population Biology
(SEE ALSO: Aerial Surveys of Distribution; Age Determination; Birth and Breeding)
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1980 |
Lal Mohan, R.S. (DD; India; sex ratio; 392-397.) |
Sri Lanka
(formerly Ceylon)
1980 |
Lal Mohan, R.S. |