Bibliography Record

Ketten, Darlene R.; Odell, Daniel Keith; Domning, Daryl Paul (detail)
Structure, function, and adaptation of the manatee ear. In: J. Thomas, R. Kastelein & A. Supin (eds.), Marine mammal sensory systems.
New York, Plenum Press: 77-95. 2 tabs. 8 figs.
–Rev.: D.E. Gaskin, Mar. Mamm. Sci. 10(3): 384-387, July 1994. Describes the anatomy and (using CT scans) location in the head of ear structures in Florida manatees. Calls attention to the possible role of the inflated zygomatic process in sound conduction. Concludes that the manatee has an essentially aquatic but non-acute, low-frequency ear with a relatively narrow range, poor sensitivity, and poor localization ability. Suggests that this could account for inability to avoid collisions with powerboats. Also notes hypertrophy of the chorda tympani, suggesting that taste is a very important sensory modality for manatees.

Related Index Records (8)

Accidental Death or Injury
(SEE ALSO: Conservation; Hunting and Capture; Natural Death or Injury)
  x 1992 Ketten et al. (TML; boats; possible role of poor hearing; 88-89, 92.)

Behavior, Investigative, and Sense Perception
(SEE ALSO: Sense Organs; Sound Production)
  x * 1992 Ketten et al. (TML; hearing, 77-95; taste, 84, 92.)

Brain and Nervous System
(SEE ALSO: Sense Organs)
  x 1992 Ketten et al. (TML; chorda tympani & facial nerve; 84.)

(SEE ALSO: Skeleton; other organ systems)
  x 1992 Ketten et al. (TML; middle & inner ear; 83-84, 86-88.)

Sense Organs
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Investigative, and Sense Perception; Brain and Nervous System; Digestive System; Skeleton; Sound Production)
  x * 1992 Ketten et al. (TML; ear, 77-95; chorda tympani, 84, 92.)

(SEE ALSO: Age Determination; Embryology and Ontogeny; Histology; Myology; Sense Organs; Tooth Replacement; and under species)
  x 1992 Ketten et al. (TML; ear region; 77-95.)

Trichechus inunguis (Natterer in von Pelzeln, 1883) Thomas and Lydekker, 1897
  x 1992 Ketten et al. (ear & hearing, comp. w/ TML; 83, 89-91.)

Trichechus manatus latirostris (Harlan, 1824) Hatt, 1934
  x 1992 Ketten et al. (ear & hearing, 77-95; taste, 84, 92.)

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