Bibliography Record

Heinsohn, George Edwin; Wake, Judith Ann (detail)
The importance of the Fraser Island region to dugongs.
Operculum 5(1): 15-18. 3 figs. Mar. 1976.
–Reports results of aerial surveys showing dugong concentrations in Great Sandy Strait and Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia; emphasizes dugongs' need for protected seagrass beds and the vulnerability of the latter to human activities.

Related Index Records (8)

Aerial Surveys of Distribution
  x 1976 Heinsohn & Wake (DD; eastern Queensland; 16-18.)

  x 1976 Heinsohn & Wake (Fraser Is., Queensland, as dugong habitat; 15-18.)

Behavior, Aggregative
(SEE ALSO: Aerial Surveys of Distribution)
  x 1976 Heinsohn & Wake (DD; Australia; 17.)

Behavior, Shelter-seeking or Escape
(SEE ALSO: Hunting and Capture; Migration and Movements; Natural Death or Injury; Temperature, Effects of)
  x 1976 Heinsohn & Wake (DD; Australia; favoring protected waters; 16-18.)

(SEE ALSO: Accidental Death or Injury; Economic Uses; Hunting and Capture; Weed Control)
  x 1976 Heinsohn & Wake (DD; Fraser Is., Australia; 15-18.)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  x 1976 Heinsohn & Wake (Fraser Is., Queensland; habitat; 15-18.)

Migration and Movements
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Aggregative; Behavior, Shelter-seeking; Locomotion; Temperature, Effects of)
  x 1976 Heinsohn & Wake (DD; Australia; aerial survey of movements; 17-18.)

Pollution, Effects of
(SEE ALSO: Temperature, Effects of)
  x 1976 Heinsohn & Wake (DD; Australia; sandmining; 15-18.)

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